26-04-2024, 03:49 PM
(26-04-2024, 03:48 PM)neerathemall Wrote:EROTIC SCRABBLE
My wife and I both enjoy playing Scrabble. Myself perhaps more than her. The following is an account of an actual game of Scrabble we played one "game night".
One Friday night I suggested we play "dirty word Scrabble". It wasn't something I believe I invented but I can't recall where I got the idea from. I'll assume that the reader is acquainted with the general rules of Scrabble. The main difference we added was to have a rack of nine tiles instead of the standard seven. Also, sometimes a timer giving each player 25 minutes is used. I was anticipating additional "game-play" for that night so we forwent the timer. Finally, I proposed a bonus 10 points for each successful "dirty word" played (to be mutually agreed as we went along). My wife was happy with all this. I wasn't sure how this would play out -- we would soon see.
We set up the board, selected the tiles and poured the drinks. In this story I can tell readers of my rack and the words we both played but cannot provide any insight into my wife's rack except to remark it looks great in a bikini (but I'm getting ahead of myself ...)
I drew the tiles: A I C T O N T R G. I played the word GROAN and said, "As in during sex". My wife didn't agree with my claim for a dirty word bonus, so my score was left at 16.
My wife played ARISE as in, "An excited cock will arise". If I couldn't get GROAN, there was no way ARISE was going to cut it. I noticed that she instead could have played ARSE for a bonus but didn't mention it. (There was still some competition to be had!)
I now had: T T N R B S I K C. I noticed the CK combination, which would be useful for COCK, DICK and maybe even PRICK. I decided to go for safety with TITS for the additional 10 point bonus and put my hand out to grab my wife's boob through her light cotton top. Happily, she had come to play without a bra.
My wife played AIA, which is a perfectly acceptable Scrabble play but suggested she was a bit top-heavy (so to speak) with vowels or perhaps a less dirty mind than mine.
The next round was BEND for me and LABOR for my wife. The trap with small words like TITS and AIA is that they lock up the board, making more dirty word opportunities hard to come by.
I now had C U R P T K R C T. If you're not following the board, probably a bit irrelevant to mention my letters going forward. But now I could now put down COCK and, at the same time, drop my PJ pants revealing my flaccid willie and no underwear. I too had come to play! My wife regarded it with keen interest as I recorded my score along with a 10 point bonus.
My wife looked a bit concerned and stated plainly that she had a PENIS she couldn't get on the board. Suddenly she exclaimed, "I've got it", put down her word and grabbed my dick through my pants.
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