Adultery Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall-COMPLETED
One night, at bed time, I asked Sunita how her studies were going. Sunita was all praise for the Colonel. She said that he was indeed an expert in maths and she loved the way he taught her with endless patience.

In our early marriage days, Sunita and I had a pretty good sex life. However, it petered out after we had a child. Stormy sex sessions were becoming rarity. I did not remember when we had one in the last four years. However, the company of Singhs injected some element of interest and excitement in our bed time talk. In the night, when I wanted her to be active in sex, I would mention the name of the Colonel in a casual manner. Our dialogues one night went somewhat like this.

I asked her, "How do you find the Colonel? He is really well built and strong. He told me that he fought five terrorists single handed, in a hand to hand combat in Kashmir."

She came closer to me and nuzzled her head into my chest lovingly as she responded murmuring, "He is strong and handsome. He has been decorated in the army also for his gallantry. He is gentlemanly and polite with me."

I chided her and said, "But I have seen him staring at your boobs many times, when you are not looking."

"Of course, at times I have seen him staring at me and at my body with a particular look. Any woman can understand when a man looks at her with that hungry look. But then he has so far not even touched me with wrong intentions; although he could have done it under some pretext. Therefore I don't know if my judgement of him is correct or not." She cuddled me and dug her nails into my back pressing her body hard against mine.

I was on the defensive, "Well, let us presume that he looked at you with desire in his eyes. The question is which man would not look at a beautiful and sexy woman like you with lust? Darling, you are a very desirable woman. You know it well. I feel like doing something to you by just looking at you. Whenever I see you, I always want to undress you and fuck you. So what is his fault? It only shows that he is a man with virility."

I knew that all women love to believe that they are beautiful and attractive to men. My wife was no exception. She really was desirable and beautiful.

Sunita readily agreed with me whilst also attacking me, "Well, you are right. All men are like that. When you look at me at times, I see a wolfish look in your eyes. Well, to be fair to him, he is better than you."

"Are you disappointed that he is not like me?" I asked her.

Sunita got a bit cheesed off, "What do you mean?"

I said patiently, "Have you ever thought why he spends so much of his time teaching you? I wonder what his wife is thinking."

Sunita was thoughtful. She looked at me and asked, "Do you think his wife feels jealous? At times, even I have wondered, why does the Colonel spend so much of his time teaching me? Should I ask him?"

"No. You would be a silly woman to ask a question like that. Why would a young smart man want to spend time with a young, smart and beautiful woman?" I tried putting a thought in her mind.

Sunita blushed. Then she looked at me with a question mark on her face and asked, "Do you think he is trying to woo me or something? I have found him to be a decent gentleman."

I tried to be simplistic, "I think he likes to spend time with you. May be he feels attracted to you."

There was an expression of irritation on her face as she asked, "Don't talk nonsense. On second thought, I hope you are not telling me all this to divert my attention from the fact that you like to spend time with his wife Jyoti? Is that true?"

I was again on the back foot, "Well, Jyoti is of course an attractive woman. We get along well. But the situation that we have to spend some time together is not of my choice. However, if you do not like my sitting with Jyoti, then I shall stop seeing her."

Sunita placed a finger on my lips and said, "Nonsense. Why should I stop you? I am not at all jealous. You are my husband and nothing can change that. Jyoti is the Colonel's wife. That is final. So what is there to worry about? Do you remember that you told me once about your affair with a girl in your college days? Both of you had even decided to marry. Since you both were so close, it is very likely that you might have had some sexual relation with her also at that time. But then what happened? We got married and that affair lapsed into history. If you enjoy Jyoti's company and she enjoys yours, why shouldn't you two spend some good time together? Why should I complain? Besides I know Jyoti too well. She loves her husband very much." I was surprised beyond words at her such a generous analysis of the situation. Obviously this bode well for my plans.

Sunita paused and then asked, "But tell me frankly. Do you think that I should stop learning from the Colonel? I feel that you have some issues with it. You don't like him staring at my body. Is it not?"

The dialogue was heading in a direction that I disliked. I had not only to nip it in the bud, I had to give a positive direction to it. I said, "Not at all. I definitely want you to continue to learn. Don't even think of discontinuing it. On the contrary, I would like to add something. According to our culture, the teacher or Guru is like next to God. To learn properly, the first thing you must do is to treat your Guru as if he is God and should never find faults in him. To learn well you must fully accept the teacher and obey him in all respects. Without that you can't learn." I paused and looked at her. She was listening attentively.

I resumed, "I feel that his looking at your body or occasionally flirting with you by touching you means that he is seriously interested in you. It is a sign that he perceives you as person close to him. It's a welcome sign and if such a thing happens, you should be happy and you should show that you are happy. Your happiness will energize him to teach you better and give all that he has got. For a man, it is a natural urge to touch a voluptuous and desirable woman like you. Am I right or not?" I paused and looked at my wife for her reaction. I knew her answer. Any woman after such lavish praise would not disagree. She was listening to me intently. She nodded her head.

I continued pampering her ego, "He cannot be faulted for it. After all, you are a very beautiful and sexy woman and he is a normal strong and virile man with manly instincts. I must admire his restraint that he has so far not flirted with you. Perhaps he is afraid that you will react negatively. Otherwise, he would have swept you off your feet. You see he was in the army and there, ladies do not mind men touching them or mildly flirting with them. I think so far he does not feel free with you. He should feel free with you so that he teaches you with all his heart. He needs to know that you are not averse to his touching or flirting."

She asked me, "Well, you are right. He has been very gentlemanly so far. Perhaps he may have some fear in his mind. But then, what can I do about it?"

I smiled like an expert and offered a generous solution to her problem . "What you need to do is to intentionally touch him once in a while and express your affection in order to make him realize that you do not mind him touching you. I feel that at least, he is entitled to that, if he sacrifices so much time for you."

My wife Sunita thought for a while on what I told her, nodded her head and said earnestly, "I appreciate your advice. I think you are right. But such a situation has never arisen. If it arises, I shall have to understand his feelings and respect it; rather than take it negatively. And yes, I should be extra friendly to him and try to make him feel wanted by touching him occasionally and welcome his flirting. Darling don't worry, I shall follow your advice. I am thankful for your selfless interest in my studies. I know I must improve my maths and do well in my coming exams." She became emotional and I could see a tear in her eyes. I patted her back sympathetically.

I was deviously pleased at my success. That was the first time that I felt that I managed to plant an amorous thought for the Colonel in my wife's mind. She seemed to have absorbed it. We had rollicking sex that night. I knew that the thought of the Colonel looking at her body with lust or flirting with her, excited her. I felt good for her.

One evening, when the Colonel was teaching my wife, I entered the bedroom and began talking with both in a casual way. I asked the Colonel if she was a good student. Without waiting for his reply, I told him that if she did not study well, he could spank her bottom or pinch her waist. I demonstrated it by spanking her bottoms once and by taking the Colonel's hand and placing it on my wife's waist and making him pinch her waist to show how he could do it.

Sunita blushed profusely, whilst the Colonel looked somewhat ill at ease. However, Sunita looked at the Colonel encouragingly and said, "Of course, he is my teacher and if I am a bad student, he has the right to punish me."
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RE: Exciting Adventurous Experiences by iloveall - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-12-2018, 02:20 PM

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