Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
Mom was saying that she didn’t like the idea with me being present in the house to which Sameer sir dropped an empty glass that was kept on the same table next to bed.

I didn’t made any move to which he dropped again. There was some silence and I could hear mom say something.

I couldn’t hear so slowly opened my left eye which was near the pillow and to support the same I had kept my hand near to my face.

Sameer sir was close to mom he held her in his arms and started kissing her on her face, cheeks and lips, while grinding his hips on her body. I could see the same due to light coming from the open door. They were right in front of the door.

Mom was still not comfortable and sir removed his shorts and freed his big cock, proudly waving in front of her. His cock I could see the same and I forgot that my loving dear mother was having an illicit relationship with my boss my lover and now my could be brother in law or father.

Sameer sir was telling her to suck the same the way to which mom pulled his hands took him out leaving the door open. She was trying to take her to bedroom to which Sameer sir stopped her and made her sit on the couch in the living room.

I got up from my bed and was near the door hiding behind the curtains that was connected to the hall and the way to kitchen I just hid myself to see the worst unbelievable stuff. My loving mother was sucking and licking his cock.

It was like a heart attack. No matter was beautiful to me she was beautiful and she was just 42+ years as I was born when she was just 16 or 17 years old. She maintained her body as she was regularly into yoga in the morning and in the evening she did go to joggers part for an hour.

I was excited to see sirs dick going in and her mother and really disgusted to believe what the hell is happening. How it happened and how long they were having this relationship.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-06-2019, 06:10 PM

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