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Incest Boy and Mummy
(19-05-2024, 01:49 AM) pid=\5603041' Wrote:Shy Monday brought a telephone call from Harper. Mother took the call and afterwards she summarised the conversation.
"Your father wants to know what the hell is going on, and when we will be back. Harper told him the sea was too rough to pick us up, and anyway, 'She might blow up again'. The instructions are, that as soon as we are off the island, we are to telephone to let him know we are on our way."
By Tuesday, she hadn't "blown up again," but somewhere out in the ocean, demonic waves were being formed to be flung at the island. 
Anna and I were continuing to enjoy our selves hugely and by Thursday, and our supplies starting to look a bit low, the sea started to calm down.
At that point, as we ate our lunch seated on a rock, Anne said: "Darling, I should have menstruated three days ago. I'm normally very regular. It's far from certain, but you know what it could mean?"
"Your pregnant?"
"Father will have to know."
"Yes. When I'm more certain I'll tell him."
"My God, he'll go raving mad."
"Do you want to keep the baby?"
"Of course I do. Do you think I would have had unprotected sex with you if I wasn't prepared to get pregnant?"
"Do you mean you deliberately set out to get…to get…"
"Yes. Once I knew you were coming with me I set out to seduce you into making me pregnant."
"You mean, all you really wanted from me was to fertilise you?"
"Darling, what we've been doing for the last three weeks should have told you I wanted something else along with getting pregnant."
It was undeniable. I don't think she could have been so sexually abandoned if all she only wanted pregnancy.
"Prove it I said," jokingly.
"I'll prove it right where we began," she laughed, and slipping off her shorts and panties, she sat on the kitchen table and lifting up and spreading her legs, she put her feet on the top. Like the first time, her fingers opened the lips of her vulva, and I entered her.
Thursday the sea calmed down to a millpond calm and Harper came for us. We left Storm Island sad to be leaving our rather wild Heaven on earth, and I at least wondering what hell on earth awaited us at home.
Anna telephoned to let him know we were on our way, and putting the receiver down, looked puzzled.
"That's odd," she said. "I telephoned the house without thinking, but normally your father would be at work. I wonder what he was doing at home? By the way, I think you'd better go back to calling me 'Mother' for the time being."
When we got home father was there to greet us. He did not look particularly pleased to see us, but made no comment about our delayed return, except to say, "Thought you might never come back."
He actually sounded as if he wished we hadn't.
Things now settled into there old routine. Father and mother went off to their work places, and I, rather unsettled, and having no desire to proceed with the plans I had prior to Storm Island, wandered around waiting for mother to come home, and our coupling in her bedroom late at night.
It went on like this for a fortnight, and then mother told me she would have to tell father she was pregnant. She was going to do this in my absence, but I insisted on being present. 
She chose a moment when we were all together in the lounge after the evening meal.
"Ernest," she said, addressing father, "I'm pregnant."
This flat announcement did not seem to register with father for a moment, then his eyes shot open.
"You can't be. We haven't…haven't…"
"Fucked for years?" said mother, completing his sentence for him.
There was another pause while he stared at mother, then his face darkened.
"By God, you've been fucking with someone."
"That is the usual way women get pregnant," mother responded, calmly.
"You…you…how long have you known?"
"I'm probably two or three weeks over due."
I could see his arithmetical mind calculating.
"But you've been on Storm…Oh my God, you two have been…" He turned on me.
"You filthy little bastard, you've seduced…banged your own mother."
Mother waded in. "You can stop that, Ernest. If anything I seduced Philip."
Father went white and stammered and spluttered for a while, and finally came out with, "You foul incestuous pair." He turned on mother; "You're a slut, an evil slut. You should be burned at the stake…you..."
I stepped over to him and laid one finger on his chest. "Father, you can call me what you like, but if you speak to Anna like that again I'll…"
"Oh, it's Anna is it. You have been getting cozy on that island…and you'll do what, my depraved little boy?"
"I shall find it necessary to hit you, father."
"Stop it Philip." Mother took my hand from father's chest and went on: "Ernest, have you taken to wearing women's underclothes?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"If you haven't, then how do you account for these?" 
Mother put her hand into the pocket of her jeans and took out a little piece of flimsy fabric. She gave it a shake, and it was revealed as the scantiest pair of women's panties I had ever seen.
Father looked shaken for a moment, then tried to stammer his way out of it.
"I…I…I…they're yours…I didn't…"
"Come on Ernest," said mother, "I know why you wanted Philip to come with me to Storm Island. It wasn't inconvenient to have him around the place while I was away. I knew that even before we left for the island. If you want to have some of your nice little girls here, fine, but don't' come the outraged moralist with me."
"All right," yelled father, "I had a girl here, but at least it wasn't incest and she's not pregnant."
"Ernest," mother went on, "I know what Philip and I have done is incest, but at least we've done it in love. I hope the same is true of you and your little lady. And next time, tell her not to leave her knickers in the bathroom."
"As far as you are concerned, Anna," father raged, "You can get out of my house." I'm not living with a depraved pair like you. Go and do your incestuous fucking somewhere else."
"It is not your house, Ernest," mother said quite calmly. "It is our house. If I leave it, then a suitable financial settlement will be necessary."
Father knew she was right, and mumbled something about seeing his lawyer.
From then on things moved a quite a pace. Anna went in search of a house, and when found, we moved in. Soon after we learned that father's lady friend of the flimsy knickers had joined him in the old home.
At the time of writing, Anna is seven months pregnant and looking lovely. In fact, Anna is looking so good, I'm wondering if we might risk another pregnancy in the future. I really must discuss that with her some time.
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Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 17-10-2022, 01:40 PM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 17-10-2022, 01:41 PM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 17-10-2022, 01:42 PM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 17-10-2022, 02:12 PM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:46 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:46 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:45 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:47 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:49 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:58 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:49 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:52 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by neerathemall - 19-05-2024, 01:57 AM
RE: Boy and Mummy - by sri7869 - 20-05-2024, 03:23 AM

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