Adultery Vanitha- An house wife
Vanitha- An house wife
Dear readers ,this is a story about an house wife
 Characters :
Vanitha Mahesh age 35 ( she looks like actress sri reddy )
Mahesh (husband) 40
First hero Rahul 19 neighbour flat guy
Maid son Madan 18
Down flat neighbour Ramesh 65
In future more characters will be add
Update 1:

 Vanitha was a  house wife from orthodox family he got married at his age of 20 now his age was 35  and his husband Mahesh also from big family he was an general manager of one private company . 15 year of there marriage life  they happily living together and they  have 1 son he was studying 5 std his name Varun . they staying in gated community in Chennai with his mother in law .Vanitha was so much take care of his fitness. So only while going all men the community try flirt with vanitha but didn’t care about any men he ignore every body .there sexual life of vanitha and mahesh going only .after mahesh got promotion he cant spend time with vanitha and his son .one day after noon maid working in  vanitha house and told
Maid : mam, for neighbour flat on new family came in this morning ( maid name : malika)
Vanitha : oh yes malika I heard about that meena aunty told to me ( meena wife of Ramesh) how much member in there family .
Malika: 3 mam from tomorrow  for that house also im the maid  mam,
Vanitha : ok malika but should finish our house first  the you want go
 Mailka : sure mam my work finish im going
Vanitha : ok malika

  Update 2:
After 20 min door bell ring vanitha go and open the door bell he saw new neighbours they intro them self I’m ramya and this my son Rahul.
Vanitha : come inside the house sit down pls
Ramya: nice meet our new  neighbour here some sweets
Vanitha : thanks ramya ,are you working ramya
Ramya : yes vanitha im working in bank sector
Vanitha : nice ramya wat is your son doing 
Ramya : Rahul aunty is asking you only tell him answer him
Rahul: aunty im studying  1 year in sbt college
Vaintha: nice Rahul ramya wat about your husband
Ramya : he working has pilot most he not available
Vanitha : oh ok ramya come to dinner I intro my family also
Ramya : sure vanitha we will come. Ok vanitha we should leave now lot arrangement want to don in house .we see at dinner
Vanitha : ok sure ramya
At the evening after mahesh enter the house and vanitha told I invited our new neighbor for dinner  mahesh .oh nice vanitha  we can know neighbor well. yes Mahesh  i have no time i have to prepare the dinner  mahesh ok vanitha  i also  have office work  ok mahesh  .after dinner preparation vaintha  gone for bath mean while mahesh doing his office work .after mahesh work over he start the arrangement for dinner .after shower vanitha came change dress he took night dress bra panties while he blow hair saw the mirror she praise here self of his beauty after getting came from the room he saw table everything is ready .thank you  mahesh this my pleasure vanitha ....door bell ring ramya and rahul came mahesh invite them into house vanitha intro the mahesh and varun  they have there  dinner after that mahesh vanitha and ramya are talking .rahul and varun are playing ps4 after that ramya and rahul left house . mahesh told to vanitha we got good neighbours  . yes mahesh .vanitha tomorrow i want go office soon so i go to bed ok mahesh u go bed i take care rest of thing mahesh .
Update 3 :

Days past vanitha and ramya become close very much rahul and varun also close they play in evening 8 months gone at one day after mahesh came from office and told two vanitha in 4 days  i want go to denmark  for office work vanitha .wat r u saying mahesh in 4 days you going to denmark ,yes vanitha .
vanitha : when you return back mahesh
mahesh : for 8 month i want stay in denmark vanitha 
vanitha : ohh 8 months ah
mahesh :yes vainitha don’t worry  i call my mom to stay with you for 8 month
vanitha : no mahesh don’t disturb the mom varu and I manage
mahesh : are sure vanitha
vanitha : yes Mahesh  I will manage don’t worry
mahesh : ok vanitha
after 3 days at last day vanitha packeted everythings for mahesh ,
mahesh : varun slept  vanitha
vanitha : yes mahesh . when was your flight
mahesh : 6 am vanitha
mahesh told to vaintha lets have time together ,yes dear , mahesh start kiss on vanitha lips …………
vanitha: mmm mahesh slow dear
mahesh : yes dear but today u looking very dear
they kissing for 10 min vanitha start moaning mmmmmm mahesh . mahesh start pressing her boobs over the night shirt
vanitha: oh mahesh mmm ahhh come on
mahesh suck here boobs over the shirt .. then he remove the shirt and pant of vanitha now she was in bra and panties . mahesh start licking the whole body .vanitha close eyes and enjoy the mahesh lick he moaning mmmm ahhh yes mahesh after long gap we enjoying this dear
mahesh : yes dear
after that mahesh remove his dress and become nude. Mahesh ask vanitha to take his dick on his mouth but Vanitha refuse it .so mahesh got disappoint .vanitha told to mahesh sorry dear I cant ,mahesh its ok dear I will not compel you dear . then mahesh remove panties of vanitha .ready lick his pussy  but mahesh told to vanitha your already say it he laugh vanitha got blush and told stop teasing me mahesh .he start licking his pussy and insert his finger in  pussy start massaging .vaintha start to moaning ummm mmmmmm ahhhhhhh oh mahesh come .mahesh slowly increase the speed .in pleasure vanitha start to moaning loudly mmmmmmmm  mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhh  ohhhh dear faster .. in pleasure vanitha start  cry and screaming loudly  mmmmmm  yaaaaaaa    ummmmmm  dear faster  .he start lick more faster ….vanitha  screaming mmmmmm ahhhh mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm   yaaa dear mmmmm  I cant control any more vanitha juice spray in mahesh face …he drink all is juice ..vaintha body become red …he got little tried… mahesh remove vain bra and start suck the tits ..vanitha moaning mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmmmm mmm mya dear .bite his boobs hardly …….
Vanitha :  ahhh mahesh its pain but like it dear
Mahesh pressing and sucking vaintha boobs hardly … pleasure vanintha moaning mmmmmm mmmmm mmmm ahhhhh  yaaaaaa dear  ….finally mahesh spread his leg and keep his pussy and rubbing the pussy teasing the vaintha ..oh mahesh stop teasing me dear I cant take it anymore insert the dick into my pussy dear
Mahesh slowly insert the dick into the pussy …vanitha mmmmmm mmmmm maheshhhhhhh……….,mahesh start slowly  increase the speed ….vanitha start moaning loudly mmmmmmm ahhhhhhh mmmmmmmm  yaaaaa ohhhhhhhhh yesssssssssss dear fasterrrrrrrrrr .while see moaning of vaintha mahesh start fucking the vanitha faster …vanintha screaming loudly mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm ahhhhhh dear come on mmmmmm ummmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh fasterrrrrr mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm…..mmmmmm mmmm ummmmmm mmmm faster and deeperrrrr   ahhhhhhhh dear come onnnnn mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmmmm its awesome mahesh  mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmm …..after 15 min fucking mahesh told to vani im going cummmm me toooo dear he download the sperm on inside the  pussyyyy  and he  kisss the vanitha  slept top of vani …..
Vanitha :  mmmmm  dear  its nice after long gap we had awesome sex …can we go another round dear..
Mahesh : no dear I got tried tomorrow I want got airport soon …
Vanitha : ok dear (but inside vaintha got disappoint and he satisfy yet )
Both slept as nude ….. at moring 4 am mahesh wake up vanitha he still sleep as nude ….
Mahesh: wake up wear your dress it time up
Vanitha : sorry mahesh ….
Mahesh : Its ok …vanitha  ..u look  hot  can we do sex
Vanitha : no mahesh already late for you .i go fresh up come dear ….
After vanitha finish bath and getting ready for mahesh sent off …mahesh and vanitha talking before leaving the bedroom mahesh kiss the vaintha for 5 min then leave the bed room and he talk his son and vanitha got emotional and he start cry mahesh convincing vanitha kiss in forehead left the house gone to air port . mahesh reach the air port mahesh call to vanitha…
Phone ringgggg………….
Vanitha: yes dear
Mahesh : I arrived to air port dear take care you and our son I will back soon I love you dear
Vanitha : I love you too dear ..take care dear finsh work come back soon dear ..
Mahesh : ok dear I will take care Im going bored the flight bye dear I love you
Vanitha : bye dear I love you too ….
After vanitha cut call gone to sleep  for while………
Note : here after mahesh character will appear.. it will come only phone and video conversation going happen between vanitha and mahesh ……
Update will coming soon ……mention your comment about the story... i need your support guys.....
 [Image: M63nDbS]
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Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 01-06-2024, 04:17 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Pushpa Purusan - 01-06-2024, 10:31 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by santhu304 - 02-06-2024, 07:27 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rangabaashyam - 02-06-2024, 05:47 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 02-06-2024, 06:05 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rangabaashyam - 02-06-2024, 06:13 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by xavierrxx - 04-06-2024, 07:04 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 04-06-2024, 11:54 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Joshua - 09-06-2024, 10:08 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Joshua - 05-06-2024, 12:22 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Joshua - 09-06-2024, 10:21 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by sri7869 - 09-06-2024, 03:26 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 11-06-2024, 12:30 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Joshua - 11-06-2024, 11:31 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by couples2k9 - 12-06-2024, 04:31 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 14-06-2024, 02:35 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Rahulcool - 14-06-2024, 03:13 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Johnnythedevil - 14-06-2024, 06:01 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Herbiee - 18-06-2024, 09:24 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Eswar P - 20-06-2024, 06:46 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by dubukh - 20-06-2024, 10:37 AM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Namard pati - 20-06-2024, 03:08 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Saikarthik - 20-06-2024, 05:02 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Herbiee - 20-06-2024, 08:44 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by NovelNavel - 25-06-2024, 09:58 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by Tanvirapu - 26-06-2024, 05:08 PM
RE: Vanitha- An house wife - by kanikaakochr - 27-06-2024, 03:35 AM

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