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Care to explain this sock brother? It looks suspicious. Like it might be laden with, I don't know, DNA evidence."
Sam felt himself blushing, felt the heat rising.
"And this?" Kelsey patted him on his upraised knee. "That trick never works. It's amusing. We thank you for the effort. But women know."
"Oh my god," Sam exclaimed, "I...I...I..." he stammered, suddenly wordless.
He took a deep breath.
"The sock jumped on my cock and ravaged me last night?"
Kelsey's musical laugh filled the great room.
"Good save!"
She wiggled the sock in the air.
"Bad sock. Nasty sock. Taking advantage of my brother like that!"
Sam reached out for the sock, but Kelsey quickly swung it out of reach.
"No, we're going to talk about this sock." She said, laughing again. "This sock has a story to tell."
She held the sock up to ear level, still out of reach.
"I'm sorry Ms. Kelsey, but your brother was just laying there, looking sexy as fuck, and I had to take advantage of him. Oh, really? Are you sure it wasn't the other way around? Him taking advantage of you? I mean, you are just a sock, he's a pretty big guy. He could have had his way with you."
Sam lowered his head, painfully aware he was bright red from the blush.
Kelsey continued, laughing.
"Oh, Ms. Kelsey, if you hadn't shown him those scandalous pictures last night, my virtue might have been safe. But, your little brother, why he's a man of simple needs, and like most men has no control over his erection. I mean, the slightest whiff of strange and they're in trouble. Even his sister's strange. I'm pretty sure he could smell your arousal last night before you left him."
Sam's head snapped up and he looked at Kelsey.
"Look," she said, a slight smile curving her lips. "Last night, sharing those pictures, talking about sex with my own brother, I was twisted up in a knot inside. I soaked my panties through. I was torn between just how aroused it made me and the guilt for thinking about my own brother like that, in a way that was purely sexual."
She set the sock down on the comforter next to her.
"What I didn't know was if you were feeling the same thing. I didn't want to come onto you and get rejected. I didn't want to come onto you without you feeling the same way. Our hormones took us right up to the line last night. I was probably one or two more pictures away from jumping you."
Sam swallowed and nodded as she looked into his eyes.
"I was aroused." He said. "I wanted you pretty badly, but I didn't know how you'd react."
Kelsey nodded. 
"I figured as much from the little speech about going too far that you gave, but I wasn't sure. If I've learned anything, it's that when it comes to sex, you need to be sure. I wasn't sure if it was being tired, drinking a few glasses of wine, and sharing a little too much erotic content. So, I decided to wait until today and ask you straight out, while we're both completely sober and we can consider it carefully, like responsible adults."
"Okay," Sam said, "I agree. The thing that kept me from making a pass at you last night was similar for me. I worried it was the wine and the proximity. I worried I'd make an ass of myself and then be stuck in a snow-bound house with you. That would be uncomfortable. Really, uncomfortable."
"So," Kelsey said, "let's talk incest."
"Okay," Sam said.
"The prohibition primarily comes from two things," Kelsey said, "First, the small risk to any offspring. I'm on the pill and I have Plan B at hand. If you don't have condoms, I've got some in my bag, my just in case condoms."
"I've got condoms as well." Sam said.
"The second is from the power indifference and the damage non-consensual sex can do to a person. If we're going to do this, we both must consent, and consent while we're clear headed and sober, rampant hormones aside. Then, we've got to keep it secret, not tell anyone unless we both consent to tell them."
Sam nodded.
"Let me ask a question." Sam said, "If we do this, can you live with the knowledge of it? Sometimes, guilt sneaks up on us. We do something and we think we're good when we do it, but the remorse can be sneaky."
"I can." Kelsey said, "I've pretty much rejected the old Judeo-Christian morality in my personal life. It doesn't mean I don't feel guilt sometimes, but it means I'm usually able to move past it."
"Me too." Sam replied. "Times have changed."
"Then, you're good with it?" Kelsey asked.
"I am. Are you good with it?" 
"I am," Kelsey replied.
They sat in silence on the bed for several long moments, looking into each other's eyes.
"I have no idea what to do next." Sam suddenly said. 
Kelsey laughed again and put her hand on his knee.
"First," she said, "You're going to put this knee down."
Sam stretched his leg out. His erection was prominently visible, making its own smaller tent in the comforter. Kelsey looked down at it.
"Now," she said, "We're going to watch another movie and I'm going to tease the fuck out of you. Literally. Did you know that last night, when I went to bed, I was so damned wet, I barely rubbed my clit and my ass was bouncing on the bed and I had my face buried with a pillow so you wouldn't hear anything?"
Kelsey crawled across the bed on all fours again, crawling back to the credenza with the second movie selection. She looked over her shoulder at him.
"Oh, and by the way, I saw you staring at my ass earlier. We women long ago mastered the art of watching you in reflections."
Kelsey crawled back onto the bed. This time she slowly crawled straight up Sam's body, not quite touching him, grazing over his erect cock, then rolled over to his side and tucked herself back up against him, reaching up to pull his arm around her. She placed her hand firmly on his thigh and left it laying there, a warm and constant presence. She found the remote and pressed the play button. She set the remote down and snuggled into him with a little wiggle. She began to slowly stroke and massage his thigh with her hand, squeezing it and rubbing it up and down.
Sam's cock tented the comforter. As her hand massaged him, he felt it twitch several times. It was so hard it almost hurt. He reached down with his free hand to adjust its position, but Kelsey quickly grabbed his hand and stopped him. For the next ten minutes she simply snuggled against him and stroked his thigh. Sam felt his breath deepening.
Then, Kelsey rose onto her knees, slipping from his grasp, and scooted to the bottom of the bed before hopping off. She took the comforter in both her hands and slowly pulled it off her brother. The weight of it, as light as it was, sliding across his cock, drew a soft moan from him. She pulled the comforter completely off the bed and tossed it aside.
"Take off your shirt." She told him.
He quickly peeled it off over his head.
Kelsey leaned across the bed, grabbed the waist band of his sweatpants, and slowly peeled them down as he lifted his hips. She tossed them aside and then stood there for a moment, gazing at her brother's naked body. His cock was fully erect and laying on his abdomen.
"Fuck." Kelsey said. "That's beautiful."
Standing at the foot of the bed, she stripped her own T-shirt off, pulling it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath. Her breasts swayed freely from the motion. Sam could see that her nipples were pale brown and fully engorged. She quickly pushed her tracksuit down and stepped out of it, tossing it aside. Her panties followed a moment later.
She stood there while Sam looked at her, his eyes roaming over her entire body, noting her neatly trimmed triangle of dark pubic hair. Watching his eyes, Kelsey slowly ran her hands down her body, caressing her breasts, her abdomen, and sliding one hand over her pubic region. She cupped it gently and ran a finger between her pussy lips. It came away wet, gleaming slightly in the light. She traced a circle around first one nipple, then the other.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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FUCKING SISTER IN A SNOWSTORM - by neerathemall - 22-11-2023, 10:57 AM
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RE: FUCKING SISTER IN A SNOWSTORM - by sri7869 - 01-02-2024, 10:24 PM

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