Adultery Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter
Rizwan wanted to finish the next few set of photos before venki returns as he doesn't want any objection from his side and push devika little more for more realistic raw photos

Rizwan - so in the next scene, you are at the pond alone taking a dip and enjoying the nature. Thats when the villian comes to the scene

Devika - okay

They all went to the pond area again, this time rizwan had placed the monkey, baby elephant also on the pond backdrop to beautify the nature. He kept his camera and lighting ready

Rizwan - okay , madam we will first take the snaps while you are inside the water. So we wanted to give impression that you are bathing naked

Devika - how are you doing

Rizwan - dont worry madam, im professional in this. Just follow my instructions. Madam come and stand here.

Devika stood few steps away from the pond. Now we will take the snap from behind. Rizwan went and took the camera and clicked few snap. Okay remove the pallu and drop it to the ground. Devika did as the per the instructions and rizwan took the photo of her back with the pallu on the ground.

Rizwan - madam, just take you hand backwards and pretend to untie the cloth on the top. Just pretend

Devika obeyed and couple more pics were taken

Rizwan - perfect so that will give an impression that you are about to strip for taking bath in the pond. Now we will take the next photo inside the water. So you will stay under the water and i assure nothing else will show up.

Devika - okay.

Rizwan - can you get into the water now

Devika stepped into the pond, waist high

Rizwan - madam ,remove the sari , as it shows in the water, you can remove and throw it here.

Devika understood the problem , so she took the long cloth she was wearing and threw to the ground. Now she is only wearing the tiny waist cloth which reaches till her upper knee and the cloth she is wearing on her chest. As she is standing in waist high water her lower half cannot be seen.

Rizwan - can you go few more steps down, so only your shoulder shows up

Devika did the same and few more snaps were taken of devika in shoulder high water, as it looked like she is naked

Rizwan - perfect. In the next photo it will be the entry of the villain. In this one I want the villan to be hypnotised by your beauty. So i want the look real. If you stay under the water, it cannot give that kind of effect. It should be a seductive pose. That should make anyone go mad

Devika - i dont think i could. Whats is in your mind

Rizwan - hey dont worry , I just wanted to give that impression. But you are going to appear okay only

Rizwan- madam, this one also , madam we will take the photo from behind. And you have to stay only waist high water. And only difference is you would have to remove the cloth on the chest. And we will capture from behind, as the villain looks at you

Devika - but rizwan , removing this cloth, means i will be ...i mean kind of exposed

Rizwan - but we only taking photo from behind, you dont have to worry about it.

Rizwan dont want devika to think much so he acted quickly

Rizwan - salmaan got get the cloth from madam and uncle please come here

Jaffer came in his costume, he is just wearing a black dhothi and have worn some make up to appear cruel. He came and stood near the pond, By that time, salmaan stepped into the pond till her knee and waited devika to remove the cloth

Devika half mindedly turned back, while staying shoulder high water and untied the cloth and threw at salmaan. He came back with it

Rizwaan - now madam , come few steps forward until you are only waist deep and then turn around to show your back

Devika is now standing shoulder deep and to come back she has to turn around and face rizwan, salmaan and jaffer. As she cant walk backward. She took deep breath, covered her naked breast with her hand and walked carefully. It was a sight to watch for everyone else. Even though she has covered her breast, a hint of her round aerola was visible. She reached waist deep and turned around

Rizwan - good, now you can drop your hands

Rizwans camera beautifully captured her topless back and jaffer looking at her hungrily.

Rizwan - okay, perfect

Devika quickly covered her breast even though she is just facing the other side

Rizwan - now , next scene. Uncle you have to go into the pond near madam, and madam, you getting scared move back into the water.

Devika - so i will be going deep again

Rizwan - yes,and you have to show scared face as well

Devika - okay, and should I wear something
Rizwan - no madam, you are bathing and thats when this cruel uncle comes. So scared, you are going back into the water

Devika - hmm okay

Jaffer went into the water and reached near devika and devika acted scared and moved inside the water shoulder deep. Nothing was exposed and rizwan snapped it

Rizwan - okay next, madam you should act like you moved deep and you cannot stand and drowning. Just act like your are drowing. You can stand in the same place

Devika - okay
Devika splashed water and acted as she is drowing

Rizwan - great, perfect going great. These are all nice shots. Next shot uncle reaches near madam, and hold her and madam you should be unconscious. Just act unconscious

Rizwan - go ahead

Devika was in shoulder deep water. Jaffer reached near devika

Jaffer - beti , are you okay
Devika - jaffer ji , i cant stand properly as it is little deep
Jaffer - beti , dont worry i will hold you

Jaffer held her hand and gave support

Devika - thanks ji. Please i dont know to swim
Jaffer - dont worry im expert swimmer

Rizwan - okay get ready

Devika acted as she has fainted. Jaffer came and took both her hands and kept on his shoulder and he held her through her under arm and supported her to stand straight. Rizwan took few photos. Jaffer purposely moved little more deep in water and devika couldn't stand any more. She held jaffers shoulder firmly and jaffer brought her closer. Now devikas naked breast is brushing jaffers chest under the water. Jaffer could feel it

Rizwan - perfect

Devika opened her eyes

Devika - jaffer ji , i cannot stand stand
Jaffer - dont worry beti, hold onto me
Devika forgetting her naked state and moved closer to jaffer pressing her breast into him. Now he could feel the softness

Rizwan - next, uncle, you have to bring her back to the shore, and madam you will remain unconscious

Devika - but how can i come to the the shore like this

Rizwan understood her concern

Rizwan - madam don't worry, uncle you keep her close to you while swimming back. So madam will remain covered

Devika did not like the idea. But before she coyld react, jaffer dropped his hand to her back and pressed her more into him and he started swimming back. Devika hugged him tightly to cover her breast from everyone view

Jaffer walked back to the shore. Rizwan and salman watched, devikas breast tightly pressed to uncle. Uncle had a vicious smile

They came outside water

Rizwan - perfect. Now in the next shot. Uncle you should lift madam and carry her on your shoulder. But before there is a problem

Devika - what is it

Devika is still hugging jaffer, she treated him like her father as he is calling her beti. And did not think about her topless state as she was convinced nothing is exposed to the camera.

Rizwan didn't know, how to tell this .So he searched for words

Devika - what is it rizwan?
Rizwan - as you know, huh..i dont know how to put. As you know. As per the story, you are village women where there is no modernisation and it should close to the nature as possible
Devika - okay
Rizwan - so madam, the dress you are wearing also should not contain any modern elements and we should stay close to the nature as possible
Devika - yeah, agreed
Rizwan - madam...huh..i mean...shade of your innerwear is showing up. Which doesn't look nice or justify the photo

Both devika and jaffer looked down and they could clearly see the shade of her blue panty through the wet towel she is tying to the waist. Jaffer eyes widened seeing her sexy panty

Jaffer - yes , beti he is correct
Devika - so what are you suggesting?
Rizwan - uhh... I believe you have to remove it as it will not look good on the photo

Devika was thinking
Rizwan - madam imagine, we talk about tribal couple who is living in a old village. But they are wearing t shirt and jeans. It will not justify the scene right?. Its the same scenario

Devika - i understand, what you are saying?
Rizwan - it will not make any difference madam. You are wearing the towel, so you are still covered , nothing is exposed. Just it will look only realistic without it. Otherwise you will look the same and i will make sure you are captured beautifully. Nothing vulgar

Rizwan showed the photos taken to devika, it was all well taken. Never looked displeasing, no exposure. Everything is beautiful. Devika understood, what they are saying made sense and wont make difference to her current state

Devika - okay, where will I go to change

Rizwan looked around and said
Rizwan - madam , you can go behind that tree to get changed

Rizwan gave her a towel, so she could cover her milky boobies. Devika carefully covered it without giving any view to jaffer and rizwan and walked behind the tree

Jaffer - beta Rizwan, wow i could not believe I was holding that item till now..she is super sexy

Rizwan - uncle please, let me complete this project. Its my career. Please don't spoil it. So i beg you please behave properly and dont do something wrong. They are all nice people to agree to my project

Jaffer - no son, i will not do anything that affects you. Dont worry. But i will not miss any opportunity i may get as well..hahah. But you don't worry, everything going to be alright. Trust me

Rizwan sighed as he prayed his horny uncle will not try anything stupid.

They saw devika walking back and this time they could not find the trace of her panty as they understood she removed it. She was looking very sexy. Covering her breast with the towel around her shouder. And the waist cloth is barely reaching her knees. As that cloth is little thick , it has not become that transparent even though she is wet.

Rizwan - thanks madam. Ok lets get back to the business. So in this scene, madam you are unconscious and uncle you should lift her up on your shoulder. And i will take photo from the front and side

Devika smiled and asked jaffer

Devika - jafferji, would you be able to lift me, im little heavy
Jaffer - hey don't underestimate this old man. I have the strength of the horse. You will see. Hahahah

Everyone laughed

Rizwan - okay everyone get back to the position

Devika came and stood infront of jaffer.

Rizwan - madam the towel

Devika understood she has to remove the cloth covering her breast. She shaked her head, took a deep breath and removed the cloth by covering the milktanks with her hand quickly.

Rizwan went behind the camera.

Rizwan - okay ready, uncle you may lift her up

Jaffer though old was very strong still. He bent forward placed one hand on her back and other hand just below her ass. Supported her on his shoulder and stood straight up straight while lifting her easily. As he stood straight up, he moved and kept his hand on her ass over the skirt as he knew she is not wearing any panty underneath. He was amazed by the softness of her gaand. As he could feel her round bottom.

On other side devika felt surprise on how easily jaffer lifted her. Her naked breast got crushed into his back

Rizwan - uncle hold madam like that and madam hang your hand freely as you are not awake.

Rizwan clicked few shots from the side. Her breast is not visible as it was pressed to jaffers back

Rizwan came to the front side to take few photos, thats when he saw, where jaffer is holding. He saw his uncle casualy holding her ass. Couple of his fingers are stretched to her ass crack. From the front the sight of her pantyless ass was treat to watch. The cloth is stretched showing the shape of her round ass in detail. His uncle had cheeky smile on his face. Rizwan and salmaan understood their uncle is having a nice time keeping his hand on the ass. Rizwan signed to move away his hand, jaffer smiled and half heartedly moved it down to her naked thighs.

Rizwan clicked few more shots and they were done. Jaffer kept her back on the ground ,but made sure he gripped and held her ass in the due process. Devika quickly covered the breast with her hands

Devika - uncle you are indeed strong.
Jaffer - hahah beti. This is nothing

Rizwan - okay next we will shoot the scene on top of the rock infront of the cave.

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RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter - by Bookkeeper - 12-03-2024, 05:36 AM
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RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM

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