07-06-2024, 10:32 AM
(07-06-2024, 08:56 AM)Hornytamilan23 Wrote: To my knowledge yin and yang are chinese mythology. Where in yin is feminine, dark and negative. Whereas yang is masculine, bright and positive.
If this is yang, suggesting what might have happened. What about yin, will it be more darker, and can it say what happeend in theatre, why she switched seats during intreval. Why she went to restroom and she meet javed and chacha there. I would love to see yin, picking up the narration from theatre.
Also I would like this update to be srini's imagination. Ganga's pov will be appreciated
huh ? Don't think too much into it. yin and yang are just here to help srinu, help him imagine what might have happened on the day of attack yin and Yang are just alter ego's inside him, just like every other person like us