Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
Part 6

Meanwhile, my atthe caught me in her observation, when I was scanning at Maria's body...and her reaction after that was not that great as it clearly indicating to her that , now I'm trying to take attention of Maria..
V: so Maria.. here's your coffee..atthe..yours too.
M: oh wow... Vishnu every day I can come here for this kind of coffee da..
V: please do come..I can make everyday for you...

My atthe was not liking the attention what i was giving towards Maria... She was observing everything from her corner eyes, the way i gel with her..the way i was talking ....

Kamala(atthe) talking to herself : why Vishnu is giving so much attention to this lady? Is it because of his age? Or is it because she is so pretty? Ah god.. my only fear is i don't like my son in law getting married to someother women because that would impact my grand daughter.... future life..

M: aunty wanted to ask you something ( she saw around for Vishnu,and continued in talk in softly) what is happening with Vishnu's treatment? I believe saru has informed you about it?
A: oh yeah, regarding his nerve system dysfunction right? Saru had informed about me...when i asked her how they both fell in love with eachother and how things started between them..
M: ya, so after Saru's death who is taking care of it, because it's not fully curable?
A: but now how does it matter, the main reason to start this treatment was because Vishnu might have problems in erection, but now how does it matter? I mean i don't think Vishnu has any plans for 2nd marriage?(she gave suspectful look to Maria)
M: Kamala aunty it's not about only erection, that is one of the problem..there are other impacts as well like pheralysis, stroke or cardiac arrest...if his nerves are not active.. same like what happened Saru's dad.
A: (now she realised the same problem what her husband is also facing) oh ya...i didn't think about it.
M: see now prajna is single parent, so taking care of Vishnu health is very important, if not he would get bed ridden, then who will take care of the baby, first of all the baby has lost her mother and she seeing her father too in bedridden then what happens to her future.
A: correct ( now she looked tension) but how do we look for a solution for this Maria...I'm really blank.
M: i would suggest to talk with Vishnu and convince him for 2nd marriage, because the treatment what is needed here is physical relationship that's the only option, so we need to convince Vishnu about it.
A: but my concern is will his 2nd wife take good care of prajna? You understand what i mean?
M: i understand aunty, that's why we need to handle this situation carefully, we need to look for the girl who understands the situation and take care of both Vishnu and prajna. I would suggest think and see.
A: sure Maria, i shall think about it.

After Maria left to her flat, Kamala was started worrying, her major concern is, she doesn't want Vishnu to marry again as it would impact the baby's future and also she was little selfish about her families personal life also, she was worried that Vishnu might stop giving importance to her family after his 2nd marriage and financially she was dependent on Vishnu as her own husband was bedridden, she was looking for alternative solution, and that's when she remembered the ayurvedic treatment which is famous in her place...she tried calling them and got the contact of one of the branch in Bangalore.

V: atthe, why you looking so worried from yesterday? Is there any problem?
A: ah nothing Vishnu, just a small concern so wasn't sure how i can talk to you about that...
V: it's ok tell me atthe, is it regarding the treatment for mama? Today morning itself i sent the money order for his treatment and doctor said that they will deliver all the required medicines
A: ayyo you already sent ah?( She was feeling so emotional to the unconditional affection what vishu was showing towards her family, and her heart was not convinced with the selfish decision what Kamala had taken but she didn't had any option to be selfish rather getting vishu married again) but that's the concern vishu.
V: then tell me atthe what is that which is bothering you
A: it is regarding your treatment?
V: which treatment?
A: regarding your nerve system vishu? Don't feel bad saru had disclosed this to me, when i asked the things which led to her marriage. I know it's personal but don't feel bad , as now I'm like your mother i need to discuss with you.
V: oh, ( how the hell she got to know about this now? Is it Maria? Hahaha no matter who said, I never thought about this idea but now situation has created in my favour, so let me go with flow) that's ok atthe now that I'm not interested in 2ne marriage so I don't think so that would affect me anymore.
A: it's not about only that vishu....ah i mean ( how do I say) what i mean is, the problem with this disease is not only about getting baby ( she doesn't wanted to use the word erection, as she was not comfortable to talk openly) there are other symptoms also that are attached to it, like pheralysis, stroke or even heart attack. 
V: hmm I agree atthe but you my current situation right there is no medicine for this and I'm not ready for 2nd marriage.
A: yeah ( she was happy that he is not looking for 2nd marriage) but think about muddu also maga, we need to do something to cure your disease, so I was thinking about ayurvedic treatment, I have spoken to them today, so can we go there today evening.
V: but atthe...i don't know what to say..
A: please let's try once atleast for my sake, if it's not working then we shall figure out other options.
V: ok atthe if you are saying so much then let me give a try..
A: thanks maga, evening i have taken appointment, so will go there...

Later i dropped my baby to college and was wondering if i can think of any advantage i would take out of this situation? So i met the doctor early in morning.
V: so doctor, my name is Vishnu and i have my own business in medical industry where my representatives reach out to doctors and we bribe them to suggest the patients to take the medicine from our vendors.
D: okz so how can I help you Mr.vishnu.
V: see doctor, you know how English medicine's are dominated in market and due to which ayurvedic is losing its demand in market, but i have an idea which would boost up your products.
D: sorry i didn't understand what you are saying.
V: see doctor, i know the major income in ayurvedic industry is via medicine and you guys would not earn much in your salary or visiting charges.
D: that's true so what is that, you would do to boost up our medicine?
V: simple ayurvedic medicine are costly, and since you guys have your own formula in creating those medicines so manufacturing department also is with your hands for the medicines what you suggest to pateints?
D: that's correct.
V: so since i have medical representative, I can ask them to reach out most of the doctors around your locality, and convince doctors to suggest your ayurvedic medicine for patients treatment?
D: hmmm then?
V: see end of the day it's not a matter who actually treats the patient, what your industry should worry is, if your medicine are getting deployed to patients and there is demand in the market? Which ideally increase the profit?
D: wow that's great idea...
V: see doctor, there are close to 53 clinics around this area, even if we think that , on daily basis of 30 patients goes to one clinic on a average for 53 clinics the overall patients number would be 1590, ok let's keep the average as 1500 patients? So just imagine all those 1500 patients are suggested to use your medicine? How much demand it would create? Just imagine the sales? 
D: that's true Vishnu, the sales will increase than what we speculate.
V: yes...the sales what your business do for 2 months is sold out in single day, just imagine the inflow of money?
D: it's really amazing, i never thought about this idea, but tell me what is your percentage you are expecting out of this return, I can agree to anything for this deal.
V: doctor doctor, relax i understand the excitement, but let me know what you suggest the percentage? Then i shall tell you what is there in my mind?
D: see with our prices, I can suggest you 60% profit sharing with you, as we don't have too many outlets so I need your help in increasing the distribution also.... hence i am sharing more percentage of profit with you Vishnu.
V: ok doctor got your point, now listen to this... today evening I shall come with a lady to your clinic for treatment, and you just need to suggest the treatment the way i want, don't worry if that treatment actually works for me, because I'm perfectly alright and there is no need of any medication, and you Just need to say what i need here.

I explained the doctor the method of treatment, and I also asked him to scare my atthe to the core and there is no other options..

D: so, actually you are trying to have sexual desire with that lady and need my help in suggesting the treatment?
V: yes, and if you do that I shall help you and also doctor i don't want 60% profit sharing... I shall settle for 50%, just imagine how much difference that 10% extra profit would benefit you.
D: are you serious? Wow i didn't expect you would settle for 50 percent margin, because i thought you are having this adhoc request with 60%
V: no doctor just donehatbi say..
D: sure Vishnu..i can do whatever you ask, as even in getting financial benefits out of this...
V: ok then doctor nice to meet you, i shall catch up with you in evening, but remember everything what i said and sound confident..
D: you don't worry i shall exceed your expectations.

I left from there after explaining the scenario to doctor. I came back to Home has my lunch and thought of resting a while as my treatment was in evening. Meanwhile phone rang in the hall...and that's when a sheepish smile appeared on my face..
A: hello who's this?
Nurse: hello madam I'm calling from bhadra ayurvedic clinic, it's regarding the appointment which you have today.
A: oh correct, we shall come there by 6 pm
Nurse: ok, as per the initial brief what you explained, doctor has suggested that patient's wife needs to be attended in today's counselling as it's very important to explain the treatment.
A: hmm ok , both husband and wife would come...( She kept the phone)

Kamala talking to herself: what treatment would they suggest, I'm feeling little nervous as the nurse mentioned it's something which can be disclosed only to wife? Hmm is it something which saru used to give for vishu? Oh god please don't test me like this.... but actually I'm not in the situation to back myself also because at that time, i might need to think of 2nd marriage as an option for his treatment, then that is even more dangerous ... Hmm ok after all I need to sacrifice for well being of my grand daughter and also for all the sacrifices which Vishnu has done so far.....later Kamala went towards the mirror to look at her body figure... first time she is looking in the mirror with a thought process in her mind about her sex appeal or is she looks young enough to look like wife of Vishnu as she need enact in front of doctor.
She looked her face...she admired it as there were no aged wrinkles or mole or pimples..her face was glowing as if she used kids soap...then she looked at her figure...her boobs were still so stiff and hard, that massive 36D can tempt even an old man...it was soo firm and pointed...she didn't had any tummy.. so it was flat stomach with big deep navel...she turned back to see her ass shape which was bulky like a road hump...so overall Kamala was happy with her physical appearance, and she thanked her yoga practice..due to which she maintains her body texture so tonned and composed.

In the evening they were getting ready and Kamala was wearing salwar today, as she needed to look younger....
V: Atthe shall we go....
A:sure I'm ready...
V: atthe looks like your age has reduced to 21 years..after you wearing chudi..
A: ah thanks maga, actually the doctor has called and she said that patient's wife should also come to hospital...so i didn't wanted to say she has expired..i just said ok maga
V: oh you mean the nurse, but why they need my wife to accompany me? Anyways what you said Atthe?
A: i said ok, and thought i shall only be your wife when doctor ask....
V: hahaha..ok atthe that's why this chudi..hmm ok let's go...

We went to hospital... And we were waiting for doctor to attend us, and meanwhile they called us in..

D: so you are misses Vishnu.
A: just nodded her head..
D: ok I have seen his historical reports and examined as well, looks like there is no cure by English medicine's but we shall give our medicine which should hopefully work in curing the disease...but it takes time and efforts from both husband and wife
A: thanks doctor, by hearing it's curable itself is good news, tell me doctor how we need to give the medication for this.
D: see this medication is unique, it consists of a tablet and a immunity booster syrup. And both the doses has to be taken morning and night or even afternoon, but ensure we take twice in a day after food intake.
A: sure doctor will give
D: and the tablet is for the patient and syrup is for his wife....
A: oh ok, but why I need to take syrup doctor?
D: see the tablet what he takes helps him to improve his nerve system disfunctioning but along with that he needs a immunity booster as well which should be powerful, hence we are giving this syrup to you..
A: ok, but why I need to take doctor? I'm getting confused
D: no worries let me explain, see you know how cough and cold are spread or even to that matter fever
A: hmm from one person to another doctor..
D: Correct based on this formula we have designed this syrup...once you drink this syrup it will give you excess immunity booster to your body, so since already you have enough immunity power that excess is something you need to transfer to your husband body
A: oh but how?
D: you need to drink this syrup and after 20min of the consumption you need to engage with your husband in saliva exchange from mouth..in simple terms you both need to exchange kiss..and once you do that, the saliva in your body would move to your husband and he gains those excess immunity what you transfer from your mouth...
A: but how doctor....and also instead of me transferring it, can he not drink by himself.
D: see as i explained earlier like how cold spread from one person to another in similar concept this immunity booster is designed.. while you kiss your husband you are transferring the healthy excess immunity from your body to his body in the form of saliva....and the reason why you need to take this is because..this syrup would work only if it's given by the person who has good immunity and person with weak immunity if he consumes then this medicine will not boost the immunity as the medicine is not meet the active positive cells in his body.
A: oh ok make sense doctor now i understood why I need to take...and anything else doctor?
D: nothing but ensure treatment is not missed even a single day, and come to check the progress after 2 weeks.
A: thanks doctor we shall follow .
D: and Mr Vishnu, while you obsorb the saliva, ensure you break the kiss and kiss some other parts of the kiss so that fresh saliva is been stimulated.
V: ah sorry doctor why is that so?
D:see if you keep kissing then you would consume the same Saliva, but if you break the kiss and kiss some other part of the body as well I mean it can be anywhere but it should arose your partner so that fresh saliva is stimulated from her body, because fresh saliva has more immunity power.
V: ok doctor got your point.
D: ok then you guys carry on, and we shall meet after 2 weeks..

*** Ok my readers...now things will start opening up...how the new treatment goes from here? Further how Vishnu would involve Rashmi and Maria for his sexual satisfaction? Keep reading*****
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Vishnu1 - 12-06-2024, 07:41 PM

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