Adultery Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall-COMPLETED
I murmured apprehensively, "But I feel very nervous about it. Would our husbands be ok with it?"

Jyoti was forthright again. She said, "They bloody well are not just ok, they want it more than we do. If my husband wants your ass, he bloody well has to allow Sunil to have mine. They pretty well know it too. Didn't your hubby hint it to you, earlier? Didn't you hint to me that he wanted to share you with my husband? They are just hesitant to be the first to take the initiative. Let them shed their hesitation, until then let us play their game. It is also possible that right now they may be plotting our seduction, who knows?"

I was amazed at the forthrightness of Jyoti. I felt respect for her truthfulness. I quietly nodded my head and carried on playing with water.

There was slightly deeper water some yards away from us, where water from the stream had collected and formed a pond. Sunil removed his shirt and jumped in water in the pond. He swam across to me and standing in water took me in his arms. Before I could react, he began kissing me hard on my lips mumbling, "Honey, you look hot and sexy..." His action helped relieve me of some guilt. I felt love and affection for my man; who probably knew very well that I was dishonest to him the previous night and yet loved me with all his heart. I lunged into his arms and reciprocated his kiss fully with all force at my command. At that time, I wanted to make him as happy as I could

Jyoti playfully watched us kissing. After a few seconds, she shouted at her husband, "Can't you see them? Don't you feel anything? You have someone here you may kiss, if you like." Her fingers pointed at her lips.

I saw the Colonel moving awkwardly in water towards her. He threw off his shirt and exposed his biceps and hairy chest as he walked to his wife. As soon as the Colonel neared Jyoti, she jumped down in water and tried to run away from the Colonel to challenge him to catch her. However, her foot must have fallen on rock. She staggered and fell in water. I heard her cry out loud.

I looked at her and saw the Colonel lift her up. She had her legs clutched around the Colonel's waist. Her shorts were literally short and in that condition, her ass crack was clearly on display. Her panty was thin and scanty; she wrapped her legs around the Colonel and reached his mouth to make him kiss her. When she raised her butts to match the Colonel's mouth to kiss him; her shorts with her panty had slipped down. I saw my hubby keenly looking at her ass from behind, trying to avoid getting caught by me.

The Colonel and Jyoti got engaged in close intimate kissing. Under blue sky, in waist deep water and in the vicinity of nature in full glory; we two couples were engaged in playing our own intimate games with our spouses.

Suddenly Sunil pushed his arm inside my top and pulled the top buttons of my shirt. I tried to move away. In the hassle, two or three buttons of my shirt got pulled off. Not caring, Sunil inserted his hand inside my shirt and quickly unclasped my bra before I had time to react. He began fondling my boobs. I was taken by surprise and exclaimed awkwardly, "What are you doing? They are watching us?"

Sunil did not stop. He said, "So what? Am I doing something illegal? You are my wife. I can bloody well do anything. Besides, I don't care if they are watching. By now, they have seen enough of us."

I stopped in my tracks. Was he hinting at my adventure of the other night with the Colonel? I asked him, "What do you mean?"

Sunil replied to my great relief, "You know what I mean. Did he not see you naked in the wash room the first day we arrived, when you could not bolt the door?"

I had no answer. I had to relent. I said, "Ok, fine, but not here. It's open. There could be somebody else watching us."

Sunil left me and said, "Ok, then let us go back to our cottage. But there, I will have you and you are not going to stop me; with them watching us or not. Ok?"

I had to agree. I said, "Ok Baba."

Sunil wanted to drive a hard bargain in my moment of weakness, he said, "And remember your earlier promise. You will fulfil your commitment, agreed?"

Without a second thought I replied, "I will fulfil my commitment. However, I have a condition."

Sunil looked at me questioningly. I said, "I will not be the only one. Jyoti must also join in. Both of us must be cross fucked. Agreed?"

My husband was all smiles. This is what he desired. He said, "You have to prepare them for that."

I said, "Why only me? That is you job too. However, I think Jyoti is more than ready."

The Colonel and Jyoti were out of earshot and could not hear our conversation. However, they watched Sunil fondling my breasts and kissing me. I saw glee on the face of Jyoti and a trace of awkward emotions (jealousy, was it?) on the Colonel's face. I wondered, if he thought I was his already.

It was about 11 am. We had just separated from our spouses and were catching our breath when I realized that the sky had become over cast with dark heavy clouds. It started drizzling. At the camp, they said that weather in this region was like a woman's mood: totally unpredictable. It might be warm in the morning and suddenly a thunder storm would cool down the temperature in the afternoon so much that one might need woollens.

In no time it started raining heavily. We were all wet anyway. However, we were all fully drenched in the downpour. Jyoti's two towels also got soggy with water. It started raining heavily. We all picked our things and ran for the camp.

Our dress stuck to our body making it look as if we had no clothes on. Our skin was visible through wetness. I had no time to clasp my bra. I was therefore almost bra less and my generous boobs swung wildly as we ran. I was afraid that my breasts were visible through the thin cotton shirt. Jyoti's condition was worse. Not only Jyoti's breasts but also her areolas and nipples were visible. As she ran, her breasts jumped up and down making a great spectacle.

We climbed upstairs running and reached our cottage. The Colonel opened his room. We all stood there trying to catch our breath after the brisk run. Jyoti's and my breasts heaved up and down as we were breathing hard. We were wetting the floor in the Colonel's room with water dripping down our dress and bodies.

Sunil and the Colonel were ogling at both Jyoti and me lewdly. Interestingly, although nothing was clearly visible under their wet shorts, my husband and the Colonel both had a big tent in their trousers. Both males looked horny. I felt embarrassed as I was looking like completely stripped of clothes and so was Jyoti.

My husband Sunil came near me and started kissing me again. Since we both couples had already kissed our spouses earlier in each other's presence, there was no major awkwardness. I knew at least my husband was horny. I went into his arms and kissed him back allowing him to insert his tongue into my mouth and sucking his tongue of his saliva and gulping it. I could not suppress a "Upphhh.." escaping my lips.

Sunil did not just stop at kissing me. He inserted his hand between us and began fondling my breasts with one hand and squeezed my butts with the other pressing me harder into him. I could feel his cock straining the cloth of his shorts. It was so awkward standing wet in the room in front of the Colonel and Jyoti and get kissed and fondled by your hubby. However, I neither had the courage nor power to stop him. Perhaps he wanted to demonstrate to the other couple how much he loved me.

When I heard deep moaning sound coming from Jyoti's throat was when I became conscious that both the Colonel and Jyoti were also engaged in kissing each other and Jyoti gave out a clear signal to us that they were not to be left behind.

Sunil continued kissing me and kept slowly pushing me backwards towards the bed in the Colonel's room for what must have been close to three minutes. The Colonel and Jyoti had stopped kissing and watched us making out. I was breathless. Suddenly I felt a towel thrown on our head. I turned slightly and saw that Jyoti had placed a towel on our heads for us to wipe ourselves dry. She said. "Do what you want, but dry up first. I don't want my bed wetted, at least not by rain water."

As I picked up the towel, got separated from Sunil and began to walk towards our room, Jyoti came in front of me and stopped me. She said, "Today is a sort of holiday for us. I insist that we should all spend the whole of today together in this room. Stay and change here. Sunil will get you your dress. I have been feeling left out in your adventure of the previous night. I want to hear all that happened exactly as it happened and not what you all said in that gathering. I know much more happened than what you have publically revealed. So get ready and shoot without keeping back anything. We are all not just close friends, we are personally intimate friends. There should be no secret between us, should there be?" Jyoti asked looking pointedly at me in particular.

I felt like the floor would swallow me. How would I be able to gather the courage to tell them what happened the night before last? What would happen to my husband and to the Colonel's wife Jyoti when they would learn that I cheated them? What face will I have to face my husband, when he would learn all this? I wondered.

However, Jyoti's next sentence relieved me a little. She said, "For example, Sunita tried to titillate and encourage that fat hulk to feel her body and did in fact let him feel her. I want to know exactly what happened there. I hope you won't disappoint me, would you?"

Nobody spoke. That meant that they agreed. Anyway, Jyoti was right to expect that we should be fair to her and tell her all. I also nodded my head in agreement dumbly; hoping that I did not look unconvincing.

Sunil returned with just a night gown, which he had specially bought for me on the occasion of our previous marriage anniversary. It was sheer and revealed more than it hid. I looked at him. He smiled and winked at me and gently pushed me to the washroom. He did not bother to give me my underwear. I came out of the wash room dry but not more modest looking than when I was fully drenched.

I walked quietly back into the room aware that all the three eyes were focused on me and movements of my breasts, bums and curves. I felt like a model being watched closely by three piercing eyes, except that I had a gown that could hardly be called a dress. It was thin semitransparent wraparound. I walked to the bed knowing that the two males in the room watched swaying of my heaps and juggling of my boobs lewdly. I slid to the pillow position under the cover of the bed sheet spread on the bed and sat with pillow behind my back resting my back on the pillow and the head board, hoping that I looked more decent sitting with most of my body under the bed sheet than when I was walking.
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RE: Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-12-2018, 02:29 PM

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