Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
This weekend, they were out of town and he had invited her to spend the night saying they'd have the duplex row-house and garden and small pool to themselves. By the sheerest luck, her parents were away in Aurangabad, too, with Jayant's family, and she could get away.

She thought of Jayant and smiled. What a terrific pair they made. Sex with Jayant was the best of all. They could go on and on and on, never tiring of each other.

The cabbie's eyes flicked casually to the mirror again. This time, they met hers. He looked away and looked back. She was still looking at him. Instantly, Anuja knew that he had watched them, seen everything. She smiled to herself.

That was sexy. She felt no embarrassment. She liked being watched. She looked at him in the mirror, and their eyes met. His face was handsome enough, dark, clean-shaven, with deep eyes, a lean jaw, full lips.

From where she sat, the rest of him looked good, too, the shoulders broad, the body lean and tough. A small smile danced on her lips. He caught it, fought his grin, then gave up.

Anuja laughed softly. Stretching her arm, she rested her hand on the seatback behind his head. The cabbie squirmed, tensed, when he felt her cool fingers brush his hair, sliding under his collar, caressing his skin.

She toyed with his earlobe, ran her fingers through his hair. With her other hand, she lifted her T-shirt again, lifting it higher as he watched in the mirror. Lifting her hips, she pulled at her jeans, opening and unzipping them, pulling them down her thighs, and pushed her hand between her legs.

Her hand moved from his head and she pulled her T-shirt high under her arms, cupping and squeezing her naked breast, lifting it in her hand. Her nipples jumped erect.

"Hey," she said softly. "Do you like me?"

The cabbie swallowed, sputtered, swerved, corrected. She giggled.

"My cunt is on fire. Want to do something about it?"

His head snapped around, he stared at her, then jerked his head back and looked at her in the mirror.

"Well? Do you?"

The cabbie nodded slowly.

"Good. Tell me what you want to do."

The cabbie grinned, opened his mouth and waggled his tongue as though licking slit. The girl giggled. She looked lovely, and his eyes lingered hungrily on her splendid breasts.

"Good. I like having my cunt licked. What else?"

The cabbie lifted his fist and pumped it in the universal gesture for a fuck.

"Right. You can fuck me. Where?"

The cabbie looked at her in confusion. She grinned.

"Where do you want to fuck me? My mouth? My cunt? Or --" she leaned forward, her lips very close to his ear. "Maybe even my ass?"

"Fuck!" The cabbie swore violently, pop-eyed.

"Tell me," she murmured, her lips at his ear, nibbling his lobe, her hand in his hair again.

"Tell me how you want to fuck me."

"All of it," he croaked stupidly. "Everything."

The girl leaned back, smiling prettily. "Good. That's what I want, too. So come on, let's go somewhere and fuck. Are you clean?"


"Are you clean? No VD, AIDS, that kind of shit?"

"No. I'm clean."

"Fine. I'm yours then. You can do anything you can like with me, it's okay. But I have to meet this boyfriend at his house soon, so if we're going someplace, you'd better hurry."

The cabbie grinned hugely and jammed his foot on the accelerator. The car shuddered and slowly built up speed. Now he drove like a maniac, concentrating on the road, nipping deftly between cars, swapping lanes at random, slicing through the traffic expertly.

He worked his way off the main road and dived through a series of criss-crossed by-lanes, heading east, away from the sea. He turned into a dark, deserted lane. The car coasted up to a big, dark structure. He killed the engine.

"What's this?" she said peering out of the window.

The building was a half-built high-rise, abandoned midway through construction. A board outside gave the name of the builder, the architect, the engineer and another board announced that the property was in litigation and in the hands of a receiver.

Anuja smiled in approval. This was safe.

The cabbie opened his door, pulled the key from the ignition. She stepped out. He rolled up the windows, locked the car. She waited.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-06-2019, 04:35 PM

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