17-07-2024, 03:18 PM
Congratulations @kk07007 for a wonderful story, though represented like an imagination it perfectly explained all the discrepancies found in the CCTV footage! Would like from you another flashback which will be able to explain the events in the movie hall, what happened when Srinu goes out to collect the snacks? Why exactly did the wife Ganga change seats to be on the side of Javed during the break and refused to change seats even when Srinu offered back on return? Why Javed and Chacha got so quiet after the interval? Finally why Ganga avoided Srinu and got lost in the crowd to go to a far away washroom outside the auditorium? What took her so long? During the time why did she not take the desperate calls from Srinu and were Javed and Chacha with her in the lonely ladies washroom because the movie was already over? If so what were they doing with her there? Was it a repetition of the Marriage Dhaba washroom with two partners?