Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
Part 9

Early morning 9am, Rashmi had already reached our home.
A: ok Rashmi, i hope you remember whatever i said, listen to your brother in law ok because we need to help to cure his disease, he has taken care of your education and your dad's health expenses everything so this is the least we can do magale (daughter)
R:ok amma, i will do as you said, you don't worry just take care of dada, i shall listen to brother in law

Meanwhile i got up and came, Rashmi was talking to her mom, her pink tshirt was hugging to her body, the first thing what i observed was her ripped boobs which was around 34c looking so hard and sharp in ber tshirt,wow those were so erotic I was so excited and in her white jeans her ass was stiff and had perfect shape as if it was massaged to maintain that shape.
V: Hi Rashmi when you reached?
R: sometime back bhava.
A: ok Vishnu it's time I'm leaving x and i believe you both understand what needs to be done, i shall be back after 2 weeks

We both nodded our head and she left along with my daughter, after a while i got fresh and as it was Saturday i didn't had work and was not in a mood to go also after seeing Rashmi.
V: then Rashmi how's your studies going on
R: it's good bhava, they have started with internal exams so I have leave for 1 week to study.
V: oh after that you have college? Because atthe would come after 2 weeks
R: yes bhava, i will do up and down from here itself, as my college is not too far, I have informed in my PG as well that I shall not come for 2 weeks
V: hmm good
R: bhava, as mom said at what time shall i take syrup?
V: Rashmi come here ,( made her sit next to me) see don't worry about what your mom said, concentrate on your studies, these old people will talk something, and it's not necessary that you have to listen, i shall some how manage with medicine
R: no bhava don't take it lightly, mom said i should not miss the treatment
V: but you know right it's not that easy to do what she has asked, because i have never seen you in that way, you are always looked like a kid to me
R: i know bhava but we need to adapt to the situation now, so let's not change the plan
V: but how can I do all those what doctor said, you are still small girl, and I'm not getting that mindset to kiss you or do anything to that matter
R: i know bhava, you are such a gentleman, but now let's not think about that, just think that we are doing for the treatment.
V: hmm ,( with sheepish smile inside my heart) but how do we start I'm not understanding this is the most difficult situation in my life, first it was with your mother and now it's you..oh god
R: don't worry bhava( she kept her hand on my thighs) everything will be alright, mom has informed me to listen whatever you say so..let's do it
V: hmm ok but let's not take the medicine today morning, will see in the night, because I need to think and come to that mode where I need to convince my heart
R: bhava you are so kind, but how do we do that?
V: let's have breakfast first and meanwhile i shall think on a plan..

We had breakfast, and i started to think on the plan, I just wanted to explore every part of her naked body, I need to make Rashmi go crazy about me, i wanted her to get sexually aroused with the lust, so I need to plan in such a way that she too enjoys it and do whatever that's there in my mind... especially those boobs was making me lose my control, oh god how do those look? Will it be having same stiffness without her bra too? How does she make moaning when i press her boobs and suck them? Has she ever done fingering to her pussy? If not then how does she feel it for first time when i do? Does she likes when i press and spank her ass...does she like getting her asshole and pussy licked? How does she gives me blowjob, will she agree to take my cum in her mouth,? Oops there were so many questions and excitement in my mind only because she was virgin and she was Never exposed to any guy as she was from conservative family and she studies too in girls college. Ok let me plan....

Later after breakfast i had a plan so I took her to the hall and we sat on sofa.
V: look Rashmi I have a plan, and this should work for both of us because as you know the treatment has to be done with romantically z so for that we both needs to be comfortable with each other
R: right bhava or else it's of no use if we both are not romantic, mom did mention this to me
V: ok now forget what your mom said, let's plan differently so that it would help both of us and also we shall get comfortable
R: ok bhava , i shall just follow what u say
V: ok listen, from this minute onwards we both change our mindset to act like a lover's, so i shall start dating you and you shall also love me, so intial step is , i shall propose you and you shall accept, after that just like lovers we shall do slow progress in our relationship.
R: oh the plan looks nice bhava, then?
V: after that we shall talk romantically, going to cinema, going to park, just like all lovers we too will enjoy but by but and later we shall make slow progress in romance ok?
R: hmm ok bhava looks like it's good plan but will it not take too much time to get that close
V: good point but everything would happen in short time Rashmi
R: how bhava
V: see this is acting so everything goes like a skit , as lovers if we need to go park then this balcony itself is park for us, our hall is cinema theatre to us, later for romance and everything we shall go to room, what do you say
R: hey good idea bhava it saves time
V:yes, and all the progress in our love would happen in 2days of time , so let's start adjusting to eachother soon
R: sure bhava
V: good, by Monday we both should be physically close to eachother and start our treatment.
R: ok bhava, now how do we start?
V: ok imagine toys re college going girl, and I'm your senior in same college, i would be observing you from past 6 months and we both too talk to eachother but we never expressed our love, so now finally i would think to propose you and 2snts to be in relation with you...and after that you act as per the plan ok?
R: ok bhava.
V: ok, now be in balcony, i shall come there.

She went to balcony and I too went there with a rose.
V: hey Rashmi down with your classes
R: yes Vishnu, where were you i didn't see you whole day
V: ah I was having some work
R: ok , why you asked me to come here? Tell me soon i nee to go home, as my mom would be waiting for me.
V: i called you because...mm because.. not sure how to say.
R: arey why getting so formal vishu
V: hmm ok, see Rashmi I fell in love with you from the day i saw you, because of your straight forward behaviour and simplicity, i can't think my life without you. I'm not sure if you also have the same feeling but I just wanted to say what is there in my heart
R: oh vishu i never thought you had this feeling for me, definitely any girl would be lucky to have a boyfriend like you but I'm little surprised by this question from you
V: i know Rashmi, take your time and you can answer me after few days , think from your heart, but one thing for sure I shall take care of you like a queen. I shall never make you cry, our love would be everything for me, don't worry about our parents.
R: ok Vishnu bye...

After the scene

V: ok Rashmi, we shall again meet in the same balcony after 2 hours to tell me your decision, so actually in acting you are meeting me after 1 week ok?
R: ok bhava...

I went out and purchased another 1100 mobile phone and came back, meanwhile it was the scene time, so Rashmi was waiting for me in balcony.
V: hi Rashmi, sorry for late, tell me why you called me here? Are you ready with your decision?
R: ah actually Vishnu, i thought about it for one week, and i believe i cannot be happy with anyone else if i don't accept your love , i love you too Vishnu.

I came close to her and gave a worm hug, held her like that for a minute and felt her soft boobs on my chest.
V: i love you too Rashmi, take this new mobile is my first gift to you, here after we shall spend more time over the phone.
R: oh bhava ( she came out of skit, due to excitement of having New phone) thank you so much, is this really for me or only for the skit?
V: arey it's really for you Rashmi, it's a small gift for helping me in treatment.
R: thank you so much bhava, she just hugged me tightly, i was caressing her back and feeling her bra straps..
V: ok Rashmi, now assume we are little closer as we have loved eachother for almost 6 months now, so here after our conversation will be too romantic ok?
R: ok bhava.
V: ok the scene is we both have planned to meet in park, so it would be our balcony as per our skit ok? Come lets go there.

So now we both were sitting next to each other in park
V: hey Rashmi, you are looking too pretty in this pink top.
R: thank you Vishnu, you too looking good.
V: so soon it's been 6 months since i proposed you baby, hmm time is running fast, but we are only behind
R: true, so soon it's 6 months, but why you saying that we are behind?
V: hmm because ( i kept my hand on her shoulder and pulled her little close to me) still we both have not made any progress when it comes to romance know darling
R: oh oh what progress baby , i didn't get you?
V: need to taste these pink lips rashu...need to chew your lips..keep it in mouth for 20min continuously, umm don't you feel the same baby?
R: hmm ( she actually got shy for real) che...no i don't feel like that.
V: umm but I'm feeling like that, today let's do it rashu, I need the honey from your mouth rashu
R: what if someone sees us vishu.
V:don't worry i have paid the watchman, next 30min no one will disturb us. ( I moved my hand closer towards her nect, and moved up to her ears to tickle her.) Rashu shall i ask you something
R: hmm ask vishu
V: you should not say no for that?
R: no vishu, i shall not say ask me.. anything after all I'm your girl friend so you have the right over me.
V: hmm ok baby.. can you tell me your figure measurements?
R: che poli, i don't know...
V: tell know please, what's your boobs size, what's your panty and waist size
R: umm i don't know, I have never measured it( she was feeling too shy now)
V: umm( i started liking the way our conversation took the elevation) you wear bra know, so tell your bra size i shall get to know your boobs size.
R: umm che.....ok it's 34D
V: wow baby i was guessing this size of you, and you know what this itself makes me crazy and it's attractive part of your body
R: oh seriously? Umm i didn't know
V: you don't know rashu, you are gifted with such a hot boobs baby, see it's so big and firm, it always attracts my attention on you.
R: che bhava I'm feeling shy.
V: hey rashu don't come out of your character, else it's difficult for us to proceed further ok, so tell me what's your waist size, so for that think of your pant size or your Jean's size
R: i usually wear 30 size pant vishu...
V: so that's your waist size, then what about your panty size, I mean your underwear whixh is covering your most private and hot part of a girl, where the heaven doors are locked.
R: umm Vishnu, I can understand if you say panty, why you want to elaborate in different names.
V: because i like, even i need to get romantic know baby, so tell me.
R: I used to wear 34 earlier now i need 36 vishu.
V: umm , see your ass size has increased now rashu and 36 ass size is good number baby, it will be so nice to press your ass.
R: che, go vishu, don't make me feel shy...
V: so see your figure is 34-30-36 which is a very hot body measurement.
R: you liked my body measurement Vishu?
V: yes baby that's the hottest size I have seen, 
R: umm( with shy her face had turned red)
V: rashu I need to kiss you now baby, come little close and just lift your face, ( she did as I said) i just licked her lips from my tongue first, rashu closed her eyes and opened her down lips a bit so that I get to see her 4 to 5 teeth, i just pulled her down lips and left it again, now i came little more close and started smooching her..it was so tender, rashu didn't expect that i shall directly make this move, but i was tired covering boner as I was too excited to taste her saliva...i slowly chewed her lips one by one, and rashu had just opened her mouth as she was not sure how to kiss, so she was just cooperating me by opening her mouth. After a while i stopped kissing
V: hey rashu, did you like my kiss taste, did you enjoy our first kiss?
R: ummm ( she was in lust and shyness was stopping her to answer me) how did you feel vishu.
V: to be Frank i felt like chewing them whole day rashu, it's so tasty umm again i pulled her close to me and started kissing her lips passionately, i kissed her close to 20min this time, and she too enjoyed without breaking it, umm her sweet saliva was making by dick dangle in my pants, i started pressing it and hiding the erection from her.
R: vishu, so nicely you kissed me, it didn't pain at all.
V: umm ya, ( now as we were conversing i moved my hands near her necks, ears and making her feel horny, and she was talking about her college days, family and her childhood things, but my hands wanted to explore her body, i just slowly moved my hands on her side boobs and i was just playing there with my 2 fingers , her big boobs  had a big curve near her shoulders, I was just moving my fingers slowly over then while rashu was talking to me, it was so soft and big I was too erected and was unable to control my desire, i slowly moved further up and my fingers came close to her nipples, and that's when rashu pushed those fingers and looked into my eyes with full of shyness but I was super aroused
V: rashu I need to press them baby, your boobs are making me crazy,
R: but we are outside vishu, someone would see.
V: look around, no one is there let me just carefully press them, (without waiting for her consent i started to massage her boobs slowly , i didn't hurry things as i needed to make it a slower progress) rashu are you feeling horny
R: umm yes Vishnu... Please not here let's go somewhere else here it's not safe.
V: ok rashu today no one is there at my place, so you tell your mom that you need to do combine study and come to my place for 1 week, so we both shall spemd time together.
R: bhava, we didn't discuss this part?
V: which one rashu?
R: that I will come with you for  1 week?
V: oh yeah i just created this thought ehen you said let's do this romance some where else.
R: umm because bhava it's not safe from this balcony,our neighbours can see us, so only i said.
V: ok rashu, anyways that was always my plan, so now from night onwards the situation will be like " you have informed your parents that , due to exam you shall do combined study with your friends, so from there onwards we shall stay together like husband and wife in same house"
R: oh ok bhava as you say.
V: ok rashu, now that you will stay with me as a girl friend I need to buy some sexy outfits to you because now we stay together, so obviously i want my girl friend to look hot, so let's purchase some nice bra and panty to you and also some skirts ok
R: umm bhava but I will shy to shop all these with you
V: don't worry, let's think that as part of our skit we are buying all these ok? Come now let's quickly grab some dress for you and by night we need to start our skit.

*** Ok readers, now there will hot intimate scenes will start between Rashmi and Vishnu, i shall make it more interactive during there sexual activities so that it makes more erotic***
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Vishnu1 - 17-06-2024, 04:27 PM

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