Adultery Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder
As the warm rays of the setting sun filtered into the modest, two-storey bungalow, Shreya's heart raced with anticipation. She had spent the entire day finalizing her plan, her thoughts consumed by the act that was about to take place. She had spent the entire day finalizing her plan, her thoughts consumed by the act that was about to take place.

Shreya's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and anxiety as she prepared for the evening. She had watched as Rani clean up and prepare her bedroom. She didn't do anything special as this encounter was not supposed to be romantic for Rani. She was more on the side of disgust and annoyance but she agreed to do this for her sister-in-law. 
It was two hours past noon, and Shreya left the house to bring Chandu home. She walked down the familiar streets of Jaipur, her heart pounding in her chest. She never imagined herself involved in such a scandalous affair. Yet here she was, about to witness something no decent woman would dare to lay her eyes upon. Hesitation gnawed at the edges of her mind, threating to shatter her confidence. But she couldn't stop now. Not after dragging Rani into this sordid arrangement.
Shreya finally spotted Chandu, leaning against the same crumbling pillar where she'd first laid eyes on him. His worn-out clothes fit tightly over his bulky body, which she thought was kinda surprising as she had always imagined a beggar as someone skinny and feeble. 
His greasy hair hung down to his shoulders and his unkempt beard disguised his sunken cheeks. His eyes were clouded and vacant, the result of his advanced age, poverty, and apparent drug use.
She felt a wave of disgust wash over her, but she quickly pushed it aside. She reminded herself why she was doing this and what she stood to gain from the experience.
"Aye listen, you want food?" Shreya said, standing in front of Chandu with her arms crossed.
Chandu looked up at Shreya, his eyes slowly focusing on her face. He had lost his ability to form any sentences or have communication due to not being part of a civilized society.  He nodded his head as if saying yes. 
"Good, follow me, but keep a distance. No one should see us walking together." she instructed him, turning around and marching back in the direction from which she had come.
Without a word, Chandu struggled to his feet and stumbled after her.
Shreya led him to a narrow alleyway that ran beside her house, her heart rate accelerating with each step. She glanced around furtively, ensuring that no one was watching, before ushering Chandu into the shadows. As they reached her house, she made sure no one was watching and waved him inside.
Quietly, Shreya guided Chandu through the house and asked him to sit down in a corner. 
He eagerly obeyed, his eyes twinkling with an odd sense of excitement. His independence had been stripped away long ago, his dignity buried beneath a mountain of trash and rejection. So, a free meal and a comfortable room, a brief respite from his everyday struggles, were more than enough to fill him with hope.
Shreya turned to leave, but then thought better of it. She needed a way to make sure that Chandu wouldn't betray her or cause any trouble after the encounter. She had a sudden realization of how it would look if others found Chandu in her home.
Someone could easily suspect him of ill intentions and accost him before Shreya could carry out her plan. This thought sent a shiver of fear down her spine.
She closed all the curtains and the windows in the house and locked them from the inside to ensure that no one would disturb them and turned to look at Chandu.
He was sitting patiently in a far corner, waiting for instructions. She brought him a plate full of rice, daal, roti and sabji. 
His eyes lit up as he hungrily dug into the food. Shreya sat opposite to him, watching him eat. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for exploiting this poor man. However, she soon brushed these feelings aside thinking she was not exploiting this poor old guy, in fact she was kind of doing him a favor. She was providing him Rani, a young, tall and absolutely beautiful goddess-like figure with luscious long hair, curvy hips, and an irresistible charm. He could only imagine what it would be like to have a chance with a woman like that.
She was feeling hungry herself so she left the place and went to the kitchen to get something for herself and called Rani to watch over him. 
Moments later, Rani walked in and immediately regretted it. She saw the beggar eating with delight, his hands and clothes covered in food, creating an unpleasant smell in the room.
Rani held her breath as she stared at the man. It smelt like he hadn't taken a bath for decades.
The room was filled with poverty and misery and Rani was disgusted at the thought of what was going to happen later. But she kept her cool and reminded herself of Shreya's desperation and her own love for her sister-in-law. With a firm expression on her face, Rani walked over to the corner and stood behind Chandu, making sure that he knew who was boss and who had the control.
Chandu looked up to see this new person who had entered the scene and he was taken completely aback. He looked at her, his eye and mouth open wide in surprise. He stopped eating his food as if he forgot he hadn't eaten anything in days. 
He kept looking at Rani, his eyes scanning her from top to bottom, taking in every inch of her. Rani tried hard not to show her disgust and kept her gaze fixed on him, unblinking and unwavering. He pinched himself to check if he was not in the afterlife seeing an angel waiting for him in the afterworld. 
Rani was a sight beyond his wildest dreams. She was tall and slender, with a grace that only enhanced her beauty. Her long dark hair was styled in loose waves, framing her delicate features like a halo. Her eyes were kind, yet firm, a testament to her deep-rooted traditional values. He had seen many ladies who were "epitome of beauty", including Shreya, who's looks were beyond words could describe but Rani was something else, someone above everyone, above Shreya.
Chandu's thoughts were interrupted by a gentle nudge from Shreya.
"Don't stare at her like one of your dogs, you infidel!" Shreya hissed, shooting a warning look at Chandu.
She had been observing his behaviour since they had returned to her house, and she could see the wheels of his mind turning, his thoughts consumed by her sister-in-law's beauty.
Shreya could not help but feel a twinge of annoyance at this display of blatant disrespect. Shreya was regarded as the most beautiful person all her life, while growing up and even now, every single guy in her university was drooling just at the sight of her. She felt, for the first time in her life that she was a common human like every one else. She never noticed any guy eyeing Rani, as everyone thought of her as a fiery lioness. No one would dare to approach her, just like no one dared to roar against a storm. So obviously Shreya was the next in line to be admired which made her believe she was a league above everyone else but today this stranger showed Shreya her place.
Rani was standing there emotionless. She didn't care about all this. In fact she was disgusted by the thought of a filthy beggar drooling for her, the same filthy old geezer she was supposed to have sex with later. 
She wanted to slap him, she wanted to scream at him, she wanted to get as far away from him as possible. But then she remembered how important this plan was to Shreya. How crucial this moment was for her sister-in-law's future. And so, with a great deal of effort, she managed to shove the burning resentment brewing in her chest to the farthest corner of her mind, giving Shreya a curt nod and forcing a thin smile on her lips.
"Eat up, Chandu. Eat to your heart's content. This is going to be the best day of your life." said Shreya with slight grin on her face. 
Rani's surprised expression suggested she didn't expect her sister-in-law to be so frank about her desires. Shreya hastily added, "No, I mean, I'm not thinking about it in *that* way. I meant know he is getting good food after such a long time-"
"Enough!" Rani said looking at her with piercing eyes. Shreya giggled while chewing her food. 
She was visibly relieved and felt a sense of achievement as her elaborate plan was coming together. She worried Rani would adamantly refuse or, even worse, tell her brother. But she had underestimated her sister-in-law's understanding of her plight.
After like an hour or so, Chandu was done eating. He had eaten more than he could handle. It was clear that the old man ate very little on a daily basis. Shreya brought him a glass of water and went to the kitchen to wash the plates along with her own. She couldn't help but notice that her heart rate was elevated more than usual and she had butterflies in her stomach. Soon Rani followed her into the kitchen.
"The fucker is sleeping right now." 
Shreya stopped whatever she was doing and was shocked, both by the fact that she was hearing Rani swear for the first time and second, it hadn't even been 10 minutes since Chandu was done eating and now he was fast sleep.
"Did you just use a cuss word Di?" Shreya asked Rani with a wide grin on her face. 
"Yes, I did. And I'll continue swearing the whole day until its over."
"Does it give me a free cuss word pass Di?" Shreya asked unable to stop chuckling.
But soon that smile on her face was taken away when Rani said "Do you think this is funny? Do you think this is all a joke? BECAUSE IT ISN'T!! Free cuss word pass she says. You are lucky I am letting you get away with this easily. I don't know how many sins I am gonna commit today - adultery, use of cuss words and God knows what. All because you madam, you are feeling modern, liberal all of a sudden. Oh I want to experience what sex is like, oh I want answers. Shut the fuck up. What answers? Do-"
Shreya interrupted her with a tear rolling down her cheek and said "I am sorry Rani, I was just trying to lighten the mood. I never knew what you were feeling in this moment. After all you are the person who is going to share bed with Chandu, someone who I won't even go near." 
Rani's voice trailed off as her anger subsided, leaving sheer exhaustion and despair in its wake.
Shreya stood across from Rani, stunned by the sudden outburst. She had never seen Rani this way before. Her mask of kindness and patience had slipped away, revealing the fiery and dominant personality that lay beneath.
Shreya felt her conscience weigh heavily on her heart. She hated causing Rani this discomfort and knew deep down that she wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy. Shreya wanted to stop this but she didn't. There was still time but she felt compelled to continue. She had been thinking about this for a long time. But she never wanted it to be so sudden, so forceful. She thought Rani would come around eventually. She never wanted Rani to be in this emotional state. She has always seen Rani as a role model, someone whom she could look up to. Rani had always been kind to Shreya, always there for her. But today, it seemed like that shield of patience had finally broken.
"Call me when he wakes up." Rani said and stormed back towards her room. 
Shreya stood there for a moment, holding the bowl and sponge in her hands, and watched Rani leave. She felt a pang of guilt and remorse as she replayed the harsh words Rani had just spoken in her mind. While Shreya had been trying to lighten the mood, Rani had been sinking deeper and deeper into despair. Shreya knew that she had to act fast to fix this situation before it spiraled out of control. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through Rani's mind right now.
Rani had always been a traditional woman, deeply aware of her duties and responsibilities. She had been a devoted wife to Shreya's brother and had devoted her entire life to the service of her family. Rani had never been one to seek pleasure or indulge in physical desires that went beyond her marital responsibilities. And yet, here she was, preparing herself to engage in an act that could potentially destroy her.
Hours went by, Shreya was sitting in the kitchen, her head dug deep between her knees, her face wet with tears. 
She could barely comprehend what had just happened. The joy of her plan unfolding had vanished as she had witnessed Rani's distress.
She lifted her head and looked across the kitchen and saw Chandu sitting in the same corner with his eyes closed and making low humming sounds which suggested that he was still deeply lost in the land of dreams oblivious to the tension in the room.
Shreya stood up from her chair and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She looked at her phone and realized it was almost 10pm. Time had surely flown by while she was lost in her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she forced herself to her feet and walked over to where Chandu was sitting. She looked down at him and couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity in her heart. He was just a poor, old man who had somehow gotten caught up in her quest for answers.
Chandu open his eyes feeling someone approaching. 
As he looked up, he saw Shreya standing in front of him, her face a complex mix of emotions. She scrutinized him, taking in his unkempt appearance and the remnants of food on his clothes.
"" Chandu tried speaking, still unable to form complete sentence.
"Now listen, I want to ask you something, I saw you eyeing Rani, she is pretty ain't she? You like her?"
Shreya asked, her tone gentle and coaxing.
Chandu nodded emphatically, his eyes shining with admiration and something else-something unreadable and raw.
Shreya felt a sudden chill run down her spine, realizing that her innocent request for an eyeful had led to something much deeper. She could feel the raw animal instinct coming out of him. This obese beast was supposed to have sex with her delicate bhabhi. She didn't even want to look at him. He was old and wrinkly, smelt horrible and looked like a rotten fat potato.  And Rani, a poor thing was supposed to have sex with this lowlife. 
Her thoughts were interpreted as her phone rang. It was Rani. 
Shreya swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she picked up the call.
"He's up?" Rani asked in an emotionless tone.
Shreya let out a shaky sigh, bracing herself for the confrontation ahead. "Yes, he's up."
"Alright, prepare him for act and bring him to my room. And also before you do, go to your bathroom and give him a proper bath. He stinks like a rotten cheese. Throw way his dirty clothes." Rani said authoritatively and hung up the phone. 
Shreya took a deep breath, unsure of how to proceed. The thought of bathing the old man left a bad taste in her mouth, but she knew she couldn't let her sister-in-law see him in such a dirty state. She hesitated for a moment, then mustered the courage to speak.
"Listen, Chandu, if I were to grant your one wish, what would it be?" Shreya asked Chandu. 
She was standing in front of him, hands folded on her chest, scrutinizing the old man. Chandu looked up at Shreya, confusion written all over his face.
"" Chandu stammered, trying to make sense of her question.
"Yes, I can give you anything you desire, just name it." Shreya explained with a coy smile.
Chandu's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to find something worthy enough to wish for. It had been years since anyone had offered him anything, let alone a chance to fulfill a deep desire. He took a moment to compose himself before answering, "" He said hesitantly, almost as if he was afraid to admit it.
Shreya felt a rush of disgust wash over her, but she fought with all her might to mask it from Chandu.
"Very well, come with me." she said firmly, grabbing Chandu's hand and dragging him towards the bathroom.
Shreya couldn't help but shudder at the thought of having to bathe this disgusting man.
She had always been a clean freak, and the thought of touching his filthy body sent shivers down her spine. But she pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself that this was a necessary part of her plan. She owed it to Rani to make sure everything went smoothly.
As she led Chandu to the bathroom, Shreya prepared herself for the task ahead. She filled a bucket with warm water and added some soap. She then handed Chandu a clean towel and asked him to remove his clothes.
Chandu happily obliged, quickly shedding his foul-smelling rags, revealing his emaciated and sunburned body. Shreya tried to suppress a wave of nausea as she discreetly averted her gaze from his frail and wrinkled frame. But her eyes caught a glimpse of his monstrous member, still not fully erect but almost the size of her arm, peeking under his big fat belly. 
This sight caused a shiver to run down her spine. She was disgusted, yet intrigued. 'Why would any woman want something like this inside their body? It surely cannot give pleasure can it?' she wondered. 
She made him sit down and poured soapy water all over him. She was using liquid detergent because she didn't want to waste her expensive body wash on him.
She started by washing his arms and legs, trying to avoid looking at the parts of his body that made her uncomfortable. However, she couldn't help but notice the involuntary twitching of his half-erect phallus as she washed him.
Shreya swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to ignore it, telling herself that it was normal and that she shouldn't judge him for his body's natural response to her touch.
But deep down, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust and confusion. She remembered seeing women taking dicks in their mouth in all the porn she had watched and thought Rani might have to do it too. So bent down and tried to sniff his phallus and it smelt awful. So reluctantly she washed it. 
She scrubbed it vigorously, trying to erase the dirt and filth that clung to it. The process was uncomfortable, to say the least, but she did it for the sake of her sister-in-law. She felt guilty for putting Rani through this, but she also knew that this was a necessary step towards understanding her own sexuality. Her washing the dick led to the penis becoming fully erect, staring back at Shreya like a foreign object. The thought of Rani being intimate with this old man and this disgusting object sent a wave of disgust and discomfort through Shreya, but she pushed those thoughts aside. Soon as she was done with washing his groin, she had to move to the filthiest part of his body. His backside. She had to wash his dirty ass, which reeked of the shit that it had not been cleaned for days.
She had to gulp down the swelling lump in her throat and she gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes as she prepared herself mentally. Shreya then slowly made him turn around, the whole room smelt of the shit and raw sewage that she had to wash off.
But she pressed on, determination lining every muscle and bone in her body.
She soaked a cloth in the soapy water and gingerly wiped at his soiled skin, trying her best not to vomit at the disgusting smell that permeated the air.
As she cleaned him, she noticed that his erection had subsided, and for that she was grateful. She couldn't imagine having to tend to a fully erect penis, the thought alone made her skin crawl.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she was finished.
Shreya quickly ushered Chandu out of the bathroom, not wanting to spend another second in that foul-smelling room. She handed him a towel to wipe himself.
Shreya couldn't look at him directly as she felt her face heat up, her hands trembling with disgust at the thought of the physical contact they had just had. She grabbed the dirty clothes and threw them in a bag to be discarded later.
She didn't have any fresh cloths to give him so she decided to proceed without getting him dressed. 
She couldn't stand the thought of him being in the same dirty rags he had been wearing before, so she settled for having him walk around naked.
She felt a pang of guilt as she looked at him, standing there naked and vulnerable, but she quickly pushed it aside. She had a job to do and she couldn't afford to get distracted by her emotions. With a deep breath, she mustered all of her courage and led him to Rani's bedroom.
Rani was waiting for them in her room, her thoughts consumed by the events that were about to unfold. A knock on the door quickly distracted her from all the thoughts. 
Shreya, with a weak smile, walked over to the door to let Chandu in. He was still naked, his body now shiny clean but still smelt like detergent.
Rani set in the bed, dressed in a silky light purple nightgown, her hair tied up in half-up half-down hairstyle. She had no makeup one, just her mangalsutra, bangles, her anklets and sindoor. 
The sharp contrast between Rani and Chandu couldn't have been more clear. Rani, with her flawless face and delicate features, and Chandu, with his wrinkled skin and scrawny frame.
Rani's bedroom was a reflection of her personality, simple and elegant. The walls were painted a soothing shade of blue, and the furniture was dark wood with intricate carvings. A four-poster bed, dbangd in sheer curtains, dominated the room, the centerpiece of a scene about to play out that would change the lives of these three individuals forever.
As Shreya ushered Chandu into the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She had never seen Rani like this before - vulnerable and uncertain.
Rani had always been the brave and confident one, the one who knew exactly what to do in every situation. But tonight, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure of what to do next.
Shreya, on the other hand, was a fiery ball of curiosity. She couldn't help but be drawn to the forbidden fruit that was her sister-in-law's conjugal duties. She had always wondered about the mysterious world of adult relationships, but her traditional upbringing had kept her blind to the realities of the world.
She pulled up a chair and set down leaving Chandu standing naked in the room in-front of Rani. Rani gave Shreya a look as if asking please proceed next, I don't know how to take control of the situation. 
Shreya, sensing Rani's discomfort, stepped in to take charge. She turned to Chandu and said, "Chandu, why don't you sit on the bed, next to Di?"
Chandu bounced towards the bed as a happy bunny. He sat down next to Rani, completely naked and unaffected by the fact.
Shreya noticed Rani had set up a camera facing directly at the bed, probably recording this whole thing. Shreya didn't know how the footage would be used, so she asked Rani why she had set up the camera. 
Rani spoke, her voice cracking "I wouldn't be comfortable with you in the same room. So I set this up for you to watch, later." She gestured towards the camera.
Shreya's eyes widened with surprise, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded, "Okay then, I'll uh...leave you two alone now."
With tears rimming her eyes, she turned to walk out of the room. But before she could take a step, she heard Rani's voice, "Shreya wait, I need you to do one more thing for me."
She turned back around, her heart pounding in her chest.
"What is it, di?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Rani hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting between Shreya and Chandu. Finally, she spoke up. "I need you help me. I don't know if I can do this on my own. I'm scared, Shreya."
Shreya's heart broke at the sight of Rani, her strong and confident sister-in-law reduced to tears. She couldn't help but feel guilty for putting her in this situation.
"Actually don't go. Help me out. I... I don't know what to do or how to proceed. Stay." Rani said, her voice trembling as she looked up at Shreya with her big brown eyes. Shreya stared back at her for a moment, unsure of what to do. She had never seen her sister-in-law so vulnerable before. It made her heart ache to see her like this. She was the lioness whom everyone feared. Now she set there like a trapped bunny.
Shreya came back and set on the chair. She took a deep breath and said "Chandu, why don't you start by kissing Rani, start slowly and gently." Chandu followed the instruction, leaned forward and put his dry, chapped lips on Rani's soft, smooth cheek. Rani shuddered involuntarily at the touch of the wrinkled, leathery skin. Shreya watched as Chandu cupped Rani's cheeks and pressed his sweaty body against hers. Rani closed her eyes as if trying to block out the reality of the situation.
She didn't move or respond to Chandu's kiss, leaving him confused.
"Rani, are you okay? Do you want to stop?" Shreya asked, concern etched all over her face.
Rani opened her eyes and looked at Shreya, grateful for her concern. "No, I want to continue. I just need a moment."
Chandu, still not getting any response from Rani, decided to amp up his efforts. He moved his hand down to Rani's breasts and started groping them.
Rani's eyes widened, and she pushed his hand away. "No, please stop. I don't like that," she pleaded. But Chandu, seemingly possessed, didn't listen. He forcefully raised her nightgown, exposing her bare thighs to Shreya.
Shreya couldn't believe what she was seeing. She glanced at Rani's face, and her heart went out to her sister-in-law. Tears were streaming down her face, and she looked terrified.
Shreya knew she had to intervene. But deep down she was enjoying it. She didn't know she had a thing for watching beautiful ladies being defiled by disgusting creeps like Chandu. She hated herself for this. She cursed herself for loving the way his rough hands were roaming on Rani's delicate thighs. She hated the way her own body was responding to this obscene display of sexual aggression. She hated how her nipples were getting hard under the tight fabric of her bra. She hated the wetness forming between her legs. She hated the way her own body was betraying her pure and naive image of herself.
"Please stop!" Rani cried out again, trying to push him away.
But Chandu wouldn't budge. He was a man possessed, driven by his own sick desires. Shreya watched all of this unfold in front of her, feeling a mix of disgust and fascination. She couldn't believe what they were doing, but at the same time, she couldn't tear her eyes away. She was transfixed by the sight of her sister-in-law's bare thighs, the way her nightgown was bunched up around her waist.
She felt a surge of desire wash over her as she watched Chandu's rough hands explore Rani's body. She couldn't believe the way her own body was responding to this act of degradation.
But as much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't ignore the growing wetness between her legs. She clenched her thighs together, trying to stifle the feeling, but it only seemed to intensify. She bit down on her lower lip, trying to stifle a moan as she watched Chandu thrust himself against Rani's body.
He continued kissing her passionately, his tongue working hard to find a way into her mouth.
Rani tried her best to push him away, but he was relentless. His other hand traveled down to her breasts and started fondling them roughly. Shreya watched as Rani cried out, begging him to stop. But Chandu just laughed and continued his assault on her.
Shreya couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. She had wanted to see a raw sexual encounter, but not like this. Not when it involved someone she loved and cared for. She hated Chandu in that moment for what he was doing to her sister-in-law.
And yet, she couldn't deny the excitement and fascination that was building up within her. She could feel her heart racing in her chest, pumping hot blood through her veins. She could feel her nipples pebbling beneath her bra, straining against the fabric. She could feel the wetness growing between her legs, dampening her underwear.
"Chandu remove her nightgown." Shreya screamed, even shocking herself after hearing the words coming out of her mouth. 
She shouldn't have said that, she thought. She wanted to order him to stop immediately, but her head was buzzing, her mind was muddled. She couldn't think straight. The sight of her sister-in-law's body being groped by the old man had ignited a fire in Shreya's loins, something she had never experienced before, and her traitorous body had betrayed her by responding with a sudden and overwhelming wave of desire.
Chandu stopped and looked at Shreya with amusement on his face. Even Rani looked at Shreya in disbelief. However, Shreya was too overwhelmed by the sight in front of her to backtrack her request.
"Get her out of her nighty, you despicable old man!" she yelled again, trying to sound more authoritative. Chandu shrugged and went back to his acts on Rani, groping her breasts harder. Shreya's stomach churned with disgust, but she noticed that Rani's cries for mercy had subsided and she didn't seem to be resisting Chandu anymore.
She was staring blankly ahead, her eyes dull and lifeless.
"Rani, are you alright?" Shreya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Rani didn't reply, but Shreya saw a tear roll down her cheek.
It seemed like Rani had given up. She lay there, lifeless, as Chandu continued to grope her. Her only source of strength in the room, Shreya, had betrayed her. 
Shreya shouted in excitement for Chandu to pull off her nightgown. She couldn't comprehend the switch in Rani's behavior from trying to resist the deplorable man to lying there, a mere rag doll.
Rani gave her a blank look and asked, "Is this what you want?" her voice was void of any emotion.
Shreya didn't know how to react. She had initially planned for Rani to corporate, but seeing Rani in this state, her defenses broken down, something else stirred within her. A twisted mix of desire and guilt surged through her.
"Yes, Rani. Common, let's smash the boundaries of this orthodox world together. Teach the ways of sex so I can be prepared for my marriage when time comes. So me that sex isn't meant to be painful and it is pleasurable for both man and woman." Shreya said trying to justify her request.
Rani gave her a disapproving look and gritted her teeth. "...smash the boundaries together she says. 'Together'. I am the one sacrificing my body for her own selfish sake." Rani mumbled taking her venomous gaze away from Shreya.
She then turned to Chandu, whose hands were groping her body without any remorse. Rani closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt humiliated and used, but she knew she had to go through with it.
Chandu seized the moment and began kissing her again. This time, he forced his tongue into her mouth, making her gag.
Rani gathered all her strength and pushed him away. She then proceeded to take off her nightgown, revealing her creamy white body, hidden by just a bra and panty.
"Dumbfuck doesn't even know how expensive silk gowns can be."
Rani mumbled under her breath as she looked at the ruined nightgown on the floor. She then turned to Shreya, who was sitting awkwardly in her chair, and said, "If you want to learn about sex, we might as well do this right."
Rani reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She let it slide off her shoulders and fall to the ground, exposing her bare breasts to Chandu and Shreya. Shreya couldn't help but stare at Rani's perfect, round breasts with their dark pink nipples.
She had never seen her sister-in-law completely naked before, and the sight was deeply arousing.
Rani, however, seemed to be in a trance, her eyes glazed over as she lay back on the bed. Shreya could see the deep sadness and hurt in her eyes, and it made her heart ache. But it seemed like the old lioness was back.
Gone was the defeated woman from a while ago. She positioned herself on the bed in way her back rested on the headboard. She gave Chandu a lifeless look inviting him to continue. 
He didn't hesitate as he pounced on her like a beast. He mounted her as she lay expressionless on the bed. Rani turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable. Chandu was on his knees and spread her legs wide apart to position himself between them. He cupped Rani's face and began kissing her staring from her left ear. He started with a gentle nibble and continued kissing and sucking her ear. Rani couldn't help but flinch at the sensation. She was not used to such degrading treatment. Shreya watched as her sister-in-law's body trembled under the onslaught. She couldn't tell whether it was fear, disgust or pleasure coursing through Rani's veins.
Meanwhile, Chandu continued his descent kissing Rani's neck and collarbone, inhaling the scent of her skin. He groped her breasts, pinching her nipples and eliciting a gasp from Rani. He turned her face towards him and for few seconds, tried to take in the raw beauty of her, which was marred by few lines of tension on her forehead, which Shreya could make out from her distance. He then pressed his lips against hers. Rani remained stiff, not responding to his kisses at first. It was not because she didn't want to give herself in (well that was also the case) but his mouth smelled like something she couldn't recognize but hated instantly. Shreya did give him a bath but his mouth was still filthy from him not brushing his teeth in many decades. 
Rani could not bear the smell of the layers of his bad breath and turned her head away. But, Chandu was in no mood to stop, he was on a roll. He gripped Rani's face with his rough, dirty hands and forced her to look at him. He again pressed his lips 
against hers, trying to part them open with his tongue. Rani struggled at first, trying to break free from his grip, but he was too strong for her. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and began exploring its depths. Rani tried her best to suppress her gag reflex as he slobbered all over her.
Shreya watched the scene unfold with a mix of fascination and disgust. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but at the same time, she couldn't look away.
Rani would taste years old food stuck in his mouth mixed with taste of betelnut and cheap cigarettes. 
Her reaction was expected as she gagged and tried to push him away, but Chandu was much stronger who had spent years in hard labor.
Shreya squirmed in her seat, feeling a mix of disgust and excitement at the sight before her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but at the same time, she couldn't deny the growing wetness between her legs.
She watched as he groped and fondled Rani's breasts, pinching her nipples and eliciting soft whimpers from her.
Rani's eyes were squeezed shut, her face a mask of pain and disgust as he continued his assault on her body. Shreya couldn't believe the sight before her, her idol, her sister-in-law reduced to this. She was torn between her own arousal and the guilt of watching this unfold.
She wanted to look away, to protect Rani's modesty and purity, but at the same time, she couldn't deny the feeling of excitement that surged through her veins as she watched.
Soon they exchanged their saliva, their tongues twisting and swirling around each other. Chandu thrust his hips forward, grinding himself against Rani's thigh. She could feel the hardness of his erection her skin. But there was plenty of time before the giant phallus would enter her.
In the meantime, Chandu's rough hands were roaming over her body. He grabbed her ass, kneading it like dough as they kissed, pushing her legs apart to gain better access to her center. Rani didn't want to fully commit, trying to keep hold of the last few shreds of her dignity. So she decided to keep going with the act without letting herself loose.
Rani kept her thighs tightly pressed together, trying to block any unwanted touch from Chandu's filthy hands. However, the old man was determined and persistent, and soon he managed to wedge himself between her legs.
He sucked on her neck, leaving a hickey on her pale skin, going down to her perky nipples, flicking and swirling his tongue around them, causing her to moan out in pleasure.
His rough, calloused hands groped and squeezed her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers, making them stiffen in response.
Rani's body was responding to the sensations, despite her fighting her mind and her conscience. She stayed firm, not trying to give in to her body. If it was any other person, they would have given in to the pleasure. But this was Rani, she was so strong mentally that she continued to fight her body while co-operating with Chandu modestly. 
Chandu now being bored of her breast, stood up and grabbed her by her hair. He pulled her up and made her sit on her knees. Now his giant fully erect member was staring her in the face. He wrapped her hair in his fist, pulling it tightly and obtaining full control of her head.
She winced in pain but didn't protest. He pushed her face closer to his crotch and forced her to take him in her mouth. She tried to resist at first, but his grip on her hair was too tight. She opened her mouth and allowed him inside.
Shreya watched in shock as Rani's head moved back and forth, taking in Chandu's length. She looked up at her sister-in-law with sadness and guilt in her eyes, seeing her reduced to this.
The act of fellatio was rough and obscene, and yet, there was something animalistic about it that excited Shreya. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight of Rani's lips wrapped around Chandu's shaft, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked him deep into her mouth.
Rani quickly took his length in her mouth, trying to get this over with as fast as possible. But Chandu had other plans, he gripped her hair tighter, making sure she couldn't move an inch. He started thrusting his hips, driving his cock deeper into her mouth.
Rani gagged, tears streaming down her cheeks, but she continued to service him, knowing that it was the only way to get this over with.
Shreya watched in awe and horror as Rani took Chandu's cock in and out of her mouth, her cheeks hollowing out with each thrust. She couldn't believe what she was seeing – her sister-in-law, a woman she admired and looked up to, reduced to this. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the feeling of excitement that was coursing through her veins.
She could feel her own arousal growing as she watched, her body responding to the explicit display of sexuality. She could feel her nipples hardening beneath her bra, and a warmth spreading between her legs. She shifted in her seat, trying to stifle the growing ache in her loins.
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Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by lattu_pattu - 10-03-2024, 10:13 PM
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RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by Sakshi Priyan - 11-03-2024, 10:04 AM
RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by lattu_pattu - 11-03-2024, 10:58 AM
RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by lattu_pattu - 11-03-2024, 11:04 AM
RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by lattu_pattu - 11-03-2024, 11:10 AM
RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by Projectmp - 11-03-2024, 01:42 PM
RE: Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder - by Sakshi Priyan - 11-03-2024, 11:18 AM
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