Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
Chapter 11: Fracturing Friendships

Somewhere in Kasegoan, in a cramped, dingy room that only a group of bachelor boys could love, the stage was set for a night of drinking and night long fun. The room was a complete choas, cluttered with garbage all around. The clothes were strewn across the floor like some recent fight broke out. Empty beer and liquor bottles were scattered everywhere a reminiscent of all the wild evening the room has seen. The walls, plastered with posters of women in various states of nudity, had seen better days, their once-vibrant colors now blending into the nicotine-stained paint like a bizarre, smudged collage.The air was thick with the acrid smoke of cigarettes, mingling with the pungent stench of spilled alcohol and the kind of sweat that only accumulates from too many boys in too small a space. Four boys, all between the age group of 18 to 25, lounged around the room, relaxed and having fun. They sprawled across a single, sagging bed pushed into one corner, leaned against the walls or sat cross-legged on the floor, resembling a scene from a low-budget ott series about college dropouts. Despite the disarray, the room buzzed with a sense of camaraderie as they engaged in light conversation, occasionally punctuated by bursts of laughter and the clinking of bottles. 

One of the boys, was deeply engrossed in his phone, his eyes darting back and forth across the screen as a slow, mischievous grin spread across his face. Suddenly, he erupted into a fit of laughter that was loud enough to startle a stray cat outside. "Haha... haahaaa... look at this, guys!" he hollered, his voice a blend of excitement and pure mischief. Curious and slightly tipsy, the others clumsily shuffled closer, their interest piqued by his outburst. The room filled with a new wave of laughter as they peered at the phone, their faces bathed in the glow of the screen. 

The cause of their amusement? A post in their group chat by Swapnil, making fun of Alokk. In the post, Swapnil had spun a wild and hilarious tale about catching Alokk red-handed in the act of stealing his tenant's undergarments. When confronted, Alokk didn't just deny the theft; he concocted an elaborate story about how he had seduced and slept with the tenant to justify his actions.

Swapnil, being close to Alokk, was well aware of his friend's tendency to fabricate stories about his sexual exploits to boost his popularity within their group. Swapnil anticipated that Alokk would follow this pattern with Shipra, especially since he had already managed to kiss her and engaged in some physical intimacy. Earlier that morning, Alokk had boasted to Swapnil about an alleged fuck session with Shipra, and Swapnil knew it was only a matter of time before Alokk would share similar exaggerated tales with the group, using Shipra’s bra as so-called proof.

Swapnil's post in the group was driven by more than just anger; he wanted Alokk to feel the same humiliation and pain he felt this morning. It was a calculated move to undermine Alokk's credibility. By exposing Alokk’s habit of lying about his conquests, Swapnil aimed to preemptively discredit any stories Alokk might concoct about Shipra. He knew that such stories could harm Shipra's reputation and wanted to protect her from Alokk's false narratives. At the same time, Swapnil saw this as an opportunity to publicly humiliate Alokk, which would provide him with some solace for feeling betrayed by his friend. By sharing his post, Swapnil hoped to accomplish two goals: safeguarding Shipra's image from Alokk's fabrications and delivering a blow to Alokk’s reputation within their group. This served as a form of retribution for Swapnil, who felt deeply wronged by Alokk’s actions.

"Guys, you have to read this! Swapnil's got Alokk stealing the bra of his tenant lady and then claiming he slept with her to cover it up," one of the boys managed to say between fits of laughter, his face turning red from the effort.

"Oh man, look at this part!" another boy exclaimed, "And then he claims that Alokk said, with a straight face, that she gave him the bra as a trophy for his sexual prowess!" He read aloud, barely able to keep his composure, doubling over in laughter.

"Man, I wonder if any of Alokk's other stories were true or not," a third boy pointed out, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Come on guys, Swapnil may be lying," the fourth boy interjected, trying to bring some reason into the conversation. "Why would Alokk do such a thing? Maybe they both just had a fallout."

"Whatever, bro. It's hilarious nonetheless," the first boy replied, wiping tears of amusement from his eyes. "Imagine Alokk acting like a pervert, sneaking around with ladies' undergarments. "Bra Heist - Starring Alokk Shinde" his words sent another wave of laughter through the group.

The other boys joined in, their laughter echoing around the room. It seemed as if they couldn't get enough of the outrageous tale.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Alokk entered the room. He looked around, confused by the sudden silence and the boys' awkward attempts to stifle their laughter.

"What's so funny, guys?" Alokk asked, a bemused smile on his face as he tried to get in on the joke.The boys exchanged nervous glances, their earlier bravado evaporating. The first boy, still chuckling, tried to speak but couldn't get the words out without giggling."Come on, tell me!" Alokk insisted, his curiosity piqued by their reactions. "What's going on?"

Finally, the fourth boy, the one who had tried to bring reason earlier, cleared his throat. "Haven't you checked our group chat? Swapnil has posted something ," he began, trying to keep a straight face. "It's about... um... you and his tenant's bra."

Alokk's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" as he quickly took out his phone. As he went through the group chat his expression changed to a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "That lying motherfucker!!, I'll kill him." Alokk in a fit of anger almost threw his phone.

Alokk's face turned a deep shade of red as he glared at his phone, his anger mounting with every word he read. The boys, emboldened by the hilarity of the situation, couldn't resist poking fun at him.

"Hey Alokk," the first boy called out, barely able to suppress his laughter. "How many undergarments have you collected till now? Maybe you have a whole wardrobe of 'trophies'?" The room erupted into laughter again, and Alokk clenched his fists, trying to keep his cool. 

"You guys don't believe that crap, do you?" he asked, his voice rising in frustration. Alokk's face contorted with rage. "You idiots, I didn't do any of that! Swapnil's just pissed at me and making stuff up!"

"Sure, sure," the first boy said, nodding exaggeratedly. 

"Guys, let's check his bag. If he has the bra with him, then Swapnil is definitely telling the truth," one of the boys suggested, swiftly moving to snatch Alokk's bag. Before Alokk could react, the boy tossed the bag to another. The rest of the boys covered Alokk as the first boy opened the bag. "Look what we have here, boys," he said excitedly as he raised his hand, revealing Shipra's blue bra.

"So Swapnil was telling the truth. Now what do you have to say, Alokk?" one of the boys asked, all of them giving Alokk demeaning and teasing looks.

"Give it back", Alokk snapped, snatching the bra from the boy. "Believe what you want, you losers, but the truth is I had a wonderful time with the owner of this bra. I kissed her, squeezed her juicy boobs, and even fingered her leaking cunt yesterday. And at night..." 

Alokk was cut short by one of the boys. "Yeah, yeah, and we all gang-banged Tripti Dimri right here in this room. Isn't that right, boys?" he said sarcastically, mocking Alokk. The room erupted into another wave of laughter, giving no importance to Alokk's explanation. 

"Go ahead and laugh," Alokk grunted in frustration, his voice tight with determination. "But I'll prove it to you. I'll show you I'm not lying!"

"How are you gonna do that?" the second boy asked, his tone mocking. "Gonna bring in the tenant for a testimonial?" 

"Or maybe a signed affidavit from the bra itself?" the third boy joked. "You know, something like 'I, the bra, do solemnly swear that I was not stolen by Alokk Shinde."

"Yeah, and get it notarized too," the fourth boy said, giggling. "Make it official."

Alokk threw his hands up in exasperation. "You're all a bunch of fucking idiots! Just wait, I'll make you all eat your goddamn words, especially that son of a bitch Swapnil. You all regret making fun of me!" he shouted, his face contorted with rage. Alokk stormed out of the room, his phone clutched tightly in his hand, muttering curses under his breath. The boys watched him go, their laughter echoing down the hall, only fueling his frustration further.

Namrata's Room

Shipra pushed the door open, her breath caught in her throat. Namrata lay sprawled on her bed, her back pressed against the soft sheets, her body clad only in her panties, her laptop open beside her. The faint sounds of moaning that Shipra had heard were coming from the laptop, where a pornographic video was playing. Namrata was pleasuring herself, her delicate panties pushed to the side, revealing her glistening folds. She gripped a sleek, black dildo, rhythmically pumping it in and out of her wet pussy. Her eyes were closed, completely engrossed in her own world. Shipra stood frozen for a moment, the scene before her both a shock and a strange relief. She had feared the worst, but instead found herself intruding on a private moment. 

Namarata's back arched slightly off the bed with each thrust, her body responding to the intense sensations coursing through her. The explicit sounds from the laptop mingled with the obscene squelching noises from Namrata's well-lubricated pussy continuously getting rammed by the dildo, created a symphony of raw, unfiltered pleasure that filled the room, adding a surreal layer to the situation. Namrata's breathing was heavy, her face flushed with pleasure. She was completely unaware of Shipra's presence, lost in her own ecstasy. Her other hand roamed freely over her chest, fingers finding her erect nipples and pulling and squeezing them with rough, deliberate motions. Each touch elicited soft, breathy moans from her parted lips, the pleasure evident in every sound. As her arousal heightened, so did the intensity of her movements. Her hips began to buck rhythmically, matching the fervent pace of the scenes playing out on the laptop screen beside her. 

Shipra stood at the door, her eyes wide as she took in the lewd scene before her. She was in a state of confusion and disbelief. In back of her mind she was somewhat relieved not to find Patode ploughing Namrata again just like last night. Yet, the scene of Namrata pleasuring herself with a dildo both embarrassed and intrigued her in ways she hadn't expected. The sight of Namrata lost in such unabashed desire stirred a mix of emotions within Shipra—there was a sense of voyeuristic guilt tinged with an undeniable arousal that sent a shiver down her spine.

Gathering her resolve, Shipra decided she had to leave. She reached for the door, her fingers trembling. As she gently pulled it closed, the door made a soft creaking sound, breaking the silence and piercing through the heavy atmosphere. Namrata's eyes snapped open when she sensed someone's presence. She gasped and quickly tried to cover herself, scrambling to close the laptop and hide what she had been doing. "Shipra! What the hell?" she exclaimed, her face flushing with embarrassment. "You can't just barge in like that! Why didn't you knock?" Namrata continued, her tone tinged with irritation as she struggled to regain composure and salvage some semblance of privacy. 

Shipra stood frozen in the doorway, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and guilt. "I... I'm sorry, Namrata," she stammered, finally finding her voice. "I didn't mean to intrude. I just... I heard noises and I heard Patode's voice on the phone... I thought..." Her words faltered, unable to explain her doubts that had driven her to investigate.

Namrata's tone turned teasing as she composed herself, looking at Shipra with a hint of mischief in her eyes. "You thought me and Patode were at it again, didn't you?" she remarked playfully. Her lips curled into a naughty smile as she continued, "Admit it, you were aroused at the thought of his 9-inch dick impaling me and wanted to have a peek just like last night."

Shipra's cheeks flushed crimson at Namrata's bold words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and surprise at the unexpected turn of the conversation. She opened her mouth to protest, to explain herself, but found herself at a loss for words. 

"It's alright, you don't have to answer that," Namrata said sarcastically, her tone dripping with disdain. "I already got all the answers I needed yesterday."

At Namrata's mention of the previous night, Shipra snapped back to reality. Her anger boiled to the surface which was subdued by her curiosity. 

"Stop talking rubbish, Namrata. Last night was all your fault. I would not have behaved the way I did if only you had a little control over yourself. Nothing would have happened if you hadn't flirted with Patode so shamelessly, and above all, involving me in your immoral act," Shipra reverted.

"Here we go, the saint Shipra," Namrata retorted with a mocking smile as she put on her clothes. "At least don't lie to yourself. I admit I took things a little too far, but I didn't make you stay. You could have left at any time if you wanted. But you chose to stay, not because I forced you to, but because of your own suppressed desire to explore the taboo side of marital life."

Shipra's face flushed with a mixture of shame and anger. "That's not true," she protested weakly, but even she could hear the lack of conviction in her voice.

"Isn't it?" Namrata's eyes sparkled with a dangerous glint. "You might want to keep up your prim and proper facade, but deep down, you enjoyed the thrill. You wanted to break free from your mundane life, if only for a night. And don't you dare deny it, Shipra. I saw the look in your eyes. If you hadn't stumbled on your mangalsutra by luck, you would have laid beside me naked, willingly spreading your legs and letting Patode's huge cock impregnate your itching married cunt. You were so desperate that you would have let him take you raw, letting him cum insid..."

"SHUT UP!" Shipra screamed, her face flushed with rage and humiliation. "Namrata, how could you say such vulgar things? I was drunk! I only did what I did because you forced me under the veil of that stupid bet. You've always tried to push my boundaries, and I've always ignored it because you're my friend. But this was too much, Namrata. Don't you get that I am married and have a child? Even before coming here, you suggested I sleep with Toppo for favors. And you never fail to bring up Viresh, knowing all too well about our past. Alok was right about you. I should have listened to him." Shipra's voice trembled as her guilt and anger overflowed. She felt trapped, torn between the friendship she valued and the moral lines she had crossed. Her mind flashed back to her husband, Alok, who had warned her about Namrata's influence.

"Alok was right," she continued, her voice cracking. "He warned me about you, said you were trouble. But I defended you, Namrata. I told him you were just a free spirit, someone who liked to have fun. I never thought you'd drag me into this mess."

Namrata's expression hardened. "Oh, spare me the martyr act, Shipra. You knew exactly what you were getting into. Don't pretend you're some innocent victim here. And as for Alok, your husband is a control freak. You've complained about him to me on several occasions. Men like him just want to control women under the pretext of values and responsibilities. Ever since your marriage, he's subtly forced you to bend to his will. The Shipra I knew was fun-loving, adventurous, and fearless. You wanted to explore, to taste a different life, and I just gave you the opportunity. If you're too scared to admit it, that's your problem."

Shipra shook her head, "This isn't about being scared, Namrata. It's about knowing right from wrong. And as for Alok, Yes, he has his faults, but he cares for us. He provides stability and security - someone like you who changes boyfriends like dresses wouldn't understand. And when it comes to me, then yes I am not the my old self, now before acting I have not only to think about myself but my family as well. I can't afford to play your stupid games."

Namrata scoffed, her eyes narrowing. "So what were you doing sneaking around my room right now? Even if I was with Patode, as you thought, did you give a thought about your family before indulging in voyeurism? What were your real intentions, Shipra?"

Shipra felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. "I wasn't sneaking around, Namrata. I came to check on you because I was worried. You were acting out of control, and I didn't want you to do something you'd regret. You're just out of a breakup, and getting involved with Patode isn't going to help you get over it."

Namrata laughed bitterly. "Worried about me? Or curious about what you were missing out on? Admit it, Shipra. A part of you wanted to see what it felt like to experience uninhibited, mindless, raw sex, even if just for a moment."

Shipra's voice shook with a mix of anger and shame. "That's not true, Namrata. I was genuinely concerned for you. I didn't want to see you make a mistake in a vulnerable state. Your decisions indirectly affect me as well. Patode is my colleague, and if you continue your dalliances with him, he might get the wrong message. I have a family, Namrata. I can't afford to indulge in reckless behavior. I have responsibilities."

Namrata’s anger flared, her voice sharp and unyielding. "Where was your sense of responsibility when you took that young boy into your room?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing. "With just a kiss, he was able to seduce you and make you let your guard down. You’re so quick to blame me, but you don’t see your own fault."

Shipra flinched at Namrata’s words, her face a mixture of shame and defiance. She opened her mouth to respond but found herself speechless.

Namrata jabbed back at Shipra, her tone sharp and unwavering. "I had no role in what happened with Alokk, Shipra. What made you act like that with him?" She continued, her words cutting deep. "You won't acknowledge it but the fact is you have been craving for physical intimacy, something Alok has failed to provide in the past few years of your marriage."

"Let’s face it, Shipra. When you saw me and Patode last night, all those suppressed frustrations and cravings came rushing back. It wasn’t just a moment of weakness; it was your body reacting to the void you’ve been feeling for so long. The way you acted wasn’t just about that boy Alokk or Patode. It was about everything you’ve been missing."

Shipra’s eyes widened, her expressions a mixture of anger and shame. "You don’t know what you’re talking about," she whispered, but her voice lacked conviction.

Namrata pressed on, her gaze intense and unyielding. "On the contrary, Shipra, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Your body remembers the pleasure you once experienced with Viresh. It yearns for that same connection, that satisfaction, and pure physical pleasure. Yesterday, seeing the intensity with which Patode fucked me and the heights of pleasure I reached reignited the desires you've buried deep inside you."

Shipra's eyes widened, and she took a step back, her mind reeling from Namrata's blunt words. She tried to form a response, but Namrata continued, her voice steady and piercing. "Alok may be a good, caring husband, but he’s never fulfilled you sexually the way Viresh did or Patode could. And that’s not something you can ignore forever."

Shipra's breath quickened, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt exposed, vulnerable and just when it felt like Namrata's word were overpowering her senses, Shipra snapped, "Just stop your nonsense Namrata!!!. Stop bringing my past into this. Nothing happended between me and that boy like you claim and nothing is going to happen with Patode as well. Alokk and I just kissed a little, I didn't cross any boundaries like you made me do with Patode. And as far as my marriage and sex life is concerned, I don't need insights from the likes of you. This thrill seeking nature of yours is the reason you never settle in a relationships. It's not your boyfriends but YOU, who cannot keep a relationship." Shipra pounced at Namrata giving her taste of her own medicine.

Namrata's patience had finally snapped. "Fuck off, Shipra. I think we should stop this conversation," she said, her voice sharp and cutting. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday and talk some sense into you, but it seems like you’re adamant on blaming solely me for your actions." Namrata, however, was far from finished. "And for your information, in the room last evening, that boy and you just didn't kiss, things got much more heated. You let things go out of control. He could have taken things much further if I hadn’t intervened." she continued, her tone dripping with contempt.

"You're lying," Shipra retorted, though a flicker of doubt clouded her eyes. Her usual confidence wavered as she grappled with the murky memories of the night before. She knew there had been more to her encounter with Alok, but the details eluded her, shrouded in a haze of confusion and alcohol.

Namrata crossed her arms, her expression one of cold resolve. "Believe what you want to believe. I’ve had enough of you for today. Good night." With that, she turned and slammed the door in Shipra’s face.

Shipra stood there, stunned and shaking, the echo of the door slamming reverberating in her ears. The confrontation with Namrata didn't went as she had expected. Instead of resolving the issue it had left her feeling even more agitated and exposed. She turned and walked slowly back to her room, her mind racing with the mystery of her encounter with Alokk the previous evening. Despite her efforts, she couldn't recall anything. She wondered what other trouble she might have caused with Alokk. She couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach. Namrata's words echoed in her mind, a cruel reminder of the situation last night has put her into. As Shipra reached her room, she sank onto her bed, her head in her hands. Namarata's words kept repeating in her head. It was clear to her that she had felt a thrill, a dangerous excitement that she hadn't experienced in years. Her reaction and behaviour both with Alokk and Patode yesterday had been more than just a mistake; it had been a glimpse into a part of herself she had long suppressed. 

She thought of Alok, her husband, and their child. They were her world, her responsibility. But the reality Namrata had forced her to confront couldn't be ignored. There was a void in her life she had been supressing for so long, a yearning for something more, something she couldn't find within the confines of her marriage. Namrata's words echoed in her head, stirring up feelings she had buried deep inside. She hated to admit it, but Namrata had a point. Alok was a good husband, a great father, but there were parts of her he couldn't reach, desires he couldn't fulfill. She had convinced herself that stability and security were enough, that she could live without the spark of passion she once knew. But now, those old longings were surfacing, demanding to be acknowledged.

Trying to shake off these unsettling thoughts, Shipra decided to call Alok. She was sure that hearing his voice and talking to their child would make these illicit thoughts evaporate. She needed the grounding presence of her family to remind her of what truly mattered.

Just then, her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her reverie. She picked it up and saw a WhatsApp message from an unknown number. As she read the message, her hand started trembling, her eyes widened with shock, and a chill ran down her spine.

End of Chapter 11: Fracturing Friendships  thanks
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