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Incest Divorced Dad Moves in with Daughter
was pleased to see Richard when I arrived with dad. Richard was my age and extremely handsome. And he was a fabulous dresser! Unfortunately for me, he was gay.
I introduced dad to him and told him why we were there. In my mind, dad needed several dress pants and dress shirts and at least one pair of good dress shoes to start, and a sports jacket. Richard and I picked out some things we thought would look good and sent dad to the change rooms.
The minute dad was out of sight, Richard smiled.
"He's not one of your typical nerds. He's older and my god, he's handsome! Where did you find him?"
I broke out laughing. "He's my dad! He's living with me until he finds a place of his own."
Richard shook his head again. "I don't care if he's your dad or uncle or brother! He's hot!"
"Down, boy! He likes my kind, not yours!" I laughed.
"Pity!" Richard said with a pouty look.
Dad came out several times to show us the new clothes. He looked very handsome, and Richard frowned when dad returned to the change room.
"What?" I asked.
"What a tragic waste of a gorgeous man! Wasting himself on women!"
I rolled my eyes. "Well, if dad ever changes his mind, I'll tell him to give you a call!"
Why did I tell you all that? Because I wanted to look nice for dad for our date, and I wanted him to look nice for me! It was my birthday, and I was thinking about our meal as a date. And because I knew he had nice clothes to wear, I laid out a nice outfit for him and asked him with my very best daughter smile if he would wear it for me. He wore it with no questions asked. I was pleased that he would wear something to please me and, whew, the clothes looked hot on him! I couldn't wait to go out!
Dad's eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw my dress. It was a slinky short black party dress that ended well above my knees and dipped in the back and the front. You could see a lot of my back and a lot of cleavage. I accessorized it with a gold necklace and anklet, and high heels. I was pleased with how I looked, and dad was as well, which was the reaction I was looking for.
Dad opened the car door for me, and we locked arms as we entered the restaurant. It FELT like I was on a hot date, and I was so excited! I'd been looking forward to going out all week!
The meal was fantastic, and we talked effortlessly. I was sad when we finished dessert because it was time to go home.
But dad surprised me.
"Are you up for some dancing?"
"What? You want to go dancing?"
"Sure! Why not? I like to dance, and I'm in a good mood. I don't want the night to end. How about you?"
"Yes! And the ladies at work told me of a place they thought you'd like."
"You asked the ladies on your team about where to take me dancing?"
"Sure. Why not? They're around your age and recommended a place."
"We're going dancing?"
"If you want. It's up to you."
I couldn't believe it! I thought my dream night was over, but it wasn't! Dad told me about the place, and I'd heard of it. It was supposed to be good.
I was still in shock that dad wanted to go dancing! I had no idea he liked to dance and was curious what he'd be like. I didn't care if he was the worst dancer in the world because I was just thrilled that we were going, but I was curious.
Then right before we got on the dance floor, he looked at me and grinned. "Let's show them how to dance!"
Holy crap! Dad was amazing, and we burned up the floor! He was a great dancer! He could move to anything. We never left the dance floor except to get drinks. Our bodies quickly became hot and sticky, and it felt like we were glued together during the slow songs. It was very steamy between us! Dad has his hands on my hips, but I gently pushed them down and nestled my head in his neck. What a dreamy night!
I sat in a euphoric trance on the way home. It was one of those nights that exceeded your wildest expectations. It was perfect! Dad took my hand on the way up to our apartment and thanked me for a wonderful night, and kissed me on the cheek before going to bed.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart!"
I lay awake for hours! It was my best birthday ever, and I didn't want to forget a single moment!
I've always had long hair, but it's thin and needs brushing after I shower, or it gets all tangly. When I was little, I would sit down beside dad, and he would brush the tangles out and blow dry my hair until it was silky smooth.
I'd forgotten, but my hair was badly tangled one day, and I remembered.
I held the brush and drier in my hand and smiled at dad.
"Can you brush me?"
He smiled, and I sat between his legs while he gently pulled the brush through my hair. He started at the bottom and worked his way up, slowly removing the tangles. He was very gentle and never pulled too hard. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the soft brush bristles on my scalp.
When the tangles were gone, he used the brush to pull sections of my hair out to blow-dry them. The warm air felt delightful on my skin, and he didn't burn me once, unlike when I did myself.
The whole experience was very relaxing and sensual in a non-sexual way, unlike when I did it myself.
Sometimes I'm too embarrassed to ask dad to do my hair, but he never seems to mind when I do, and it's always a pleasant experience. He's a great roommate!
When I first started taking on clients, I was desperate for cash. My roommate had left, and I didn't have enough money for rent.
So, the money I received from seeing the senior widowers was a godsend. It was easy money, didn't take long; I enjoyed the visits and felt like I was doing some good. And it was just talking, so my conscience was clean.
Then I started thinking about the tech nerds. They had lots of money, right? And some of them definitely needed help with women. And I could choose whoever I wanted. I could pick cute guys! And I was just going to talk to them, to make them feel at ease around a woman. Some of the guys had hardly spoken to females outside their family. I would be helping them. I would be doing some good, so my conscience was clean.
That's how it worked out at first. I was helping seniors and nerds and making good money to pay my rent, and my conscience was clean.
The dating company was somewhat vague on what we were allowed to do. So, one day a really cute tech nerd guy asked if we could practice kissing. I wanted to kiss him anyway, so I said yes, enjoyed it, and thought, wow, I'm getting paid to kiss cute guys! What a great deal!
I'm not sure if he talked to other guys, but soon I started getting more tech nerd appointments and more kissing requests.
One thing led to another, but I was crystal clear that I wasn't going to pleasure them, no blow jobs, no handjobs, or intercourse, just talking and kissing and touching. I quite enjoyed myself, and the guys definitely got better! I really was helping them and helping other women who might meet them.
Some of the guys were super cute, and some of those were really nice, and when I got wound up, I wasn't inclined to say no when they asked me for extra assistance. One day my pussy was throbbing after an intense kissing and groping session, and the guy asked if I could show him how to eat pussy. My pussy said yes, and the guy was a fast learner. He gave me a great pussy licking, and I came hard.
I think the guys must have talked again because more guys asked if I could show them how to lick pussy, and my pussy always felt like showing them.
Pussy licking lessons had been occurring for several months by the time dad came to live with me, and I didn't think twice about doing it. But telling dad that I took money from guys to please me sexually didn't roll off my tongue well!
And it started to niggle my brain. Out of the blue, I would think:
"I'm taking money to have guys sexually please me."
And that didn't sit well in my brain. And the longer dad lived with me, the less well it sat. He never said anything, but he always left before they came. And he always asked if I was okay later but never wanted to know any details.
And then my brain started to say:
"You are getting along great with your dad. And he did frown and say he was conflicted about you taking money for sexual assistance. Why are you still doing it? You don't need the money anymore. Your dad never misses a rent check. You're even saving money. You should stop!"
And those thoughts kept getting louder and more frequent until one day I thought, what the hell am I doing? I could ruin my relationship with my dad! He might lose respect for me, and there would be nothing worse than that! So I stopped seeing the tech guys. Cold turkey! It was tough! But it was worth it because after I told dad, I could tell he was pleased. He smiled and said. "I think that's a wise decision." A big warm fuzzy spread through my body! And that was it! He'd never brought it up once. He never tried to make me feel bad. He just waited for me to come to my senses. I knew more than ever what a great dad he was and gave him a big hug.
Plus, it wasn't like my sex life ended. I'd helped many tech nerds. And I kept in touch with the ones I liked. We went out on dates, and there were a few that I enjoyed practicing sexual fulfillment with! And there were no limits on what we practiced. It was a win-win situation. They learned more about pleasing women, and I got pleased, and no money was involved. Well, not quite! They did take me out to eat! The rest of the night was for free.
And dad had no trouble with me dating and sleeping with guys. He just didn't want guys paying to please me sexually.
I had a big bedroom and my own bathroom when I lived at home. So mom and dad rarely saw me undressed as a teenager. And mom and dad had their own room and bathroom, so I never saw them undressed.
But it was a different story in our two-bedroom apartment. There was only one bathroom, and we had to share. And we both liked to shower in the morning, so we often crossed paths in various states of undress.
And LA is warm, so when I got home from work, the first thing I did was strip out of my work uniform into shorts and t-shirts or halter tops or crop-tops. And because I've had big boobs for many years, I hate wearing bras, so I don't always wear them at home under my shirts. My jiggling boobs were not a problem when I lived alone or with female roommates.
So, dad now sees me in various states of undress regularly. And I see dad wearing very little. He strips out of his dress clothes when he gets home and wears t-shirts and shorts, and I often see him topless leaving the shower or when he exercises or when it gets hot.
And keep in mind that I've seen dad in the buff having sex with mom through the cameras I installed at home. So I've seen his big dick and buff body, and it's hard not to notice it when we live in such close quarters. And sometimes, I look and stare at his body because I'm an adult female, and his body is hot. But I never say anything to dad because I know he's not deliberately flashing me, and I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
So, I was surprised when dad said something to me one day about my clothing. He was sitting on the couch, and I came out barefoot, in short, exercise-type shorts and a t-shirt with no bra. He looked at me and frowned a bit.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He pursed his lips, and his eyebrows furrowed but didn't say anything.
"What's wrong?" I asked again.
He was acting very strange. "What's wrong?"
"It's your clothes."
"What about them?"
"They're brief."
"Dad, it's just a t-shirt and shorts."
"I know, but-"
"But what?"
He pursed his lips again in consternation but seemed tongue-tied.
"I can see your nipples and your boobs jiggle," he blurted.
I was surprised. "So? You've seen them before. I always wear t-shirts and often don't wear a bra."
He looked like he was in agony. "It's distracting."
"Dad! They're just boobs! I have big boobs, and they jiggle. It's not like I'm flashing you."
Dad's agonized look continued. "I know, but I saw those videos of you doing things with those guys, and I've never seen you do those things before, so it's different now when I see you."
Ah! The light bulb went off in my head! "So you'd never seen me sexually before, and now you have. And now, sometimes, when you see me, you think of me differently. You don't think of me like a father. You think of me differently. Correct?"
Dad's face was beet red.
"Yes," he said softly.
It was ironic that I was 'distracting' dad when he'd been distracting me since he moved in, but he was obviously disturbed about my jiggling boobs and nipples, and I loved him and didn't want him to be uncomfortable.
"Dad, it's okay for you to get distracted by me. I get distracted by you."
He looked surprised.
"You do?"
"Yes. When I installed the surveillance cameras to catch mom, I had to wade through the footage to look for activity. There was a lot of activity in your bedroom! You and mom were quite active. So, I saw you do things that I'd never seen before. And it distracted me. And then you came to live with me. You are very fit and handsome, and I see you all the time wearing very little. And it's distracting because I'm an adult female.
"I didn't realize that," he said, surprised.
I sat done beside him and held his hand.
"I know you didn't, and it's okay. I don't want you to change what you're wearing. And I don't want you to worry if you get out of the shower and I see something. We're roommates living in a small apartment, and we're going to see things. And because we're adults and have seen each other sexually, we're going to get distracted. It's okay if you get distracted by me. In fact, I'm flattered you appreciate my looks."
I smiled. "I certainly enjoy yours!" I looked him in the eye. "So, are we good? No more embarrassment over our bodies. We're both adults. You're allowed to notice me, and I can notice you. And we both can get distracted by each other. Okay?"
He still looked a bit embarrassed but seemed better. "I guess. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea about me."
I squeezed his hand. "Dad, It's not possible for me to get wrong ideas about you! I only get good ideas about you! Okay?"
That finally got a smile. "Okay."
I couldn't resist teasing dad after our conversation. It was just minor stuff, but I wanted to convince him it was no big deal to notice each other.
So, when he walked into the room, I'd look at him from head to toe and then shake my head with a smile. "Looking hot, dad!"
And before he left for work, I'd say, "Try not to get the ladies at work all riled up!"
And when I exited the shower, I'd yell out, "Dad! I'm coming out, and I have breasts and nipples! Cover your eyes!"
Sometimes, dad is in the way of something I want. For example, he might be in the bathroom standing in front of my brush or hair drier. Usually, I just reach around, but sometimes I feel flirty and press my chest against his back as I reach around. If it's only for a second, he doesn't notice. But if my breasts linger longer, he turns around and arches his eyebrows as if to say, "REALLY?" I grin and walk away. It's fun!
Dad and I sometimes watch TV together. He sits on the couch, and I lay on the other end with my feet in his lap. Most of the time, I'm a good girl. But sometimes, I feel like a bad girl and start to wiggle my feet in his lap and grin at him. At first, he just arches his eyebrows and gives me his 'REALLY?' look. But if I persist, he gives me a 'You better stop soon!' look. But I don't stop because I know what's coming, and I like what's coming! Eventually, I provoke him enough, and he jumps up and straddles me and tickles me until my eyes are tearing from laughter, and I have to beg him to stop. It's great fun!
One day, I was vacuuming in very brief shorts and a brief crop-top because it was hot, and I sensed someone staring at me. And I looked up, and it was dad, and he didn't look away. And he didn't stop staring at me. Did he want something? I turned the vacuum off.
He smiled. "Nothing. Just being distracted." Then he walked off.
I smiled. Dad had finally teased me back! Touche! Our relationship had changed again. He would always be my dad, but we were more than before. We were now adult roommates and 'noticed' each other without embarrassment and could tease each other.
I used to get my roommate's opinions on my clothing when I went on dates. I'd never asked dad, though. I'm not sure why. I trusted his opinion, and in a way, it made more sense than asking female roommates. After all, I was dressing to impress a male, so why not ask another male?
I decided to ask him one night. I'd narrowed it down to two outfits. One was a short black sleeveless dress with black heels. The other was a red top and red heels with black leather pants. They weren't actually leather, but they looked like leather and were stretchy and form-fitting.
I showed him the dress and spun around so he could see it from all angles.
"Well?" I asked.
"It looks very nice! I like it."
Then I changed into my leather pant outfit and told dad to close his eyes.
"You can open them now."
Dad smiled right away, and I spun around slowly. He was grinning from ear to ear!
He chuckled. "Whoa! I definitely like that one!"
I smiled because 'Whoa' was an excellent response! "Thanks, dad! I'll be home late tonight or tomorrow morning."
He smiled. "Have fun!"
So, now I ask dad's opinion on outfits, and he doesn't seem to mind, just like he doesn't seem to mind when I give him my opinion on what he's wearing.
Just another thing that we do for each other as roommates.
Gracie looked pumped about something. The expression on her face reminded me of how she used to look when she had friends over for sleepovers. Something big was up!
She sat down beside me, grinning.
"You look happy."
She grinned. "I am! Simon's girlfriend left him!"
"Oh. That doesn't sound like a happy event."
"Well, she didn't dump him. She took a job in Texas at a tech firm because she was depressed about ever finding a house she could afford in California. Simon is upset. She was his first girlfriend."
"Hmmm! I'm still not understanding how this is a happy event."
"Simon called me and wanted to book a visit with me because he was upset. I told him I stopped doing visits for money but suggested we go for lunch."
I still had a puzzled look on my face because my brain was still puzzled about why she was happy.
"DAD! I like Simon! He's so cute!"
"Is he the one that's 5'8" and stutters?"
"Isn't he kind of short for you?" You're 5'10".
"Yes! But I don't care! He's so sweet. And he's so smart! And he's so easy to talk to! And he's a great kisser! He was my best student ever!"
Ah! I finally understood the reason for Gracie's excitement. "So, you like Simon."
"Yes! I love Simon! He's great! I wanted to go out with him, but then he met Susie, and they've been a couple since then. But now she's gone, and he called me! ME! And now that I don't make out with guys for money, we could be more than just friends. The tech nerd money was a lifesaver, but it put a damper on my romantic life. Guys didn't mind going out with me, but they weren't thrilled when they found out about my teaching activities."
I smiled. "I could see how that might hurt a long-term relationship."
"Yes. But now I can have a long-term relationship! I'm so excited! We're going out for dinner tomorrow night. I can't wait to see him! I haven't seen him in months!"
"Well, good luck, and keep in mind that he's upset, so don't come on too strong."

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RE: Divorced Dad Moves in with Daughter - by neerathemall - 10-12-2023, 11:22 PM

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