Misc. Erotica Kasturi : The Enchanting Scent Part - 2
A few next parent teacher meetings Kasturi didn't attended. She knew Maksood will be waiting for her. How determined he was about taking her number...but a fake promise that got her away for some time. But the way she masterbated thinking about him...was something that never happened before.

To shift her attention somewhere else she decided to move back to the city house. Rohan seldom came home...most of the time he was either doing business or talking business. The lawyer that settled their biggest suit now served has his attorney. He still was crazy about her. But Kasturi never showed any weakness anymore. She had done well in keeping her promise...which was almost broken a few days ago.

But the way her relationship with Rohan had progressed was somewhat she never thought of. Although they met in privacy not so often but he was way more protective about Shweta. He liked his daughter. Kasturi always felt guilty as she knew the reality...so she always felt greatful to God, she had already decided to die with this secret.
But Rohan valued her...she were now in Board of Directors of the company and attended meetings when there was a crucial need. In the matter of input she didn't provided much... But the authority she commanded with her silence that other people feared about.

About a month later she returned back to her privacy. Living in absolute silence.
As Shweta resumed her college... the next meeting came up...which she were so determined to attend.
"No baby...we can't go...I will go in the next one." Kasturi said.
"Mama... Everyone is coming...please...we didn't attended the last one already." She replied.
"I will take you to water park...for ice cream...but leave it naa...Mama is tired." Kasturi tried to calm her down.
"I Don't want to have Ice Cream..." Shweta said...tears rolling down her face.
"Okay... Okay...we'll go. Come here...Mama wants to love you." Kasturi pulled Shweta in her arms.

The next day... Kasturi went early and sat down in the second row. The seats were much comfortable there as they meant for couples. Kasturi sat down next to a decent looking man.
They exchanged pleasantries and focussed most of the time on thier phone. Although she knew he was looking at her waist at times.
"Would you mind if I sit next to my wife?" A manly voice said. Although Kasturi didn't raised her head up...but she knew who it was. She looked at her companion next to her...who was reluctant. 
Maksood went down and whispered in the right volume that she could hear.
"She is upset with me...please give me a chance to win my wife back." Maksood said.
The man looked at Kasturi...so did Maksood who winked at her. Kasturi nodded in a yes. And the man got up and left.

Maksood went down with authority this time. He took her phone away...she retaliated but she knew she can't create a scene here afterall she were one who nodded. Straight away he dialed his number and saved his...gave it back.
"Don't use it." He said. And intertwined her palm with her...which he was caressing mercilessly... clearing up his intentions straight away. He took her left hand with his left one and placed it on his crotch. Although they were in absolute public but that didn't stopped him.
"Someone will see." Kasturi said.
He kept mum. His right plam was now rested on her waist...the armrest on her right made sure she were well covered there. Which meant he had a free hand and he made most of it. He made Kasturi sit crossed leg and grabbed her ass hard...her head was now resting on his chest.

As soon as it got over.. She escaped his clutches and went straight to her car. But Maksood was already there. She waited for sometime...but he weren't moving an inch away. Finally when tgere were a few people left...she appeared.
"What took you so long Madam ?" He acted polite in front of kids.
"Hi ! Shweta...come here baby...I have heard he disrespected you...here Son apologize to the lady." He commanded the kid.
"I am Sorry Shweta...Can we be friends again ?" He said.
"Yes." She replied and the kids hugged each other.

"Common lets leave...See you next time Shweta and Mrs Kasturi." He replied and took his car away which was parked right behind her's.
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RE: Kasturi : The Enchanting Scent Part - 2 - by rashmi_rathi - 30-12-2018, 11:04 AM

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