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Adultery Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife
Seansean, the prolonged taunting and fore- foreplay is definitely exciting. And we have been arduously following your narration no doubt. The subtleties you're trying to sow are well noted and we know your style of writing, if not, we love it.
And also no one questioned your taking a break. After all, you're entitled to your own personal time, and we respect that. And we are only thankful that you resumed writing.

But the fact of the matter is if the foreplay which was a bit faster in getting to the culmination in your previous episodes even if it meant slow seduction. E.g. ice cream episode, new bed/mattress episode, has now slowed down tremendously.

So, if you're putting a point in your slow seduction, you already nailed it. You cannot beat that dead horse any more. Now you need to get the episode to an exhilarating culmination. Or else, in your writing style, an erect phallus will whittle away into a corner because of the prolonged seduction has taken too many tiring peaks. Hope you understand that from us and not see it as a point of discouraging you. After all, we are only critiquing and not criticizing. That you need to consider in your updates to come, and hopefully incorporate the pace as suggested by many of your regulars.

And yet you have your author's prerogative to do what you feel like and feel free to do so. Who are we to question? We will just await good updates, like this latest one seemed to have moved a bit to my liking.
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RE: Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife - by srider69 - 29-04-2024, 12:58 AM

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