Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
The next morning as I got up, I rushed into the kitchen after hearing a loud scream. I found Atthe with a severe cut on her fingers, blood dripping profusely. Without hesitation, I took her fingers into my mouth, sucking the blood to stop the bleeding. Tears streamed down her face, and her face turned bright red like a strawberry. I scolded her, concerned, and quickly applied first aid to stem the blood flow. To my surprise, she had cut four fingers, which seemed suspiciously unlikely. However, I didn't dwell on it, as my mind was preoccupied with anticipating what lay ahead.

Vishu: Atthe, be honest with me, how did you manage to cut four fingers? It seems unlikely.

Atthe: (irritated) Why are you so concerned? You'll do as you please, regardless of what others think.

Vishu: But Atthe, what have I done to upset you? I only spoke up for our own well-being.

Atthe: (angrily) So you think you're the authority on what's good and bad? Stop lecturing me!

(Atthe storms out of the kitchen and goes to the room, where she falls asleep. Vishu chooses not to disturb her.)

Later that night, I helped Atthe change her bandage before she retired to the room. As she struggled to adjust her pallu, tied below her navel, due to her injured fingers, I approached her. Standing behind her, I caught a glimpse of her cleavage, a soft, milk-white boobs peeking out from her jacket. I gently took the saree pallu from her hand and gathered the layers together, positioning them between her navel and my hands, my fingers almost reaching the elastic waistband of her panty atthe took a deep breath and shivered as my hand accidentally brushed against her intimate area. Regaining her composure, she pushed me away and lay down on the bed.

Vishu: Atthe, are you sleeping?

Atthe: (irritated) Yes, why? Am I not allowed to?

Vishu: No, no, it's not like that. I was thinking about our kissing session...

Atthe turned towards me, her voice laced with sarcasm: Oh, now this isn't an offense? You're willing to engage in physical intimacy for your own health, but not for our daughter's treatment? How selfish of you.

Vishu: But Atthe, listen, things are different in her case...

Atthe: I don't think so. Both involve physical intimacy; there's no difference. Just leave me alone and let me sleep.

Vishu: Atthe, I'll consider your input on Muddu's treatment, but on one condition.

Atthe turned towards me, her eyes sparkling with excitement, her breast pressing against my chest, and her leg entwining with mine. She placed her soft hands on my chest.

Atthe: I'll agree to anything, maga. Just help Muddu.
V: ok atthe, i would listen to you with regards to muddu's treatment, but on one condition.
A: oh ( she turns towards me with excitement,her breast crushes on my chest, her left leg cuddles on my right leg, she placed her soft hands on my chest) I shall agree to all your condition, i just want to help in muddu's health treatment maga, tell me what do you expect from me, and don't hesitate to ask ( her eyes were glaring at me to accept anything)

My atthe lifted her head and placed it close to my neck. I was excited with her immediate reaction, at the down my bulge was getting excited as the topic which i would be discussing is seductive and it was obvious to grow my bulge there.

A: tell me maga what's that, what you thinking so much?

I slowly moved my hands on to my favourite place, i.e her bare back waist and started caressing it and moving on to her bum area and felt her grievance, my heart was pretty excited with what I'm gonna discuss with her. I slowly pulled her even more close so that I felt even more of her soft breast. 

V: atthe do you know foreplay? And how couples would enjoy it? The reason why am asking is because I'm sure you wouldn't have done this before with father in law as you are too traditional. So tell me what you understand.
A: ah actually ( her trembling voice hesitated to answer) hmm maga I'm ah
V: see atthe , you are not able answer to my question confidently and you need to have foreplay physically with me? That's why i dropped that plan.

My atthe with nervous shifted her shy filled face towards me, and placed a sensual kiss on lips, and her looks were killing me, she slowly slided her half body on me and reached my lips even more closer, now she kissed my forehead, cheeks and she came towards my lips and stopped her actions, and slowly again she placed her lips on mine, and she again shifted her head back and pulled my down lip from her thumb and caressed my cheeks with her hands and saw me with sexual excitement,I was trembling below her, but my hands had gained proper access to her bare waist and it was trying to slide behind her big soft ass , meanwhile my atthe after pulling my down lip, she slowly came forward and bite it slowly from her lips and gave a stare, and her looks were indicating me that though hesitant to discuss foreplay verbally, Atthe's bold, non-verbal cues indicated her willingness to engage physically.

Vishu: Atthe, I appreciate your boldness, but foreplay involves more. Let me explain, and you decide if you're willing to proceed for Muddu's treatment.

Atthe: Okay, maga, go ahead.

Vishu: As per the doctor's instructions, option 1—inducing lactation through tablets—is unlikely due to the long gap since your last breastfeeding. However, option 2—getting pregnant—would naturally stimulate milk production with medication.

Atthe: That's correct.

Vishu: Honestly, Atthe, option 2 isn't feasible for me. I can't imagine intimate relations with you I mean i cannot think of sexual intercourse, and I hope you understand.

Atthe nodded, seeming dissatisfied, but continued caressing my chest.

Vishu: But we can explore foreplay to stimulate lactation, despite slim chances. This way, we avoid option 2.

Atthe: That makes sense, maga. I'm also uncomfortable with intimate relations, so I agree to your plan.

Vishu: Alright, Atthe. Now, I'll explain how foreplay works. You decide if you're willing to proceed.

Atthe: Okay, maga.

V: so atthe, Foreplay refers to the intimate and sensual interactions between partners before sexual intercourse. It involves physical and emotional stimulation to build arousal, trust, and connection, only then we can achieve what we are looking as per doctor advise.

So, I will explain what does physical foreplay involves.

1. Kissing: lips, neck, shoulders, and other erogenous zones to create sexual intimacy.
2. Touching: caressing body i mean pressing boobs nipples, stroking the dick for my sexual erection, massaging eachother body, and exploring each other's bodies.
3. Sensual massage: focusing on pleasure, not just relaxation atthe, I mean our facial reaction should showcase the sexual intimacy, it should indicate what our body needs.
4. Oral stimulation: kissing, licking, or sucking sensitive areas, here basically atthe we both need to be naked completely, even remove our inner wears, and then we need to do oral sex, by sucking eachother parts like i would suck your boobs , play with your boobs, lick your pussy I mean your uterus, insert my fingers inside your uterus and give sex pleasure to you atthe ( my atthe was slowly getting uneasy and uncomfortable, but i continued to describe) and you too need to take my dick I mean my penis in your mouth suck it like ice cream and give sexual intimacy to me.

And next comes Emotional foreplay atthe 

1. Verbal intimacy: sharing desires, fantasies, and affection, here i would share my desires of sex, how i would like to get pleasure eg: i would say that I like to ejaculate my sperms on your body after sex? Something like that atthe
2. Eye contact: maintaining a deep, sensual connection, as I mentioned this is very important, because we should not feel shy when we have conversation so we should maintain eye contact without any hesitation.
3. Teasing: playful, gentle, and arousing interactions, here i would mostly do all this to get sexually close to you atthe, I will try to be naughty by teasing you sexually or making some double meaning jokes
4. Trust-building: vulnerable, open communication, here i would expect to talk openly with you atthe, like i would talk about your body parts, what i like most, ex: i would explain your boobs, talk about your was size or boobs size, would request sexual intercourse etc.

Atthe all this is required in foreplay to Setting the mood creating a comfortable, intimate atmosphere atthe and remember one thing atthe, foreplay is essential for building connection, trust, and pleasure. It's crucial to prioritize mutual consent, respect, and open communication.
Ahhaa , so now you tell me are you willing to sacrifice all this for the sake of muddu?

Atthe: (pausing, choosing her words carefully) Maga, I understand what you're proposing. While I'm willing to explore this for Muddu's sake, I need to ensure our boundaries are respected. I agree to engage in foreplay, but we must prioritize mutual comfort and consent. No pressure, no expectations. We'll communicate openly and adjust our approach as needed. (smiling softly) Let's focus on building intimacy and connection, rather than solely on physical stimulation. I want to feel secure and respected throughout this process.
 I'm willing to try this, maga. For Muddu's well-being and our unique circumstances.

Vishnu: (sighs, frustration evident) Atthe, I can't proceed if you're not fully committed. Foreplay requires vulnerability, trust, and intimacy. If you're hesitant, it's pointless,(firmly) I need your unconditional submission, Atthe. No holding back, no reservations. Our bodies, our desires, our pleasure – everything must be open and accessible.
(My Atthe's eyes widen, sensing the weight of his words)

Vishnu: If you can't surrender completely, I'd rather cancel this entire idea. I won't settle for half-hearted attempts or hesitation. It's all or nothing, Atthe.

Now my gaze intensifies, awaiting her decision, as i needed herself fully submitting to me.

Atthe: (hesitant, looking down) Maga... I understand. (pauses) I'll try... (her voice barely above a whisper)

Vishnu: (intently) Try? Atthe, I need certainty. Your full surrender, I mean how a wife submits herself to her husband.

Atthe: (taking a deep breath, resignation in her eyes) Okay, maga... I'll do it. (her voice laced with reluctance)

Vishnu: (searching her face) And you'll submit fully, without hesitation?

Atthe: (nervously) yes, maga... I'll try my best. (her eyes well up with unshed tears)

Vishnu: (softening slightly) Atthe, don't cry. This is for Muddu's sake, for our family. You know i don't have any bad intentions, and knowing that this the only option we have to be bold else i cannot do the 2nd option atthe, hence i need to force to submit yourself fully ( had a fake tears in my eyes)

Atthe: (forced smile) I know, maga... I never judge your loyalty (her voice cracking)

Vishnu: (gentle, reassuring smile) Atthe, my love, don't worry. I'll guide you through this. We'll explore together, at your pace.

My Atthe's eyes meets mine seeking comfort.

Vishnu: (softly) You're safe with me. I promise to cherish and honor your body, your heart. Trust me.

My hands cradle Atthe's face, my thumbs tracing gentle circles on her cheeks and rubs her lips.

Vishnu: (warmly) We'll create a sanctuary of love, where our desires and pleasure meeting to find solution for this problem. No fear, no hesitation. Just us.

My Atthe's tension eases, replaced by a fragile smile

Vishnu: (whispering) You're beautiful, inside and out. Your submission is a gift, and I'll treasure it. My lips brush against Atthe's, a tender lips.

Atthe: (her voice husky, eyes locked on Vishnu's) Maga, I'm ready... to surrender.
(Atthe's fingers trace Vishnu's jawline, her touch sending shivers her lips graze Vishnu's ear) Take me on this journey. Explore my body, my soul. (Atthe's breath whispers against Vishnu's skin, her warmth intoxicating her hands slide down Vishnu's chest) I crave your touch, your pleasure. (Atthe's eyes sparkle with desire, her voice barely above a whisper her lips brush against Vishnu's) Show me the bliss we can create together. (Vishnu's arms encircle Atthe, drawing her closer, her voice dissolves into a whisper) Make me yours, maga... completely.

Atthe: (snuggling closer) Maga, I'm tired now.

Vishnu: (whispering) Okay, my love. Sleep tight.

Atthe: (softly) Thank you for tonight... maga.

Vishnu: (smiling) Anytime, Atthe. I love you.
(Atthe's lips brush against Vishnu's, a gentle kiss)

Atthe: (whispering) I love you too, maga.

(Atthe's hand trails down Vishnu's chest, a seductive touch)

Vishnu: (breathlessly) Atthe...

Atthe: (smiling slyly) Just securing my spot, maga. (Atthe snuggles into Vishnu's side, her head on his shoulder)

Vishnu: (laughing) You're always secure, my love. (Vishnu wraps his arms around Atthe, holding her close)

Vishnu: (gently) Atthe before you sleep one last thing I had in my mind

Atthe: (curious) Of course, maga tell me.

Vishnu: (serious) I want to be clear about our intimacy. It's not just about desire; it's about creating a deeper bond to help with Muddu's lactation treatment.

Atthe: (understanding) I know, maga. I feel it too.

Vishnu: (reassuring) I promise, my love, my intentions are pure. I only want to support your efforts for Muddu treatment.

Atthe: (smiling) I trust you, maga. You've always been selfless.

Vishnu: (smiling back) And you've always been my rock. (They share a tender kiss, and whispers) Our love and intimacy will nourish Muddu, and our bond will grow stronger.

Atthe: (whispering) Together, maga.

Atthe: (yawns) Maga if that
's the only thing then... goodnight i m too sleepy today.

Vishnu: (whispering) Goodnight, Atthe. Sleep tight.

(They drift off to sleep, entwined in each other's arms)
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Vishnu1 - 19-09-2024, 10:58 PM

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