Incest Village girl Amala (Updated Sep 13)

With so much flirting with Amala and the way akka dressed in lingerie, every thing seems to be falling in place in my life. Being close with akka is not new but this level of intimacy is definitely new for both of us… so I took the liberty and took my half erect dick out in front of akka as I pushed her little bit down as she is sitting right on top of my dick..

Now my dick is raging in front of akka’s stomach ..  akka’s eyes lit up and she pinched my thigh ad told “you are becoming naughty , what did you do with Amala when we were not there” , I pulled akka down and kissing her cheeks I said “akka.. one step forward .. in another 1-2 meetings she will be mine”

Kamala is happy and told  I  “ok ok.. good job.. tonight after dinner I will take uncle out for walk, wont come for one hour, you do whatever you want with Amala”..

I am so happy for akka, she understands well what I want , immediately I told her “akka.. sorry… I want my first kiss with Amala.. if it goes well, then we will have fun… understand me”

Akka while getting up from me says “ Kishore,  your wish will be fulfilled soon.. I can wait, but don’t delay too much as I am also getting new feelings “

“with me?”

“with you how can it be new”

“uncle ?”

“yeah.. don’t know if this is correct”

“akka.. why not ?”

“will see.. first focus is you always”

“thanks akka”

I didn’t want to keep akka waiting too long and hence wanted to speed up the matter with Amala, no time to cajole her, if needed I should push her a bit… akka cant wait too long for me
In anticipation of a long night with akka, I decided to take a quick nap

After dinner, akka, uncle went for a walk and I and Amala reached our room.. but Amala is not showing interest to come to my room , don’t know what happened ,  I dragged  Amala into the room and closed the room.  My grip was tight around her arms, pulling her along like a puppet on strings. She tried to resist me, struggling and screaming for help, but I am too strong for her.

“Let go of me! Let me go to my room  I !”  Amala cried out desperately as I forced her into the room, slamming the door shut behind us. “Please don’t do this !”
I grabbed her from behind and threw her onto the floor, causing her to fall face first onto the cold, hard surface. In the process, her top came undone, revealing her cleavage.  I  couldn’t take my eyes off it.  I licked my  lips hungrily, salivating at the sight of her naked flesh.

Amala quickly tried to adjust her top over her chest, but before she could, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I rushed forward and picked her up from the floor, holding her tightly in front of me. With one hand grasping her hair and the other wrapped around her waist, I began to slowly grind my dick against her ass, rubbing my dick against her cheeks.

“Mmmm,” I moaned softly, my breath hot against her ear. “You taste so good already, my little darling. You know you want this, don’t you?”

As she is not responding , I released her from my grip and stepped back.

I turned to face her, my eyes filled with remorse. "I'm sorry about that," I said, shaking my head.

 Amala stared at me blankly, still dazed from the assault. "Can you please just let me go? Papa will come ."

I gazed at her with desire, my voice dripping with lust. "Look at your beautiful curves, your perfect breasts, your smooth thighs, and your round bottom. You're a goddess, and I'd be honored to worship you."

Amala felt a shiver run down her spine at the thought of being worshipped by such idiot. She knew it was wrong, but part of her enjoyed the attention.

I continued, "So, Amala, if you can bless me with one night..."  Amala gave me an angry look, understanding exactly what I meant.  I saw her reaction and nodded, knowing I wouldn't get anything from her tonight.

Amala replied with disgust, "How can you ask that? I am not your girl friend"  . I joked, "If you were my girl friend, I would have married you." Amala glared at me.

Realizing her situation,  Amala pleaded, "Please let me go. I'm a sacred girl. I can't do what you asked me to do."  I thought for a moment before speaking again. "OK, Amala, asking you to sleep with me is a bit too much for you. I know that. But there is one more way."  
Amala responded eagerly, "What is that? Please tell me. I will do it."

I  explained, "You see, if a Goddess like you let me kiss you...I will be blessed."  Amala lowered her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.  I noticed her change in attitude and encouraged her, "It's just a kiss, Amala. Then you can go to your room."

Amala went blank and didn't know how to respond to my proposal. I said, "Come on Amala, it's nothing bad. Just a small favor for me and if you do it, you can leave immediately.".
Amala looked at me with tears in her eyes.  
As  Amala pondered the thought of kissing a stranger,  I  slowly approached her.

I : softly "It's just a kiss, Amala. Nothing more. Then you can go to your room."

 Amala: looking up, her eyes filled with tears, still unable to speak

 I : closing the distance between us, speaking gently "Please, Amala. I won't harm you. Just a kiss."

 Amala: taking a deep breath, still trembling "Just a kiss?"

 I : nodding "Just a kiss."

 Amala: hesitates, her mind racing, feeling trapped but desperate to return to papa

 I : reach out, gently touching her arm "You can trust me, Amala. Just one kiss, and you’re free to go."

As  I  touched her arm,  Amala immediately backed away, hitting the wall behind her.

 Amala: frantically "Don't touch me! Please... don't touch me."

 I : raising my hands, trying to calm her "Alright, alright. I won't touch you."

Amala: breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face "Please, just let me go to my room."

I: taking a step back "I understand you're scared, Amala. But remember, it's just a kiss. One kiss, and then you're free."

 Amala: looking around, feeling trapped "Why are you doing this? I beg you, let me go."

  I : sighing "I can't,  Amala. But I can make this easier for you. Just one kiss, and then you can go."

 Amala: slowly sinking to the floor, her body trembling "Please... I don't know if I can do this."

  I : standing still, watching her "Take your time,  Amala. I won't force you. But remember, this is the only way."

 Amala: sobbing quietly, trying to gather herself

  I : " Amala, please stop crying. I won't harm you."

 Amala: still sobbing, sitting on the floor "Why are you doing this to m? Please, just let me go."

  I : sighing, kneeling down to her level "I don't want to hurt you,  Amala. But if you keep refusing my proposal, I can't guarantee any thing."

 Amala: shocked, abruptly stopping her sobbing, staring at   me  with anger "How dare you threaten me like this?"

  I : giving her a slight smile "I'm just stating the reality,  Amala."

  I  reache out, gently holding her shoulders, and stands her up.

 Amala: with a mix of anger and fear in her eyes "You're a monster."

  I : softly, almost soothingly "Think of it as a small price to pay for my help. Now, let's get this over with."

 Amala: clenching her fists, trying to control her rage "Fine. But remember, this will haunt you."

  I : smiling, ignoring her threat "It’s just a kiss,  Amala. Then you can go to your room. No more harm will come to   you."

 Amala: taking a deep breath, preparing herself "Alright... just one kiss."

  I : nod, stepping closer "Thank you,  Amala. It will be quick."

  I  lean in, ready to kiss her, while  Amala closes her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable.

 Amala: clenching her whole body, pressing her back firmly against the wall, feeling the warmth of  my breath inching closer and closer to her lips

Her instincts kick in, and she pulls her lips tightly inside her mouth like a tortoise retreating into its shell.

  I : pause, noticing her resistance, my breath hot against her face " Amala, please... just relax. It's only a kiss."

 Amala: shaking her head slightly, my eyes squeezed shut, muttering through clenched lips "I can't... I can't do this."

  I : with a frustrated sigh, stepping back slightly but still holding her shoulders " Amala, you have to understand. If you don't do this ….”

 Amala: cutting me off, her voice trembling but firm "I'll do it. Just... give me a moment."

She takes a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself, but her body remains tense, her lips still pulled inward.

  I : watching her struggle, my patience wearing thin "Come on,  Amala. It’s just a kiss. Then you can go back to room."

 Amala: slowly opening her eyes, looking at me with a mixture of fear and defiance "Fine. But if you ever touch me again... you'll regret it."

She reluctantly relaxes her lips, bracing herself for the kiss, as   I move in once more, our faces just inches apart.

Finally,   my dream came true. My lips touched hers, and I am  overwhelmed by the softness and moisture of her lips. The moment felt surreal to me, almost like a forbidden fruit I had finally tasted.

 Amala: standing still, her body rigid, her eyes shut tightly, a tear slipping down her cheek

  I : lost in the sensation, my hands trembling slightly on her shoulders "So soft... so different..."

 Amala's lips had a delicate, velvety texture, and they felt almost like silk against my own.

The warmth of her lips spread through me, sending shivers down my spine. For a moment, I was lost in the softness, savoring the rare and exquisite feeling. The gentle pressure of her lips, although reluctant and forced, was enough to me  feel a sense of triumph and satisfaction I had never known.

My  thoughts were a whirlwind. I could hardly believe the reality of the situation. Here I was, kissing a girl of such beauty and grace, someone I had always considered far beyond my reach. It was a dream come true, an intoxicating mix of power and forbidden pleasure. The taste of her lips was faintly sweet, making the moment all the more surreal and unforgettable for me.

Despite  Amala's reluctance and the tears that marked her cheeks,   I  was consumed by the experience, every nerve in my body electrified by the softness and warmth of her kiss.
My moment of happiness was fleeting. As soon as  Amala pulled her lips back inside her mouth, a wave of disappointment washed over me. The sudden withdrawal felt like a cruel joke, like a child having My favorite chocolate snatched away just as I was about to savor it. I had barely tasted the softness and sweetness of her lips before they were gone, replaced by the firm line of her closed mouth.

 My  frustration boiled over as I pinned  Amala against the wall, my grip tightening on her face. With a desperate intensity, I  tried to force her lips out of hiding, as if by sheer willpower I could coax them back into the open. Like a child throwing a tantrum, I sucked on her mouth with an almost aggressive fervor, hoping that her lips would emerge once more.

Amala's struggles only seemed to fuel my determination, her resistance stoking the fire of my frustration. But no matter how hard I tried, her lips remained stubbornly concealed, denying me the taste of their sweetness once again. In my desperation, my actions became rougher, more insistent, as if I  could force her compliance through sheer force.

Amala persisted, keeping her mouth tightly shut and her lips sealed inside.   I  tried my best to make her lips come out, but she resisted with all her strength. Frustrated and realizing I couldn't force her lips out,   I  finally gave up. I stepped back, breathing heavily, and looked at  Amala with a mix of anger and disappointment.  Amala remained pressed against the wall, her body trembling, but her resolve unbroken. She stared back at   me, tears streaming down her face but with a look of defiance in her eyes.

After a while , our  lips met again. This time,  Amala didn't pull her lips back but let  me kiss her.   I , with renewed energy, started kissing her fervently. My  hands roamed her back, holding her firmly against the wall.  

Amala stood there, frozen, her mind screaming in despair, but she forced herself to remain still.   My kiss was rough and greedy

As  my  kisses grew more passionate,  Amala's tears continued to flow, each drop a testament to her inner turmoil. She felt utterly powerless, The taste of   my breath, the feeling of my lips, it was all something she wanted to forget forever.  

My lips pressed roughly against  Amala's, My breath hot and insistent. My kiss was forceful, almost punishing, as if I was trying to claim her through sheer aggression. My hands gripped her shoulders tightly, pinning her against the wall, making escape impossible.

At first,  Amala stood rigid, her entire body tense with resistance. She tried to pull her mind away from the situation, to think of anything but the man forcing himself upon her. Her lips stayed tight, unyielding against my assault.

But then, something changed. Perhaps it was the sheer length of the kiss, or maybe it was her body's instinctive reaction to prolonged contact, but slowly,   My kiss softened. My grip on her shoulders eased, and My lips became gentler, more exploratory. I tasted her lips slowly, savoring the softness I had so longed for.

Amala's resistance began to waver. She could feel her control slipping, her body's natural response starting to take over. The tears still flowed, but her lips began to part slightly, just enough to let me deepen the kiss. It was a betrayal by her own body, a response she couldn't fully control.

  I  sensed the change and softened my kiss even more, coaxing her with gentle caresses. I moved my hands to cup her face tenderly, my thumbs brushing away her tears. The kiss became slow and lingering, filled with a twisted parody of tenderness.

 Amala's initial reluctance began to melt away. Despite the horror and revulsion, she couldn't stop the small, involuntary responses her body made to the softer touch. Her lips moved slightly against mine, not in desire, but in a tragic surrender to the situation she was trapped in.

For me, this was a triumph. I felt her slight yielding and took it as a sign of victory, deepening the kiss further, My heart pounding with a mix of excitement and satisfaction. For  Amala, it was a moment of profound despair, each second an eternity as she tried to hold onto whatever shred of herself, she could in the midst of the violation.

As  my kiss continued,  Amala’s mind whirled in a storm of emotions and memories. She couldn't believe what was happening, the sheer wrongness of it all overwhelming her. Here she was, her lips pressed against a stranger's, a man who had violated her space and her dignity. The reality of the moment felt surreal, like a nightmare she couldn’t wake from.

Her thoughts desperately sought refuge in the past, trying to anchor her in a time when she felt safe and loved. She remembered her first kiss with papa. It had been on previous night, a moment filled with tenderness and love. Papa had been so gentle, My lips soft and respectful, filled with a promise of a lifetime of love and care.  
The memory of that first kiss was starkly different from the harsh reality she was facing now. She remembered the way Papa had looked at her, My eyes filled with adoration, making her feel cherished and treasured. The warmth of my embrace, the gentle way I had cupped her face, and the softness of my kiss—all these memories flooded her mind, providing a sharp contrast to my rough and insistent kiss. The more she thought about Papa, the more her heart ached. How could this be happening? How could she be kissing another man, a stranger who had nothing but ill intentions? The guilt and shame washed over her, mingling with the helplessness she felt. Her mind screamed in protest, but her body was trapped, forced into submission.
With each second that passed,  Amala tried to hold onto the memory of Papa’s kiss, using it as a shield against the violation she was enduring. She remembered how safe she had felt in Papa’s arms, the love that had enveloped her. It was this memory that gave her the strength to endure, to survive this moment of horror.  
Even as her body betrayed her with involuntary responses, her mind clung to Papa, to the love they shared. The contrast between her past and present was a torment, but it was also a source of resilience. She knew she had to survive this, to get back to Papa, to find a way to make sense of the madness that had engulfed her life.  

The kiss, though physically present, became a background to the vivid memories of Papa. It was a desperate attempt to escape, if only in her mind, from the nightmare she was living.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sharp pain.   I  had bitten her lower lip, sending a jolt of agony through her.  Amala instinctively pushed him away, crying out in pain.

“Sorry,  Amala,”   I  sneered, a mocking tone in my voice. “I never knew how to kiss a beautiful girl like you.”

Amala glared at me, her anger flaring despite her fear. “That’s enough! You had your chance. Now let me go.”

But   I only laughed. “ Amala, I’m just getting started with the kiss. You want to stop?.”

The sound of my mocking laughter echoed in her ears, fueling her anger. She stood against the wall, trembling with frustration and helplessness.   I , noticing her defiance, approached her once more.

I grabbed her hands and pinned them against the wall, my grip firm and unyielding. " Amala, please, don't make this harder than it has to be," I said with a twisted smile, leaning in closer.

Amala’s heart pounded with fury. Her mind screamed for a way to fight back, but her body was trapped. As  my  lips neared hers, she felt a surge of defiance rise within her. She might be powerless in many ways, but she wouldn’t let me have this without a fight.

As   I  initiated the kiss,  Amala’s anger boiled over. Without a second thought, she bit down on my lip as hard as she could.

 Amala thought  I  would scream in pain, but instead, I pulled back slightly, My face filled with surprise and joy. "Thank you,  Amala" I said with a twisted smile, My eyes gleaming with excitement.

 Amala was bewildered. She had expected anger, but instead, I seemed delighted. Her mind raced with confusion. Why was I thanking her?

Before she could make sense of it, I pulled her closer, my grip firm and unyielding. I leaned in and resumed kissing her, this time with renewed enthusiasm. My lips pressed against hers with an intensity that made her skin crawl.

Little did she know, for me , the bite was a sign of passion. In my twisted mind, it was an expression of desire and fervor. I interpreted her resistance and the bite as part of a wild game, making the moment even more thrilling for me.

Amala's heart sank as she realized her attempt to fight back had only fueled my perverse pleasure.

I convinced myself that  Amala liked my kisses. This delusion made me bolder, and I began kissing her with more fervor, biting her lips regularly.

 Amala, unable to bear the assault, decided to fight back. Each time I bit her lips, she bit back, harder each time. It became a battle fought with lips and teeth, each bite an attempt to hurt and dominate the other.

I mistook her resistance for passion, my excitement growing with each exchange. My hands gripped her tighter, pressing her against the wall, my breathing ragged with misplaced desire.

Amala, fueled by anger and desperation, matched my intensity. Her bites were fierce, her determination to inflict pain unwavering.

I  held  Amala tightly against the rough, cold wall. My body pressed against hers, and the tension between us was palpable. My kisses became more aggressive, and with each bite,  Amala responded with equal ferocity.

  My grip tightened, My hands roaming over her body. As I rubbed My chest against her soft breasts, I felt a surge of arousal. The friction and the closeness of their bodies made my dick harden. I pushed against her more insistently, lost in a mix of lust and a twisted sense of triumph.

The room was filled with the sounds of her struggle – heavy breathing, the wet sounds of our aggressive kisses, and the occasional grunt of pain.  Amala's mind flashed back to Papa, her heart aching with worry and guilt. But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing all her energy on resisting  my advances.

My body was now fully aroused, My hard dick pressing against her through our clothes. I moaned softly, mistaking her resistance for passionate participation. My hands moved to her waist, pulling her even closer, My kisses becoming more demanding and my movements more desperate.

Amala's body was trapped, but her mind remained defiant. Each bite was a reminder that she would not submit, that she would fight until the end. The battle between us was intense, a clash of wills played out through brutal kisses and the violent press of our bodies. My hands, rough and insistent, pinned her arms against the wall, leaving her no room to escape. She could feel the heat of my body, an uncomfortable reminder of my presence. Then, she felt it—  My hips slowly beginning to thrust against her stomach.

A wave of dread washed over her. The rhythm of my movements was unmistakable, each thrust growing more deliberate and forceful. My intentions were becoming clear, and they were far more than just a kiss.  Amala's heart pounded in her chest, a frantic drumbeat of panic. Her breathing quickened, each breath shallow and desperate.

My body pressed closer, My arousal becoming evident. The friction of my hips against her stomach made her feel sick, a stark violation of her personal space and dignity. Her thoughts raced—what was I planning to do next? How far would I go?

I continued My assault, my lips pressing harder against  Amala’s as I thrust my hips, grinding my hardened member against her soft, vulnerable stomach. Each thrust was a reminder of my power over her in this moment, and it made him bolder.

As we kissed,  I  suddenly bit down on her lower lip, holding it between my teeth and pulling back slightly, stretching the tender flesh painfully. I kept it like that for a couple of seconds before finally releasing it. Immediately, I looked at her, my eyes searching for a reaction.

Amala winced in pain, her face contorting as the sharp sting radiated through her lip. She glared at me, her eyes blazing with anger and defiance.   My grin widened; I relished the fire in her eyes. It excited me to see her reaction, to feel her struggle against my dominance.

“Thank you,  Amala ” I said mockingly, leaning in closer.

Amala’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The anger boiling inside her was nearly overwhelming.

I leaned in again, my lips searching for  Amala's with a mix of desire and dominance. I began kissing her with fervor, tasting the softness of her lips, savoring the feeling. My mind was clouded with lust, and I was lost in the sensation of finally having her.

Amala, however, was not defeated. As my lips moved against hers, she felt a surge of defiance. She waited for the right moment, letting me think I had won. Just as  I  was sinking deeper into the kiss, lost in the pleasure of her lips,  Amala made her move. She bit down hard on my lower lip, clamping her teeth around it and pulling it towards her with all her might.

My eyes widened in shock, the pleasure giving way to sharp pain. I moaned, the sound muffled against her mouth, and my hands instinctively went to her shoulders, trying to push her away. But  Amala held on.

My moans turned to whimpers as the pain intensified. Finally, unable to bear the pain any longer,   I  tore myself away from her.

I was taken aback by Amala's fierce response. As she released my lip from her teeth, I rubbed my injured lip, feeling the sting of her bite. My eyes were filled with a mixture of pain and surprise as I looked at her, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Our  eyes met, and for a moment, it was a silent battle of wills.   My eyes, wide with shock, locked onto  Amala's, which were blazing with anger and defiance. I couldn't understand how she could still have so much fight left in her. But then, to my absolute shock, I noticed a change in her expression. The anger in her eyes slowly began to melt away, replaced by something else—a mischievous, almost playful smile.

I  blinked, unable to believe what I was seeing. I rubbed my eyes as if to clear away an illusion, but the sight remained the same.  Amala, the girl I had tried to dominate and intimidate, was smiling at me with a look of naughty defiance. It was as if she was challenging me, taunting me with her unexpected reaction.

I  couldn't believe what I was seeing. "She's smiling at me?" I thought, my mind racing with confusion and disbelief. But without wasting another moment, I pounced on her, driven by a mixture of desire and newfound determination. I pinned her against the wall, my hands gripping her shoulders as I kissed her passionately, not just her lips but all over her face—her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her chin.

I hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body against his. Slowly, I started moving down from her face, my lips trailing kisses along her neck. I licked and nibbled at her skin, savoring the taste of. her Meanwhile,  Amala's mind was in turmoil. As she felt my lips on her skin, she came to her senses, questioning herself, "Why did I smile at him? Where has my anger gone?"

She realized with a start that her body was responding differently now. Unknowingly, her body seemed to be betraying her, reacting to   My touch in ways she hadn't anticipated. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her breath came in quick, shallow gasps. "When did I lose control over myself?" she thought, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and self-reproach. "When did my resistance become weak?". "Did my Defiance turn into Desire?"

Despite her inner turmoil, her body was acting on its own accord. She felt her muscles relax slightly, her skin tingling where   My lips had touched. It was as if a part of her was giving in, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. But another part of her still fought back, her mind trying to reclaim control over her wayward body.
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

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Village girl Amala (Updated Sep 13) - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 10:47 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 11:23 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 11:23 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 11:32 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 11:36 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 07-08-2024, 11:37 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 08-08-2024, 09:28 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 08-08-2024, 08:10 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 08-08-2024, 06:49 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 08-08-2024, 10:04 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by 3sivaram - 08-08-2024, 10:30 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by Johnnythedevil - 08-08-2024, 11:13 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 07:38 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 08:25 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 08:26 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 08:27 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 06:16 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 09-08-2024, 10:47 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 12:24 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by will - 10-08-2024, 03:12 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by will - 10-08-2024, 03:14 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 07:12 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 11:17 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 10-08-2024, 11:23 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 12:00 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 10-08-2024, 12:30 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 05:07 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by Varma23 - 10-08-2024, 08:35 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 10-08-2024, 09:42 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by anilrajk - 10-08-2024, 10:44 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 07:18 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 07:17 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 08:02 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 02:55 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 11-08-2024, 03:09 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 11-08-2024, 09:41 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by sri7869 - 11-08-2024, 10:27 PM
RE: Village girl in city - by NovelNavel - 12-08-2024, 05:56 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 12-08-2024, 07:41 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 12-08-2024, 07:42 AM
RE: Village girl in city - by opendoor - 12-08-2024, 11:02 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 13-08-2024, 07:30 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by anilrajk - 14-08-2024, 01:03 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 14-08-2024, 11:33 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 14-08-2024, 11:33 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 15-08-2024, 02:15 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 15-08-2024, 02:17 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 15-08-2024, 02:19 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 15-08-2024, 02:23 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by Rocky Rakesh - 15-08-2024, 05:23 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 15-08-2024, 08:03 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by sri7869 - 16-08-2024, 10:02 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by Manikandarajesh - 17-08-2024, 08:53 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 17-08-2024, 09:53 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 17-08-2024, 05:26 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 17-08-2024, 11:17 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by Yesudoss - 18-08-2024, 08:05 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 18-08-2024, 07:33 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by Raja Velumani - 18-08-2024, 09:49 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by sri7869 - 18-08-2024, 10:32 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 19-08-2024, 07:17 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 19-08-2024, 07:18 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by unluckykrish - 20-08-2024, 04:18 AM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 20-08-2024, 08:19 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 20-08-2024, 08:19 PM
RE: Village girl Amala - by opendoor - 20-08-2024, 10:29 PM
RE: Village girl Amala (Updated Sep 06) - by opendoor - 13-09-2024, 12:05 PM

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