Adultery Bound by Storm: Urvashi's Journey into Forbidden
As if in a trance, he couldn't tear his eyes away. She turned to pick up her night dress when he saw her face, it's Rashi.

Zaid's eyes widened, a million thoughts running through his head as he watched Rashi. She was beautiful, more than he ever imagined. His heart raced and his mouth went dry. She was milky fair in complexion and her breasts were big and full, with perky pink nipples that pointed towards the front. His blood was racing and he could feel the warmth spreading across his cheeks and neck.
He stood motionless, not knowing what to do, his mind reeling. Should I announce my presence? He wondered. Should I leave?
She looked up and they locked eyes. A startled cry escaped her lips and she dropped her nightdress, covering her breasts. "Oh my god," she exclaimed. "Who are you?"
He could hear the shock in her voice. "I-uh, I'm sorry, I was looking for the restroom. The door opened, and I-um, I'm really sorry," he stammered, embarrassed. He averted his gaze, looking away from her, not wanting to appear disrespectful. With one hand Rashi switched on the light and says "Zaid?, what are you doing here"?
He turned his gaze to meet hers, and as he looked into her deep brown eyes, he felt a surge of heat wash over him.
"Rashi, I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was your room," he replied, feeling awkward.

Rashi continued to stare at Zaid, a mix of shock and disbelief evident in her eyes. The room was filled with an awkward silence as Zaid struggled to find the right words to explain himself.
Rashi, her face still flushed with embarrassment, managed to compose herself and asked, "Zaid, how long have you been standing there?" Her tone was a combination of surprise and a hint of irritation.
Zaid, still feeling the heat on his cheeks, cleared his throat nervously before responding, "I... I just got here. I was looking for the restroom, and the door opened, and I... I didn't realize it was your room." He avoided direct eye contact, unable to shake off the embarrassment of the situation.
Rashi crossed her arms over her chest, still using her nightdress as makeshift coverage. "Looking for the restroom? In my room?" She raised an eyebrow, skepticism coloring her voice. "How did you even end up here?"
Zaid scratched his head, searching for a reasonable explanation. "I must have taken a wrong turn in this unfamiliar place. I apologize, Rashi. I didn't mean to intrude or anything. I'll just... I'll leave now."
Rashi sighed, a mixture of annoyance and amusement in her expression. "Well, next time, knock before entering. It's a basic rule of privacy, you know." She walked over to pick up her fallen nightdress, maintaining a careful distance from Zaid.
Zaid nodded, still avoiding eye contact. "I'm really sorry, Rashi. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Rashi softened a bit, realizing Zaid's embarrassment. "Just be more careful next time, okay? Now, excuse me while I get dressed."
Rashi, still adjusting her nightdress, turned to face Zaid with a mix of curiosity and a hint of concern. "So, Zaid, what exactly did you see?" Her tone was measured, and her eyes searched his face for any signs of deceit.
Zaid, feeling a bit more composed but still visibly embarrassed, took a deep breath before responding, "I... I didn't mean to invade your privacy, Rashi. I walked in, and you were changing your saree. I saw... well, I saw you unclasping your bra, and the saree slipped off. I didn't mean to watch, it just happened, and I couldn't move."
Rashi's expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of understanding and amusement. "Well, that's quite an accidental entrance," she remarked, a small smile playing on her lips. "I suppose you got more than you bargained for, huh?"
Zaid nodded, his cheeks still tinged with embarrassment. "Yes, and I'm genuinely sorry about it. I never intended for any of this to happen. I should have knocked or double-checked the room."

Rashi, after a moment of silence, couldn't help but add a teasing tone to her voice as she finished adjusting her nightdress. "So, Zaid, did you like what you saw?" Her eyebrows raised, and she smirked, gauging his reaction.
Zaid, caught off guard by the question, stammered a bit before responding, "I... I didn't mean to intrude, Rashi. It's not about whether I liked it or not. It was an accident, really."
Rashi chuckled, enjoying the discomfort in Zaid's response. "Relax, Zaid. I'm just pulling your leg. I know it was unintentional. But seriously, a little compliment wouldn't hurt. I put on quite a show, didn't I?"
Zaid blushed even more, trying to find the right words. "Uh, well, you're beautiful, Rashi. I really didn't mean to invade your privacy. It was a complete accident.”

Rashi: (smirking) Oh, come on, Zaid. Accidents happen, but you can't deny you got a front-row seat to my impromptu fashion show. Did you like what you saw?
Zaid: (blushing) I... Well, you're beautiful, Rashi, but that's not the point. I'm genuinely sorry for barging in like that.
Rashi: (teasingly) No need to be so serious, Zaid. It's not every day someone stumbles upon me changing. Consider yourself lucky, in a weird way. Now tell

Zaid: (hesitating) Rashi, it's hard to put into words. When I saw you changing, I felt this mix of astonishment and embarrassment. Your back, it was like a canvas, and I couldn't help but notice the graceful curves. As you unclasped your bra, time seemed to slow down, and I found myself captivated by the sight of your bare chest. The warmth in the room, the soft glow on your skin – it was like an art unfolding before my eyes.
Rashi: (listening intently) Go on, Zaid. How did it make you feel? And do you talk to your friends in such a graceful language when you describe a girl?
Zaid: (blushing) Honestly, it was an overwhelming mix of admiration and, well, desire. I know it sounds cliché, but you looked... breathtaking. My heart raced, my breath caught in my throat, and I couldn't look away. But at the same time, I felt guilty, like I had invaded your personal space.
Zaid has started casting his spell,

Rashi: (smirking) Well, I must say, Zaid, you're quite the poet.

Rashi, a playful glint in her eyes, leaned against the dresser and asked, "So, Zaid, do you want to see more?" She raised an eyebrow, curiosity dancing in her gaze.
Zaid, a sly grin forming on his face, responded with a hint of mischief, "Well, it's not about what I want, Rashi. It's about respecting your privacy. But if you insist on showcasing more of your fashion expertise, who am I to decline such a unique experience?"
Rashi chuckled, enjoying the banter, "Smooth, Zaid. Very smooth. But remember, I can always make you regret those words."
Rashi, still maintaining a playful demeanor, looked at Zaid with a mock serious expression. "Zaid, imagine if I were to shout right now and call everyone. What do you think would happen?"
Zaid, his eyes widening at the thought, responded quickly, "Oh, please, Rashi, don't do that. It was an honest mistake, and I'm already embarrassed enough. I didn't mean to intrude, and I really don't want this to turn into a big scene."
Rashi laughed, enjoying Zaid's unease, "Relax, Zaid. I'm just teasing you”

Rashi, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, decided to turn the unexpected situation into a playful moment. She picked up her phone from the bed, dropped the nightdress she was holding, and clicked a mirror selfie of her exposed body. With a daring smile, she sent the photo to her husband along with a message, "Still up for drinks, or do you want to come and love me? Your choice." Rashi's phone buzzed with a quick response from her husband. "On my way. Can't resist an invitation like that," he replied. Rashi couldn't help but smile.
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RE: Bound by Storm: Urvashi's Journey into Forbidden - by untamable_rohini - 26-12-2023, 03:54 PM

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