Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
"Manish," she gasped. "Slow down ... breathe out ... again ... yes... several breaths ... in and out ... that's it ... get a grip on yourself ... focus, Manish ... c'mon ... concentrate ... yes now calm down ... empty your mind ... don't try and think ...don't think of me ... close your eyes ... it's you ... just you... and your cock ... in my slit ... my slit's nice and hot and tight, isn't it? Yes ... it feels good on your cock, doesn't it?

See? See how it squeezes your prick? It's just you and your prick and my cunt now ... and all you want to do ... all you have to do is pull it out ... slowly ... yes ... that's good ... more ... take it all the way out ... that's it ... bas, that's it! Stop ...not all the way out ... just till there ... yes ... leave your cock-head in my cunt ... now stop ... don't move ... don't move at all ... mm ... wait for me to beg for it ... now ... please ...shove it in ... shove it right in Manish ... slowly ...ahhhhhhhhhh uhhh yes! Oh god that's so good ... now again out ... wait ... now in uhhhhhhhh Oh ma uhhhh yes! Again! Oh god yes... now! Quickly! Ram it in hard! All the way! Just ram it in, Manish! OHHHHHHHHHHHH uhhh yes! Oh god yes! That's it! Do it again! Ahhhhhh uhhh oh ma uhhh yes! Oh uhh oh uhh oh uhh god yes... now slow again ... yes ... mm ... that's lovely ... slow again... and again ... once more ... again ... now hard ... yes oh yes oh god yes that's it oh fuck yes do it uhh yes again! Oh lord yes, Manish, yes!"

The teenager followed her guidance, feeling giddy and oddly light-headed. He could hardly believe this was happening at last, at long last, after so long, so much waiting, so much dreaming, so much longing, those lonely nights of endless masturbation, fantasizing about her, of Shirlyn, his teacher, his tuition teacher who taught him math and chemistry and physics and, and biology, most of all biology, mostly anatomy, hers and his, and theirs.

Manish spinning in a whirlpool of lust. The girl is bewitching. He cannot stop looking at her. She is so lovely, so pretty, so sexy, slender and curved. She has a lovely oval face with a pointed chin, a slim, straight nose and slightly flared nostrils, small, cutely stuck-out ears. Her face is narrow so that, from some angles, it looks like her cheeks are plump, but even that is cute, really cute.

Her cheekbones are high. Her eyes are lovely, large, dark brown, full of magic. Her lips are light and full and her teeth are white and strong and even. Her skin is like gold, smooth and clear, firm as a gbang, without a trace of body hair. Her hair is dark and tumbles about her shoulders or flounces in a sexy pony tail or is coiled up neatly on the back of her head.

Her neck is superb, a long, slender, graceful column that holds her head. Her arms and legs are nicely turned and slim, with attractive ankles and wrists and slim fingers and toes, beautifully shaped and arched. He can't stop looking at her breasts, the way they jut out, full and ripe and high, like succulent fruit.

Her belly is firm and flat. He has seen it when she wears a *sari*. Oh god, her breasts. Her lovely breasts. Whatever she wears, the neck is always cut low, so close, so near, he can see the beginning of her cleavage, drawing his eyes down, down where the sexy gold chain around her neck disappears, oh lucky necklace, oh precious gold.

And those glasses she wears, with the black thread, the rims a delicate burgundy gold that makes her eyes look richer and livelier and sexier. What he wants, what he wants is to pull the clothes off her, to squeeze her breasts, get her to open her legs, to shove his dick into her cunt, to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her.

"Manish! Pay attention!"

He snaps back. She is glaring at him. He frowns and shakes his head, trying to clear the muddle and confusion. She sighs in exasperation.

"Oh Manish, why do you do this? You must concentrate. You're not even trying! How can I teach you anything if you won't listen?"

He knows she is a secretary in a lawyer's office. She takes tuitions part time to supplement her income. He doesn't know that she no longer does it for the money, that she's dropped all but a handful of her tuitions and those she keeps for reasons quite unrelated to education. Manish is one of her most attractive and sexy students.

She wants to fuck him, and she's enjoying the sport of seducing him, hunting him, taking her time and drawing it out, savouring the exquisite torture of denial. She knows she will have him before long, but she hasn't yet quite decided how she wants to do it.

Oh, of course if she just took off her clothes and spread her legs he'd be on her in a flash. She knows that he is obsessed with her body, but she torments him, giving him these flashing glimpses of her breasts when she bends forward, brushes her breasts against his arm, lets him look at her legs when she wears a dress, letting it ride up her knees and thighs more than she should.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-06-2019, 06:16 PM

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