04-09-2024, 01:33 PM
(02-09-2024, 06:28 PM)Projectmp Wrote: Amazing turn around if events.
Dear author - please do not think so. Many readers don't comment that doesn't mean they have lost interest in the story. This erotica is still the best among the best so far. Requesting you to please give us periodic updates if there are no blockers at your personal/professional end.
(03-09-2024, 07:42 AM)tomdickharry2024 Wrote: Dear KK, you've spun a wonderful thriller and each of your update adds so much more complexity and spice to the suspense.Nobody can loose interest in this suspense thriller.. We're all eager to see how this turns out for poor Srinu!!! So please keep up this amazing work!!
Thank you
(04-09-2024, 03:00 AM)Sathiesh034 Wrote: I really enjoying the story but don't have time for comment.. so u carry what u have started n finish it ASAP.
(04-09-2024, 06:03 AM)val.coutinho Wrote: Please continue..... It's good plot..... I would love to read it...... Only sex sex is not the thing to be read.... Plot is more important and it's a good plot. Your writing skills are good please continue.
(04-09-2024, 06:05 AM)intrepid Wrote: Hi KK,
You’ve managed to build up such suspense in the story….my heart was thumping a bit at several situations in the story.
Your story is so unique with thrill and suspense built in as compared to the numerous stories about “big cock in tight pussy with the husband watching,” ie the standard cuckold stories.
Please continue writing….we’re eagerly awaiting the next update… I personally visit your story once a day hoping for an update. Thanks.
Good to hear from my fellow perverts