As soon as Amrish left. Ankita's mobile rang. It was her mom. 

Ankita: "Hi, Mom! What's up?"

Ankita's Mom: "Hi, Ankita. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Ankita: "No, not at all. I’m at a home, relaxing. What's going on?"

Ankita's Mom: "I wanted to talk to you about Chintu. Do you remember him?"

Ankita: (smiling) "Of course I do, Mom. He was just a little boy the last time I saw him. I think he was ten, and I had just turned eighteen."

Ankita's Mom: "Yes, exactly. Well, he's grown up now. He is studying in Mumbai for his undergraduate degree."

Ankita: (surprised) "Really? Chintu is in Mumbai? That's amazing. I had no idea."

Ankita's Mom: "Yes, he’s new to the city and is depressed and could use some guidance. I thought you could meet him, help him a bit, and motivate him. You were always like a big sister to him. His mother is getting worried about him."

Ankita: "Don't worry, Mom. I’ll make sure he’s okay. Thanks for letting me know."

Ankita's Mom: "Thank you, dear. I knew I could count on you. Take care."

Ankita: "You too, Mom. Bye."

Ankita hangs up the phone and texts Chintu.

"Hi Chintu! This is Ankita! it seems our mothers are still looking out for us. Your mom just called mine. Lets meet tomorrow evening at Bombay Cafe if you are free!"

As Chintu walks into the café, he spots a familiar face sitting by the window. It's Ankita, engrossed in a book. He hesitates for a moment, memories flooding back, before he decides to approach her.

Chintu: (smiling) "Ankita? Is that really you?"

Ankita looks up from her book, a bit startled at first. Her eyes widen in shock, and a mix of recognition and surprise crosses her face.

Ankita: "Chintu?! Oh my gosh, look at you! You've grown so much!"

She gets up and gives him a friendly hug. Ankita steps back, her eyes still wide with surprise, and instinctively reaches out to touch Chintu's face affectionately.

Ankita: (teasingly) "What is this? A mustache and a beard? When did you grow up so fast? I can't believe it!"

Chintu blushes slightly, chuckling at her reaction.

Chintu: "Yeah, well, time does that. How have you been, Ankita?"

Ankita: (still teasing) "I remember you as this little kid who used to follow me around, and now you're a man with facial hair! I've been good, just busy with work and life. How about you?"

They sit down together, Ankita still shaking her head in disbelief.

Chintu: "I've been good! It's so strange seeing you after all these years. You look great, by the way. How are things with you?"

Ankita: "Thank you! I'm doing well, just busy with work and life, you know. It feels like just yesterday you were this little kid, and now you're all grown up!"

Chintu: "Time flies, huh? I remember you always helping me with my homework and giving me advice. I really appreciated that."

Ankita chuckles, reminiscing about the old days.

Ankita: "I remember that too. You were always so eager to learn. So, what are you up to now?"

Chintu: "I'm studying engineering at the university. It's been challenging but really rewarding. What about you? Are you still working in marketing?"

Ankita: "Yes, I'm still in marketing, but I've moved to a new position and got a promotion recently. It's been exciting, but also a lot of work."

As they continue catching up, Ankita notices a change in Chintu's demeanor. He seems hesitant and less talkative.

Ankita: "Chintu, what's up? You seem a bit off."

Chintu: "Oh, it's nothing. Just some stuff going on."

Ankita leans in, her expression turning serious.

Ankita: "Come on, Chintu. I know you better than that. What's really going on?"

Chintu sighs, looking down at his hands. After a moment of silence, he finally speaks up.

Chintu: "I've been struggling a bit financially. I'm running out of money, and I might get kicked out of my room soon."

Ankita's eyes soften with concern. She reaches out, placing a hand on Chintu's arm.

Ankita: "Oh, Chintu, I'm so sorry to hear that. Why didn't you say something sooner? Listen, you can stay with me until you get back on your feet. No arguments."

Chintu looks up, surprise and gratitude written all over his face.

Chintu: "Really? I don't want to be a burden, Ankita."

Ankita: "You could never be a burden. We've known each other for so long, and you were like a little brother to me. My place has plenty of room, and I'd love to help you out."

Chintu's eyes glisten with emotion as he nods, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

Chintu: "Thank you, Ankita. I don't know what to say."

Ankita: "You don't have to say anything. Just promise me you'll keep me updated and let me help if you need anything else."

They exchange another warm hug, and Chintu feels an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. The unexpected reunion has not only rekindled an old friendship but also provided him with the support he desperately needed.

Chintu: "I promise. Thank you so much, Ankita."

Ankita: "Anytime, Chintu. Let's get you settled and figure things out together."

As they leave the café, Chintu feels a renewed sense of connection and hope, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Chintu arrives at Ankita's room with a small suitcase. Ankita welcomes him warmly, showing him around her cozy place.

Ankita: "Make yourself at home, Chintu. It's not much, but it's comfortable."

Chintu: "Thanks, Ankita. I really appreciate this."

As the evening progresses, they catch up more over dinner, reminiscing about old times and sharing stories about their lives. The conversation flows naturally, and they both feel the warmth of their renewed friendship.

When it's time to settle in for the night, Chintu looks around the living room, spotting the couch.

Chintu: "I guess I'll crash here on the couch. It looks comfy enough."

Ankita frowns slightly, shaking her head.

Ankita: "Don't be silly, Chintu. The couch isn't comfortable for sleeping. You can share the bed with me. It's big enough for both of us."

Chintu hesitates, feeling a bit awkward about the idea.

Chintu: "Are you sure? I don't want to make things weird."

Ankita smiles reassuringly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ankita: "It's not weird at all. We’re old friends, and you need a good night's rest. Come on, it'll be fine."

Chintu nods, feeling grateful and a bit relieved. They head to Ankita's bedroom, which is warm and inviting. The bed is indeed spacious, with soft, cozy blankets and fluffy pillows.

They both change into comfortable clothes for sleeping. Ankita wears a pair of pajamas, while Chintu opts for a simple t-shirt and shorts. As they get into bed, Ankita switches off the bedside lamp, casting the room into a gentle darkness illuminated only by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains.

They lie down, facing each other, a sense of nostalgia and comfort enveloping them.

Chintu: "Thanks again, Ankita. For everything."

Ankita: "You don't have to thank me, Chintu. I'm just glad I can help."

A few moments of silence pass, and then Ankita moves closer, wrapping an arm around Chintu in a gentle hug. Chintu responds by doing the same, and they find themselves nestled together, sharing warmth and comfort.

Ankita: (softly) "This feels nice. It's been a long time since I’ve felt this close to someone."

Chintu: "Yeah, me too. It’s comforting, like when we were kids and you'd watch out for me."

They both smile in the darkness, feeling the unspoken bond between them strengthen. As they hold each other, the sense of awkwardness fades away, replaced by a deep sense of ease and security.

Their breathing slows, synchronizing as they drift into a peaceful sleep. The warmth of their embrace provides a cocoon of safety, and both feel the stress and worries of the day melt away. Ankita feels a protective instinct kick in, while Chintu feels a sense of being cared for, something he has missed.

As the night progresses, they both sleep soundly, enveloped in a shared sense of belonging and trust. The gentle rise and fall of their breaths, the shared warmth, and the closeness remind them of the importance of connection and support in their lives.

As the night wears on, Chintu lies next to Ankita, feeling the warmth of her body pressed against his. He tries to relax, but the softness of Ankita’s curves, particularly the gentle pressure of her heavy breasts against his chest, stirs unexpected feelings within him. He feels a rush of arousal, his heart pounding a bit faster. Instinctively, he hugs her tighter, his mind conflicted between embarrassment and longing.

Ankita stirs slightly, feeling the change in Chintu's embrace. She opens her eyes and looks at him, sensing something is off.

Ankita: (softly) "Chintu, is everything okay?"

Chintu hesitates, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over him.

Chintu: "Uh, yeah, everything’s fine. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Ankita pulls back slightly, looking at him with concern.

Ankita: "You didn’t make me uncomfortable. You just seem...tense. Is something on your mind?"

Chintu sighs, feeling the need to be honest but unsure of how to express his feelings.

Chintu: "It's just...I don't know. I guess I’m not used to this kind of closeness. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way with someone."

Ankita studies his face for a moment, then decides to address the elephant in the room.

Ankita: "Chintu, do you have any woman in your life right now?"

Chintu looks away, feeling a bit vulnerable.

Chintu: "No, I don't. It's not like I haven't tried, but I guess I'm just not attractive enough. I always feel like I’m not good enough."

Ankita’s expression softens, and she places a hand on his cheek, gently turning his face back towards her.

Ankita: "Chintu, don’t say that. You’re a wonderful person, inside and out. Attractiveness isn’t just about looks; it’s about who you are as a person. You have so much to offer."

Chintu looks into her eyes, feeling a mix of gratitude and uncertainty.

Chintu: "It's hard to believe that sometimes. I see so many guys who seem to have it all, and I just feel...invisible."

Ankita shakes her head, her eyes filled with empathy.

Ankita: "You are not invisible. You are kind, smart, and you have a heart of gold. Confidence comes from accepting yourself and recognizing your worth. You don’t have to be like anyone else; you just have to be you."

Chintu feels a warmth spread through him at her words, a flicker of hope igniting inside.

Chintu: "Thank you, Ankita. It means a lot to hear that from you."

Ankita smiles, leaning in to hug him again, this time with a comforting, reassuring embrace.

Ankita: "Anytime, Chintu. Remember, you’re perfect the way you are. Don’t worry about what others think. Focus on being the best version of yourself, and the right person will see that."

As they settle back into their embrace, Chintu feels a sense of relief and renewed confidence. The warmth and closeness they share are now filled with a deeper understanding and support, helping him to feel more at ease.

The night progresses peacefully, and they both drift off into a comfortable sleep, feeling secure and valued in each other’s presence. Their friendship, strengthened by honesty and compassion, brings a sense of comfort and belonging that they both cherish.

The next morning, Chintu wakes up to the soft sounds of a yoga program playing on the TV. He blinks his eyes open and is greeted by the sight of Ankita, already up and dressed in a pair of snug, sexy yoga pants and a matching top that accentuates her athletic figure. The sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow on her as she moves gracefully through her yoga poses.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmjuVVFWzf9zDAaM4i6-5...Ve_5BM3w&s]

Ankita is fully immersed in her practice, bending, twisting, and stretching with a fluidity that showcases her flexibility and strength. Chintu watches in awe, momentarily forgetting his own presence in the room.

Ankita: (noticing him awake) "Good morning, sleepyhead! Did you sleep well?"

Chintu rubs his eyes and sits up, feeling a bit shy but smiling.

Chintu: "Good morning. Yeah, I slept great, thanks to you."

Ankita: "I'm glad to hear that. How about joining me for some yoga? It's a great way to start the day and get energized."

Chintu hesitates, feeling a bit self-conscious.

Chintu: "I've never really done yoga before. I might just watch for now."

Ankita shakes her head, smiling warmly.

Ankita: "Nonsense! Yoga is for everyone, and I’ll help you with the poses. Come on, it'll be fun."

Feeling encouraged, Chintu gets out of bed and joins Ankita on the yoga mats. He mimics her movements, trying to follow along with the instructions on the TV. Ankita watches him with a smile, appreciating his effort.

Ankita: "Okay, let's start with a simple pose. Try the Downward Dog."

Chintu tries to mimic the pose, but his form is a bit off. Ankita steps closer, placing her hands on his shoulders to guide him.

Ankita: "Here, let me help you. Move your hands a bit forward... good, now lift your hips higher."

Chintu feels her hands on his shoulders, the warmth and gentle pressure sending a shiver down his spine. His heart starts to beat faster as she adjusts his posture.

Chintu: "Like this?"

Ankita: "Yes, that's much better. Now hold it and take deep breaths."

Chintu does his best to maintain the pose, but his mind is racing with the sensation of Ankita's touch. She moves around him, making minor adjustments, her hands briefly resting on his thighs to correct his alignment.

Ankita: "You're doing great, Chintu. Just relax and let your body stretch naturally."

Chintu nods, focusing on her voice and the warmth of her touch. He tries to follow her instructions, but the closeness and intimacy of the moment make it difficult to concentrate fully.

Chintu: "Thanks, Ankita. This is actually pretty nice."

Ankita smiles, moving to stand in front of him as she demonstrates the next pose.

Ankita: "Let's try a Warrior Pose next. Step one foot forward and bend your knee, keeping your back leg straight."

Chintu follows her lead, but his form is still a bit shaky. Ankita steps behind him, her hands gently guiding his hips and shoulders into the correct position.

Ankita: "There you go. Keep your chest open and your gaze forward."

Chintu feels her hands on his body, steadying him and providing support. His heart races again, but he tries to focus on her words and the pose.

Chintu: "Is this right?"

Ankita: "Perfect. You're a natural, Chintu. Just keep breathing and hold the pose."

As they move through the yoga routine, Chintu begins to feel more comfortable, his initial nervousness giving way to a sense of calm and focus. Ankita's gentle guidance and encouraging words help him relax and enjoy the experience.

After finishing the session, they both sit on the mats, breathing deeply and feeling the post-yoga relaxation wash over them.

As Ankita completes her yoga routine, sweat drips down her body, soaking her clothes. Her cleavage becomes moist and her tight buttocks are clearly defined. The outline of her aereola is visible through her wet shirt, with her nipple prominently protruding.

Ankita: "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Chintu: (smiling) "Not at all. Thanks for encouraging me to join you. I feel really good now."

Ankita: "I'm glad. Yoga is a great way to start the day and clear your mind. We should make this a regular thing while you're here."

Chintu nods, feeling a renewed sense of connection and appreciation for Ankita.

Chintu: "I'd like that. Thanks for being so patient with me."

Ankita: "Anytime, Chintu. It’s nice to have someone to share this with."

As they share a warm smile, Chintu feels a deep sense of gratitude and admiration for Ankita, realizing how much her support and friendship mean to him. The morning's yoga session becomes a cherished memory, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

"Chintu! I need to take a bath! Please wait till I am finished. I need to meet my boss in the next 1 hour okay?"

In a flash Ankita wraps a towel around her and gets rid of her clothes. 

"Oh Chintu! There are snacks in the fridge. Don't feel shy okay!" 

Chintu is shocked by how exquisitely beautiful Ankita is. Her body is just perfect. He couldn't help but admire her curves. Esp in a towel. She is covered in sweat. 

[Image: FxRX5NHaMAAdTCg.jpg:large]

Ankita gets ready after having a long hot shower. 

As Ankita slips into her tight mini skirt, its fabric clings to her body, accentuating the curves she's spent years honing. The skirt's hem barely crosses the tops of her thighs, leaving her ass outline entirely visible. As she walks, her firm buttocks move seductively, a testament to the dedication she's poured into her yoga routine. Every step she takes is a confirmation of her strength and determination, and her ass, with its definition and firmness, becomes the centerpiece of her confidence and beauty.

How do I look? She asks Chintu

[Image: main-qimg-29333f4ac8718276b1e84480a6feae2c-lq]

"Perfect!", Chintu stammers.

It gives Chintu a raging hard on.

As soon as Ankita leaves. He locks the door and whips his dick out. Furiously he masturbates and the bedsheets are covered with his cum.

Meanwhile Ankita reaches the office. 

"Do you have a badge? Whom are you meeting today?", the security guard asks her.

"I have a meeting appointment with Mr. Madan!"
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RE: BUSINESS TRIP WITH MY COLLEAGUE ANKITA - by sominoru - 17-07-2024, 04:50 AM

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