Misc. Erotica Business Rivalry - Feminist Heroine Zeenat defeated, degraded and humiliated
Update 3

Zeenat woke up the next morning. She got up and was about to walk towards her sister’s bedroom when she passed by the full size mirror on the wall. She stopped.

That jerk Aryan Khan’s words still rang in her ears. “How dare he call her fat” She checked herself out in the mirror. She was dressed in a heavy, pink night gown that came all the way past her knees, just above her ankles. She first took off the robe to reveal the sleeveless pink night gown. Her milky light brown, fleshy arms were revealed, contrasting against the pinkness of her nightie. The arms were a tad untoned if Zeenat would admit to herself. She looked at her waist where Aryan seemed to be looking at. The loose nightie did well to cover up as it did not cling to her body. Zeenat decided to take off her nightie. She checked around her to make sure her room was secure and safe and then took off her nightie and threw it on the bed. Zeenat now stood next to the mirror, fully naked as she did not wear undergarments to bed.

She examined her waist and tummy. She had certainly developed small love handles around her waist and a layer of flab hung onto her tummy, bulging ever so slightly. It would not be apparent in a loose nightie but the evening gown she had picked for herself last night was tight and form fitting, meaning it accentuated her curves, and there was a slight bulge around her tummy region. A bulge so slight that other than gossip magazines and Aryan Khan, no one would notice.

Still, the fact remained that she had not worn anything that fitted her perfectly for months.  

Zeenat fumed looking at that but she was also felt helpless. The last 8 years of her life were spent focussing almost entirely on her career at the expense of her personal life. Her only reward to herself, sort of like a respite from her stressful job was food. She loved indulging in food and would order fancy lunches and dinners not to mention fancy desserts later and of course her house was always stacked with snacks and chocolate and ice cream.

All of this did would ultimately show on her body and Zeenat’s tummy/waist region was always her problem area. She always had a soft, fleshy tummy with a deep navel, not washboard abs that the models and actresses carry around. But who would be so harsh to point that out and mock her? Aryan Khan of course.

Zeenat vowed to start working out to tone her tummy, thighs and arms so as to show Aryan Khan… wait why was she getting so worked up over comments made by him? Why did she have to prove anything to him? She has nothing to prove and she does not adhere to unrealistic beauty standards set by fashion magazines, Zeenat told herself in consolation. It’s another matter that she never quite had the body like those girls and always envied the skinnier girls. But that’s why she spent so much time and money on fashion and style to look good and gain confidence.


It was the time of the Fashion Awards Show. The best designers of the past year were nominated for their latest designs. Zeenat had been winning Best Designer for the last three years. It was a result not of merit but Zeenat's behind the scenes lobbying, pulling strings and using all kinds of influence.

She also played the media to her advantage. She had her own PR plant stories of her success and accomplishments. These brands were also sponsors of the Awards. So it was an intricate set up.

And Aryan had found out all about it through research. And he had a plan to humiliate her on her best night. She was going to win the award, he couldn't stop that, but he was going to make sure it was the most embarrassing night of her life.

* * *

Zeenat arrived at the Hotel. She was dressed in a stylish set of Salwar Kameez - blue kameez and white pajama pants and a white dupatta that served as her hijab covering her hair.

But there was something wrong today. There was some error in the system and her room booking was lost. Where was she gonna go at this hour?

Zeenat was livid. She gave the hotel staff a dressing down in front of everyone. She then called her assistant and gave her a mouthful. But her problem remained. She didn't have a booking and tomorrow was the biggest night of the year.

 What was she supposed to do?

A voice from behind startled her. “Ms Zeenat”, he said. She turned and saw him standing there - tall, dark, handsome, wearing a designer suit with a tie. His eyes were piercingly bright.

“Mr Khan!  Zeenat was startled.

"I've heard everything for the last half hour. I have a room booked. You can share my room if you'd like. It's a large suite. I'll sleep on the couch." Aryan said with a smirk.

 "After all we are both here for the same event."

Zeenat looked at him quizzically. Did he really want to share a room with her? Or was he planning something else?

Aryan Khan smiled. "Don't worry Ms Zeenat. We are both adults. We won't let anything happen. Besides, what would people think if they knew I shared a room with you? They’d say that I am trying to seduce you or something. I don't need any trouble."

Zeenat nodded. This was true. If word got out, it would cause a scandal. Her reputation could take a hit.

So she agreed. They went to the elevator together and headed up to the 10th floor. The room was spacious and luxurious.

It was late and Zeenat wanted to sleep. She had a long flight. But this was a problem. She was not comfortable being in her sleepwear in front of Aryan. She remembered all she brought were sleeveless long nighties. And when was the last time she had shaved her armpits?

As she thought of this, Aryan came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was bare chested and Zeenat noticed how ripped he was. His body was toned and defined. Muscular arms, broad shoulders, narrow waist, firm ass. He looked at Zeenat and smirked.

"You look uncomfortable," he said. "Why don't you change your clothes and relax? I promise I won't peek."

Zeenat blushed and hurried back to the bathroom to change into a nightie. As she did so, she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She hadn't expected to be in this situation, sharing a room with a man she barely knew.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Aryan was already lying on the couch, watching TV. He pretended not to notice her but he was observing her. He noticed her soft, pale arms for the first time in a grey, long sleeveless nightie. God did this woman ever see sunlight? Her skin was so pale. Her arms were untoned.  Soft flesh hung loosely off her biceps and forearms.

Then he glanced down at her legs. They were covered by the long nightie but he could tell that they weren't skinny either. They were thick and sturdy. Solid.

He wondered how much weight she had put on lately.

Zeenat lay on the bed. Soon the lights were off and they said goodnight to each other and went to bed.

The next morning Aryan woke up first. He got up, and was greeted to the most glorious sight he could not have imagined in a million years. Zeenat was still sleeping soundly. She was a beautiful woman. No doubt. But no one had seen her like this. In the dim light coming through the curtains, he could see everything clearly.

Her nightie was crumpled and had ridden up. One arm was resting on top of them and he could see her soft flesh bulging out of the sleeve of her nightie.  Soft fat bulged outwards.

He was mesmerized. Then he realized that he could see even more of her. He moved closer to the side of the bed.  Oh my god. What he saw made him gasp in disbelief. He stared transfixed at the scene in front of him.

Zeenat's nightie had ridden up all the way to lay on her tummy. And she had not worn panties before going to bed.

That was not unusual for many women. But Zeenat was no different.

He could see every detail of her genitals. From the soft brown lips to big thatch of unruly, untrimmed bush. Everything was laid bare for him to see. And he drank in the view greedily.

Aryan closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, taking in the fragrance of Zeenat's femininity. He opened his eyes again and watched as she continued to sleep peacefully, unaware of his presence.

Aryan had been with many women before but this was different. Because Zeenat was different. She was a hijabi. She would never been seen like this. No one had the privilege of seeing her like this.  

But now he had.

Aryan felt a rush of excitement course through his veins. He couldn't believe his luck. When he had pulled the strings to cancel her booking and force her to share a room with him, he did not even in his wildest imagination think this could be possible.

On top, her arm was raised awkwardly, exposing her soft, hairy armpits to her. This haughty, fashion icon, who was going to win an award for Best Fashion Designer was laid out in front of him with all her flaws laid bare

- she was hairy and didn't shave regularly
- she was sweaty
- she untoned and slightly fat.
- she was not pretty or sexy. Just plain looking.

This was the real Zeenat. Not the fake one she presented to the world. And Aryan loved it.

Knowing the intimate details of his business rival, excited Aryan. But he knew he had long term plans to degrade and humiliate her and didn't want to ruin them in a moment of lust. He stepped back and went to the bathroom.

He was taking a shower.

Zeenat had now woken up. She got up to find her state of undress and felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment. She knew Aryan was up and having a shower in the bathroom, so that meant he saw her like this?

She was mortified.

She quickly straightened her nightie and tried to act normal. But she could feel her heart beating fast and her face burning with shame. She cursed herself for not wearing underwear before going to bed last night.

 How could she have been so careless?

Zeenat sat up in bed, feeling miserable.

Aryan entered the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his hips and a smile on his face. He looked at her and said, "Good morning, Ms Zeenat. How did you sleep?"

Zeenat glared at him and said, "very well, thank you very much."

She decided acting coy was the best way out of this embarrassment. She quickly rushed to the bathroom with her clothes.

She came out after a while in another set of salwar kameez, this time in red. She looked her ravishing self, not the disheveled, hairy and untoned version Aryan had seen earlier.

She was ready for breakfast. They went downstairs to the large buffet area. She sat at the table and picked up a piece of toast, eggs. Aryan noticed that she had quite an appetite.  He himself ate healthy food and avoided carbs and sweets.

As she ate, he studied her more closely. She had on a red dupatta dbangd around her head and neck. The kameez was form fitting and he noticed the soft bulge of her tummy hanging over the waistband of her pajama pants.

It was soft and jiggling as she chewed her food.

Zeenat finished eating and stood up. Aryan noticed that her bottom was rounder than usual and he could see the outline of her panty line through the thin fabric of her salwar pants. He felt a tingle of arousal run through his body.

Breakfast was over and Zeenat said she had some errands to run in the City so she would see him this afternoon before the Awards show and left.

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RE: Business Rivalry - Feminist Heroine Zeenat defeated, degraded and humiliated - by behka - 07-03-2024, 07:32 PM

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