Misc. Erotica Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence
Part 26

Ahhhh finally in the plain back to my city...my there was something going between my heart and mind..and i was feeling discomfort .. certainly for betraying nutan..I was too addicted to her ?

My heart: hey vishuu you should go back to madikeri... you would get both Rangamma and Nutan..even they are equally beautiful compared to Sarala and Maria.
My mind: hahaha, don't listen to him Vishnu... you can anytime visit and fuck both Nutan and Rangamma but you cannot do the same with saru and Maria... First have sex with them also and later you shall get all 4 girls...and anytime you can enjoy them....

As always i listen to my MIND ...HAHAHA

I reached the airport, from far i can see my Sarala is waiting...for my arrival and my heart started to pump faster as I had missed her for 2 weeks...now i was getting goosebumps as i came close..oops my adorable beauty..my dream girl...she looks so fresh...hmmm

V: hi saruu....( I just stood in front of her)
Sbanana she had tears in her eyes, she just held my face and started kissing all over ) how are you... everything is fine with you putta?( She hugged me tightly)
V: (ooppss what ever it is... No one can have a boob like Sarala...ahh i literally missing this... That hard poking nipples of her...and big hard boobs hmm i really enjoyed the warm welcome)

We took a taxi and started to our home...I was feeling excited thinking about my new therapy which sarua dn.maria would give me....

Flashback on the therapy treatment
1) Vishnu should be given bath twice in a week
2) now along with boob milking , saru needs to treat me by getting Naked.
3) further she has to seduce..give blowjob and lick asshole of required to activate my nerves.

We reached home..I got fresh up as already in madikeri I had taken bath..
V: where is your friend Maria teacher?
S: she is out for her work.. probably tomorrow she would come, hmm ok putta i shall prepare prepare coffee for you, meanwhile you relax 
V: ok teacher....

Uff I was in balcony..still it's 6 pm,long time to go for therapy..ummm time for sentimental attack on my saruu...let me light the cigarette.. I took a fag and started smoking.. meanwhile saru was done with her coffee..
S: hmm what's that cigarette smell in my home?...( She came to balcony) hey vishuu what's wrong with you , why you smoking?
V: mam...ah mam....
S: what ? Who taught you this bad habit?
V: mam actually Nutan aunty called me to home because her brother was not keeping well, so she wanted to travel back to Madhurai, so here at home no one was there to take care of our business..
S: ok so?
V: I was not knowing anything to manage things...but with the help of manager I some how managed things..
S: ok and then?
V: but during night I was not getting sleep only mam, 1 week i tried some how but it was too difficult...when i sleep my veins inside my body used to push me up .I was feeling like my veins are not under my control..some times I was not able to move my hand.. some time my leg... Certain time my dick seemed to be like not working only mam
S: ayyoooo then?
V: then what..i felt like it's in deep sleep..i startrd getting scared.
S:oh ( seems like this are the symptoms of what doctor explained, vishu was experiencing) but did your aunt didn't give therapy
V: how will she give mam? She was in her brother's place
S: with tears in her eyes..you struggled a lot a putta?
V: wiped my tears, hmm yes mam..there were days where i didn't get sleep... I was always thinking about you mam, I was wondering if I was with you then.. i would have not felt all this problem
Sbananawiping her tears) sorry putta i was helpless.. I too missed you every day and night... Maria used to go for work.. but here i was always thinking of you..( she held me on her shoulder)
V: me too mam...I was so lonely..
S: but how that prompted you to smoke putta?
V: ah, one day I was not getting sleep at all. So i called Nutan aunt...and she asked to smoke a cigarette as it would give relaxation to my nerves...
Sbanana blady bitch) this is how she spoiled you putta?
V: ah mam.. that's when my manager taught me to smoke and it actually started to give relaxation to my nerves and could sleep..
S: see putta smoking is not good to health...the reason for your nerve pain is because you missed your therapy...now that you have come here we shall start from today itself.. so please throw it..
V: sure mam...as you say.. thank you mam.... because of you I'm feeling secured..
S: che why thanks for all this...btw I need to thank you
V: why mam?
S: don't act...I know everything...last week my mom had called
V: oh is she alright?
S: yes putta, and she was thanking me for gifting golden bangles for her birthday, and i was wondering that..i actually didn't send any bangles to her infact I even forgot that it was her birthday....
V: oh then mam?
S: then what idiot...mom told me that one of your security guard handed over the bangles to her saying that it was sent in courier by me...
V: wow good mam...you are good daughter and taking care of your mam well
S: oye I know it was sent by you.. and not me ok...I'm very grateful to you..my mom was so happy because it was always her wish to have a gold bangles...

V: hahaha..it's nothing compared to your sacrifice mam, your mom is like my mom..so i just did small favour..
S:it's not small....my mom said it's 60grams gold which is worth of 80000 rupees putta why you need to spend so much.
V: hello i don't think of money when i spend it on my mom ok... Same like that she is also my mom...
Sbanana in tears she just hugged me) thanks putta...
V: you have forgotten how to say thanks... especially when we are happy...mam?
Sbanana with shy..she just closed her eyes and separated her lips)

I just held her chin ..slided her down lips with my thumb......i bent my head and planted a plain kiss....and slowly took her down lips and started sucking it slowly..I was exchanging her lips one by one... and moved my hand behind her and held her bare waist... pressed her against me...she held my hairs from behind..and started enjoying the saliva...
V: mam......i missed this kiss a lot.. ummm again i pulled my saru tongue and fought with mine....... finally i stopped..hmmm.
V: thanks mam.. looks like my veins are back... just by touch of your lips...... Ok mam i shall call my friends to find out in this 2 weeks was there anything i missed out in syllabus...
S: I have already spoken to principal..she would arrange the required special classes to you, anyways you talk once with your friends...

Saru inner soul: hmm per doctor instructions you need to naturally perform the therapy with Vishnu, so how are you planning it?
Saru:Thats what even I'm thinking, how to get naked and suck his dick or do anyother things when we are sexually aroused....hmmm god my mind is not working......ah ahh
Saru inner soul: hmm true...let me think...ok got it....
Saru: wow I too got it yeah.. thanks god
Saru soul: hey what's that?
Saru: your my soul right, you should be knowing ?

S: vishu..come lets have dinner.., I have prepared your favourite chitranna and vade.
V: awesome, I'm too hungry......( Food was served and they started eating)
V: teacher why are you eating curd rice?
S: ah I'm not keeping well putta, I have stomach ache...
V: oh, come then let's go to hospital, why you didn't inform earlier?
S: no no it's ok, I have already been to hospital 3 days back and doctor has suggested the medication...
V:hmm then why still it has not reduced? Let's go to different hospital mam?
S: no no, actually doctor said there is no medication for this...as it has to be cured naturally and she has suggested remediation and if I'm not going through remediation then i should get operated to solve this issue..
V: OMG you never informed me, when gt problem is so severe mam, can you tell me what is the natural medication?
S: hmm it's ok leave it Vishnu....it's little sensitive and I can't share it with you..
Vbanana with little anger) good, i shared each and every thing with you, but you don't? Fine next time don't ask me anything..
S: abba ok baba.. finish your dinner I shall explain...

We were done with dinner...saruu cleaned the bed...she was wearing black saree with green border..and black blouse ..I got into my usual boxer and white sleeveless vest... I turned on the TV and was watching Hindi movie Ram Teri ganga maili...and the conversation with saru opened up... I rested my half body against bed and saru also sat in same position... atmosphere was too silent and i was indulged in mandakini beauty in that Hindi movie

S: Vishnu, that day my stomach was aching and I went to doctor, and she tested my abdominal.
Dr: so from when you are having this problem
S: doctor from past 2 weeks and occasionally i used to get pain, but now it has increased
Dr: ok , are you married?
S: yes doctor
Dr: then your husband didn't come?
S: no doctor he was busy with work.
Dr: ok i shall ask few personal questions, can you tell me when you last had sex with him snd how long you both have been married?
S: with hesitant... doctor we never indulged in sex due to internal conflicts...so I'm still virgin..
Dr: oh that's where the problem lies and very few people would get this kind of disease... So your body has never ejaculated your sperm out, so too much of sperm has accumulated there in abdominal and it needs a release..
 So rhe only solution is you need have sex with your partner...
S: but doctor right 5we are not in a position to have sex.. can you suggest any alternative please?
Dr: see your body needs physical relationship...and it's important especially when you have abdominal infection...as your sperms would get accumulated in pelvic area and later your bladder would would get infected and you shall see side effects like severe abdominal pain and irregular periods, and if this not treated with natural sex then it might turn to blood clots as you don't experience regular periods
S: oh doctor apart from sex can you please suggest any other solution.... right now I can't have sex with my husband please?
Dr: due to thickness of your sperm, you need indulge in foreplay atleast and it should happen naked...and at the end due to intense sexual involvement your body would ejaculate more sperm.
S: but doctor can i not do masterbate?
Dr: no because in that process your body will not experience foreplay and sperm discharge will be less, so it's better atleast have naked foreplay and then end in masterbating that's the only solution..

I listened this and was very excited, wow what a coincidence? Now saru too is in dilemma of sexual intimacy which would cure her disease... My mind didn't think if she was bluffing or not.. i just thought benefits out of this

V: oh mam it's disappointing, i know your husband cannot satisfy your needs, so what is your thought process?( I wanted her to explain me the solution)
Sbanana looks like Vishnu believed my story, now i need to stick to this) not sure Vishnu my mind is puzzled.....
V: teacher, you have helped me a lot to come out of my disease... You have done things which are of beyond my thinking and no else would do that... I think now God has given me a chance to give back the favour...so I'm not sure what you think.. but I can be of any help to cure your problem mam( i said in hesitant)
S: ( with tears) hmm Vishnu.. don't think that i have done any favour to you..
Because you deserve more than that..but you know our situation is different... thanks for your sincere suggestion......but
V: what but mam? Not sure how well i can do things...but i can try.... because in this 2 weeks my aunty also suggested me to watch porn movies so i know how to indulge in foreplay....i said in hesitant...
S: oh my good lord, ( this female has gone crazy what and all she has made this little kid to go through) but why she did that? It's wrong ( saru soul: saruu.. remember you and Maria had also watched porn after explained the Vishnu situation? Saru: that we watched just to see how they give blowjob and anal sex as it was new for us. Soul: oh that's true)
V: i know mam, but when I was alone and suffering with severe nerve pain, though i smoked the relief from pain didn't last for long, hence she demonstrated me to watch few porn movies to masterbate myself....
S: oh god then
V: then my manager supplied those videos.. so just for my nerve disease i did couple of times but later I was not able ejaculate mam as i was not getting erected ( oops i said this because, i didn't wanted her to think that i can masterbate by myself and get satisfaction....then she would think i can manage the cure for my disease)
S: Vishnu on serious note, next time don't listen to your dabba aunty suggestion...it's not good...she will teach you to smoke and masterbate.. nothing good she would do... I want you to cure just by natural process putta, so please don't do.....
V: ( wow such a gem she is...I'm really blessed to find her) sure mam... So now what you think solution for your problem?
S: hmm i think i can share my feelings with you putta, anywhich ways.. we do most of the things..just that this part is addition to it..so yup we shall do together and thanks for your help....

In emotion she hugged me...and i put my hand behind her and held her bare waist between her saree and blouse.... Ahhhhh now my mind says what next....;-)

Dear readers*** in next part we shall see how the first Naked foreplay would go through with saruu..how does saruu's first blowjob experience would be?..how would be first fingerring experience for saruu ahhhhh she is natural beauty without makeup;-) so definitely it would be dick rising... keep reading and support****
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RE: Sarala teacher deceived by trust and innocence - by Vishnu1 - 26-05-2024, 07:32 PM

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