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Adultery Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife
I am liking the flow of story. The manner in which story is progressing, looks natural and realistic. For some readers, dialogues seems repeative. But it is natural. Please, close your eyes and see your lovemaking session as spectator. You will find, you had told multiple time same repeatative words.
Capturing minute by minute of a scene on a paper, required skill which is not cup of tea for most of the authors.
Readers are complaining for not complet scene. But they should think how much time and effort required to post a long update. Author steals time from his personal life, relaxation time and steals some time which should be devoted to nearest and dearest time,to post new updates.

As a reader, we need much more but sometimes forget to think from author's prospective.

I do not know how story will move further.
If I put myself on Hariya shoes, I would be jealous that Ramu is getting for which I Put myself in risk and do so much effort. So I would stop the game at climax, because I know that Ramu has not advantage to get near Anita in near future by himself.
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RE: Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife - by fantasywriter - 28-04-2024, 09:57 AM

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