Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
The woman dug into her breast pocket and pulled out a small brown paper packet and, opening it, emptied its contents on the bed.

There were several little glass vials and two clear plastic packets of white powder. Avinash gasped, realising at once what this was. Before he could even open his mouth to say a word, the woman inspector grabbed a vial and snapped it under Kavita's nose.

The effect of the drug was instantaneous and astonishing. All resistance vanished from Kavita. She relaxed visibly and her features rearranged themselves in a slavish smile of pure, wanton lust.

The constables released her at a nod from the male inspector.

"Fuck me," Kavita murmured to him, her eyes on his rampant penis, her lips parted. "I want your cock!"

Avinash moaned and buried his head in his hands. The woman chuckled and strode across to him, kneeling on the floor.

Her fingers gripped his hair and jerked his head back. Avinash cried out in pain. She grinned down at him and looked at his cock.

"Nice," she murmured. "Really nice. Wouldn't mind having some of that meat myself. Would you like to oblige?"

Her booted foot moved between his legs and the toe pressed to his balls.

"Or shall I crush these wonderful balls of yours, boyo? Won't take a minute."

Avinash was about to swear and spit in her face when she pressed her toe into his scrotum. The obscenity died on his lips and he stared at her. She laughed.

"That's better. Yeah, I think you're getting the picture. Tell you what. We'll watch the guys fuck your girl, then I'll fuck her, then you fuck me while she watches. Sounds good?"

Avinash didn't reply and she jerked his head back and slapped him hard. He gasped, tears welling in his eyes.

"Answer!" she hissed. "Sounds good?"

"Yes," he moaned. "It sounds good."

Laughing, she let him go, turning around and shoving his head forward so he could watch Kavita and the three men on the bed.

The inspector had dropped his trousers and he was standing on the bed in his boots with Kavita on her knees in front of him, fucking her mouth.

She sucked his cock with evidently unfaked hunger, jerking it one hand, licking and sucking it lasciviously, moaning and keening like a puppy, her hands caressing her naked body.

The constables were masturbating, their cocks long and dark and thick, grinning at the sight. The inspector chortled, his head bent, watching Kavita, one hand on her head, moving it steadily back and forth.

"Mmm -- nice -- real nice -- suck it -- come on whore -- suck it harder!"

Kavita obeyed at once and he groaned softly, pumping his hips back and forth. His huge penis glistened between her lips.

"Sheela," he called over his shoulder to the woman inspector. "I think it's time we gathered the evidence, yes?"

"Of course," she said and nodded to one of the constables. He opened the door a crack, whispered something to someone outside, then opened it and two more men scurried in.

They were laden with cameras, still and video, tripods, flash guns and lights. The inspector on the bed, fucking Kavita's face, nodded to them and, grinning at the sight, they scurried about setting up their gear.

Avinash stared in horror.

"Hey, inspector-*sahib*! Do we get a chance, too? This is one hot number you got there!"

"Do your work first, asshole," Sheela, the female inspector snarled. "You can fuck her later. When we get what we want."

"Okay, okay, no need to get antsy," the cameraman grumbled good-naturedly. "Man, what a looker!"

They picked up their cameras and started filming. There were two videos going and three still cameras. Flashbulbs popped constantly, and the room was full of a hard, brittle light.

The two cameramen moved around for different angles, taking close-ups of the inspector's cock in Kavita's mouth, shots of her hands on her breasts, in her cunt, full body shots, everything.

They talked softly to each other as they worked. One of them, the one who had asked to fuck her, was called Arun and his assistant was Santosh.

They worked with single-minded concentration, efficiently and quickly. The inspector kept fucking her face for the cameras.

"Done?" the inspector asked with a husky groan. "Got what we need?"
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-06-2019, 04:46 PM

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