In the dimly lit living room of Ankita's home, the soft murmur of conversation blends with the clinking of glasses. Deepak, Amrish, and Ankita are lounging comfortably, the air rich with the scent of fruity vodka and laughter.

Deepak, sitting in an armchair with a relaxed posture, raises his glass. "To old friends and new memories," he toasts, his eyes sparkling with warmth.

Amrish, already a bit tipsy, chuckles heartily, his speech slightly slurred. "And to Ankita's impeccable taste in vodka," he adds, raising his glass a bit too enthusiastically, some of the golden liquid sloshing onto his hand.

Ankita, seated elegantly on the couch, her legs crossed, laughs melodiously. "I'm glad you both are enjoying," she says, her eyes twinkling in the soft light.

As the night wears on, Amrish's speech becomes more slurred, his movements more uncoordinated. He attempts to stand, swaying dangerously.

"Whoa there, Amrish," Deepak says, concern lacing his tone as he stands up swiftly to steady his friend.

Ankita's smile fades into a look of concern. "I think it's time for Amrish to get some rest," she suggests gently, her gaze shifting from Amrish to Deepak.

"Yeah, you're right," Deepak agrees, slipping one of Amrish's arms over his shoulder. "Come on, buddy, let's get you to bed."

Ankita leads the way to her bedroom, opening the door for them. The room is serene, bathed in soft, warm light.

"Here we go, Amrish," Deepak says, easing him onto the bed with a grunt. "Sleep it off, man."

Amrish mumbles something incoherent, already half-asleep, his breathing deepening.

Ankita dbangs a blanket over Amrish, her movements gentle and caring. "He'll be fine after a good night's sleep," she assures Deepak, her voice soft.

Back in the living room, the atmosphere has shifted to a quieter, more reflective mood. Deepak and Ankita sit back down, their conversation meandering from memories to present-day musings.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Ankita's expression brightens with an idea. "Deepak, I would you like to see your office downstairs. Can you show me? I want to see something."

"Sure, I'd love to," Deepak replies, intrigued.

They make their way to Deepak's office, down stairs.  

As the night deepens outside, the two friends continue their conversation in the quiet security of Deepak's office, a bond of friendship and shared interests keeping them engaged for an hour or so.

In the quiet of Deepak's office, the glow of the security monitors casting a soft light on their faces, the conversation takes a sudden, unexpected turn.

"So, Deepak, there's something I need to discuss with you," Ankita begins, her tone shifting to something more serious. She pauses, taking a deep breath. "It's about the elevator footage you have... the one with the woman pushing Salim out."

Deepak's expression changes from casual interest to surprise. "What about it?"

Ankita hesitates for a moment, then says, "That woman... it was me."

Deepak's eyes widen in shock. "You? But... Amrish told me about it, and I didn't believe him."

Ankita nods solemnly, her gaze dropping. "Yes, it's true. I'm sorry, Deepak. I was in a hurry that day and in a bad mood. It was wrong of me."

Deepak's mind races, trying to process this revelation. "Ankita, that's... that's serious. Why did you do that?"

Ankita's voice is low, filled with regret. "I know, and I regret it deeply. Deepak, can you delete that footage?"

Deepak frowns, troubled. "Delete it? But Ankita, that's evidence."

Ankita's expression shifts, a hint of desperation creeping in. "Please, Deepak. I'll make it worth your while."

Deepak's expression hardens. "Amrish also mentioned you gave him a blowjob for his cooperation. Is that true?"

Ankita sighs, a resigned look crossing her face. "Yes, that's true. What do you want for your silence, Deepak?"

Deepak leans back in his chair, his mind working quickly. "I don't know, Ankita. This is serious. I want more than just a blowjob."

Ankita tries to negotiate, to charm her way out of the situation, but Deepak remains unmoved. It's clear that simple manipulation won't work on him.

"Alright, fine," Ankita concedes, her tone laced with reluctance. "I'll give you what you want."

Deepak nods, a mix of satisfaction and conflict evident in his expression. "Make sure you do, Ankita. You have to satisfy me."

The tension in the room is palpable as Ankita agrees to Deepak's terms. Deepak's stance is firm, driven by a sense of jealousy, while Ankita, though regretful, is caught in a web of her own making. The night, once filled with casual conversation and laughter, now ends with a heavy weight of moral dilemmas and uneasy agreements.

As the weight of the situation settles in the room, Ankita reaches for Deepak's pants, her movements slow, burdened with the gravity of her actions. She with a hesitant hand starts unzipping him. She gets on her knees.

Deepak, his gaze fixed on Ankita. "Remember, you have to please me! You pushed a man, Ankita. An old man! This could have had serious consequences."

Ankita nods, her face etched with remorse. "I know, Deepak. I deeply regret it. I... I wasn't thinking straight. It was a moment of frustration that I wish I could take back."

Deepak's expression remains stern. "I hope you learn from this, Ankita. And I expect you to apologize to Salim. He deserves that much, at least."

Ankita agrees, her voice barely above a whisper. "I will. I'll apologize to Salim. Thank you for not making this public, Deepak."

Deepak's face still reflecting his internal conflict. "It's not about escaping, Ankita. It's about doing what's right. I'll keep this between us for now, but I expect you to make things right with Salim."

Ankita stands as well, her posture deflated, a stark contrast to her usually confident demeanor. "I will, Deepak. And... I'm sorry for putting you in this position."

Deepak nods, his face softening slightly. "We all make mistakes, Ankita. But we also have to face the consequences. Make sure you do."

As Ankita unzipped Deepak's jeans, his dick was erect and stood out pressing against his underwear. She then pulled his underwear down, and his thick and strong cock sprung out. His dick was dark black, an angry vibrant purple head with a vanilla like precum, glistened under the room's light, the cock head was smooth and inviting.

Holding the dick firmly, Ankita brought it to her mouth, her lips parting in anticipation. The first taste was a salty mess of sour precum that contrasted sharply with the fruity vodka she drank earlier. As his dick touched her tongue, Deepak began to moan instantly, coating her taste buds with his manhood.

Deepak felt each lick, as Ankita started moving her tongue slowly over the surface of his dick. He was relishing the way it cooled in her mouth and left a trail of salty flavor. As she continued, he started cumming slightly, small rivulets of semen beginning to trickle down the dick. She carefully caught these with her tongue, ensuring not a drop was wasted.

With each lick, Deepak felt more and more ecstatic. Ankita adjusted her grip, tilting the dick to access every last bit of the dripping cum.  Ankita was lost in the moment, absorbed in giving Deepak the pleasure of a blowjob.

Enough though Deepak tried to control himself, he couldn't he was about to cum in her mouth. He held her head tightly and rocked his manhood vigorously using her mouth as if it were a pussy.. then he came deep in her throat. Ankita was gagging but managed to swallow his semen entirely. 

With that, Deepak takes his dick out of Ankita's mouth, his steps heavy, reflecting the burden of the secret he now carries. Ankita watches him go, a mix of gratitude and guilt in her eyes. The room, once a place of friendly conversation, now feels like a silent witness to a moral crossroad.

As Deepak zips his manhood back. Ankita sinks onto the couch, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The night's revelations have altered the dynamics of their friendship, introduced a complex layer of moral and ethical dilemmas. She knows that the path ahead will be challenging, a test of character and integrity. The quiet of the room envelops her as she contemplates her next steps, the stillness punctuated by the distant ticking of a clock, marking the passage of time and the weight of decisions made.

"Now, can you delete the footage? You got what you wanted!", Ankita muttered. Her lips are covered with Deepak's cum. Deepak throws a towel at her and she wipes her mouth.

"Getting what I want?", Deepak looked at her seriously. 

"We are just getting started. I already told you I want more!"

Deepak was fixing a couple of drinks for the both of them. He gave one to Ankita and he placed another one on the table. 

Ankita quickly drank the entire peg. She really needed the relief after what happened just now. 

[Image: sexy-desi-girl-blowjob-17.jpg]
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RE: BUSINESS TRIP WITH MY COLLEAGUE ANKITA - by sominoru - 30-01-2024, 09:16 AM

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