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I want to start by saying that per the current medical community, the average size of a male penis is 5.1 inches; while the average depth of the female vagina is 3.5 inches and then elongates during arousal. Most men don't have a ten inch cock; and no, most women don't have their cervix banged during sex. While some will say fantasy imitates art, I prefer to let fantasy exaggerate reality. So, it's time to let our fantasy run wild and thank you for reading.
Claire Barr rolled over on her bed and sat up on the edge. Reaching up she wiped the sweat that threatened to drip from her brow. Now THAT had been a work out she sighed. She stared out her bedroom window as her mind went over not only what had just happened, but more the why.
Some people say there is that "moment", that epiphany. For Claire it had been a collection of moments that had culminated together. At forty-eight she had been enduring the battle with menopause for the last few years. While there were the usual hot flashes and mood swings, what had hit the hardest was the sudden surge in her libido. To put it plainly, she couldn't get fucked enough.
Adding to the collection of moments was her husband of twenty years being diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. It had been benign and he was treating it medically; but it had created an unknown problem; erectile dysfunction.
Oh the Viagra helped some, but as his 'manhood' was affected, so was his drive. Embarrassed he couldn't perform he had drawn back on his drive. While Gary's drive had dropped Claire found hers going through the roof.
They had always been the average couple, sex a couple of times a week, usually missionary, and for both satisfying. This new constant urge was new to Claire, and it didn't help that Gary seemed almost oblivious to it.
That growing gap had led to Claire resorting to the old standby, the dildo. She had amassed quite a collection over the last couple of years. The regular rubber penis, the vibrating egg, even a multi-function rabbit was stashed away in her bedside stand.
The art of masturbation was something Claire had cultivated into a true art form over time. There had been porn videos on her laptop, and all the usual fantasies that fueled her sex starved hormones. It had been the fantasies that had added the last "moment" to her collection.
God, she sighed. It could have been anyone. Some hung stud ravishing her needy body, some nameless ten inch cock pounding into her. Ten inches, she shuddered and looked back at the recent addition to her toy collection. It lay on her bed, coated in her white cream; she reached out and picked it up, staring at the tan rubber.
God why did it have to be Evan, she sighed. She rose and walked to her bedside stand, sliding the toy inside; she had to almost bend it to get it to fit.
Evan was Evan Barr; her son and the current focus of her nastiest fantasies. Claire shuddered at what would go through her mind when she thought of her son. He was so innocent of what he even did to her.
For Claire and Gary, Evan had been a miracle child. The doctors had told her she couldn't get pregnant, then a little over a year later the bundle of joy had entered their life.
Now that bundle of joy stood six foot tall, his piercing blue eyes and quick smile melted Claire whenever she had tried to discipline the boy.
At first Claire had thought Evan was just painfully shy, but he seemed to have friends easily enough. No it wasn't friends that had triggered the final moment; it had been girlfriends. Or the lack of them Claire thought.
Evan had dated a few girls, but usually only a time or two and then the girls seemed to vanish. Eventually the dating had just seemed to go away entirely. Now in his senior year of high college, Claire had been shocked when Evan had announced he wasn't going to his senior prom. She had been confused and worried, what eighteen year old didn't want to go to his senior prom.
She had badgered Evan about the issue, even tried using her husband to find out the reason. The badgering finally came to a head three weeks ago when Evan had come home from playing basketball with his friends. Covered in sweat, wearing only his loose shorts, she had confronted him in the hallway outside his bedroom door. For Claire it was like it had happened just today.
"I don't understand Evan" she had told her son. "What is it about prom?" she asked.
"I just don't want to go" her son had answered sullenly.
"Evan, what's wrong" Claire asked. "Is it dating, is that the problem?"
"Yeah, kind of" Evan had told her.
Claire had steeled herself for that moment. "What, are you gay" she had pushed back at her son. "Is that why you won't date?"
"Jesus mom, not every guy who doesn't date is gay" Evan snorted back.
"Honey it's OK" she had tried consoling her son. "If you are, your father and I will work it out."
"I'm not GAY" Evan had screamed at her in the hallway. "I'm a fucking FREAK OK mom."
Claire had been stunned by his announcement. Was there something she didn't know about her own son? Did he have acne all over his body? Did he have some kind of growth she had missed?
"Honey...." Claire tried to find words that day. Then it happened, Evan moved to stand in front of her.
"There isn't a girl in college that will go with me" he had almost sobbed. "Why do you think they called me horse all the way through college" she could remember his voice cracking.
"It's because of THIS!" Evan had yelled.
At that moment, the raging hormones, the prostate issues, all the fantasies collided as her eighteen year old son had jerked his jockey shorts to his knees.
"Oh My God" Claire had whispered as IT came into view.
It had to have been at least seven or eight inches long, and it was soft. Jesus how big was it when it got hard. Claire had not been able to tear her eyes from the sight of her sons' massive cock as it swung between his thighs.
"See, even you admit I'm a freak" Evan had told her. "My own mother staring at the freak" her son had growled.
"Oh baby" Claire had almost moaned. She was stunned to feel her nipples harden to pebbles inside the cups of her bra.
"What girl wants THIS shoved up them" Evan had ranted. "One look and they all run away screaming freak."
Before Claire had the opportunity to respond, Evan had turned and gone into his room; slamming his door behind him. Claire stood frozen in the hallway as the image of her sons' cock burned in her mind. His words, shoving that monster inside some girl, sent a sudden gush of wetness into her panties.
"Evan" she remembered whispering and then slowly pulled herself away and down the hall.
That had been the culmination of her moments, Claire realized. From there every fantasy began to revolve around that slab of meat. To the point she had searched on amazon and found a ten inch realistic cock toy. The same one she had just spent over an hour ramming up her tight pussy as the image of her son pounding into her filled her fevered brain.
Twice over the last three weeks Claire had tried to banish the thoughts using her husband. The first had failed miserably when Gary's poor six inch cock had barely gotten past half mast. The second time he had simply grunted and rolled over in bed, leaving the mature mother to fall into a fitful sleep filled with dreams of her sons' massive dong.
As Claire glanced at the clock, she knew Evan would be home from college soon. Even after torturing her body with the massive toy, she could still feel that burning need between her thighs. Something was going to give she knew, and soon.
After dinner that evening Claire sat watching television with her husband as Evan studied in his room.
"Has Evan said anything to you about prom" Claire finally broached the subject.
"No he hasn't, why" Gary barely took his eyes off the television.
"He won't go, he doesn't have a date" Claire said softly.
"Bullshit" her husband spit out. "Every kid needs to go to prom. Hell I didn't have a date either, never let that stop me" he grunted.
"What's his problem" Gary suddenly asked.
"He issue" Claire tried to find the words.
"What, something wrong with him" her husband asked.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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