Adultery Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall-COMPLETED
I must have slept for about two hours, when suddenly I was physically shaken out of sleep. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jyoti instead of Sunita. I sat up and saw the Colonel lying next to Sunita. The room was bright as the curtains were opened. Sunita woke up almost at the same time. The Colonel and his wife Jyoti laughed heartily as Sunita and I looked at them sheepishly.

The Colonel asked, "What is this? Have you fellows come here on your honeymoon? It looks like you had a long session of love making before you slept. You and Sunita are practically naked, hugging each other."

Sunita was acutely embarrassed lying next to the Colonel, almost naked. She mumbled half coherent, "I didn't... we were actually asleep.. I just woke up." as she pulled her gown up and covered her body.

Both Sunita and I rose from bed rubbing our eyes, trying to come to terms with the situation. I pulled up my pyjama and stood up tying the strings awkwardly.

Jyoti murmured, "You are not bad. Even asleep, you are long." Jyoti had seen what she wanted to see.

My wife looked at the Colonel angrily and said, "What are you up to?" However, I detected more pretence in her complaint than real anger.

The Colonel said, "That was Jyoti's idea." Sunita looked at Jyoti.

Jyoti nodded her head. She said without sarcasm, "This was a plan and not an accident."

Sunita said resignedly, "Well, fine then. If Jyoti suggested this, what can I say?"

Sunita looked at my watch. It was 5 o'clock. She jumped from the bed in a hurry and caught the Colonel's wife Jyoti's arm and said, " My God, it is five O'clock, just one hour for the evening program. Jyoti we have to get ready! Come on. These army people are so fussy about the time. These boys (the Colonel and me!) have nothing to do. But we have to get ready."

I washed my face and the Colonel and I went out to go to the cafeteria in the camp to have tea. It was obvious from the expressions on his face, that the Colonel was unusually stressed. I asked him what bugged him so much. He said, "I am unable to put my finger on a series of events, which happened in the past few days." I was scared. Was he going to refer to my advances on his wife, or was he worried about my wife's rejection or something else?

I asked him, "What is it?"

He said, still in deep thought, "Something abnormal is happening around us. First a burglary in my house, where nothing much is stolen. Next, somebody follows me and also you. A fake ticket examiner checks our tickets. Then we are treated to this exclusive reception, from some unknown guy. Finally this wisecrack of a taxi guy charges us next to nothing and brings us here. Looks like the Gods above have suddenly turned very kind on us."

I said, "This could be a series of accidents happening one after another. How else could one explain such things? Don't strain your mind, because these could be a series of mistaken identities."

The Colonel thoughtfully said, "Could be or may be not."

On the way, I asked the Colonel about the schedule.

Whilst we were sipping tea, the Colonel said, "As you know, today evening shall be introduction followed by entertainment, drink and dinner. The management shall also brief all visitors about the schedule during the week. The management has arranged a self defence camp for the members and their wives. This program has been designed to prepare normal citizens to guard, protect and resist against any terrorist attack. As per the program, in the morning, training shall be given for this purpose. I am one of the persons appointed to train the visitors for dealing with such a terrorist attack. You will see yours truly as one of the trainers." I did not know that the Colonel also was going to train us. This was a pleasant surprise.

The Colonel continued, "During the day time, when the member teams are out, one of the teams will have to face mock attacks by some ex army persons posing as terrorists. The capability of each team shall be judged based on their ability to resist such attacks. These encounters shall be random and travelling teams would not know about the attack in advance. Best three teams shall be rewarded." The Colonel concluded.

I was impressed with the seriousness with which the organisers were trying to create awareness amongst citizens on terrorist activities and on how we needed to face the attacks if they should happen in our vicinity.

I asked him what he meant by the word "teams".

He replied, "Members of one or two huts shall form one team. In each team there would be about ten to twelve members."

We returned to our camp site almost at the time, when the evening program was to begin.


This is second part of a three part series. (It may now become a four part series.)Why did they have repeated strange experiences of being followed, or a stupid burglary or an imposter ticket checker? What is the role of the young Capt. Kumar and comely young woman Neetu? The third part is full of erotic happenings suspense, adventure and secrets. Will the Colonel get my wife's favour? Will I be able to win over Jyoti? What would be our situation vis a vis the young Capt. Kumar?

All this and more shall be revealed in the next and the fourth and final part. The readers might find my writing rather slow and descriptive. I do not know if it gets boring. I believe that sex is like a spice in our mundane life. If we are fed only spices daily, we might start hating spices. I would like to take the readers to different heights. I am unsure, if I am successful. It is for the readers to comment on my writing. I am waiting to receive your comments even if they are critical. PLEASE WRITE TO ME.
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RE: Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-12-2018, 02:23 PM

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