Ankita stepped inside the car expecting to see some random driver but to her surprise, the driver was non other than Amrish. The very same guy who a few days back, peeped while she was taking bath. She suddenly felt terrified and almost screamed out, but took a few deep breaths and managed to control her emotions.

Ankita (in a worried tone): Hi.

Amrish (with a nervous smile and sweat on his forehead): Hi ma'am.

Ankita: Take me home as soon as possible.

Amrish nodded his head and stammered,

Amrish: Ma'am, I am so sorry for my behavior that day. I am ashamed of what I did and I regret it each and every day. Please forgive me.

Ankita was left speechless. She never expected that Amrish would apologize for his mistakes, especially now. She couldn't help but appreciate his honesty. Amrish noticed the expression on her and said,

Amrish: Ma'am, I have learned my lesson. I swear I won't misbehave with you ever again.

Ankita took few deep breaths and admiringly said,

Ankita: I appreciate the fact that you regret for your mistakes and have changed yourself. I forgive you and I accept your apology.

Amrish (happily): Thank you ma'am. I will never forget your kindness.

Ankita felt happy that she was able to forgive Amrish and put his guilt to rest. On the other hand, Amrish was emboldened and he thanked 
thanked God for giving him another chance. 

There was a comfortable silence. 

Amrish: You have a very nice figure, ma'am.

Ankita:  Thank you, Amrish for the complement. Just focus on driving for now.

Amrish: (smiled) No, thank you. You have an amazing body. God gifted you well in three different places.

Ankita: (curious) Excuse me?

Amrish: (unabashed) I'm just saying, a guy needs to be very lucky to have some time alone with a woman as beautiful as you.

Ankita: (blushing) Well, that's very flattering, lets stop talking.

Amrish: What's the harm?

Ankita: What?

Amrish: I mean, what would be the harm in just talking?

Ankita: (curiously) you said I was blessed in 3 different places. What do you mean?

Amrish: (smirking) You will be offended ma'am. You will slap me.

Ankita: (teasingly) Well, that would be fine. I already gave you a good kick remember!

Amrish: (turning nervous) Your thick ass is one. Your heavy mountain like breasts are two and the third is your extra long nipples.

Ankita: (eyes wide in shock) What? How dare you? Have you gone mad?

Amrish: (trying to stay calm) No ma'am! It just slipped out, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Ankita: (Her heart pounding wildly, she takes a deep breath) Alright, I forgive you. But don't you ever talk about my body like that again.

Amrish: (genuinely apologetic) I promise I won't. I'm really sorry ma'am.
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RE: BUSINESS TRIP WITH MY COLLEAGUE ANKITA - by sominoru - 01-01-2024, 09:11 PM

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