Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
Chapter 18: Friend or Foe

2 years back

"You know," Namrata said, swirling her drink, "if Alok isn’t giving you what you need, there are other ways to take care of your needs. I could introduce you to a few of my male colleagues. They’re fun, good-looking, and most importantly, no strings attached. You could blow off some steam and get that physical frustration out of your system. No harm, no foul and no one has to know."

Shipra stared at Namrata shocked, her mind struggling to process the suggestion. But Namrata wasn’t done. "Or," she continued with a shrug, "you could always hit up Viresh. I mean, you two had some serious sparks back in the day, right? If Alok’s not cutting it in bed, why not reconnect with someone who knows exactly how to please you? It’s not like you’re getting any younger, and life’s too short to be unsatisfied."

"Shut up, Namrata," she said, her voice low but firm, "Your mind is totally corrupted by perverted thoughts. I don’t share details of my personal life with you so you can throw illogical and vulgar advices my way. I talk to you because I need someone to listen—someone I can vent to about my frustrations and feelings, things I can’t discuss with Alok."

Namrata opened her mouth to respond, but Shipra wasn’t finished. She leaned forward slightly, her voice softening but maintaining its edge of seriousness. "But at the end of the day, I love Alok. He and Aarav are the only males in my life now—my family."

Namrata looked down at her drink, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of the glass. Shipra could see the tension between them, but she needed to get this off her chest. "Also," she added, her voice calm but resolute, "please stop bringing up my past every now and then. I don’t want to go back there, even in thought. It’s all in the past now. So, please, let it go."

Sitting in their usual spot at the cozy café, Namrata and Shipra were unwinding after a long week. The familiar clinks of glasses and soft hum of conversation around them provided the perfect backdrop as they sipped their drinks, venting about work and life. This had become a ritual for them—a momentary escape from their hectic routines.

Shipra, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spreading through her, began to loosen up more than usual. She spoke about how, ever since Aarav was born, her sex life with Alok had taken a nosedive. What had once been a vital part of their relationship had slowly faded into the background, replaced by exhaustion and the demands of parenthood. Alok seemed distant, his attention constantly divided between studies, their son, and everything else. And there she was, caught in the middle, feeling increasingly invisible.

Namrata being Namrata instead of providing moral support to her friend she suggested some things which didn't sit right with Shipra. But Namrata had a way of approaching things that was often blunt and unapologetic. She wasn’t one to tiptoe around sensitive topics. She had always been a woman who craved excitement and adventure, believing life was meant to be lived with a bit of thrill. Namrata saw Shipra as someone stuck in a rut, wasting her best years with Alok, and she desperately wanted her friend to experience the same kind of fun and freedom she embraced.

"Give it a few more years, and I am sure you'll get my point Shipra," Namrata leaned in with a smirk that signaled her mischievous mind at work. "You must still remember your time with Viresh. The way he made you feel—the intensity, the excitement, the sheer thrill of your encounters. That’s the kind of fire you’ve been missing. Alok is great, but he’s predictable, safe. And sometimes, safe isn’t enough."

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before leaning in even closer, her voice lowering to a whisper that was almost conspiratorial. "Just for one day, Shipra, take a bad decision. Live a little dangerously. Or better yet, let me make the decision for you. I promise you, once you get a taste of the freedom I’m talking about, you’ll wonder why you ever settled for less."

"You’re talking out of your ass, Namrata, unlike you I am happily settled and I have no intention to screw it just for some thrill" Shipra replied, waving off her friend’s provocative words with a casual, dismissive gesture. Her tone was light, almost playful, as she tried to deflect the seriousness of the conversation. "And for the record, I’m never leaving my fate in your hands. You’re dangerous girl."

"We’ll see," Namrata said, her voice taking on a darker, almost menacing edge as she sipped her drink slowly. Her eyes locked onto Shipra's, "The things you’ve experienced in your past, the choices you’ve made, they don’t just disappear," she continued, her tone carrying a weight that made Shipra’s earlier laughter fade. "Sooner or later, they’ll catch up with you. Life has a funny way of doing that, you know? You can bury it all you want, but it’ll find a way to surface when you least expect it."


Sitting on the bed amidst the stare of Patode and Shipra it was clear to Namrata who emerged victorious. Patode, despite his bravado, couldn’t hold himself in those final, critical moments. But as the victory hung in the air, Namrata realized something else—she now held the fate of Shipra in her hands.

In those last moments Namrata had sensed a shift in Shipra’s demeanor that caught her attention. The way she had let go of her usual restraint, allowing a wild, untamed side of herself to surface—it was a side Namrata hadn’t seen. That glimpse of Shipra’s raw, unfiltered self solidified the idea Namrata had in her mind: Shipra wasn’t content with her life and it was her duty as a friend to help her break free. The poised, controlled facade she wore every day was hiding a deeper truth—Shipra was unhappy, and she had been suppressing her desires for far too long.

Namrata felt a strange thrill as she considered this newfound realization. In a twist of fate, she wasn’t just a bystander in Shipra’s life anymore. She was in control. She could make decisions for her now, decisions that would push Shipra out of her dull life and force her to confront the truths she had been avoiding. It wasn’t just about the game with Patode; it was about Shipra’s entire life—her marriage, her choices, her suppressed desires.

Namrata remained silent, savoring the moment. She had always believed that Shipra was wasting her best years with Alok, trapped in a routine that offered stability but no real passion. Now, she had the chance to guide Shipra down a different path, one that promised excitement, even if it came at a cost. Shipra might resist, might cling to her carefully constructed life, but Namrata was convinced that if Shipra were to experience even a fraction of the thrill, excitement, and freedom she once had with Viresh, there would be no turning back. 

Namrata understood the intoxicating allure of living on the edge, of chasing passion without restraint. She had lived it herself, indulging in the kind of fiery encounters that left her breathless, the ones that made her feel alive in ways that nothing else could. And now with glimse of Shipra's wild side she became assured  that deep down, Shipra craved that too, even if she wasn’t ready to admit it. Shipra had tasted it before—she knew the heat, the electricity of a connection that went beyond comfort and into something far more dangerous. Viresh had given her that, and Namrata was certain that the memory still lingered, even if Shipra had tried to bury it.

Namrata smiled to herself, imagining the scenario. Once Shipra let go and allows herself to feel that rush again, to break free from the constraints she had imposed on herself, everything would change. The thrill would become addictive, a pull too strong to resist. The passion, the freedom—it would consume her, making her question everything she thought she wanted, everything she had settled for. She glanced over at Shipra, who was still catching her breath, unaware of the decision that had just been made for her. In her mind, Shipra had already taken the first step toward something new, something more dangerous, and Namrata was going to make sure she kept moving forward, whether she wanted to or not. "You’re not going to like it, Shipra," Namrata thought to herself, her eyes narrowing as she watched her friend. "But you’ll thank me later. This is for your own good."

As Namrata prepared to deliver her verdict, Patode slowly regained his composure. The smugness that had briefly faded began to seep back into his expression, his arrogance reasserting itself. Just moments earlier, Patode had been plagued by doubt. His once-unshakable belief in his prowess had wavered, and the power he thought he wielded over Namrata seemed to slip through his fingers. For the first time, uncertainty crept in, making him question whether his manipulations had truly worked on her, but his confidence reignited like a flame as he caught sight of Namrata's subtle, cunning smile. To him, it was an unspoken confirmation of his victory, a sign that he had emerged triumphant from the twisted game they were playing.

"Damn! Where were you hiding that slutty side of yours, Shipra ma'am?" Patode sneered, wiping the sweat from his brow as he glanced toward Shipra. His voice dripped with sleazy amusement, as if he had uncovered some scandalous secret. "No woman till date has made me cum just from a blowjob not even your adventurous friend here. Who knew that a simple, conservative married woman, mother of a child, and respectful bank employee, could pull off something so vulgar, so depraved?" He leaned back, his grin widening, as if savoring his own words. "But unfortunately you got into your groove a little too late, Shipra."

Shipra remained silent, fumbling with her top, desperately trying to cover her exposed body. Her mind was still adrift, not fully grounded in the present moment. The depraved act she had just performed lingered in her thoughts, and the intensity with which she had done it left her questioning herself. Had she given Patode that blowjob simply because of the helpless situation she was in? Or was there something darker within her that had craved it? The pleasure Shipra had felt in those final moments had awakened a deep, unfamiliar hunger within her—a hunger she had never known in all her years with Alok, but one she had always experienced with Viresh.  It stirred something primal within her, something that now, after all these years, had reemerged in the most twisted of circumstances. Lost in her conflicted emotions, she gazed blankly at Namrata, silently pleading for her to say or do something—anything—that could pull her back to who she once was.

"Shipra, you put up one hell of a fight," Namrata said softly as she stepped down from the bed and sat beside her, her voice a blend of warmth and admiration. "But as Patode pointed out, you were just a bit too late into really getting into it." She paused, her eyes scanning Shipra's conflicted face. "You should’ve seen the fear in his eyes in those last few seconds, though. All that bravado he’s so proud of—it vanished. I never imagined you had it in you to perform such a raw, intense act. And I bet you didn’t expect that side of yourself either, did you?"

Namrata gently placed a hand on Shipra's shoulder, a silent gesture of reassurance, before shifting her gaze toward Patode. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she addressed him with a playful smirk. "Patode, maybe you should hold off on those crude comments now. Yes, she may have lost, but let’s not forget how she put you in your place. That smugness of yours doesn’t suit you anymore, Mr. Quick Draw... hahaha." Her laughter was light but laced with a pointed reminder of how the power dynamic had shifted, if only for a fleeting moment.

"None of that matters now," Patode said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I won, and Shipra ma'am lost. That's all there is to it." He stood up from the bed, his flaccid cock still glistening with Shipra's saliva, dangling obscenely between his legs as he sauntered over to the two women seated on the floor. His posture oozed with a disturbing sense of superiority, the scene a grotesque display of dominance.

"What matters now," he continued, his tone growing more insistent, "is whether Shipra ma'am will honor the proposal or she'll chicken out." He loomed over them, casting a shadow that seemed to emphasize the power imbalance in the room. His eyes flicked between Shipra and Namrata, savoring the moment, convinced that he had gained control not just of the situation, but of them. The twisted smile that played on his lips made it clear he believed he had emerged victorious, and that everything would now unfold according to his will.

"Why don't you give her some space, Patode?" Namrata said gently, standing up and positioning herself beside him. Her voice was calm but firm as she continued, "Let her gather herself. This is all new for her, and she's not comfortable right now." She leaned in closer, her tone softening as she whispered in his ear, "Just go wait in my room. Leave the rest to me."

Patode raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. Without a word, he reached out and squeezed Namrata’s bare bottom, his fingers slipping between her cheeks, grazing along her sensitive flesh before sliding down to her slick slit. He savored the moment, relishing in the knowledge of how well he had tamed Namrata to do her bidding. Leaning in close, his breath hot against her ear, he whispered in a lewd tone, "Make it quick. Cumming just once isn't nearly enough to satisfy me. I'll need more... preferably a married pussy today."

With that, Patode withdrew his hand and made his way toward Namrata's room, leaving her with the task of breaking Shipra’s remaining resolve and manipulating her into submission, ensuring she would cave to his twisted demands.

Once he was out of sight, Namrata turned her attention to Shipra, whose shoulders were hunched in defeat. Gently, Namrata knelt beside her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, her voice soft but probing. "Are you okay, Shipra?" she asked, carefully pulling her up from the floor until Shipra stood on shaky legs. The reality of what had just transpired finally settled in for Shipra. The fog that had clouded her mind lifted, and with it came the full weight of her actions. Her eyes locked onto Namrata’s, and a deep, overwhelming sadness took hold. Tears welled up, spilling over as she broke down, the magnitude of her loss crashing over her. It wasn’t just the bet she had lost—it was a part of herself.

For so long, she had kept that darker side buried deep, hidden away behind the facade of a dutiful wife, a caring mother, and a respectable woman. The past she had desperately tried to outrun, the secrets she had buried, and the darkness within her that she had always feared had finally caught up to her. And in those final moments with Patode, she had let that side take over. She had lost more than just a bet; she had lost the part of herself she had worked so hard to protect.

But it wasn’t the loss itself that agonized Shipra the most. What truly filled her with disgust was the unexpected surge of pleasure and freedom she had felt while she knelt there, half-naked, sucking Patode’s cock. Her mangalsutra dangling in front of her eyes, a constant reminder of her marriage, didn't bothered her at all. She knew, deep down, that what she was doing was immoral, an act of betrayal. Yet, she couldn’t deny the intoxicating thrill that had coursed through her—an excitement she hadn’t felt in years. That forbidden rush, the raw pleasure of being dominated by a man as controlling as Patode, made her stomach turn with guilt and desire. It wasn’t just the physical act that horrified her; it was the craving that came with it, a primal hunger that had been lying dormant for so long. The way Patode had exerted his dominance over her awakened something she thought she had buried, something she had kept hidden behind the mask of a dutiful wife and mother. The truth was undeniable: she had been aroused by his control, by the sheer force of his will overpowering her.

What sickened Shipra the most wasn’t just the shame of what she had done—it was the dark, lingering desire that still pulsed within her. Even now, she couldn’t escape the thought that, deep down, she had wanted Patode to take her right then and there, forcefully, without mercy. The craving she had felt wasn’t new; ever since that fateful Sunday, she had been battling these intrusive thoughts, desperately trying to suppress the uncontrollable hunger that had taken root in her mind and body.

She had tried to bury those feelings, to ignore the way they gnawed at her in quiet moments. But in those final moments with Patode, something had snapped. The shackles she had imposed on herself—the rules she had clung to, the moral lines she had drawn—had shattered. And when she lost the bet, it wasn’t just her dignity that slipped away; it was her control. The desire she had fought so hard to restrain had broken free, and now with her loss she found it impossible to cage it again. 

Her helplessness had led her down this path. And now, with the bet lost and her dark, untamed desires boiling over, there was no going back for Shipra. What remained within her was only a fragile hesitation, a desperate clinging to the remnants of who she used to be. But that hesitation was slipping away fast, and Namrata was there to see it crumble. She could sense Shipra’s inner turmoil, the conflict between desire and guilt, between who she had been and who she was becoming. Namrata understood that Shipra couldn’t make the final decision on her own, not in her current state. Her mind was too clouded, too divided. And so, Namrata positioned herself as the one who would nudge her over the edge, guiding her toward the inevitable. She would be the one to make the decision that Shipra couldn’t—pushing her into a path she never imagined she would walk, but one that now seemed unavoidable.

"It’s okay, Shipra. Just relax now,” Namrata said gently as she guided her toward the bed, helping her sit on the edge.

Shipra’s shoulders sagged under the weight of her emotions. “I’m such a fool. I should never have agreed to his proposal in the first place. What am I supposed to do now?” Her voice trembled, and she buried her face in her hands, struggling to make sense of her conflicting feelings. The enormity of her actions, and the inevitable consequences they would bring, hung over her like a storm cloud.

Namrata sat beside her, her hand moving in soothing circles on Shipra’s back. “You are not a fool, Shipra,” she said softly, but with a firmness that demanded attention. “You did what you had to do—for your future, for your responsibilities. There’s no need to feel guilty now. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

But Shipra only shook her head, unable to fully accept Namrata’s words. Namrata, sensing that gentleness alone wouldn’t be enough, shifted her tone. “Now is not the time to regret your decision, Shipra. It’s time to capitalize on what has happened—in those last few minutes.”

Shipra looked up, confusion mingling with the tears in her eyes. “What do you mean, Namrata?” she asked, wiping her face, desperate for some direction in this chaos.

Namrata fixed her with a steady gaze, her voice suddenly blunt, cutting through the fog of Shipra’s emotions. “Tell me honestly, Shipra—did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy yourself while sucking Patode’s cock?”

Shipra recoiled, her eyes widening in shock. “What kind of question is that?” she snapped, her voice defensive, as if trying to protect herself from the truth Namrata was forcing her to confront.

But Namrata didn’t back down. Her expression remained cold, her tone unyielding. “It’s a simple question, Shipra. Did you, or did you not, feel a strange, forbidden pleasure while you were giving Patode that blowjob? Did you experience the thrill of doing something so depraved? Did you feel the physical euphoria of acting on your deepest desires?”

Shipra opened her mouth to protest, but Namrata cut her off before she could speak. “ I already know the answer Shipra I need you to be honest with yourself, not with me. If you want to survive the next few months without constantly drowning in guilt and fear, you have to face this head-on. Stop torturing yourself with thoughts of consequences and worrying about what Patode will do next. You know exactly what he wants. He’s in my room right now, waiting to claim his prize.”

Namrata’s words were brutal, but she knew that soft reassurances wouldn’t get Shipra out of her shell. Namrata’s harsh words were designed to strip away the final layers of denial, to push Shipra to see that what she felt wasn’t something to be ashamed of, but something real, something powerful.This wasn’t just about what had happened with Patode; it was about Shipra finally accepting who she was, without the mask she had worn for so long. Namrata knew that Shipra’s hesitation wasn’t just about fear or guilt—it was about her refusal to own her reality. She was clinging to the last threads of the woman she portrayed to be, too afraid to embrace the darker side of herself that had been awakened. Namrata’s job now was to guide her through that final step, to help her let go of the shame and accept what had happened as part of who she was. Only then could Shipra move forward, no longer shackled by hesitation or fear, but empowered by the knowledge of her own desires and the strength to act on them.

Shipra knew the answers to all of Namrata’s piercing questions, but she wasn’t ready to confront them, let alone accept them. The truth that Namrata had unearthed was ugly, raw, and undeniably real. It gnawed at her from the inside. She turned her face away, unable to look Namrata in the eye, her fists clenched tightly in her lap as she fidgeted nervously. Every word Namrata spoke hit too close to home, forcing her to wrestle with the reality she had been trying so hard to deny.

"Just accept the reality, Shipra," Namrata urged, her tone unrelenting. "Face your true self. Why are you running away from it?"

Shipra’s defenses crumbled as she finally burst out, her voice trembling with emotion. "Because I’m a married woman, Namrata! I can’t do this to Alok. I love him. It’s not right… It’s cheating. I almost lost myself the last time I let my desires take over. What if it happens again?" Her words came out in a rush, laden with guilt and fear. She couldn’t reconcile the love she had for her husband with the dark desires that had surfaced during her encounter with Patode.

Namrata’s expression softened, sensing the vulnerability in Shipra’s voice. She sat beside her, taking her hands gently in her own. "It’s not cheating, Shipra," she said, her tone calm but firm. "It’s a compromise—a temporary one. You’re doing this for your family, for their future. You were young and reckless back then, but now you’re mature, wiser. You know how to control yourself. And besides, I’m here with you. I tried my best to help you win this, and I won’t let you slip away in the future."

Shipra’s looked up, torn between her emotions. "But…" she began, wanting to protest, but Namrata cut her off. "Shipra," Namrata said, her voice now steady, like a guiding force. "Have you forgotten why you’re doing this? You need Patode, whether you like it or not. You have two choices now. Either you let yourself go, embrace your reality, and find a way to enjoy these six months with peace of mind and physical pleasure you crave. Or, you can cling to this guilt, and kiss your promotion goodbye because you won't be able to finish your investigation, complete the campaign work, or handle the critical tasks that will keep popping up along the way without his help. You know as well as I do that more obstacles will arise, and you’ll be helpless to face them." 

Namrata leaned in closer, her eyes locking onto Shipra’s. "And don’t forget that the future of your happy, loving family depends on this promotion. So, you can either sit here and search for another way out of this mess, or you can come to my room, and we can work together to make Patode dance to our tune. The choice is yours, Shipra." With that, Namrata stood up, leaving Shipra with a brutal reality to face and an impossible decision to make. As the door closed behind Namrata, the silence in the room became deafening. Shipra’s mind raced, the weight of Namrata’s words heavy on her heart. She was no longer just battling external circumstances; she was fighting a war within herself—one between her loyalty to her family and the dangerous desires that had been unleashed.

Shipra weighed the choices in front of her, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find a way out. Namrata’s sharp words echoed in her mind, gaining prominence with each passing moment. But it wasn’t just Namrata’s words that were driving her toward the decision she was about to make. The reminiscent of her old self which she unleashed in that heated moment earlier was something she could no longer ignore. Unlike before, this time she couldn’t bury the inner lust that surged within her. The pleasure she had felt while choking on Patode's cock wasn’t something she could easily forget. It clung to her, whispering to her desires, tempting her to indulge in more and more. And slowly, her mind began to betray her. Instead of finding reasons to resist the temptation, she began finding excuses—justifications for why she should give in. The line between right and wrong blurred, and something clawed inside her, corroding the moral compass she had once relied on.

In the end, Patode’s words rang true. He had seen through her carefully constructed facade, recognizing the hunger for real pleasure that Shipra had long suppressed. The image of a loyal, decent woman that she had worked so hard to maintain now seemed fragile, ready to shatter at the slightest touch. All she had needed was the presence of a dominant male and a little manipulation to push her over the edge. After years of suppressing her desires and building up frustration, Shipra had finally found a reason to break free from the prison of her own making. The chains she had wrapped around her true self had begun to loosen, and with them, her resolve crumbled. She could no longer deny that deep down, part of her wanted this. Part of her craved the forbidden, the immoral, the thrilling release that only someone like Patode could offer.

As Shipra stared at the closed door, she realized that the choice had already been made. She had crossed a line she could never uncross. Now, there was only the path she had chosen—the one that would lead her into darkness, desire, and a freedom she had never known, but had always secretly longed for.With a deep breath, Shipra stood up, her decision made. The woman she had been moments ago was gone. What remained was someone new—someone willing to step into the unknown, no matter the consequences.


“Where is my prize?” Patode asked with a smirk, leaning back in the chair as Namrata entered the room alone.

Namrata glanced at him, unimpressed, and casually climbed onto the bed. She leaned back against the headboard, tying her hair into a ponytail with deliberate nonchalance. “Prizes are for winners, Patode,” she said sarcastically, her tone dripping with mockery. “And we both know you didn’t win. You should be thanking me for pulling you out of an embarrassing situation.”

Patode rose from his chair with a predatory smile, his eyes locked on Namrata as he slowly made his way towards her. "Oh, don’t worry," he murmured, his voice dripping with lewd anticipation, "I’ll be thanking you in more ways than you can imagine, my little slut."

Without warning, he grabbed her by the legs, pulling her towards him with a swift, forceful motion. Namrata gasped, her body jolting as she found herself suddenly pulled closer, her legs now dbangd over his hips. Patode positioned himself between her thighs, his presence overpowering as his crotch hovered mere inches from her face. The suddenness of his movement made her squirm, but she didn’t protest—this was the dynamic she had come to expect from him.Patode’s gaze was dark and hungry, his eyes trailing over Namrata’s body with greedy intent. “I wouldn’t have needed your help if you hadn’t sucked me off so wildly just a few moments ago,” he sneered, his tone both accusatory and teasing. He dangled his semi-erect cock right in front of her face, a deliberate, taunting display of his power over her.

Namrata met his gaze, her breath quickening but her expression unwavering. She had seen this side of Patode before, the way he reveled in dominance, and though it unnerved her, she wasn’t about to show any weakness. She knew how to play this game too. With deliberate slowness, she licked her lips, her eyes never leaving his "Yeah, sure," she said, her voice dripping with mockery. "Keep telling yourself that."

Without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed his flaccid cock, her fingers curling around him with a firm, confident grip. Patode’s breath hitched, his expression a mix of surprise and lust as he looked down at her. Namrata’s gaze remained fixed on him, unwavering as she began to stroke him with calculated precision. "I think you need a little more help," she said slyly, her voice soft yet firm. "Shipra will be here any minute." Her words were both a taunt and a promise.

Patode’s smirk widened into something more twisted, a glint of deranged desire flashing in his eyes at the mention of Shipra. The mere thought of her surrendering, of Namrata carefully orchestrating the final collapse of her defenses, sent a dark thrill through him. He knew Namrata wouldn’t have left Shipra without ensuring that she would join them. The image of Shipra, hesitant but yielding, stirred a feral hunger deep within him.

As Namrata’s hand moved with deliberate slowness, her fingers wrapped around his soft flesh, Patode could feel the blood rushing to his cock, pulsing with renewed vigor. Each stroke from Namrata, sensual and controlled, sent a jolt through him, his arousal growing stronger with each passing second. The combination of her skillful touch and the anticipation of what was to come made it impossible for him to resist. His cock stiffened, growing harder and more erect, responding eagerly to her teasing.

Namrata’s eyes never left his, watching with a mixture of amusement and calculation as he succumbed to the rising heat between them. She knew exactly what she was doing, drawing out his arousal while keeping him on edge. Patode’s breaths grew heavier, his muscles tensing as she played him like an instrument, bringing him to the brink of complete surrender to his own desires.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, interrupting the charged silence. Namrata and Patode exchanged knowing glances, the tension between them thickening. A sly smile curled at the corner of Namrata's lips, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Looks like you are ready just in time for your prize," Namrata purred, her voice low and teasing. She released her grip on his cock which was not at it's full glory again, letting his now throbbing erection pulse in the air. Patode exhaled sharply, his arousal heightened by the anticipation of what was about to unfold.

Namrata took her time as she made her way to the door, her movements slow and deliberate, pushing Patode aside with a gentle but firm nudge. She knew he was watching her every step, his gaze locked onto her with a mixture of desire and impatience. Before opening the door, she turned back to give him one final taunting look, a playful wink that promised both pleasure and restraint. "But this time," she whispered, her tone both a taunt and a tease, "try not to lose control too soon, hmm? We wouldn’t want to ruin the fun too quickly, would we?"

Patode’s jaw clenched in response, but he didn’t speak. The knock came again, this time a bit more hesitant. Namrata’s smile widened as she reached for the handle, savoring the power she held over both of them. She could feel the tension radiating from Patode behind her, a heady mix of dominance and desperation that thrilled her. 

With a slow, calculated twist of the doorknob, Namrata opened the door, revealing Shipra standing on the threshold.

End of Chapter 18: Friend or Foe thanks
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