Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
"You okay?" he asks, brushing her forehead with his lips, stroking her hair.

"Yes. Fine. A bit tense, that's all."

"You want a drink of water or something."

"No. Not right now. I'll be fine. Come, I should get ready now."


Anuja goes into the bathroom to shower and clean up. Several minutes later, she steps out naked. Jayant gives her a towel and kisses her gently.

She smiles at him as she towels herself dry and begins to dress. She has just finished when there is a knock on the door, summoning her downstairs.

"Jayant, go ahead."

"What for?"

"Just check it out. I don't want to come down and then turn back."

Jayant nods and leaves. Five minutes later, Anuja goes down and walks through the house and down the wide, curved steps to the garden and the pool.

The house is quiet and deserted. She sees people on the beach and walks down the paved walkway, lit by low, calf-height shaded lamps to the beach.

There are nearly thirty people on the beach, some sitting on the sand, some in deckchairs, chatting, smoking, laughing.

All are casually dressed, some in shorts, others in Bermudas, T-shirts, swimming wear. Servants in white uniforms flit between them with trays of canapés and drinks. Anuja sees Jayant, Tony and Baban standing just inside the curved bower that opens onto the beach and she smiles at them.

"Wish me luck," she whispers. "Here I go."

"Don't worry, babe, we're here," Jayant says.

"I know. I can't tell you how comforting that is."

"Go." Tony's voice is gentle and concerned.

She smiles at him and steps out onto the beach. The hubbub dies and face turn to her. Anuja hesitates, a case of last-minute nerves.

Quickly, she controls herself. There is nothing to fear, and she has done this before. Seema is at one corner and she smiles gently, in encouragement. Anuja's pulse quickens.

Her step falters, and then she takes a quick breath and steadies herself. There is nothing to fear, she reasons. She is here to be fucked and that is something she knows how to do and to do well.

She moves forward, seeing a small, cleared space in front of the guests and walks to it.

Anuja looks lovely. Her long hair is braided and coiled, held high behind her head. She wears a short terrycloth robe that just reaches her knees and is loosely belted.

Around her neck, she wears her long gold necklace. There are rings on her fingers and small stud glitters in her left nostril. Her eyes are thickly rimmed with *kajal*. Her feet are bare.

There is silence, only the sound of the wind and the sea. Even the servants have stopped moving and have stepped back to the rear of the crowd.

Anuja pauses, looking at her audience and then slowly unbelts her robe. It falls open. Slowly, she pulls the lapels wider and wider, lower on her shoulders and then, sensuously, gently, lets it rustle to the sand.

She smiles and steps forward out of the puddled robe at her feet.

There is a collective intake of breath, a gasp from the crowd and suddenly, Anuja exults, her mind leaping with excitement and joy at the knowledge that all these strangers find her sexy and want to see her being fucked right there on the sand in front of them.

Fucking live before an audience is still one of the sexiest ways to orgasm. Her cunt tingles and her breasts swell.

"Good evening," she murmurs. "My name is Anuja."

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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-06-2019, 04:21 PM

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