Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
(25-06-2024, 10:48 PM)Suraj76626 Wrote: Chapter 10: Sunday's thrills, Monday's Chills: Part 2

While the others were feeling the chills of their Sunday escapades. Patode remained in a state of gleeful satisfaction. Lying in his bed, Patode toyed with Namrata's little black panties, which he had taken as a memento. He wondered how such a flimsy little thing was able to cover such a curvaceous ass. The fabric felt silky between his fingers, a tangible reminder of the thrilling encounters that had unfolded. His mind replayed the scenes, each moment etched vividly in his memory. 

Patode's satisfaction stemmed not merely from the raw physical pleasure of fucking Namrata but from the profound sense of conquest and domination. It wasn't just about the mindless fuck; it was about the power he wielded, the way he had bent her to his will. Each moan, each gasp, each moment of submission fed his ego, solidifying his sense of control and mastery over her. He felt a rush of power and achievement, knowing how easily he had yet again bedded a sexy women through his unmatched sexual prowess and his impressive cock.

The only thing that dulled his sense of triumph was missing out on the thrill of defiling Shipra. Experiencing a high class women like Namrata was a great satisfaction but it was nothing but a consolation prize for Patode, a mere stepping stone to his ultimate goal. The physical pleasure he got from screwing her was nothing compared to the intense rush he would have felt, both physically and mentally, by fucking and corrupting Shipra—a loyal, married woman who belonged to another man. The thought of shattering her faithfulness and dragging her into debauchery was what really turned him on.  

For him, nothing in the world was as satisfying as conquering a woman who was committed and faithful to her husband. A woman with high morals and utmost devotion to her spouse. The thrill he derived from breaking such a woman, making her beg for his cock, worshiping it, and finally acknowledging his dominance over her husband was like a powerful aphrodisiac. The pure, depraved bliss he experienced at the thought of a married woman, consumed by desperate lust, tearing away the condom, craving the raw, unfiltered sensation of his bare cock plunging into her drenched cunt, was indescribable. The thought of her begging for his hot, thick jizz to flood her fertile, married womb, ready to risk carrying his bastard child, filled him with twisted satisfaction. Even the risk of pregnancy wouldn't deter her; she would gladly spread her legs for him, again and again, without a second thought for her husband. The image of her writhing in ecstasy, moaning for more, completely lost in her need for his seed, knowing she was betraying everything she once held sacred, was the pinnacle of his dark desires. He wished to do the same with Shipra.

He wanted her to feel the utter humiliation of craving another man's cock so deeply that she would willingly risk everything—her marriage, her reputation, her family. Her transformation from a devoted wife to his wanton slut, begging to be filled with his cum, would be the ultimate testament to his dominance and her complete degradation. This would be his ultimate conquest: to make her forsake all her morals and dignity, to see her utterly tarnished and enslaved by her own insatiable desire for him.

But Patode knew, after the events of last night, fulfilling his depraved fantasies with Shipra had become even more difficult. Sunday night was both a success and a setback. He had managed to seduce both Namrata and Shipra, gambling on his 9 inch thick meat. However, his success was only partial. While he succeeded in bedding Namrata, Shipra's timely realization of the inappropriateness of her actions saved her from committing an act of infidelity. This sudden awakening to the gravity of the situation caused her to pull back, leaving Patode frustrated and aware that it would now be significantly more challenging to seduce Shipra to that level again.

Shipra's escape from his clutches was a bitter pill to swallow. Patode knew that the perfect combination of circumstances that had almost led to her surrender—her inebriation, the unexpected and seductive display of his magnificent dick, and a the push from Namrata—was now impossible to replicate.  Her morals and guard would now be fortified, making any future attempts to seduce her far more challenging. Patode understood that to break through Shipra's reinforced defenses, he would need an approach that was both extreme and substantial. During their encounter he had sensed the hidden desires and sexual frustration of Shipra. Now he just had to find a means to reignite those subdued feelings. His usual tactics of charm and temptation wouldn't suffice; he needed something that would challenge her core beliefs and morality, pushing her towards the precipe of infidelity in such a way that nothing can stop her like the last time.

Patode had many tips and tricks up his sleeves. He knew exactly what he has to do. He clenched Namrata's panties in his fist, giving a cunning smile as a plan hatched into his evil mind. This time his approach would me more psychological than physical. Because of the setback of Sunday, Patode decided to take an indirect approach using Namrata as his medium. He was not in a rush as he had Namrata, for the time being she would be his entertainment and vent for his sexual desires.  He just needed to manipulate already wooed Namrata to become an agent of change, someone who would unknowingly lead Shipra down the path of moral decay and unrestrained lust. To achieve this, Patode would deepen Namrata's dependence on him, both emotionally and physically, ensuring her loyalty and willingness to do his bidding.

However, Patode couldn't ignore the looming issue with Shipra. A confrontation was inevitable and necessary to smooth things over. He knew he couldn't leave things complicated between them; it would jeopardize his plans. He needed to apologize for the previous night and ensure their relationship remained stable, but doing so at the office was out of the question. The environment was too public, and he required a private setting where he could carefully manage the conversation. 

With this in mind, Patode decided to skip the office for the day. He spent the morning crafting a narrative that would cleverly shift the blame onto his inebriated state and Namrata's supposed flirtations. Patode knew women psychology well; Shipra because of embarrassment was unlikely to confront Namrata directly about the incident. This realization presented a dual opportunity. By blaming Namrata, he would not only validate Shipra's existing anger towards her, thereby lowering Shipra's guard against him, but he would also position himself as a victim of circumstance rather than a willing participant. 

Additionally, he knew that because they were colleagues and Shipra was new to the branch, she would inevitably need his support, regardless of how much she might want to distance herself from him. This professional dependency would work in his favor, ensuring that the incident would eventually be overshadowed by their day-to-day interactions and the necessity of collaboration. He was confident that it was only a matter of time before Shipra would move past the events of the previous night and they would revert to their normal working relationship.

With this in mind, Patode relaxed a little, his mind already scheming his next moves with ruthless precision, ensuring there would be no room for failure this time.


Shipra sat in her cabin, her thoughts adrift and unable to focus on her work. The events of the previous night replayed incessantly in her mind, each flash more distracting and troubling than the last. She was in a dilemma, unsure how to handle the situation. Although she was a little relaxed as Patode took a leave today. Lost in confusion, she failed to notice the growing commotion outside her cabin. Suddenly, the door to her cabin flung open, and several village women barged in unannounced, bickering loudly over some issue. The intrusion jolted Shipra out of her daydreams.

"What is the issue? Why are you all inside here?" Shipra shouted, her frustration evident.

"Madam ji, we have a problem," said one of the young women in the group, her tone defiant.

"There is no problem, madam. Sanju is unnecessarily creating a scene. She's a troublemaker..." another woman interjected, trying to cut off the young girl.

"Yes, she is..." 
"Get out of here..."
"Shut up, let her speak..."
"I'll slap you if you don't shut your mouth..." "@#$$...#$&#@@..."

The cabin descended into chaos, resembling a fish market as the uneducated village women engaged in a crude verbal quarrel. Their voices overlapped in a cacophony of accusations and insults, each one trying to outshout the other. Shipra, already overwhelmed by her inner turmoil, could feel her patience snapping.

"SHUT UP, EVERYONE!" she roared, her voice echoing with authority. "This is not your home. Just stop your bickering, or I'll have you all thrown out of the branch. This is the office of a government official—stop behaving like animals."

The women fell silent, stunned by Shipra's outburst. The authoritative tone in her voice left no room for argument, and they stood there, wide-eyed and chastened, as the echoes of her anger lingered in the now quiet cabin.

Shipra took a deep breath, trying to calm herself and regain her composure."Now," she said more quietly but still firmly, "one at a time. You," she pointed to the young girl who had spoken first, "what's the problem?"

The young girl, Sanju, stepped forward hesitantly, casting a wary glance at the other women before speaking. "Madam ji, there is a scam running right under your nose and these ladies are trying to silence me to bring it under your knowledge." she spoke confidently.

Shipra, sensing the gravity in Sanju's voice, leaned forward and asked more seriously, "What scam? Explain."

Before Sanju could respond, the apparent leader of the group, a stern-looking woman, attempted to intervene. "Nothing, ma'am. She is just spreading rumors. She is—"

"Keep quiet! Let her speak," Shipra commanded with an authority that brooked no argument. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned back to Sanju."Madam ji," Sanju continued, her voice steady now, "the self-help groups financed by your branch are not serving the eligible women they are supposed to help. The funds are being diverted by the group leaders for their own benefits and personal use. The rest of the women are receiving only a fraction of the money, just enough to keep them silent. We are being told that if we don't keep quiet, you'll stop lending altogether."

Shipra felt a surge of shock and anger at Sanju's words. She had always known that corruption was an issue in rural branches, but hearing it described in such stark terms was a harsh reality check. The idea that her own branch was involved in such malpractices, and that she was being used as a pawn in these schemes, filled her with a deep sense of betrayal and fury. However, she quickly reined in her emotions, understanding that acting rashly without complete information would be futile.

Shipra fixed her gaze on Sanju, her expression stern and unyielding. "Listen, Sanju," she began, her voice carrying the weight of authority, "what you are telling me is a serious irregularity. Do you have any proof to back your allegations? Be warned, if you are spreading these rumors for personal gains, I will not spare you."

Sanju swallowed hard but met Shipra's eyes with unwavering determination. "Madam ji, I understand the gravity of my words. I tried to approach last Manager as well but he didn't even listened to me. I would not risk speaking out without evidence. I have documentary proof and written complaint of several women pointing out the diversion of funds from the loan amount disbursed during last year. The NGO...." Sanju hesitated a little 

Shipra realised her predicament and ordered other ladies to step outside. "Go on now," Shipra pegged her to continue

"Madam, the sponsoring NGO officials who are entrusted with working of the groups are also involved. In fact they are acting like middlemen, taking commissions for getting the loans sanctioned." Sanju explained as she handled Shipra the proof and copies of complaint.

Shipra started going through all complaints and documents. "Madam, it's a humble request please look into the matter." Sanju pleades with folded hands.

"Don't worry, Sanju. I will definitely get to the bottom of this. Let me go through all the proofs, and tomorrow, I'll visit the complainants personally," Shipra assured her, her voice steady and reassuring.

"Thank you, madam. I'll be here tomorrow morning," Sanju said, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she admired Shipra's helpful attitude. With a grateful nod, she left the cabin.

As Shipra delved into the documents, a disturbing pattern began to emerge. The complaints detailed a systematic misappropriation of funds. In the loans recommended by the NGO, the amounts sanctioned for the upliftment of women in the villages were being diverted into the personal accounts of NGO officials and a few selected members. The government subsidy was then used to repay the loan, effectively covering up the misdeed and preventing it from coming to light. While no direct financial loss was incurred by the bank, the malpractice was evident and deeply troubling.

What Shipra didn’t know was that the mastermind behind this elaborate scheme was none other than Patode. He had devised a plan so intricate and well-concealed that his involvement was nearly impossible to detect. By orchestrating the scam from the shadows, Patode ensured that the rural branch, often overlooked and rarely scrutinized, would be the perfect place to execute his scheme. He had carefully chosen officials who would comply with his plan, and ensured that no complaints would be raised, fearing repercussions or believing that their voices would not be heard.

Shipra investigated the matter in greater depth, determined to unravel the truth. All that was left was to contact the complainants the next day. Engrossed in her task, she lost track of time. Her office was silent, and the light outside had faded to twilight. Suddenly, her phone rang, jolting her from her concentration. Startled, she glanced at the clock and realized it was way past closing time. She sighed, feeling the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to her. Reaching for her phone, she saw Namrata’s name flashing on the screen.The sight of Namrata's name brought back a surge of emotions. Shipra had been so absorbed in the investigation that she had almost forgotten the event of last night and her pending confrontation with Namrata. The anger she felt then resurfaced, though not with the same intensity. Taking a deep breath, she contemplated whether to answer the call. 

After a moment of hesitation, she decided to pick up the phone."What, Namrata," Shipra said, her voice measured.

"Shipra, I’m glad you answered," Namrata replied, her tone a mix of concern and urgency. "I was worried when you didn’t respond to my messages. Are you still at the office?"

"Yes, I am. I got caught up in something important," Shipra replied, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I just wanted to know when you'll be back. Our conversation from the morning is still due," Namrata said in a soft tone.

"I'm just leaving the office now. I should be there in about 45 minutes," Shipra replied.

"Alright, I'll see you soon," Namrata said, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and concern.

"Ok," Shipra was about the disconnect the phone when se heard a another very faint voice in the background.

"This tim... i'll cum i... your mou......."

"Shhhh...are...y.... ma......"

It seemed like Namrata had failed to disconnect the call promptly. Shipra's mind started spinning. The other voice was unmistakably Patode's. But Shipra couldn't believe her ears. Was Namrata and Patode were at it again? Or was it just her imagination playing tricks on her? The voice was so faint that it made Shipra doubt herself. An immense anxiety surrounded her as she made her way back home. Her thoughts raced, replaying the snippet of conversation she had overheard and the encounter of last night as well. She tried to convince herself that she might have misheard, that perhaps it was a misunderstanding. But the seed of doubt had been planted, and it grew with each passing minute.The drive home felt agonizingly slow. She couldn't shake the image of Namrata and Patode together from her mind.

By the time she reached home, Shipra was a bundle of nerves. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before making her way to Namrata's room. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing her anxiety and fear. As she approached the door, she heard faint sounds of moans emanating from inside. The noise sent a chill down her spine, confirming her worst suspicions.Shipra hesitated for a moment, her hand hovering over the doorknob. She desperately hoped she was wrong, that her mind was playing tricks on her. But she couldn't ignore what she was hearing. Slowly, she pushed the door open, her breath caught in her throat. She was shocked at the scene inside...........

End of Chapter 10: Sunday's thrills, Monday's Chills: Part 2  thanks

Nice update. Patiently waiting for Shipra to be willingly seduced by Patode with namratas support. I see a threesome that was unfinished right on the cards here as Patode has imagined two naked asses ready to be drilled by his bbc. later then Shipra could be mercilessly fucked by Toppo in the conclusive stages of the story realising that her nightmare has come true. Shipras sexual frustration and repression, and with some nudge from Namrata will make her loose her inhibitions, leading to a depraved night of sexual infidelity. Im imagining a kiss between Namrata and Shipra would be so hot with additions of sexual positions the three can be in, like with a probability of patode taking Shipra from behind while Shipra Licking pussy juices of namarata. Namrata sitting on patodes face while Shipra getting penetrated and defiled by patode cowboystyle , with shipra and namrta kissing each other. a blowjob would be another raunchy addition. Imagine patodes dick being salaciously licked and sucked by both women as they kiss each other in intervals. There are many such imaginations that have infiltrated my mind. Good luck with the rest of the story as I don't want you to get distracted and let yourself flow with it.
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RE: The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal. - by BANK - 10-06-2024, 02:16 PM
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RE: The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal. - by RCF - 26-06-2024, 01:22 AM

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