Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
She looked amused. "Actually, if you must know, that lifeguard. Salman. I want him. I want to fuck him."

Avinash grinned. "Now that I can understand. Certainly. When?"

"Tonight. After dinner."

"I'll arrange it."

"Good. Thank you. And somebody else this afternoon."

"Fine. Anyone in particular?"

She shrugged indifferently. "No, you choose. I'd like two, if that's possible."

"Together?" he grinned in delight.

"Yes, why, is that a problem?" She looked genuinely surprised.

"No, no problem at all," Avinash laughed. "It's more than I hoped. Thank you."

She nodded and got up. "I want to go back now, Avinash. I'm going to masturbate with that big vibrator.

Unless I find a waiter with a nice big cock on the way, in which case I'll fuck him. Come
along, if you want to watch." She started walking away.


"Yes?" she stopped and turned.

Avinash looked at her. She was very lovely, very sexy. He shook his head.

"Nothing. Forget it."

Anuja smiled and turned back. Avinash watched her for a moment, then leaned back, sliding the glasses back over his eyes, feeling distinctly uneasy.

How had she known?

How had she seen through him, through the thick barricade he had so carefully constructed?

How could she possibly know?

Now, staring at the screen, Avinash went cold as the memory of that morning's conversation flooded his mind.

Anuja had devastated him with her acuity and, after she left him, he remained by the pool, struggling to control the pounding of his heart, to stave off the terrible demons of his youth. But the past could not be denied.

As he thought of that morning, Avinash felt a twinge of uneasiness. So close; she had come so close to knowing everything about him. He groaned softly and, killing the monitors, leaned back in his black leather chair with his eyes closed as the monsters surged forward again.

Her name was Kavita, and Avinash was madly in love with her. She was a year or two younger than him, ravishingly beautiful, and, to his mind, very sexy, although she presented a demure innocence.

They met in college, on the very first day, through a common friend. Kavita was slender and dusky with an oval face, large, doe-like eyes rimmed with thick *kajal*, and a fine, straight nose.

Her mouth was sexy, the slim upper lip curved in a bow over the full, straight, lower one. She had a long, elegant neck and her arms and legs were smooth and nicely turned. The fingers, hands, ankles, wrists and toes were slender and shapely.

Her breasts were full and ripe, sloping like succulent fruit, and her body nipped in at the waist and flared again to erotic hips and buttocks. Her legs were lovely, and her belly was firm and flat. She had a soft, musical voice and her smile was bright and enticing, lighting up her eyes.

Kavita and Avinash shared an ordinary, middle-class background. She lived with her parents and sister in a small, dingy three-room apartment in Central Bombay, near the railway tracks.

Avinash lived nearby, in a similar locality with his parents and elder brother. Neither house had very much privacy.

Avinash pursued Kavita doggedly. He was a handsome, well-built, kind youth, and hard to resist. A week after they met, they were going steady.

It was two months before they first slept together. Those eight weeks were the happiest in Avinash's life. He walked on air. They met daily, and one look at her and Avinash drowned.

The rest of the world simply did not exist. They talked softly, for hours on end, held hands in darkened movie theatres, gently caressed each other's arms and hands, played footsie.

A month later, he kissed her for the first time and was surprised by the hunger in her response as her soft, moist lips flowered beneath his and her tongue rippled into his mouth.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-06-2019, 04:45 PM

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