Misc. Erotica Chronicles of a Promiscuous Male
Recently on a separate forum, someone asked me how is life and I replied. Then I realized that I have not updated this forum for quite sometime and I should also share on this forum that I got remarried in August 2023. The woman in question is 15 years younger to me and was a widow when I married her.

I intend to update this thread now sporadically but not in a date by date manner. I would update my experiences as and when I recall.

Hope that meets approval of all my fans.

For the starters, here is my reply to the query on How is life.

Appreciate Shree for asking me this.
To understand my life, understand that I am just 48 years old and my life is that of a retired knight. I got remarried in August of 2023, but beyond my wife, I also have a mistress, with whom I had a long live-in relation and yet another long term girlfriend. I know, it sounds scandalizing, but that is what I have.
I get up by 5AM and after morning tea and ablutions, I go for a morning run of 10KM every morning before Sun rises and then do light exercise.
I come back all sweaty by 8AM and have two rounds of tea, when I read newspapers, check my emails and all messages. I go to bath around 10AM.
Thereafter, I have no fixed schedule. Sometimes I go out to meet someone, sometimes I laze around at my house or at the house of my mistress. During this time, I read, sometimes I log onto Quora, sometimes I do chatting, sometimes I go to play Golf if the sun is out.
By late afternoon, the plan for evening drink is being made. If I am not drinking with someone, I start my drink by 7PM and have 3 drinks of whiskey 60ML each.
Thereafter either before dinner or after dinner, I copulate with my wife, live-in or girlfriend and sleep by 10PM.
So, this is my life. And I am mighty satisfied with it. Two things have driven me whole my life - Women & Whiskey. Wealth lost it’s charm on me 15 years back and I have not needed to work for last 5 years. I think the money I have would survive me till I turn 90 and that is enough.
I am still available on all dating sites. I am still on a lookout for good tete a tete with beautiful women of all ages. And I am still on a lookout for pretty women to mate.
I am very happy with the kind of life I have led. Most men would die out of jealousy by sheer no of women I have been, Whiskies I have had, People I have met, Modest money which I had accumulated.
Over the years, I also have had two sons. One was with my first wife and other with another woman. If there has been a rue in my life, it was that I have not seen my kids for long. But still good news is that my current wife is also pregnant and by June this year, I expect to be a proud father of the kid, who would stay with me.
Interested females/ cuckolds ping me in confidence.

Or reach out to me HangOut/ Google Chat ID - punjabi.mard

My thread https://xossipy.com/thread-49683-post-49...pid4953065
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Messages In This Thread
Chronicles of a Promiscuous Male - by punjabimard - 14-09-2022, 12:11 PM
Post 1 - Early Experiences - by punjabimard - 14-09-2022, 12:52 PM
Post 4 - Nervous Moments - by punjabimard - 27-09-2022, 01:44 PM
Post 5 - Early Life Learnings - by punjabimard - 28-09-2022, 02:54 PM
Post 8 - Saksh-aatkar - by punjabimard - 03-10-2022, 07:04 PM
Post 9 - Saksh-aatkar Continued - by punjabimard - 08-10-2022, 01:15 PM
Post 9 - Saksh-aatkar Continued - by punjabimard - 08-10-2022, 01:19 PM
Post 12 - Anal-yzing Tabassaum - by punjabimard - 26-10-2022, 11:49 AM
Post 22 - Deflowering Kannu - by punjabimard - 06-12-2022, 05:11 PM
Post 26 - Misadventures - by punjabimard - 03-01-2023, 04:18 PM
Post 32 - Sanjana - Revenge Sex - by punjabimard - 21-02-2023, 11:31 AM
New Developments - by punjabimard - 06-02-2024, 10:59 AM
RE: Chronicles of a Promiscuous Male - by sri7869 - 06-02-2024, 01:21 PM
RE: Chronicles of a Promiscuous Male - by sri7869 - 16-02-2024, 04:21 PM

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