Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
At last she rose and smiled to herself. It was a satisfied, sensual, wanton look, her eyes glittering with pleasure.

Baban saw that she was sweating, beads of perspiration dotting her upper lip and coursing between her breasts.

She went into the bathroom, leaving the door open. Her breasts bounced as she walked.

The bathroom was positioned so that her every move was reflected in the mirror above the bed outside, or the one above the dressing table and so fully visible to Baban at the keyhole.

He watched her on the toilet, douching herself carefully and then she went into the shower, humming to herself. Baban watched as she bathed and shampooed. When she soaped herself, her hands roaming her breasts and buttocks and thighs, lathering her crotch, Baban saw her smile again in pleasure.

She plucked the hand shower from its bracket in the wall and adjusted the spray to a hard, drumming, spurt. She ran it over her breasts and he saw her nipples harden.

Then she spread her legs and, arching her head, directed the jet into her slit. Baban watched her move it closer to her cunt-lips.

Finally, she had it jammed to her cunt-lips and with her other hand she turned the tap up full. The water pressure must have been terrific gauging from her reaction for she gasped and her hips lurched and her head snapped back and she moaned wantonly.

Again she squeezed her breasts in excitement as the water drummed and hammered into her cunt.

Her hips twitched and jerked back and forth. She clenched the shower-rod and gasped and her face contorted in a rictus of pleasure, her head arching back, falling forward, rolling from side to side as she moved the water-jet around in her groin.

A few minutes later, she emerged from the bath with a towel wrapped around her waist, her torso bare. Her body glistened with water. Absurdly, there was a big, long carrot on her desk.

Taking it, she turned and advanced to the door. Baban froze, terrified that she might fling it open and catch him. Instead, she stopped and slowly dropped her towel.

Her cunt was inches from his eye, just on the other side of the door. His vision filled with it.

He stared at it greedily, longing to plunge his now throbbing penis into it again and again, to feel its heat and wetness and tightness.

She parted her cunt-lips and he saw clearly the tender bright cunt-flesh, the hard stub of her clitoris and he longed to suck it, nibble it, taste the juice that seemed to flow still for the flesh was wet.

Anuja lay on the floor on her back and spread her legs wide, lifting her feet to the wall on either side of the door beyond which Baban knelt, gasping and gaping. Now she was right in front of him and he was looking between her split legs, straight down at her unfurled cunt.

Anuja smiled wantonly at the door, and, holding the carrot, inserted it slowly into her cunt.

Her arms were stretched and her breasts bunched between them. Baban gasped. Slowly, she began to masturbate, moving the carrot in and out of her cunt.

He watched it grow wet and shiny with her cunt-juices. She murmured in pleasure and her hips lurched and rocked and her body rocked gently back and forth.

She moved the carrot in and out of her cunt, round and round. Licking a fingertip, she moistened her aureoles and caressed her breasts sensuously while her other hand kept working between her legs.

On and on she went and finally exploded, gasping and mewing, her hips arching and lurching upward. Slowly, she slid the carrot out of her slit and, with a lascivious grin, began to nibble on it.

All this time, her eyes were on the door and it seemed as if she knew he was there and wanted him to be. *Fuck me*, she seemed to say. *I want you*.

It was what he desired more than anything else in the world and, on the other side of the door, so did sheGroaning, Baban exploded, flooding his hand with jizz.

And then she got up and hung her towel over the doorknob, covering the keyhole and eclipsing his pleasure.

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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-06-2019, 06:35 PM

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