Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
(27-06-2024, 11:31 PM)Vishnu1 Wrote: Next day as usual got up from my sleep and got ready to my work, meanwhile i was awaiting for call from Maria as I was thinking what decision she had done, while i was sipping my coffee from balcony, i observed Maria taking her daughter to school, my eyes were glued to those fat ass and Milky boobs and my dick started reacting, i just squeezed inside my pants and went to have breakfast.

So, I took my bike and went to my office, in between i got a call from Maria.
V:Hi Maria wassup
M: hi Vishnu, where are you?
V:on my way to office, is everything alright with you?
M: ya ya all good, if you don't have any important work can you come to my place? Even i would reach home in a while
V: sure I will be there in 20min

I reached her flat, Maria opened the door she was wearing red sleeveless top and black skirt, as she opened the door her boobs just flashed to my eyes it was so welcoming, i just avoided myself by staring there and smiled at her and entered her home .

V: so what happened madam, is everything alright?
M: yup, i just called to discuss about the treatment
V: oh yeah, tell me what have you decided, have you got someone?
M: whom will find? Don't ask like a dum...can you do it?
V: what? Are you requesting or threatening me? I can't do...
M: i will punch you..then who else would help me? I can rely only on you vishu, and don't forget that you owe me....
V: hmm( i remembered that she had agreed to help me when i needed help) ok, but I'm little nervous Maria
M: me too...

She was standing, i just went and sat on the sofa, Maria was looking tensed, she was looking at TV and her feet were rubbing floor her hard breath made her boobs move up and down...the chills was running in my body imagining the situation what we are...i could see her sharp erected nipples were clearly visible through her red top...oh god it was so tempting...i just continued to watch TV and she came and sat next to me...

M:ok which movie are you watching ( she held my hand and sat close to me, she also ensured her boobs are rubbing against my shoulder, may be she was trying to be normal with me and avoid the discomfort)
V: ah ( with shy and nervous) not sure i just switched it on,( i continued to keep my shoulder close to her so that i feel her boobs)
M: umm Vishnu , don't think otherwise, someone has to take initiative here if not we cannot proceed further, so I have to take that.. please don't think anything about my character, you know what i mean right.
V: i understand Maria, at once even i had experienced this situation,( i just held her hand tight, just to give comfort to her)
M:thanks Vishnu, i know it's discomfort for both, but let's take it easy, moreover as doctor mentioned let's try to be normal and go with the flow, sorry if I'm troubling you dear.
V: hey common (i held her shoulder and dragged closer to me, I was rubbing her shoulder to console her) why you think like that, i know what kind of a girl you are Maria, don't worry ( i pulled her more closer and kissed on her forehead) i shall not make you feel uncomfortable Maria, you agreed to help me earlier now it's my turn to pay back...( Again I placed another kiss on eyes by wiping her tears) don't cry Maria you are a strong women with big heart
M: oh oh big heart? Hahaha very funny ( she wiped her tears and pinched my thighs)
V: yes dear now i need to take care of your big heart ( i said sarcastically and looked into her eyes and turned towards tv, she realised what i meant and didn't answer and kept quiet, after a while Maria was still kept her head on my shoulders and I had kept my hand across her shoulder from behind and now i wanted to accelerate my approach)

I was changing the channel and meanwhile slowly moved my fingers between her shoulder and was feeling her side boobs, Maria was alarmed by my movement and she too cooperated by lifting her hand and making my way towards her boobs, this made go crazy, the beautiful angel is making me comfortable in feeling her boobs? Is it real..and she is sitting and watching the movie in anticipating my next move? Wow I'm the luckiest person...as Maria Continued to watch TV i moved my hand on her left boobs and kept on it without pressing, from side angel i saw her face..she had bit her tooth tight and her lips were open a bit like the size of a pussy hole. First i felt those huge boobs on my palm and it was huge to grip her entire boob in one hand, I was able to cut it from down and could cover just half of her boobs, i kept my hand on her lower boob and with all courage I gave a little hard press by guaging it's size, i felt like pressing soft buns..her boobs just popped up a bit out of her top and created a sexy cleavage glimpse getting crushed in my hand, and immediately i left my hand..and her boobs bounced back to its usual position , Maria was still in her same facial reaction..i continued to press those soft left boob in similar way, after a while i think Maria got arosed and she just held my hand tight and gave a erotic stare at me by swallowing her saliva, as if she was expecting me to rip off her top and suck those boobs but i just kept my momentum and gave similar stare to her, and continued to press her left boob, she again made a hissing sound and held my hand .
V: oops sorry, was I too harsh in pressing those?
M: shhh( taking her breath back, closed her eyes and opened slowly) no you weren't, I was just trying to digest what my body is going through..ah.. sorry i hope you understand, umm 
V: ya Maria, I can understand...( I moved my hand back to her shoulder and continued to watch movie)

After a while Maria held my hand and guided back to her boobs, and leaned back on my shoulder continued watching movie
M: vishu, continue please ( she said in melowed tone)

This time as she had already kept my hand over boobs, i held her boob and pushed her close to me...now i placed my finger on her erected nipples and started circling around it, as it was already erected on her red top now it was even more harder as I was touching it..I was playing with it for 10min by kneading her nipples and circling around it.
M: vishu..press them, doctor said the more you press it will be easy for you to suck
V: easy to suck what Maria...tell me 
M: ahhhhhh, vishu..you know what you need to suck dear.
V: i know Maria but need to hear from your mouth, i need your comfort on this, so talk openly don't feel shy dear, tell me what you want me to suck?
M: ahhhh umm I want you to suck my boobs dear, so press them hard as you can vishuuuu

This was enough for me..i held her left boob and started squeezing it softly, I was roaming my hand all over her boobs, Maria had leaned completely over me, her cheeks were touching my cheeks, her right hand was massaging my thighs and in between she was holding my thighs tightly, each time her hold on my thighs and hands were differing as per the sensual feeling what she used to get.
V: Maria, I need to press your other boob..
M: you wanna shift towards my left Vishu?
V: no dear, I need to press them together Maria, so can you sir over my lap? So that it's easy for me to press them.
M: sure Vishnu..
I adjusted my pants and spread my legs apart making way for Maria, she lifted her ass and slided on top of my thighs.
M: are you comfortable vishu?
V: hmm( i held her ass and lifted up with her help positioned my dick right below her ass crack and placed her ass back to the position) yup I'm comfortable, but can you come a bit back and lean on my chest maria, so that its easy for me ..
M: hmm sure..
She came little behind and leaned over my chest kept her hands on my knees, i was able smell her body perfume which was aroseing me..her hairs were tickling me and my dick was slowly started to get hard , i brought both my hands and cupped those boobs and started massaging them, rubbing them gently feeling every part of her boobs..the way i was playing with her boobs it used to pop out together our creating and cleavage and again collapse inside her top, and I used to sneak from behind and get the glimpse of those cleavage, I used to her boobs tightly and push up so that I get clear view of her boobs...the massive cleavage was aroseing me...my dick was hard and poking her asshole, i believe she could sense my hard dick, I was feeling like anytime my Dick would tear my pants..but never stopped playing with those boobs..Maria was moaning slowly, i could sense that she was trying to avoid it but still small hissing sound used to escape through her mouth..now Maria completely surrendered her body to me..she leaned more bavla nd placed her back head on my shoulder and both of our cheeks were rubbing, Maria slowly lifted her right hand and placed on right cheek and was moaning slowly aweee aweee ummm ammaaa ummmmm aweeee vishuuuu ummm , I was too getting super hot, i just moved my left hand inside her top from down and moved up..held her boob over her bra nd started pressing them hard...
V: Maria, do you want me to press even more harder dear?
M: umm yes Vishnu, press them Hard aweee
V: ok dear, i lifted her bra up , inserted my other hand too inside her top and held her worm naked boobs.. wow it was like I'm holding a big butter balls...from down i cupped her big boobs and used my index and thumb finger to hold her hard nipples and started pressing them slowly... Maria made a hard moaning and closed her mouth using her hand as it came out too loud..and now she started moving her ass over my dick, I was shocked by her act, but just thought of going with the flow, I too held her boobs and guided her ass and moved it around my dick and felt my hard on over ass crack...i started to feel my precums in my underwear, and i wanted more now.
V: Maria, am i good to suck them now dear?
M: ahh aweee vishuu awee sorry i didn't hear you? Did you say something
V: shall i suck your boobs dear?
M: umm, shall we go to bed?

Wow... you shouldn't have k!lled Sarala. You should be devouring Rashmi and Maria wth Sarala's consent. Tht wud've been better
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Nishales - 28-06-2024, 11:22 PM

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