Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
Part 3

I went to the college to pick my daughter, and could see she came crying towards me...
V: hey what happened Muddu? Why you crying?
M: that girl pushed me papa...
V: oh..(there was a another kid with black hairs and cat eyes...the bay was so pretty, and obviously boys Instinct...i too started looking for her mother as i was wondering how pretty her mom could be, i looked around and know was there...) Hey baby what's your name..
L: my name is Lily uncle....
V: hmm nice name..why you both are fighting? You both should be good friends ok?
L: she only first pushed me uncle..
M: no pap she did..hey don't lie..you cheater...
V:  ok ok now both of you stop fighting and Shake hands...hmm yes that's good from today you both are good friends ok?
Kids, nodded there head and started playing...

V: Lily who is coming to pick you up?
L: my mom, but usually she is late..
V: ok careful the. Ok..bye bye...muddu let's go..

Next day at college...
V: oye muddu....sww what I have got today, dairy milk chocolate...
M: yeah ...thank you papa..
L: uncle for me?
V: oops sorry kidoo, i didn't see you, take this is for you...
L: thank you uncle....you are so sweet 
V:hahaha ok kidoo bye see you tomorrow..

Again next day at college..
V: hey Lilly what happened to your leg, looks like you are hurt, did you fell down?
L: yes uncle..I saw you and started running, so lost balance and fell down..
V: ayyo wait, let me get first aid from my car...i cleaned everything and applied medicine to her..., Ok now lily sit and take rest ok don't strain until your mom comes...

At home me and my atthe had become more closer now..we used to for park, movie along with my daughter... because we both wanted her to get all the love which she had missed..
A: maga, see now you are feeling so relaxed and back to normal
V: all thanks to you atthe, you left mama there and came all alone here to help, good that my daughter is not remembering her mother because she is getting that from you..
A: yes maga even i came for that purpose only, i want to be grandmother and mother both to my muddu...
V: thanks atthe...

We reached back home after a movie...and was sitting on sofa and relaxing 
M: appa, when will Amma would come....
V: hey amma is back muddu, wait will show you ....atthe..atthe?
A: ah maga you called me?
V: yes atthe muddu wanted to see her mummy so i called you... See muddu this is your mummy, grany everything...she is the blessings which God has given us after he took your real mother..
M: but how ? She is my granny, how can i consider her as my mom?
V: haha.. see putta...what and all your mom used to do for you daily?
M: she used to feed me food, sing song for me, make me sleep, Play with me...all these papa.
V: hmm good, now is your granny also doing something what your mom used to do...
M: oh true papa.... earlier granny was not doing all these things to me...but after God took away mom, she started doing all... But
V: what muddu? Tell me it's ok..
M: you are lying papa....she is not my mommy ( she started crying hard and my atthe came running to console her) you are lying..
A: hey no putta..I'm your mom, see God has taken your mom as there are so many other kids like you to take care ...in heaven...
M: if God has taken my mom to take care of other kids in heaven then how you will become my mom granny?
A: ayyo is that your logic? See what God has done is..he has sent your mom's soul in my body and he took only her body..so I'm your mom..
M: houda ( is it?) But what is soul granny?
A: soul means...hmm what to say ah ok..
..I'm doing all the work which your mom used to do right?
M: yes correct
A: see only if I have that soul with me, I can do what your mother used to do...so I'm your mom now muddu..
M: oh ok...now i understand..I'm so happy that my mom is back..but from today I'll call you as mom not as granny aytha?
A: sure muddu, we just need your happiness..
M: see daddy this is how you should explain... Finally my momma is back i shall inform my friends and teachers tomorrow...
V: ok muddu do as you wish...
M: daddy even you should be happy like me, because mom is back...and have got your wife back...
V: oopss ahh ahh ahh( I was puzzled by her sudden bomb)
M: why daddy are you not happy that your wife is back?
A: hmm( if i don't respond now,then muddu would get doubt at this age i can't hurt her feelings, I'd she gets to know all these are lie then she will never trust me or talk to me..) yes putta your papa is shy that i have come back...
V: ahhh( again confusion mind, not sure what to answer) hmm yes yess...no no..hm yes yes muddu..
M: hahaha..papa..is scared..papa is scared...
A: ah..muddu you should not say like that, go and pack your bag tomo you have college right?
M: ok amma..... Daddy come soon..let's sleep after that...

V: atthe, you should have not convinced her by saying saru soul is in your body... because she has believed it and tomorrow if she gets to know it's a lie then what perspective she would have upon us  ...
A: i know maga...but i didn't had any other way to handle the situation..
V: hmm you know about her smartness right atthe..now she starts observing both of us...if we make small mistake it's very difficult to make her understand the situation
A: don't worry maga, after all she is my only grand daughter..I can sacrifice anything for her sake..you just please don't think otherwise about my behaviour if we need to be close in front of her..
V: thats what is concerning me atthe...how can we both behave like that in front of her..
A: see maga, already i believe we both have developed good bonding..let's continue the same when muddu is around...
V: ok atthe but should we change our approach..that's what I'm thinking...
A: offcourse maga, please don't mind..how you were with saru at muddu presence..let's just limit ourselves to be like that....
V: atthe that's difficult..how can I be like that with you...umm
A: hmm ( this was most embarrassing situation for her, because of her mistake now she has to convince her own son in law to treat her like his wife)
V: hmmm ( looks like the situation has turned into my favour without any planning...ah now that fos only has created this situation for me, so let me just try to tweak it better, ahh after all even I'm human being...how long can i control my instincts...hahaha what say guys ...;-) let's begin the new sex adventure hahaha EL DORADO..

Part 4

A: hmm maga, so tell me what you used to do with saru when your daughter was around..
V: normal atthe hugging, when i go out i usually kiss her saying bye, cuddling eachother while sleeping...thats all I can say ..rest you used to happen few things according to situation.
A: hmm but don't feel bad maga for what i said to muddu, i Just said so that she doesn't miss her mom..
V: that's ok atthe...hmm it's already 10 atthe you go and sleep , I have some work...

She left to room..i just turned back and saw her huge swaying ass..ahh..it was making me mad....i just pressed my hard on over my tracks and continued to work on my laptop..

Next day it was weekend and asusual my athe she travelled back to Chennai, meanwhile i went to pick my muddu..
M: hi papa, you came late today...
V: sorry muddu, had to drop your ajji to airport so got late... anyways what you eating?
M: i just finished eating cake papa..
V: who gave you muddu..
M: Lily's mother papa, it was so yummy....she is standing there...
V: oh ( finally Lily's mom is here, let me see who is that lady....who gave birth to this beautiful kid....oops is this ? I was mesmerized with what i say in front of my eyes...)

The lady saw me from far and she herself came close to me, as she arrived i could see excitement in her eyes as well...she too recognised me and stood there with happiness...
M: hey vishuu, how are you? Oh god i never dreamt that i would see you guy's, how's is Sarala..oh god.. unbelievable..it's been 4 years i haven't seen you guys...
V: ahh( to be Frank i was lost in her beauty, what a transformation?, First of all she was looking like an angel when i met her before marriage, now she has increased her beauty.... I believe regular gyming has helped her to maintain her body...it was same as I saw earlier..each and every part had equal muscles...same cat eyes....free fallen hairs...omg what's up with those tight erotic boobs...it looks so sharp even now, and i wonder how even after a baby? Oops the only difference  i observed is her boobs...it had increased the size may be now it's 36D....and her ass too , though i was facing towards her..but still from the corner of my eyes i was getting the glimpse of her hot bulky ass...ahhhh lucky those tight leggings...
M: hello sir are you here...I'm taking to you only....
V:oops sorry it was surprise..I was just thinking if it's true...hmm so Lily is your kid...
M: yup, and prajna is your kid...?
V: yup muddu is my kid..ah I mean prajna ...
M: nice name, how's Sarala?
V: hmm yup she is good....it's been long shall we go for a coffee, so that we can chit chat..
M: oops I'm so sorry, i was about to ask you..come lets go, there is near by coffee day...

We left together in my car..we reached near by CCD in vijaynagar, ilwe both ordered expresso and the kids took icecream...
V: ah, so when you came back to Bangalore,  we thought initially you would settle in Germany iself..so what brought you bac here? Hmm and sorry what's your husband name I forgot hmmm yeshwant right?
M: yup, yeshwant!... Actually we had planned to visit Bangalore when i was conceived and return back after my delivery but life took us to different plan what it had...
V: hahaha...life has its own plan, when we sit and do our plan..it's so stupidity of us..
M: hmmm so... how's Sarala...after i reached there i didn't even had your new number...so never got a chance to talk to you guys..
V: ok let me come to the matter Maria, now it's been almost 3 month's since Sarala left us ufff..
M: sorry i didn't get you vishu?
V: she left us Maria..... while she was returning from office she met with an accident and on spot she expired..ufff
M: omg..I'm so sorry but I just can't beleive it's true...she was just 26 years and all this happened?
V: hmm yes, i said right god has his own plan....so this is it..
M: so Now how you managing life?
V: initially it was difficult but now I have learned to manage for the sake of my Muddu..snd my mother in law stays with me..so she manages food and Everything
M: oh Kamala aunty stays with you now.. that's cool atleast the kid has someone to accompany you...
V: yes...ok leave that topic..i just don't want to get emotional, so tell me where is yashwant...has he found any job in Bangalore?
M: you said god has his plans know Vishnu...so even i lost my yashwant in his plan...
V: ah what do you mean? I didn't get you
.when all this happened in your life..
M: hmm( with smile at her fate) it happened like 5 months back....hmm i came here when i had conceived for 2nd time..later due to labour pain I was admitted.. yashwant was very excited for our 2nd baby..and he was taking good care of me throughout my pregnancy period..but while delivering..my water ball was opened inside due to which the baby had swallowed water inside my stomach..hmm due to which the baby expired during delivery..and when yeshwant saw and heard about it..he was not able to digest..he had sudden cramp and died due to cardiac arrest...
V: oops that's hell of a double shocker to you..
M: yes both my new born baby and husband...i lost both in front of my eyes..( she started weeping and wiped her tears quickly as she doesn't wanted her daughter lily to see that)
V: I'm so sorry , for remembering all those things again.
M: hahaha that's ok, I have moved on..joined my work back.. forgot things...take care of lily..ahh somehow kept myself busy..
V: already you are orphan so now who take care of Lily in your absence?
M: as you know yashwant parents were against our marriage due to intercaste..so till date they never bothered to call or even talk to us..hmm so somehow i have a nanny who come and take care of my kid when I'm busy with my work and helps me till evening..after evening I shall wrap my work and spend time with my kid...so somehow managing things..
V: hmm, you are brave Maria, I have to say...

Meanwhile our kids started crying as they were hungry, so we ordered some burgers there only and finished our small brunch..and vacated the place..
M: see vishu...our destiny..like me and Sarala..now my kid got new friend which is daughter of my close friend...they both look so comfortable with eachother.. Just give food and water that's all after that they are on there own..
V: yes, they both fel together nicely..
M: only problem is at my apartment..over there she does not have any company..and she feels cranky.
V: haha that's the problem with my kid as well...
M: ok then, let's move from here, looks like it might rain anytime...and as your in law is not there what would you do for lunch and dinner on weekends...
V: ah good question.. sometimes I cook or we usually have outside...
M: hmm ok anyways your in law is not there..so why don't you come to my place and finish your dinner? Meanwhile even the kids will get company..
V: looks like good idea but why chumma trouble for you...
M: arey, what trouble..even i would get company I'm so bored here as i came to Bangalore after 4 years i don't have any friends, atleast now i have met you ...so please often do come and meet..
V: definitely, anyways our kids in same college..so obviously we can meet on daily..

*** Things are getting very easy for Vishnu...now along with mother in law he met Maria too...so how does things goes from here? Does Vishnu has any strategies? Keep reading****
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Vishnu1 - 11-06-2024, 10:08 PM

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