Allright, but let me talk to Devesh bhai first. If he came to know that behind his back, I released his culprit. Then our friendship will be at risk. Also I will give him a positive feedback about your performance.


The call went on but Devesh didn't respond. Inspector told me to wait for his call back. But more than an hour passed by without any update. Finally around 11 PM he himself came to the security officer station. This time it was his dad with him as well. Mr Pathak (68) was our society's secretary. He had been handling this responsibility since past few years. Having political connections, he used to divert some funds to make his money white from black in the name of holding this position. He was a bald man with grey moustache. Wore dark black glasses, golden chain and looked more of Goon or Don. I was already warned by our neighbours to not indulge with him unnecessarily. But my poor husband was unaware of that fact.

He (Mr Pathak) was angry at Bharat for breaking his favourite car's window pane the other day. Also the disrespect of theirs in the society caused by my husband was another grude he had in mind. He too wanted to have a word with him and make him learn a lesson for messing with his family.

"How are you now, Bharat ?" Pathak asked, standing right in front of me. I kept my eyes on the floor.  "I am better now, Pathakji." I replied.  "Master." Pathak thundered back. "You will call me 'Master'. I will ask again, how are you?"  I looked at him, not comprehending. He wanted me to call him as 'Master'?  SLAP!  My cheek suddenly started to feel very warm. Shame and humiliation started to make me blush immediately -- once again I hadn't seen his hand move.  "I ask you again, how are you?"  "I am good, Master."  "Good! I decked you pretty smartly, eh? You didn't even fight back."  I gulped.  "Master." I said, with all humility. "You are much stronger than I am, Master."  I have never been slapped before, particularly by a man.  Pathak smiled. He had won. Again  Then he turned back and spoke to all the people waiting outside the small room.  "Come in here, all of you." He ordered and then turned to his main henchmen. "Neeraj! Aman! Tell everyone to come in here."

Neeraj and Aman -- his two main henchmen and deputy leaders. "Go stand behind the husband." Pathak ordered them. "If Bharat moves, you know what to do."

The two men nodded, and then walked to stand just behind me. I realized that if they wanted, with just one move, they could knock me to the ground. I wouldn't even see it coming. Bharat went and stood beside Richa,

My wife Richa decided she had to speak out. Stupid Richa. "What do you intend to do with us?" She asked. "We have already been very cooperative. And then you hit my husband."

Pathak didn't say anything, but calmly walked up to face Richa. He then slowly raised his hand and touched Richa on her left cheek. Richa shuddered, but didn't say anything. She glared at him, defiantly staring at him right in the eye, sighed. She knew where this was heading.


The sudden slap caught everyone in the room by surprise. Pathak had raised his hand slightly while patting my wife's cheek and then suddenly she was on the floor, grimacing. In the dim light of the overhead bulb in the room I saw that her left cheek was now slowly becoming red.

"Hey!" I growled, "What do you think-"

I never finished my sentence as I felt a sharp pain in my ankles. One of the men had kicked me right in the shins, making me lose my balance. As I was falling, the other man caught me, and then locked my arms behind me in a death grip. I was useless, motionless, and unable to move. These were strong men, and I was no match for them.

"Get up, bitch." Pathak ordered, barking at my wife.

Richa stood up, warily looking at him. She was holding her cheek with one hand, rubbing the side of her face. The slap must have stung.


Pathak swung his hand and caught her on the other cheek with the back of that hand. He moved fast, and he was powerful. Richa never saw that slap coming. She went down again, this time clutching her other cheek. Stars must have swirled in front of her eyes, pain exploding in her cheeks. No one had ever hit her like that before.

No one else in the security officer station said anything. Everyone was watching the drama unfolding in front of them, starring Pathak, the leader of the night and Richa, my wife, now being slapped like a prostitute.

"Stand up." Pathak ordered again. He raised his hand once more. "Bitch."

"Pathakji!" I interjected, suddenly breaking the silence. "Please forgive my wife, Pathakji. I spoke out of turn. I apologize on her behalf, Pathakji."

Pathak looked at her. Then he smiled.

"That is very nice of you to say so, Hubby." He told me. "You definitely have more sense than your CHINAAL wife ."

He walked to Richa and his hand went to her chest. Through her small shirt, he lifted her right breast as if to weigh it.

"You have ample goods here to be treated nicely, Mrs Richa," Pathak said, as his other hand began to maul my wife's left breast.

"Please let me go." My wife begged him in a small voice.


No soon had she finished talking Pathak struck my wife again. Before she could even respond to the slap, he hit her once more.


Richa now had tears in her eyes, and her cheeks were bright red from the beating.

"I am sorry, Pathakji, I am sorry." Richa started to apologize, her defiance broken. "Please forgive me, Pathakji. I spoke out of turn. I apologize, Pathakji."





Her apology seemed to have no effect as Pathak slapped her again. And again. The quick succession of blows had stunned her.









I decided I must also speak out.

"Master!" I decided to swallow my ego and implore the monster and remembered to call him 'Master'. "Please forgive my wife, Master. Please don't slap her again, Master. We will do whatever you say. And my wife will do whatever you tell her to do, Master."

Pathak had his hand raised for another assault on my wife's soft, tender cheeks, but he stopped. Slowly, a grin broke out on his face and then he turned and addressed his men.

"Look what a man he is!" He roared. "Begging me not to hit his wife. Powerless to intervene."

There were various degrees of laughter from his men.

"Stand up." He ordered Richa, who quickly complied. She had tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, Pathakji."

Her cheeks were now a brilliant red and bore the imprint of Pathak's fingers.

"Mrs. Richa." Pathak starred right back at Richa, his face inches from her. "Do you want me to kill your husband and you?"

A cold shock passed through me. This guy was pure evil. His tone was so casual, even as he talked about taking our lives. Richa was shocked; I could see Richa shudder again.

"No, Pathakji." She pleaded. "Please! I will do anything. Please don't hurt them."

"Anything." Pathak repeated her word, and appeared to be reflecting on it. He once again started to play with her boobs. There was now absolutely no resistance or defiance from Richa.

Then Pathak turned to me.

"What do you think about that, Bharat ? Do you think she means it? Is she really going to do whatever I want? Whatever these men of mine wants?"

I didn't know what to reply. What could I say? What I knew was that I must not antagonize this man. He seemed crazy. And what was crazier - our lives depended on him being happy with us.

"Master." I pleaded. "Please have mercy on us. My wife will do anything you ask her to do. ANY thing. Please don't beat her any more, Master."

I felt so useless, so humiliated. I was begging another man not to hit my wife, promising that she would serve him in any way he wishes.

Pathak laughed at my helplessness.

"Your wife's a fine, good looking piece of ass. We men here know how to take care of women like that, don't worry, Bharat. She's going to have fun with us."

"Er ... yes, Master."

Seeing me capitulate, Richa decided to try another tactic.

"I beg you, Pathakji, please, don't make me do this. This is a sin. Please just let us go. I promise we won't say anything about you to anyone in society. We won't do anything to you from now onwards. Just let us go."

Pathak laughed and reached out and grabbed Richa by the hair. He didn't pull it, but just held on to it, showing Richa that if he wanted, he could cause her pain. He then leaned in and almost whispered into her ear.

"You are wrong, Mrs. Richa. You will do something for me. In fact, you will do a lot for me. When I am done with you, you will be BEGGING to do things for me. And for me to do things to you! By the way, listen carefully."

Suddenly he let go of her and faced both of us.

"Bharat & Richa. . If I wanted to," He said, "I would shoot you right now, and dump your bodies in the gutter. No one will know and no one can trace it to us. No one will even find out anything about what happened to you in the middle of the night."

He paused, letting what he said sink in. I shivered involuntarily.

"On the other hand," He then turned to glance back at my wife, "if you ... and your pretty, wise, husband over here, be a good couple , we can have a deal. See -- we men don't like to bang married women. We like to fuck them. It's so much easier when they are willing, as opposed to when we have to tie them up and beat them up. If we beat them too much, eventually we end up killing them, you know."

"When will you let us go?" Richa asked him. I realized that other than begging for mercy, neither I had talked. It had been Richa who had been defiantly, bravely, and yet foolishly, trying to oppose these people.

"In about two months we may stop somewhere, We may let you go then."

"You may let us go? How can we trust you?" Richa asked.

Pathak looked at her, and then burst out laughing. The rest of his men joined in the laughter.

"You can NOT trust me." Pathak told her. "And for asking these questions, I will spank you later, Mrs. Richa!"

Richa sighed. It seemed that she had been marked out for special treatment by the captain, regardless of what she did.

"Look, I really have no desire to kill you. Both of you." Pathak suddenly confessed. "But I will, if needed, have no doubts about that. All of us men have killed before. So, I will tell you again ... BITCH ... and you ... NAMARD HUSBAND ... if you do what we ask you to do, obediently and willingly, you will live, and EVENTUALLY will be free to go. Do you understand?"

The last question was aimed at both Richa and myself. I spoke first.

"I will do whatever you ask me to do, Pathakji." I said. "I am your slave. Your dog. I am your domestic . You can do what you want with us. You will not have ANY complaints from us."

Pathak looked at her, and smiled. and she smiled back, somewhat fearfully. Then everyone's attention in the room turned to my wife.

"I will ... also do ... everything you ask me to." Richa slowly enunciated. "Pathakji. You ... and your men ... can do what you wish ... whenever you wish ... with me."

"And .. what does that make you, Mrs. Richa?"

My wife gulped.

"Er ... that makes me ... a slut, Pathakji. A slut and a whore."

Pathak looked at me.

"What do you say, Bharat?"

"I ... yes, Master. You are all welcome to bang my ... sorry, I mean to use my wife and me as sex slaves, Master."

Pathak turned back to his men.

"It would seem, brothers, we have a deal with Mrs. Richa and her husband."

Laughter filled the room. My heart sank. Were they laughing because of what Pathak and his men would make my wife do, or because they knew that in the end we would be killed no matter what? I could see Richa's eyes fill with tears as she herself no doubt wondered what this evil gang's 'deal' would include. What did these bastards have in mind? They all meant to fuck her certainly, but what besides a simple piece of ass was on the menu?

She was to soon find out.

Pathak stood beside Richa. He reached out and cupped one of the butt cheeks. As Richa remained quietly standing, Pathak squeezed her ass and fondled her bottom.

"Men." He said, addressing his crew while continuing to pinch my wife's buttocks. "This is your Richa Bhabhi. She has a nice ass."

Loud hoots and catcalls responded to his announcement. Pathak grinned.

"Now, if she is your Bhabhi, you are all Devars to her. And we all know about the love between a Devar and Bhabhi, don't we?"

More loud catcalls and cheers in reply. Pathak continued to squeeze my wife's butt cheeks as he spoke to his men.

"I want you all to show your Bhabi a lot of love, alright men? She is there to be the target of your hawas -- your lust -- so make sure you take advantage of your Bhabhi, ok?"

Pathak then let go of my wife's ass and turned to her.

"Richa." He said, somewhat gently. "Let me spell something out. You have just taken your husband's life in your hands. "Remember, Richa. If you displease me, I will kill your husband. So whatever you are asked to do, by me or my men, you will do so NICELY. Enthusiastically. You will do it with pleasure. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Pathakji. I understand."

Then my wife paused. She looked at Pathak, and then asked in a small, nervous voice. "But, Pathakji, you all will use protection, won't you? I mean condoms?"

This was the moment. This was the question. This was when I felt gutted. My wife knew she would be sexually violated at the hands of these savages, and knew I couldn't help her, so she was trying to limit the damage.

Pathak looked at her and then burst out laughing. Once again, his men joined in the laughter. When they quietened down somewhat, Pathak addressed her question.

"Condoms? Why, Mrs. Richa?" He asked, "Do you have some diseases?"

"No, but ..." Richa began, but she was cut off.

"My guys were all medically checked some time ago and are clean. They have used condoms when we visit brothels, but here in the security officer station I see no reason to bother."

"But ... but ... what about pregnancy? Two months! I ... I ... I could become pregnant."

"We don't have any pills here on board." Pathak told her. "And you don't have any IUD in you?"

"Er ... no. You see, we wanted a kid, so we were trying ..."

"THEN YOU WILL BECOME PREGNANT!" Pathak roared, and then started to laugh again. Once more, his men joined in. The laughter continued for a while, as Richa looked helplessly at me. I couldn't meet her gaze and looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

Pathak walked up to Richa and caught hold of her chin.

"Mrs. Richa!" He told her. "Our mission for the next two months will be to get you pregnant. EVERY lad on this boat will deposit his sperm deep inside you. By the time we are done with you, your belly will be knocked up."

Richa didn't say anything. Neither did I. It was clear these people meant what they were saying.

"Brothers!" Pathak turned to his men and roared. "Are you all up for it? Can you all work hard and get your Bhabhi pregnant?"

"YES, BOSS!" They all roared back, boisterous and loud.

"Vikas!" Pathak suddenly barked. "This gori chitti randi is wearing too much clothes. Take off her skirt."

It was clear that Pathak wasn't done with Richa. Her initial defiance was going to cost her.

Not only would she have to submit to him and his men, sexually, but he was going to take her dignity in front of everyone. We had been relaxing on our flat when we were captured, so we hadn't been wearing much. Richa was now going to be stripped naked in front of the whole men.

Vikas, standing beside her, simply reached down and pulled down her skirt. In one tug, her skirt was at her ankles.

A cacophony of whistles ran out from amongst the men as Richa's voluptuous milky white buttocks came into view. She was wearing a thong underneath her skirt, so pretty much everything below her waist was now visible, with nothing left to imagination. He big, bodacious posterior contrasted sharply with her thin waist. Everyone could now see that her hourglass figure would continue with her gigantic melons. She hadn't shaved down there for some time, since I sort of liked her with a bit of a bush, so she had lots of pubic hair that were now visible through the skimpy thong.

At a signal from his boss, Vikas stood behind my wife, grabbed her shirt, and pulled it up. My wife, mindful of not being punished mercilessly again, cooperatively raised her arms and let this henchman pull her top away from her.

"What beautiful mummay!" Neeraj couldn't contain himself at the sight of her knockers and remarked out loud. "Boss! Look at the bitch. What beautiful mummay!"

Richa was a sight to see. She was wearing a thin pink bra, but it was too small to properly conceal her big melons. Her boobs bounced about as the boat rocked to the gentle waves of the quiet sea, and the sight of every man in the room was transfixed on her. She was a tall lady, so there was a lot of skin on display. Firm, smooth, milky white skin.

"Shall I take off her bra, boss?" Vikas asked. Pathak shook his head.

"No." He said, and then addressed my wife. "Mrs. Richa, please come here."

He seemed to take particular delight in the word Mrs. Probably getting his jollies from the fact that he was going to denude my wife in front of me.

"She's a fine piece of ass, Bharat." He said, talking to me "With legs and a butt like that, I'll bet she can the squeeze cum right out of a man. If I put her in the bazaar in Kamathipura, I could probably earn a 20,000 rupee every customer."

I didn't answer. I looked away, not bearing to see the sight. This was all too much.

"If you look away again," Pathak growled at me. "I will kill all of you right now."

I had no choice but to witness the scene in front of me.

"Mrs. Richa." Pathak spoke to my wife. "Please take off your bra and your ... is it a panty or a thong ... your bottom piece. Please be completely naked. We are all friends here, aren't we?"

Pathak now watched, waiting to see what my wife would do. Would she submit herself completely, by stripping voluntarily? Or would she defy him again? Richa was trembling, but she was no fool. No one could help us here, and our best bet in living lay in doing exactly what this piece of shit wanted from us. Besides, she had not forgotten being slapped so thoroughly.

To the relief of mine, Richa decided to obey Pathak. Reluctantly forcing a wry smile, my wife unclasped her bra, and then quickly pulled the thong down to her ankles. More wolf whistles followed from the crew as her boobs bounced out and came into full view. Now all she was wearing was her mangalsutra, the necklace every married woman wore in India.

Richa tried to best protect her dignity by placing one hand at her crotch, and an arm across her breasts. Pathak would have none of it. He grabbed her arms and yanked them behind her.

"Bitch!" He yelled at her. "Put your hands behind your head and lock your fingers together."

My wife had no choice but to obey. Her whole naked body was now on display, exhibited for all to see.

And my wife was a sight to see. Her body -- tall, firm, athletic, shapely. Her breasts, large, prominent, jutting out with erect nipples and large areoles. Her waist was smooth, wrinkle free, and no fat. Her bushy pubic hair was prominent, both near her arm pits and her genitals. She was every Indian man's wet dream.

Pathak could not resist this luscious female body that was his for the taking. He ran his fingers slowly over the long nipples, and with a mind of their own, each nub responded immediately to his stimulation. The gang all whistled in appreciation. Richa dared not close her eyes, but kept them fixed on the floor as this man molested her tits.

Pathak then reached down to where he had tied his dhoti.

Oh no, I thought. Surely, he wasn't going to bang my wife right here in front of everyone!

I was resigned to the thought of him, and every other man on the ship, having a piece of Richa, but I thought at least they would take my wife to a room and do the deed there on a bed. Now it seemed as if I was mistaken.

Pathak fiddled around with his nada -- the knot that held the loincloth together, and soon the dhoti fell to the floor. He wasn't wearing anything underneath.

Hanging there between his legs, for all to see, but especially for my wife, was his huge, huge dick. It was only semi-hard, but still way, way bigger than mine. Not only was it long, but also thick, round and robust. Under all this dark meat was a giant scrotum sack with two big balls.

Now I realized why he was going to humiliate my wife in front of me, my mother-in-law and his men. It was a show of power. An ultimate cock measuring contest that he was winning by a mile.

Pathak approached my wife with a menacing leer on his face.

And then, in front of everyone, including  myself, Pathak made my wife go down on him and give him a blowjob.

First he ordered my naked wife to get down on her knees. Richa never liked oral sex, and hardly gave me a blowjob. She hesitated slightly. Only so slightly.


A sharp sound rang out as once again Pathak slapped my wife.

"Richa!" He yelled at her. "Remember! You are to willingly do what we ask you to do."

Without any further word, Richa dropped helplessly to her knees. She then looked up at her persecutor.

"Take it in your mouth, slut." Pathak ordered. "I will train you how to be a proper cocksucking bitch."

He laughed at his cruel joke, enjoying himself immensely and pleased with the horror and shame written across my wife's face. Then, as my wife hesitated, once more he hit her.


The sound rang like a rifle shot. Richa's eyes were now tear filled, and her cheeks quite red. Both from the assault, and also from the shame. A respectable housewife, she was now naked, on her knees, about to give a gangster a blowjob. Helplessly, Richa opened her mouth and brought her lips to Pathak's penis.

She opened wide and took as much of that great cock into her mouth as she could. Pathak seemed caught by surprise at her sudden surrender. He was perhaps expecting her to resist a little more, but after a second's hesitation, he drove his hips forward to push his shaft farther down her throat.

"Ugggh!" Richa gagged a bit, but then adjusted herself.

Soon Pathak had a rhythm going. Richa would occasionally start gagging, but Pathak kept firm control by pulling and holding her by the hair, and making her head bob up and down as he pushed his monster appendage into and out of my wife's lips.

Everyone watched with rapt attention as this crude man fucked my wife's mouth. His minions were hollering and cheering their boss on. I noticed that Aman had procured a small Polaroid camera from somewhere and was taking pictures of my wife's humiliation.

Finally, Pathak could take it no more. His thrusts into her throat ceased. Richa instinctively knew what he wanted done, and her tongue worked in frantic circles around the great plum-like head. Pathak's hips were motionless now, and milky seed was boiling in his testicles. He would not be able to stand this exquisite torture much longer. Richa seem to also sense that his ejaculation was on it way.

And then Pathak erupted.

Richa tried, but she couldn't keep it all in. Pathak just kept on pumping his seed into her. My wife was beginning to choke on the sheer volume of the fluid that was filling her mouth. It was a full load, more than Richa could handle, never having swallowed cum before. She was chocking, gagging, but Pathak didn't care. He continued to empty his spunk down her throath. Dribbles of Pathak's salty seed escaped from the corners of my dear wife's mouth and onto the swell of her breasts.

Pathak now took his now soft meat in his hand, and slapped it against my wife's face, leaving a few drops of his semen on her cheek. Richa did not react to the soft blow, and the sticky string it left across her face, even though I felt it was a mark of admiration from Pathak for her performance.

"You saali randi!" Pathak told Richa as he finally got his breath back, "You really are one prize slut. A born cocksucker!"

Richa dropped back on her haunches, her head down, too humiliated by what she had just done.

Pathak stood up and pulled up his dhoti. He tied up the knot and then turned to Vikas.

"Go get a chair from outside."

"Yes, boss."

Soon a chair was procured and placed in the centre of the room. Pathak sat down on it heavily, and then turned to my wife, who was still kneeling on the floor, naked, and had cum trails on her cheeks and breasts. She seemed lost, in a daze, confused.

"Come here, bitch." He ordered. "I want you over my lap. It's time for that spanking I told you."

My wife looked at him, puzzled. Vikas, standing next to her, suddenly grabbed her by the hair, and hauled her up. He dragged her and then pushed her on to Pathak's lap. My wife was now lying on Pathak's lap, naked, over the knees, ready to be spanked like an errant collegegirl going over a headmaster's knees. Her buttocks, now prominent and jutting out in her humiliating position, was on display for everyone to see.

I shook my head and looked away, unable to bear the mistreatment of my dear wife. I wanted to look away, but mindful of Pathak's threats, kept an eye on the continued humiliation of my wife.

Pathak placed his palm on her butt cheeks and squeezed one cheek. He then grabbed a little of the flesh and jiggled it. My wife, for her part, stoically looked at the floor and kept quiet. Pathak then inserted one finger right into her pussy.

"Ooomph." My wife cried out, as his fingers invaded her cunt, but otherwise said nothing. Pathak poked around for a bit and then withdrew his hand.

"Look!" He said, raising his hand for everyone to see. "She's wet. Your Bhabhi is all wet."

I could see that he was right. Pathak's fingers were wet and slimy with my wife's juices. He reinserted his fingers into her pussy and began to poke around there again, and we could heard the sloppy sounds as he examined her wetness.

It's OK, I tried to mentally comfort my wife. Your body is just confused. It is reacting to an extremely dangerous and humiliating situation. It's perfectly normal.

Yet, I wondered why Richa was getting aroused by the rough treatment she was getting. Her own body was betraying her. I could see her shake slightly, and her toes curling. What was happening to her?


Pathak's powerful hand came crashing down on my poor wife's bottom.

"Ungh." Richa grunted, but otherwise said nothing. Her body continued to shake.









Again and again the brute spanked my wife, and I could do nothing but stand and watch. All she did was just grunt after each beating, but otherwise she lay quietly on his lap, gamely taking the punishment. Finally, after what must have been ten spanks, Pathak stopped.

My wife's buttocks were a sight to see. Red, swollen, bruised and bearing the marks of Pathak's five fingers.

"Stand up, Mrs. Richa."

My wife stood up. She didn't look at anyone in shame, but kept her eyes fixed on the floor. Her hands clasped her stinging bottom. She had gone beyond caring about her nudity and didn't cover her breasts at all with her hands. Instead, Richa was rubbing her ass where she had been degradingly spanked.

And yet, as it was obvious to everyone in the room, there was a big, damp spot on Pathak's dhoti. One on the legs, just near the thigh. The wetness was from Richa.

"Looks like you were cumming as I was spanking you." Pathak remarked, to much laughter from his boys. I could see Richa stare at the ground, going red with shame. Her tormentor stood up in front of her and started to play with her boobs.


I looked around. I was in a storeroom. It was a half filled with all sort of boxes. In the other half of the space, they had put a small comforter in one corner. That was to be my bedding, and I was given one sheet to cover myself as well. In the other corner there was a bucket. That was, I was told, for me to pee in the night if I wanted to, since the door was being locked from the outside.

What were in those boxes? I pried one of them open. There were lots of newspapers. Old newspapers, for some reason. And buried beneath the newspapers was a lot of wooden blocks. Now what were these men doing with boxes full of wooden blocks, or these old newspapers, I had no idea.

A small vent in the wall above the boxes let some air come in and circulate, so I could breathe. There was a light bulb hanging from the ceiling with a switch. Another small circular window, probably no bigger than a couple of feet with the glasses locked, let me look outside at the dark sea. This was to be my home for the next two months. If Pathak kept his promise.

I took a stock of the situation as quickly as I could. If I faced the door, to my right was a wall, on the other side of which was the captain's room -- Pathak's room. Richa was there, locked in, waiting for Pathak.

On the other side, opposite, was another wall. This wall separated the storeroom from the bedroom where Richa was kept. In essence, the storeroom was in the middle, with the bedrooms on either side.

I put my ear to the wall. These were thin walls. I could hear every little thing. I could hear Richa pacing herself, sit on the bed. I heard her use the toilet

They had attached washroom in the bedrooms, while I had to pee in a bucket, I thought ruefully.

A small groan from my tummy reminded me that I was hungry and was going to be made to skip dinner. I felt sorry for the ladies.

I wondered what time it was. It must have been 10 pm or so now. The sea was eerily calm and quiet, as was the boat. Where were the men? I had overheard Pathak say to Vikas that he was going to inspect some "shipment", before he would "enjoy" Richa's company. Vikas didn't appear to be Marathi -- though he did speak the language. I heard the others converse with him mostly in English or Hindi.

As for Richa, her paramours for the night were Neeraj and Aman. These two men were on the bridge. Perhaps they were going to take turns with my wife.

I examined the door lock. The key, I realized, was on the other side. I remembered this old trick I had learned some time ago. I could unlock this door using that trick, I realized.

No, I don't want to take a risk on the first night, I decided. Tomorrow, as I go about my duties, I will try and get an understanding the layout of the ship, and where the men spend their times at night, and so on. Any escape attempt would require more knowledge.

Suddenly I heard a noise. If I faced the door, it was coming from my left -- Richa's bedroom. She had a visitor.

I put my ear to the wall, trying to listen intently. A key was being turned. Someone was unlocking the door.

"You there, Richa Bhabhi?"

It was Neeraj. I mentally took note of the fact that he called Richa by her name. I hoped he would take pity on my poor wife and be gentle with her. Then I remembered the comments he had made about my wife's breasts. What had he called it? Mummay.

"Yes. I am here." Richa answered. "Please come in."

I heard a chuckle, and then heard a door slam shut. Neeraj was in the room with her, and he had shut the door. My wife was now alone with this man, locked in a room, about to be taken. I realized she must now be very, very nervous, yet her voice betrayed no such fact.

"Richa. That's a nice name. Please sit down."

I heard a small creak. It was from the bed. Richa must have sat down as instructed, and then I heard Neeraj sit on a chair.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked her.

"I wish I had some clothes." Richa replied. "It's chilly, and I am naked."

"There's a blanket on the bed, as well as extra sheets. You can use those when we are not here."

"Yes, Neerajji. Thank you."

"I am trying to be nice to you. If you complain too much I will treat you much more harshly."

There was a silence.

"I am sorry, Neerajji. I will not complain. I am prepared for you Neerajji. Please ... you can start any time."

"Richa, what's your measurements? Do you know?"

This was highly strange, I thought. Why is he interviewing her?

"Er ... not really, I am not sure, Neerajji. I think it's 34-29-36."

"And your cup size?"

"Er ... I don't know, Neerajji. I think it's a C. Or a D."

Neeraj chuckled.

I heard the chair creak. He had stood up.

"Come here. Let me measure."

There was silence for a while. I tried to listen hard, and fathom what was happening. I heard a small whimper, and then a grunt.

Perhaps he now had my wife's breasts in his hands. He was cupping them, squeezing them, leading to my wife's soft moans. He was "measuring" her. I guess then he put his hands on her bum and gave it a soft pinch, leading to the 'ouch' sound. His one hand must have been on one of her breasts, and his other hand on her bum. He was squeezing and fondling her, while "measuring" her.

"Do you like to have sex, Richa?" Neeraj asked.

"I ... I don't know, Neerajji."


He had slapped her!

"Please answer properly, Bhabhi. Do you like to have sex?"

"Er ... yes, Neerajji. But my husband and I don't have it too often, Neerajji."

Why did she have to say that? Besides, it was a lie!

Neeraj chuckled.

"For the next three months that won't be a problem, Bhabhi."

I realized he had just said 'three months' instead of 'two'. We were supposed to be their prisoners for two months. This was highly interesting, and only made me determined to find a way to escape soon.

"Tell me," Neeraj continued, "What sort of sex acts do you do with your useless husband?"

"Neerajji, we have normal sex. Like ... he comes on top of me ... does his thing ... and that's usually it, Neerajji."

"Hmm ... so you have never sucked his cock?"

"Um ... no, Neerajji. Actually ... I did once, but I didn't let him cum in me, Neerajji. I don't like doing that."

"So today ... it was your first blowjob, really! You never tasted cum before, Bhabhi?"

"No, Neerajji. I am a simple housewife, Neerajji. These things ... never crossed my mind, Neerajji."

"And you have never been fucked in the gaand before?"


"You ass -- no one ever fucked you in the ass, bitch?"

"Er ... no, Neerajji."

"Good. So you are an ass virgin. Well, not for long. OK, Bhabhi, turn around and bend over. I want to see that ass."

"Yes, Neerajji."

"You have a nice ass, Richa. Big and fleshy, but not too big to be fat. Tight and smooth skin. I like it."

"Er ... thanks, Neerajji."

"Keep still, bitch -- don't move! Remain like that ... bent over."







"Now, bitch, undress me."

For some time, I didn't hear a sound. I guess Richa was undressing Neeraj.

"Oh my God! What is this!" Suddenly I heard my wife say. Neeraj chuckled.

"This is a real cock. Just like my captain's."

"It is ... also ... so ... big. Huge." Richa exclaimed. "I thought only your captain - Pathak ji -- was so huge."

"Touch it. Feel it. This is a real man's cock."

Silence again.

I heard Richa make some soft sounds. They were both naked. She no doubt was now caressing this man's hardness, while he was pinching her breasts, leading her to make gentle mewing sounds.

"Is your husband not as big?" Neeraj asked. Richa didn't reply.


I realized that every time she would behave in a way that they didn't like, they would slap her. By the end she would be a trained puppy, behaving and responding just how they would want her to.

"No, Neerajji. He is ... quite small ... compared to this."


"Whenever I ask you a question, Bhabhi, you will answer. Got it?"

"Er ... yes, of course, Neerajji."


"Now tell me again how this cock compares to your husband." Neeraj ordered.

"Yours is very big, Neerajji." Richa answered, leading me to cringe. "His ... is hardly bigger than my little finger, Neerajji. Your almost goes to my elbow."


"Good answer, Bhabhi. Now let's go to the bed, bitch. I want to examine that pussy of yours."

Soon enough, the bed squeaked in unison as they stepped in it. Richa seemed resigned to the fact and let out a deep sigh. Before long I was listening to her moans every few minutes. What was happening?

I realized soon that she was being fingered between her thighs. For the first time in my life I felt the electric mix of shock, jealousy, humiliation and, most importantly, arousal as I heard my wife's erotic faint cries. Clearly Neeraj was getting her all hot and bothered. I thought he would straight away fuck her, but it seemed like he wanted to get her all aroused, and from the sounds, he was successful.

"You have a very moist, creamy pussy, Bhabhi." I heard Neeraj say. "It's so wet!"

"Aaaah ... thank you, Neerajji." My wife replied. She was moaning as well. I guess she had to reply if she didn't want to be slapped again.

"It's so soft. And tight." Neeraj continued. "How does that feel, Richa?"

"AAAAAH!" My wife exclaimed. "Oh, Neerajji. Oh, Neerajji!"

My wife continued to moan softly as Neeraj continued to finger her love tunnel. I soon heard Richa give a soft cry. I could picture her, clutching the bedsheets tightly with her fingers as her body spasmed in response to Neeraj's handiwork.

After about five minutes of this, I heard them moving around some more and in no time at all I heard the first mate let out a groan.

"AAAH... OH that's lovely, BITCH. SUCK IT. SUCK IT!"

His moans began in earnest and I could only imagine my wife's breasts and hair flipping back and forth as she sucked him. She had already given one blowjob today, and this was now her second. Would Neeraj come in her mouth? Or would he hold on and fuck her?

I got my answer as I heard a sharp cry from Neeraj.


So, he was cumming in her mouth. I heard more movements, and presumably he was still busy ejaculating into her. I marveled at how far Richa had come in a mere couple of hours. She hated anything oral, and here she was, giving her second blowjob of the day and swallowing it all.

I suddenly realized I was very hard. With a horror, I looked at my trousers. I had a noticeable bulge. Oh my goodness! What was wrong with me! My wife was being ... used ... on the other side and here I was, aroused!

There was now very little noise from the other side. What was happening? They must have been in bed now, lying together, perhaps cuddling. He was probably playing with her breasts. She probably had her hands wrapped around his now flaccid member, trying to make it hard again.

It was nearly twenty minutes before the second round began.

A warm humiliation came over me as I heard the first of the squeaking of the bed springs. This was it. Another man was now having sex with Richa. My wife. I could hear from the rhythmic creaking of the bed frame that she was being penetrated.

"AAAAAH!" Richa cried out.

Even as I felt disgusted, I unzipped my shorts and began to fondle myself.

"Oh YESSS!! AAAH! AHHH!!" Richa began to cry out even louder.

Surely she was faking it? Surely she was doing it to keep Neeraj happy and prevent further punishment? Surely ... she could not be aroused herself?

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!"

My wife kept grunting.

The bedsprings began squeaking furiously as she received his thrusts. The bed was now hitting the wall hard and the springs sounded as if they were going to break. I imagined Neeraj shoving more and more of his giant dark cock into my wife until his balls were slapping against her ass. He seemed to be fucking her hard and fast now. Taking full strokes in and out of her cunt, his cock buried deep into her love tunnel.

"Ungh! Ungh! OOOOH YES!! Ungh! Ungh!"

From the noise of the bed creaking and the pounding she was receiving, I could imagine Neeraj pulling his cock all the way out, her pink pussy lips clinging to it as he withdrew, and then shoving it all the way back into my wife's body again.

"Ungh! Ungh!"

I then heard my wife begging Neeraj to cum inside her.

For a second, I could not believe what I heard.

"Please." I heard her whimper. "Please Neerajji. Cum in me. I need you to cum inside me."

Neeraj had been fucking my wife ferociously with his big cock for close to fifteen minutes now. I tried to rationalize it. She must want it to be over, so she is asking him to cum. What I didn't understand at that time was that Richa herself had been in an almost constant state of arousal ever since Pathak had made her go down on him. She needed someone to cum in her and fill her. Allow her to climax.


Neeraj was now coming in her. I had no doubt, as I heard Richa's groan, and I heard the bed thumping fast, and I heard him grunt loudly. He was now emptying himself inside my wife. Richa was silent, occasionally letting out a grunt as Neeraj flexed his buttocks from time to time, pumping more and more of his seed inside her.

I suddenly realized that I was wet in my underwear. Goodness! I had cum in my shorts listening to the action on the other side. I groaned, as my balls continued to empty their spunk into my underwear. Well, I didn't have any way to clean myself. I was going to be sticky down there now for some time.

There was silence for a few minutes, and then Neeraj spoke.

"My goodness, Richa Bhabhi! You are such a slut! You have completely wet the bedsheet!"

Richa made some noise that I couldn't hear. Probably she was embarrassed.


"What did you say, bitch? Talk clearly. I don't want to keep slapping you."

"I am sorry, Neerajji. I was saying you were very good."

I heard a chuckle.

"Your husband doesn't fuck you that well?"

Once again Richa made a quiet noise, and once again I heard that rifle like sound as she was punished for it.


"I said speak clearly, and answer a question when you are asked, bitch. Or do you like getting slapped again and again?"

"I am sorry, Neerajji." Richa stammered. "I said my husband doesn't do it for this long, Neerajji. He lasts merely a minute or two inside me, Neerajji. And he ... doesn't have this much cum, Neerajji."

I felt myself blushing a bright red in humiliation as I listened to my wife's confessions. Surely she was just saying it to boost the ego of her rapist.

"I am still inside you, bitch." Neeraj said.

I realized that he hadn't withdrawn from her. Yet. He was still lying on top of her, his cock buried deep inside her. He had cum fully in her fertile womb, possibly making her pregnant. So, if what he was saying was true, the wetness of the bedsheet was all Richa. She must have been leaking like an open faucet.

I heard a plonk! sound.

"OOOH that feels good." Surah uttered. He must have withdrawn from her now. "You have drained me, bitch."

"Thank you, Neerajji."

I thought that was the end of it. I crawled to the other end, and listened, but heard nothing. Richa must have been sleeping now. Pathak was not there.

I decided to lie down on my "bed". The floor was hard, and cold. The comforter was very thin. I just hoped there were no bed bugs. The sheet was also very thin, and I was still sticky from having ejaculated earlier. I had opened my shorts completely, and was just sleeping in my underwear.

I shuddered. I realized it is one thing to watch a movie, but another to try and be a hero in real life. Right now, I felt anything but.

I tried to sleep. It was tough, knowing what my wife had endured just now. Almost half an hour had gone by and I hadn't heard a peep from that room.

And then suddenly, just like that, I heard another noise.



The bed. It was the noise of a bed creaking.

Unbelievable! Neeraj was fucking my wife again!

I made sure it wasn't coming from any other room. No, I was correct -- it was from Richa's. I listened.

"Neerajji." I heard Richa pleading. "Please be gentle. You have a big lund, and I have never taken it in the gaand. Please put some more coconut oil!"

Richa was taking it in the ass!

I sat down in disbelief. My wife had adamantly never let me have anal sex. And here I was, listening to her on the other side of the wall, engaged in the very same act!

The rhythmic creaking of the bed frame intensified. This time her vocalizations were much clearer.

"Ooooh Neerajji." I heard her cry out. "Slower, please. Slower! Aaaah, nehi! Please use some more oil!"

He was fucking her earnestly now. The noise of the bed was frantic -- I felt the bed would break at any time.




He was spanking her butt now, and I could hear Richa cry out. Neeraj, however, was merciless.

"You are a bitch, Richa. So, take it like a bitch and stop complaining!"





One again all I heard was the creaking of the bed, and then I heard Richa again.

"Aaaaangh! Aaaaangh! Aaaaangh!"

Richa was grunting in short bursts. Since she had never taken it in the ass before, she must have been in a lot of pain. I imagined her face contorted, and her breasts slapping back and forth as Neeraj pushed himself from back in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.



"Oh, Neerajji! Oh, Neerajji! Oh, Neerajji! Oh, Neerajji!"

My wife now let out a tremendous noise as she started to climax.



I heard him make a guttural sound. He was at this moment no doubt squirting a good quantity of his semen into my wife's behind. I heard Richa once again let out a long sigh as her orgasm subsided.

I closed my eyes. Sleep came soon after.

The captain was retiring for the night, his slave girl by his side, naked, spanked and well fucked.

I thought that was it for the night, but then I heard a knock. It was a soft knock. I realized it was coming from the other side of the room -- someone was knocking the door where Neeraj was sleeping with Richa!

"Wake up, Neeraj, wake up!"

It was Aman. Why was he waking up the first mate? I soon found out the answer.

The door opened.

"What is it?" Neeraj asked, groggily.

"It's been four hours, Neeraj." Aman replied. "It's your shift on the bridge now. And my turn with the randi."

"Oh, really? Wow... sorry, I was so tired!"

"Go! Soon it will be morning and we all have to wake up. I want to fuck that saali before I catch some sleep."

"Yes, yes. Richa is sleeping though."

"Wake the bitch up."

I then heard a sharp noise.



"Wake up, Bhabhi!"

I decided I didn't want to really hear anything anymore. Besides, it's been four hours since Richa had been taken in by Neeraj and bangd. Now it was Aman, waiting his turn with my wife. I knew I would be expected to be up before breakfast, so I better get some sleep.

It was hard, falling off to sleep in that dinghy room, on the floor with the uncomfortable bedding, but I had to. The last thing I heard before drifting off was a sharp series of spanking sounds.




Richa was being spanked on the ass.

Then there was silence. He must have climbed on top of her and penetrated her.



The bed was moving again. And then I heard her whimpering, and then moaning.

"Aaaaah! Oooooh! Harder! Push!"

There was no doubt. I knew these sounds. She was having an orgasm, even as this gangster Aman was ravaging her cunt.

As my eyes shut, I heard Richa softly murmur, "Harder! Harder! Aaaaah! Amanji! Please cum inside me. I need your cum, NOW! OOooooh, Amanji!"

Then I heard some more whimpering, and then a groan. The bed started to shake violently.

That man Aman was now flooding my wife's insides with his sperm.

I tried to go back to sleep.

I put my ear to the wall. I was in my storeroom again, locked in for the night. I was listening to the wall that was between Richa's room and mine.

I heard the door slam shut. Aman had just entered the room.

And then I heard my wife scream.

"Oooo Amanji!" I heard her say. "You have picked me up as if I am just a pillow!"

The brute must have just picked up her by the waist. I couldn't hear much, but it seemed like Richa wasn't even struggling. I knew that she was simply trying to make the best of a really bad situation, but it somehow hurt me. For some reason, and I know it is counter intuitive, I wanted Richa to put up a bit of struggle. She seemed to be giving in a bit too easily. Even last night she was laughing with the men, saying things about my cock, and having an orgasm even after they had slapped her.

I heard a whoomph sound and then the bed creaked loudly.

"Aaagnh!" My wife murmured. Aman must have tossed her like a little stuffed animal onto the bed.

I heard a belt being unbuckled, and then the rustling sound of pants being dropped to the floor, followed by another noise. The shirt. Aman was now completely naked.

"What do you think, bitch." I heard him utter.

"OOOOOOH Amanji." I heard my wife groan. "It is soooo big! I don't think I can take it."

"You can, and you will."




I heard three quick slaps in succession, and my wife whimper.

"Spread your legs, raandi."

"Yes, Amanji."

"Let's get the icebreaker out of the way, eh Bhabhi!"

I heard him climb on to the bed. I heard him spit. He must have spit onto his hands and rubbed his big cock a few times.

And then I heard my wife scream again.

"OOOOH Amanji. Please, be gentle."



I realized I was hard. Ashamed as I was to admit it, I took out my cock from my pants and started to rub it.



Again and again he slapped Richa. I could hear my wife cry out in pain, and then the bed squeaked loudly.

By now Aman was on the bed, and must have spread my wife's legs wide open, and then pushed his hard, huge cock into Richa's waiting pussy.

"AAAAAAAHHH!" I heard Richa moan as her cunt was invaded.

"You are such a slut, Bhabhi." Aman growled. "Look how wet you are! I didn't even need the spit. Lalan was right, you get off on that rough, macho stuff, you bitch!"

My wife was now unable to say anything. She was moaning, her hips rocking as Aman drilled into her.

"Oh yea. Wrap your legs around my hips. That's the way, bitch. You like it rough, don't you!"



The bed continued to creak, louder and louder. Then I heard my wife speak.

"Yes, Amanji. I like what you are doing to me. Please push into me. Harder please, Amanji."



I tried to see if she was faking it, but I couldn't detect anything from the tone of her voice. She genuinely seemed to be loving it! She seemed to like being slapped! Or was she just putting on an act for Aman? It was so hard to tell, but what I could hear was her pumping her hips hard back at Aman. Her breathing was now coming in loud gasps and moans. There was no doubt -- she was in the throes of an orgasm.

I suddenly became aware of the rock-hard erection. I shook my head in disgust. What was wrong with me! Yet I couldn't help myself as I rubbed myself harder.



I heard Richa cry out again as she was slapped again and again. Ever since Pathak had punished my wife, the rest of the crew seemed to have taken it as a license to slap her at will as well. Aman seemed to be taking extra delight in copying his master.

"OOOOOH Amanji." My wife screamed. "I am cumming. OOOOOH. Please, cum in me, Amanji. Please!"

My own cum can out, shooting fast against the wall. My legs felt wobbly as I reached back for a chair and sat down.

I sat there and listened to my wife getting fucked hard by my Aman and couldn't quite decide how I felt about the whole thing - angry, jealous, but also very turned on, very hot. He was now really giving it to her. The bed was squeaking and Richa's loud moaning was coming through the wall clearly.

Yes, she was being bangd, but did she have to enjoy it so much?


I could tell by a loud groan from Aman that he was now beginning to ejaculate. Richa had already achieved her orgasm, and now she just made soft mewing sounds as Aman began to deposit his cum into her. The bed continued to jerk violently as his seminal fluid flowed into her.

Then there was silence for a few minutes, punctuated only by the sounds of heavy breathing from the amorous couple. It wasn't over, though. Of course, it wasn't. Aman was just getting warmed up.

In about five minutes, I heard Alraf roll over. He seemed to have grabbed my wife by the hair, judging from her complaints.


Then I heard him order her, "Lick me clean, bitch. Suck all the cum off me."

I couldn't see, of course, but I imagined Richa position herself over his still-hard cock and lower her mouth to it, licking and slurping the goo between her lips.

Aman must have held her hair in his fist, pulling my wife's head up and down on his erection.

"OOOH YEA. That's good, saali. Keep that up, just like that, you hot little slut. I'm loving it, bitch."

There was silence for some time. I wondered what they were doing. It was so infuriating not being able to see!

Then I heard Aman give her bare ass a resounding slap, probably leaving a red mark.





"You are a hot little piece of ass, Richa, a first-class slut - no denying that. But don't be getting too comfortable, Bhabhi. I've only just started."

It was a long night for Richa. Throughout the night, I was awakened by the sounds of Aman and Richa's uninhibited sex. I may have missed a time or two, but by my calculation, Aman fucked my wife four times and gotten a blowjob twice, and once he had taken her in the ass.

I heard Richa cry out when he was drilling into her anal cavity.

"OOOOH Amanji! Have some mercy! Please, gently. I am not used to such a big lund, Amanji."

He was insatiable -- apparently never getting totally soft, always staying at least semi-rigid. From what I could hear, Richa's mouth, cunt and ass were always open for business. From the sounds that she made, I now had no doubt that she was also enjoying herself. She didn't seem to get enough of Aman! They didn't seem to get much sleep that night -- Richa and Aman.
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RE: HOT WIFE RICHA (CONTINUATION BY "KINKY_BADSHAH") - by Kinky_Badshah - 18-09-2024, 11:57 AM

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