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Adultery অসভ্য কাকু আর কামুক চাচার কীর্তিকলাপ - Don't miss hot saga
(25-02-2024, 11:53 PM)দত্তাত্রেয় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় Wrote:
I have come here after a long time. I really appreciate that you keep your promise and doesn't create any incestuous relationships between the characters.
I also agreed with the writer 'লম্পট's suggestion. It will be great if you create a long conversation between Biltu and his mother while his mother getting pounded by other men in front of him. The conversation should have ambiguity and innocence in it at the same time. This will make this story more flavoured with garlic since the price of the garlic is rising, I'm certain the reader will like the expensiveness of it. Tongue 
Warm Greetings,

Thanks apnar comment er jonyo... fira asar jonyo - hot saga cholbe ar apnader suggestion mone thakbe - esei jabe bhobisyote
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RE: অসভ্য কাকু আর কামুক চাচার কীর্তিকলাপ - Don't miss hot saga - by garlicmeter - 26-02-2024, 12:31 PM

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