Misc. Erotica Business Rivalry - Feminist Heroine Zeenat defeated, degraded and humiliated
Update 2

Aryan Khan, 27, had just come back to town and soon dominated all the headlines and media stories. He was the only son of Patriarch Avesh Khan and his multibillion dollar company was going to be run by Aryan now. Aryan had just come back from the US, having completed his MBA and studies there. In the US, he had worked with the US end of Khan Industries, gaining some experience and learning the tricks of the trade.

Actually, over the last couple of years, Khan Industries was stagnating and not showing enough growth and other companies like Zeenat’s had emerged ahead by innovating. Khan Industries were well known industry leaders with plenty of goodwill, market share and capital so people expected that as soon as new blood Aryan would take over, the company would rise up again. 

From here on, the business world would not be the same again as the entire existing order would be upended and Zeenat had no idea what was about to hit her. Her carefully planned, developed and established company and success were going to be challenged, threatened and face a fight for its existence. Did Zeenat have it in her to take on this new challenge of Aryan Khan? Would Zeenat Alam be able to compete with Aryan Khan? Or would the ruthless Aryan sweep her off her feet and dominate? 


Zeenat was at her office, scratching her long nails over the picture on the newspaper in front of her. It was a large photo of Aryan Khan, part of an advertisement by Khan Industries, announcing the arrival of their heir. Zeenat saw it first thing in the morning as soon as she sat on her desk and checked the newspaper. She was a little perturbed to say the least.

The photo on the newspaper of a smirking Aryan Khan in a posh 3 piece suit had disturbed her. It was as if he was smirking at her, looking down at her. Challenging her. It brought back memories, memories that Zeenat would rather forget, memories that did not go down well with current Zeenat – the smart, confident, independent Zeenat. 

8 years ago. 

Zeenat and Aryan were in college together. They were in the same year. Aryan was the stud of the class and almost all the girls were vying with him. The shy and demure Zeenat, was no different. Aryan had his charm. He was confident yet sweet and his smile floored women. He had a gym toned body, and always wore sharp clothes. He didn’t talk much, but when he talked, it was firm and confident. Zeenat would dreamily stare at him for hours during class. Being a hijab wearing girl meant she was rarely ever approached by guys. Most guys assumed she was unapproachable and not interested in dating and that suited Zeenat just fine. She was not interested in dating. But Aryan was not just any other guy. His charm made girls as icy and uptight as Zeenat go weak in the knees. But sadly, Aryan barely ever noticed Zeenat. 

Back to present. 

Zeenat came back to reality. She had received a text.

“So, have you seen the massive party they’ve announced? Are you going?”

To announce the emergence of heir Aryan Khan to take over the company, Khan Industries had arranged a massive party at a 5 star hotel and invited the who’s who of the business world. All the important competitors, stakeholders, clients, business stalwarts and CEOs were invited. So was Zeenat. 

“Yeah, I guess” replied Zeenat. 

“Who does he think he is?” she thought irritably. “Just because his dad owns a big company, he thinks he can just walk in and take over everything! Well I don’t care who he is or what his family name is. I am going to crush him. I am going to bring him down and show him what real power looks like.”

Khan Industries was an important partner for Zeenat’s company. They supplied important clothing material which Zeenat’s company developed and tailored into fine dresses for women under Zeenat’s own watchful eyes and fashion design. The deal was struck years ago and AZ Ltd had managed to strike a good deal at discounted prices with Khan Industries. Over the years, AZ ltd.’s brand and clothing line became a household name and their success allowed them to renew these contracts on favourable terms. So having a good relationship with Khan Industries was of paramount importance for Zeenat. But the equation had changed now. Having a good relationship with the company now meant having a good relationship with Aryan Khan, which meant Zeenat would have to go face to face with Aryan once more after 8 years. 

8 years after that mortifying, most humiliating moment of Zeenat’s life. 8 years after which Zeenat had changed, and developed into a sharp young woman who no one dared to mess with. How would this new Zeenat face up to her old nemesis? 


The Party was Aryan's idea. Now that he was back, he would take over the reins of the Indian business. The media dubbed him "the Prince" or "Prince Charming", as he was good looking, smart, rich and single. All the young girls in the city were crazy about this guy and hoped they could get a piece of him. But Aryan did not care for any of them. His only goal was to teach that snooty bitch Zeenat a lesson.

She had played dirty to compete with Khan Industries. 

Aryan was going to teach her a lesson.

She needed to be humbled and humiliated in public.

And what better way to do it? He knew that she was a feminist, who also wanted to look good and glamorous. She dressed conservatively and even wore her hair in a bun. Her body was covered from head to toe in conservative but fashionable outfits. Aryan knew she was a hypocrite. He just had to unravel her, and expose her hypocrisy - the uptight feminist at the exterior and the timid, submissive, weak, insecure woman at her core.

He had studied Zeenat closely and found out all the dirt and embarrassing details about her. She was still a virgin and probably hadn’t ever been laid properly before. She looked like she needed it.

Zeenat had always considered herself better than others. Especially men. She claimed a moral high ground but she played dirty in business. She bullied small suppliers into giving her lower prices, threatening to take over or cripple them. She forced them to charge higher prices to her rivals like Khan Industries. She stole designer ideas from her employees, then fired them and claimed those ideas as her own.

And she was a fucking hypocrite.

The party was just a start. The long revenge plan was to embarrass and humiliate her. To break her spirit. To remind her that she was nothing without Khan industries, and that they owned her. They owned everyone else too. And Aryan would be the one to deliver the message.

Aryan observed her photos that were splashed all over the fashion blogs, magazines and social media. There were a punch of paid Social Media Influenzers who idolized Zeenat as the epitome of beauty, grace and fashion. Aryan knew this was all paid by Zeenat herself. 

She was beautiful, but she still liked to think that she was more attractive than she was. He had been with better women. And no beautiful woman had to pay PR firms and Social Media influencers to tell the world she was so beautiful and stylish. Zeenat was an insecure and vain woman and he just had to expose her. 

But none of this mattered to her. She was sure that she was better than anyone else. She was smarter too. She had never lost a debate in school or college. And now she owned her own company, which gave her immense satisfaction.

Aryan saw right through her. He knew exactly how to bring down the facade. It wouldn’t take long, but once he succeeded, then it would be fun watching her crumble to pieces. He couldn’t wait to see her beg for mercy, plead and cry. And when the time came, he would strip her bare naked, fuck her hard and leave her bruised and broken.

He was excited about the prospect. He wondered where he should start. He had done so much research that he already knew everything about her. He knew all about her likes, dislikes, habits and preferences. So it would be easy for him to play mind games with her.

At the party, Zeenat sipped her juice while chatting with a few of her business contacts and contemporaries. There were a lot of known faces and a large media presence so Zeenat, ever the suave fashionista had dressed accordingly – She had on a smart gold colored evening gown complimented with a beige heard scarf that operated as a dupatta around her breasts. In short, Zeenat looked ravishing as always and the fashion photographers and media present had already taken photos of hers. In fact, she was posing for a few more photos when suddenly, everyone’s attention turned towards the centre of the hall. All the photographers and media persons rushed towards the hall, leaving Zeenat standing there, a little dumbfounded and insulted as she was still posting. But such was the charm of Aryan Khan, the main attraction of the party, the chief guest, the man in whose honour the party was held and the man the entire business world was waiting for.

Aryan came down the stairs, beaming confidently, in a sharp gray, 3 piece suit as the photographers snapped away. He knew how to get the attention and how to create the right image as his body language and smile exuded confidence. Zeenat turned around and looked as she was no longer the centre of the attraction and despite her best attempts, was now clearly being overshadowed by the host. 

One look at Aryan and it’s like all the confidence, success and pride that Zeenat had developed over the 8 years had evaporated into thin air. Zeenat felt a strange tingle between her legs, her stomach rumbled, and her heart started beating fast. She felt shaken, a little off kilter, and felt sweat forming inside her, on her armpits, between her legs, between her boobs. What was this feeling? It was as if the 8 years meant nothing. This is exactly how Aryan would make her feel all those years ago. 

Zeenat felt a bit annoyed that almost everyone she was talking to had left her and flocked towards Aryan, to introduce themselves and get an opportunity to talk to him.

“What’s the big deal, my company registered higher profits than them this year” thought Zeenat and rolled her eyes.

“I have built my company with my hard work and sincerity, not inherited it, and made it what it is today, ahead of the Khan company, and yet I have never received a welcome like that or attention like that.” Zeenat seethed inside with jealousy and anger at how quickly Aryan had within minutes of his arrival snatched away all her attention. 

For a while Zeenat stood in a corner slowly sipping her drink as almost no one noticed her anymore. The business magnates and the media were both only interested in catching a glimpse of Aryan and getting him to provide a ‘byte’ for the media.

It was a good half an hour where Zeenat felt neglected and ignored just like how she used to feel at college. Back in college, there were other girls who had outshined her by being more bold with their clothes, revealing more of their body and being more confident about it to show it off while Zeenat was deemed too conservative and old fashioned.

She had worked hard to develop her own sense of style and glamour without compromising on her values, without showing her body, without acting like a slut asking for attention. She had developed a new sense of Hijabi suave as the media would describe her. And yet, Aryan Khan in a matter of minutes had stolen all her thunder, completely overshadowed her presence. This had never happened to Zeenat since she became successful in business

After almost half an hour, Aryan finally got done with all the media queries and all the people who wanted to shake his hand and introduce themselves. He turned towards the corner Zeenat was in and walked towards her. Zeenat was refilling her juice so had her back turned and didn’t see or hear Aryan approach her.

“Miss Alam, they can’t stop talking about your rise and success in the media, well done” 

Zeenat turned around in surprise, almost splashing the juice from her glass. She hadn’t expected him to creep up on her and she was startled. 

“oh..umm.. Thanks” 8 years, 8 fucking years and he still had the same effect on her, completely disarming her and making her flustered and go giddy. This was not the Zeenat the world was used to in the last 8 years. 

“Well I’m really proud to see someone I went to college with be so successful.” Aryan continued to praise her, and from his eyes it appeared genuine. This had the effect of further disarming Zeenat’s defences. 

On the outside, Zeenat looked her commanding self, with a full, mature figure that turned heads on a normal day, and a voice trained by years of barking orders to her subordinates and associates from across the world. But now, for some reason, she felt a tingle of fear creep down her spine. She wasn't used to it, and she didn't like it.

“I..uhh…well… yeah…thanks I guess… I’m glad you’re back to take over your dad’s business” 

“Yeah, it will be fun to do business here… I love nothing more than a challenge and from what I’ve been hearing, the market has a lot of new challenges now especially from new entrants and players” remarked Aryan, eyeing Zeenat and letting her know he was referring to her.

Zeenat felt even more nervous, as she started sweating profusely. Over the last 8 years, she had commanded and chaired so many meetings and conferences, growing in confidence every year, going from strength to strength, yet there was something about this man that had her completely flustered and out of kilter like a teenage girl. She felt sweat from her armpits drop down her sides. Her smart evening gown felt tight against her body, her hijab felt tight against her hair. She felt her stomach rumble in excitement, her heart beat faster and an old but familiar tingle in her loins, familiar from her encounters with Aryan all those years back. 

“You haven’t changed” remarked Zeenat, trying to change the topic from herself and put the spotlight back on Aryan. “Still the same charm and confidence, and centre of attention” Zeenat completed, betraying a sense of envy at the last comment which Aryan picked up on.

He smirked, and said “well what can I say, I’m the same old Aryan Khan” 

Zeenat smiled.

“But you have changed” Aryan continued. Zeenat thought he would refer to her sense of fashion, being a style icon now or her success and confidence she had gained. But Aryan said something next that completely shattered all the confidence and her so called sense of style and fashion 

“You’ve gained weight” he remarked with a devilish smirk, his eyes glancing around Zeenat’s waist. 

Zeenat’s nostrils flared. This was an attack on her pride she was most unprepared for. She burned in impotent rage and humiliation as her cheeks went red, her eyes were raised but she couldn’t’ utter one word in response. Instead she meekly looked down at her waist where Aryan was eyeing her, making her doubt herself. In a second, he had shattered all the confidence and style she wore with her custom designed evening gown. She looked up to see Aryan walk away, with the annoying smirk still on his face, a look of victory on his face while Zeenat was left fuming, humiliated and doubting herself. 

Round 1 to Aryan Khan

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RE: Business Rivalry - Feminist Heroine defeated, degraded and humiliated - by behka - 07-03-2024, 10:35 AM

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