Adultery A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS

“Madam, I am not a pervert or anything. As I know your problem needs a man, I am offering you my help. I am not going to bang you or anything as you are almost my daughter’s age. But, if you don’t want it, let it be”, Basheer started to handover the baby to her with a walking away gesture.
“Basheerji, wait. I am sorry that I cannot talk about this openly. We just met today, and you already know my problem. It is embarrassing me badly, eventhough I need help. But, please see from my side, how can I let someone to do such a thing, I can’t Basheerji, I can’t”, Linny felt tears dripping from her eyes.
Basheer made an understanding face and dismissed her arguments with a nod, he continued, “Look Madam, I know it is a tough call, but I am offering you a solution that could help you immediately. It’s not that I am trying to be sneaky or anything, I am an honest man, and when I heard about your condition, I felt your pain, and wanted to offer my help, that’s all”
Linny knew it was a wild catch but at the same time she wasn’t sure if she should allow it to happen.
“Basheerji, if I ask your help, would you be a man of your word, or as a woman, a wife and a mother, my life will be destroyed forever”, Linny was exasperated but the ray of hope that the old man extended was literally the one thing that she wanted.
“Madam, your breasts need my hands and mouth, and as I said before, I am not a rapist or someone with that kind of intention. You can feel safe, and allow me to help you”, his voice was too convincing. 
At that moment, Linny totally failed to recognize the spark in the old man’s eyes. She opened the gate for him and walked inside her home.
Linny closed the main door and pointed to the couch for Basheer to sit. He sat firm and comfortably in the sofa looking at her. His eyes followed every movement her body made. Her face, her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, her wet front, her waist, her wide hips, her thick legs, her feet, he swallowed her with his eyes. She also started feeling the heat between them and she went to bedroom to give milk to her baby. It took more almost twenty minutes for the baby to fall asleep and with each passing second, the pain in her breasts started to move up in an extreme pace. Once done, she changed her dress and put on a gown as it would be easier to remove till hips. She was thrilled, excited and scared at the same time. She has allowed a stranger into her home and was about to offer her body willingly to him. But, with the thought that she near to a decent couple next door, it pacified her a bit. With beating heart, she walked out to the living room where Basheer sat waiting for her.
“Sit her Madam”, Basheer nodded her to sit next to him on the couch.
“Please Basheerji, call me Linny”
“So Linny, let me see your problem then”
She heard the loud thumping from her heart as she slowly placed herself next to the old man, “Is this right what I am doing? Oh-God! How should I show him my breasts? Though he said he wasn’t to be afraid of, he is a stranger, what if he bangs me? Should I allow? Ooh-this-pain! God! Help me”, she knew there was no backing out from the situation as she desperately wanted his help.
With slow movements, Linny opened the front hooks of her gown and removed it through her shoulders and exposed her glorious mounds to the strange old man who sat next to her with his eyes widened with surprise and shock.
Basheer couldn’t believe his luck! He had seen this new woman in town when she came to her bank office for past three days. Since the moment he laid his eyes on her, his mind was made up to have her, with her consent or without it. Between Doctor Bikram and him, they were a duo who enjoyed many a wild adventure with the village woman. But, this…a woman from city…a smoking hot upper class woman who landed in his hands with such ease. He was sure that she would slap him when he bluntly offered his service. And, he was thunderstruck when she allowed him to enter her house and offer herself. His eyes witnessed the voluptuous nakedity of the young woman as she opened her gown. Her breasts were huge, a little sagging with the milk that it contained, her areolas were dark brown and large with lots of tiny bumps all around in it’s circle. She was shy…and he felt like he was witnessing a bride removing her dress on her first night!
“Linny, I am going touch you now okay, don’t be alarmed”, Basheer whispered to her by reaching near her neck, making her jolt from sudden tickle that he created.
“Sure, but promise me you won’t do anything bad to me, and please don’t tell anyone”, Linny was shit scared at her own body’s reactions. Since the moment she heard the old man offering himself, her pussy had started to leak. When she went to remove her dress, she checked her panty and was shocked to see it wet more than her breasts. Somehow, she turned to face him, and their eyes met.
Linny saw the old man’s wiry fingers reaching her breasts. Her body shook from the touch. His fingers were warm…in fact, too warm.
Basheer graced his fingers from bottom of her breasts, and tried to lift. He wanted to know how much it weighed. He was delighted, “I am going to make this hot item my slut when I am finished with her”, he heard an evil voice inside his head and realized it was his own. 
Linny looked intently at the old man who was testing her breasts. She saw his fingers widening and touching her areolas and the next moment, she moaned loud as her eyes clamped automatically.
Basheer pinched her nipples and squeezed her areolas at once as if he wanted to see how much she was lactating. A few white drops of her milk came out, and stopped. Then he pulled his hands away.
“What! What happened?”, though she wanted to ask, Linny couldn’t move her lips. Her eyes conveyed the message clearly to the old man.
“I am going to suck your breasts now okay, don’t be startled”, with an additional assurance, Basheer moved again. 
Linny saw the old man’s mouth parting open, his black colored lips widened to surround her right nipple. She gasped as his lips clamped over her nipple and his mouth making a firm grip over it’s large areola. With a sudden move, he latched on her breast and applied a strong suck with his mouth and lips combined.
“Oooooh!”, a long moan of relief came out from Linny’s throat as the milk-ducts gave way to the pressure that the old man created on it. As she looked down, she saw his mouth widening further and engulfing a good portion of her breast along with her areola inside it, and it followed with another powerful suck. She felt thick stream of her potent lactating milk moving out from it’s binds and getting released into his mouth, it was then she realized – he was drinking her milk!
Basheer moved closer to Linny and using his right hand, he scooped her lower back and pulled her closer to him. 
Linny couldn’t protest. She knew what he did was wrong, but the relief that he extended was too much for her not to stop the old man. His mouth was creating magic on her. 
As he didn’t find any fight from the hot woman, Basheer up’ed his game. He moved his mouth to her left breast and sucked. But this time, he used his left hand to squeeze her thick, milk carrying meat as he sucked. It made her nipple to release heavy rain of milk outwards. His eyes were closed and he slowly applied gentle pressure on both her breasts with his hand. Yet, he made sure to keep her close to his body as he continued to suck and drink her milk.
Linny was in heaven. Her pain was slowly residing. She wasn’t bothered that some strange old man was servicing her. 
Basheer changed his tactic as he drank her milk from both her nipples. He didn’t bother about the taste, as the only thing that mattered was his end-goal. He moved his right hand freely to grope and knead her naked back, from neck, to shoulders, to her meaty waist. He ensured to move his hands to her navel, hugging her, coaxing her, making her lose her control.
Linny was losing it slowly. It was more than five months that she had Rajat or her lover fuck her due to pregnancy. The only relief was the forceful oral that Rajat gave and as she was not at all keen to forced sexual activities, she never enjoyed it. Right then, when the strange old man kneaded and massaged her body slowly, her body started to respond with whimpers and moans.
It wasn’t lost on Basheer. He sensed the change from the young woman. He recognized the familiar noises and his cock rejoiced in his achievement. He relaxed on her breasts for a moment as he released her nipples and took a pause.
“What happened?”, Linny was surprised at her own question. Her breasts weren’t heavy anymore, they weren’t painful. But, her question was why he released her breasts from his mouth.
“Sorry, I got carried away. You are so beautiful that for a moment, I forgot about your problem”, Basheer tactically kept his right hand roaming over her naked back and graced her lower back nearing to her ass-crack.
“It’s okay Basheerji, you already helped me big time. Now I don’t feel the heaviness at all, and I don’t know how else to thank you”, Linny was really sincere in her words. The extreme pain that she had was no longer inside her breasts. 
“I am sorry to ask, but could you help me?”, Basheer’s voice was coarse as he pointed his eyes down to his groin where a big bulge was visibly protruding from his pants.
“Oh-God! Basheerji! What are you saying? No! I am not such a woman Basheerji. I am thankful that you helped me, but this…this is not right!”, Linny was shocked but at the same time, she felt a sharp tingle inside her pussy as her eyes remained on his protruding penis. She knew she could allow it, as she was already cheating on Rajat and this wouldn’t make any difference. Even then, her morale forced her from allowing what the old man just asked.
“Look Linny, I am not asking you to have sex with me. I helped you, and now you help me. Just once, I won’t ask another time. And look, no one will know, I promise. It has been so long that I have had a woman as I told you, my wife is in city and I am her for almost two years without any companion, help me”, Basheer knew she was getting there as her body started to respond to his touches. He and Bikram had a sex session with two village girls previous night and it wasn’t satisfactory at all. But as he looked at Linny with such hot womanly body, he knew it was going to be an experience of a life time. He was desperate to have an upper class woman and see how she would respond.
“Okay…but just once…I will hold your thing once till it goes…please, don’t do anything else that we would regret”, Linny’s voice broke as she whispered.
“Oh!”, she gasped as the moment she agreed, Basheer caught herby waist and pulled her into a tight embrace while crushing his lips against her into a tight kiss. Though a moment of pause happened from Linny, the old man’s thick lips contained the flavor of her own lactating milk. Her lips parted and allowed him to enter. Basheer felt her slick tongue joining him spreading her saliva inside. Both tongues intertwined as he hugged her tight against her. Her breasts crushed against him and his shirt got wet with her baby milk.
“Remove your shirt”, Linny crooned at Basheer as he complied. But their kiss continued. He slobbered her mouth and she licked and sucked in wanton. He was much different than her husband Rajat who forced sex and her lover who was an amazing artist. But this was different. Basheer was forcing but at the same time allowing her to relax.
Within seconds, Basheer was all naked as he sat with Linny inside his arms. Before Linny could object, his hands pulled her gown from her hips and to her own surprise, she noted her lifting her buttocks from the couch to help him remove it. She wasn’t sure whether they were going to have sex because she agreed to give him a hand job. Within minutes, they both were stark naked and sucking hungrily as if they were about to have full on sex.
Basheer didn’t lose a moment as he grabbed her breasts by force and once again started sucking them. But, this time it was different. He wasn’t sucking to relieve her…he was sucking to pleasure her!
Linny couldn’t help but moan as the old man continued to suck and nibble on her nipples. It brought milk and he gulped it and sucked more. Instead of having the motherly feeling of releasing breast milk, Linny noticed her nipples becoming harder and his squeezes on her breast meat making her wet down inside her vagina. Her head fell backwards as her gasps and moans became louder with his suckling and licking on her breasts and nipples.
Her milk poured out like a fountain!
He drank and munched on her breasts like he was taking revenge on them!
“Now you do me”, Basheer relaxed his grip and relaxed back on the couch with his penis pointed hard and strong to the ceiling. 
Without a single question of confusion, Linny dropped down to the floor on her knees and brought herself between his spread legs. As Basheer watched, he saw her grabbing the base of his black colored penis and with a sudden move, she licked the top of his shaft where a clear drop of pre-cum was formed. 
“There is no skin here?”, Linny was curious when she saw the circumcised cock as she had never seen one before.
“Yes, and it will give me more pleasure as you take it inside your hot mouth”, Basheer replied as he pulled her head down to meet his penis.
Linny saw her saliva glistening on his penis-crown and she was marveled at the strength that it felt inside her palm. It was more like Rajat’s but not as strong as him and it was not same like her lover’s. Without losing another second, her lips parted, and her mouth hollowed as she gulped his penis inside. A deep groan came out from Basheer which was the clear sign of the wonderful pleasure that she just delivered. She was ecstatic to extend such carnal pleasure to some stranger and the sheer thrill of going against her morale made her pussy burn with desire.
Basheer heard her gagging and he was blissfully surprised at the way the upperclass housewife behaved in such sexual vigor. He used both his hands to pump her head up and down his penis. After couple of gags and protesting noises, her reaction changed into submission. She changed her demure into a willing participant. As he removed his hands from her head, his lips curved into a wicked smile when he saw her bobbing herself on his penis, all by herself.
“Suck below, that’s what I like most”, Basheer paused and instructed her to suck his scrotum balls.
Without hesitation, Linny dropped her head down and started licking and sucking each of his balls taking her sweet time. Basheer was in carnal heaven as his brain worked on the next actions.
“Move here now, show me how you can squeeze this thing with your breasts”, Basheer made a challenging statement to a confused Linny. 
She understood what he was asking. And, without any confusion, she moved closer between his wide open legs and pressed her chest against his groin forcing his penis to be gripped between her glorious lactating breasts!
“Wonderful…oh-yes…let me see how much milk you can release when you fuck me”, Basheer purposefully used the ‘fuck’ word as he wanted to see her reaction. Linny’s face winced when she heard the dirty word but then it changed to something else. She moved closer and hugged his naked buttocks hard as he used both his hands to squeeze her breasts against his trapped cock.
Following action was a sequence that any porn movie. Linny grunted and moved herself up and down, grinding against the old man. Basheer crushed her breasts bringing out more milk to drop through his groin and thighs. Both of them wrestled against each other to reach the climax as they both were desperate for the release.
“I want to taste you Linny Madam”, Basheer stopped her from moving further. 
Though a moment of confusion appeared on Linny’s face, it changed as she stood up and then placed on single-seater couch on the side. Without showing any hint of doubt, she opened her legs wide, inviting him, allowing him, asking him, pleading at him for what she desperately wanted.
Basheer stood and moved towards the woman whom he wanted to taste and who he never thought would get his chance. But then, by watching her wheat colored skin glimmering in sweat and her completely shaved and clean pussy opened to him, he clapped his shoulders for the feat that he just achieved.
“Oooh-ffuucckk!”, a deep grumbling moan came out from Linny as Basheer kissed her inner thighs first. His action was received well when he found herself rising her ass and spreading her legs wider to give him absolute access to her married chute.
“AAAAH-FUCCCK!”, Linny shouted as Basheer finally dipped his face into her pussy and started licking her dirty juice. His tongue and lips moved completely different than her husband and her lover. The old man knew how to pleasure a woman, it was natural to him. He did not use his hands first as he squeezed and crushed her breasts matching the pace of his pussy licking actions. 
Basheer savored her salty-sour-pungent cunt juice with deep craving for sexual release. He loved the way the woman responded to him and he doubted big time if her husband was man enough to give her what she wanted.
“Ooufff…slow Basheerji”, Linny protested when he removed his right hand from her left breast and pushed it inside her pussy. Though she loved the double entry inside her pussy hole, she felt her breast unattended. In reaction to that, her own left hand flew up and started squishing her large meat and forced the milk to drip out.
Basheer moved his fingers in and out of her sweltering vagina with a balanced force and speed. He made sure his fingers brushed against the hard skin of her G-Spot as he pumped in and out. He made sure to squirm his middle and index fingers separately and together to entice every nerve ending insider her cheating pussy. Linny couldn’t help but start bucking when the old man moved his focus on her hairless clitoris. Basheer sucked and forced her hardened clit-hood to open up and by using his lips, he munched the skinless clitoris in deep sucking motion. 
“Uow…oouuw…slow…I…mm…ooouh”, Linny screamed as her body thrashed against the couch when such an oral performance was delivered by the strange old man whom she just met few hours earlier.
He made a sudden move by pulling his left hand from her right breast and brought it down between her spread legs and forced his middle finger to open her smothered anus.
“OOOUUWW-YEEEESSSSSS-BASHEERRJEEE!”, Liny screamed with all her voice without any thought of someone hearing her as her pussy jolted and burped with a sudden squirt of her devilish pussy juice.
Basheer just made a force-entry into her asshole and kept his middle finger embedded inside half way as he wasn’t sure if it was her first time or not. But the way she came and squirted confirmed the fact that anal was new to her or rather she never tried it before. 
Linny continued her screeches as her cunt spewed all of it’s dirty contents to the old man’s mouth. Basheer licked and sucked her orgasmic liquid without hesitation or pause. Once he was sure that there was no more juice left, he relaxed his mouth’s grip on her cunt and slowly removed his fingers from both her sinning holes.
With another loud moan, Linny’s eyes rolled upwards and her body slumped back against the couch. Basheer looked at the gorgeous female whose large breasts heaved up and down as she slowly moved back to normalcy.
Linny opened her eyes and she had to re-focus herself to recognize where she was and what she was doing. The power of her orgasm was such that her entire body reacted to it and continued to reel with amazing relaxing feeling as she didn’t want to come out of it. She just wanted to sleep, right there, right then…but the view in front of her stopped that thoughts.
Basheer was standing in front of her stroking his shaft and ogling her with visceral sexual thirst written all over his face.
“Tell me if you want me to stop now”, the statement was a question that Linny didn’t wanted to answer but she knew she wanted to.
“Do it Basheerji…do it me…I…I…WANT YOU TO DO IT!”, Linny shouted with desperation and unable to believe what she just cried at the old man. She couldn’t believe herself that she just asked the strange old man to fuck her. 
With a winning smirk on his face, Basheer bend his legs to align his shaft against her pussy. He didn’t lose a second more from his destination. 
Linny’s body shivered as his dark colored cock touched her pussy lips for the first time. It felt like her first time intercourse yet familiar. 
“Slow Basheerji…put it slow”, Linny whimpered as he started to penetrate her.
His penis was reasonably sized and it was a bit thicker than usual. It’s girth stopped him from having an easy entry into her chute. But then, it wasn’t a problem to the crazed old man. He pushed…hard…in few strokes, his full penis disappeared inside her cheating vagina.
Then it started!
Basheer moved slowly at first, making nice and long strokes, making her moan and cry for more. He pulled till his penis-crown remained inside her cunt and then pushed it back slowly and in neat fashion making her crave for more. With few minutes of such slow strokes, he changed his pace when her whimpers changed it’s tone indicating that she was getting close to her next orgasm. Right then, he pulled out of her cunt.
“No! please do it Basheerjeeee!”, Linny wanted it now. It was her turn to beg. She was desperate to clear her upcoming orgasm. She cried for it and begged for it. But she saw the old man preparing for something else and failed to interpret what it was.
“Turn and show me your ass Linny Madam”, Basheer stressed on the word ‘Madam’ making her wince for a moment. But, it was momentary. Within seconds, she was upturned on the couch on her knees and hands, thrusting and opening her hind side for him to take.
Giving a mild slap on her shapely buttocks, he spat on her pulsing asshole. Though she couldn’t recognize what it was, she felt a sudden bolt of shock rising from her spine telling her that he was doing something behind her that would take her to next level of cheating ecstasy.
“AAUUUW-OOOUH!”, Linny gasped as Basheer pushed his shaft down into her cunt in one shot instead of a slow stroke. Her vaginal walls desperately tried to contain the sudden intrusion of the man-girth that tore past all it’s restraints.
Basheer was in position. He stood firm with his feet gripping the floor as he pumped the hot woman’s cunt from behind. His strokes were paced with measure. His penis went in and out of her cunt with an accuracy that made her feel that she would release her orgasm right then. But it didn’t happen…
“No! please no! Not there! Basheerjee…not there!!”, Linny shouted and tried to push away from the old man as he inserted his middle finger once again into her upturned and wide-open asshole.
“Trust me, when I am done with this, you will beg for more”, Basheer grunted in a hushed voice as he pulled out his cock from her cunt and placed it right against the small dark rectal ring of the scared woman.
“Please, I never did it…and it’s so wrong…even I didn’t allow my husband to do it there…Basheerji…please…no”, Linny cried and cried more to stop him. But as she was kneeled on the couch, there was no way out for her unless the old man moved away from her back. She was shit-scared because despite all his forceful activities on her, she never allowed Rajat to take her anal virginity. And, as her lover was the most understanding person, he never asked for it as well. 
She recognized her futile cries as this was a different animal, she sensed the fear creeping over her every muscle as the thickness and heat from Basheer’s cock-head transpired right into her anal opening. She had to stop him…but she knew that nothing would stop the inevitable.
But nothing happened to her surprise. Instead, Basheer brought himself over her back and hugged her hard by giving hard squeeze and few pinches on her nipples to milk her. He kissed her naked shoulders softly and that gave her some assurance that he was not that bad a person like she assumed.
Linny’s thought changed the very next second!
“OOOUUUWW-NOOO!”, Linny’s cries reached yet another decibel as Basheer thrusted his hips forward in a hard shove that made his penis-head to split her rectal ring open and enter inside it’s heated crevice. 
Basheer moved back from her and looked down. His cock was now inside the most precious hole of the woman as he planned from beginning. He was an asshole lover. He pushed…her anus resisted…he thrusted again…her rectal ring stopped him from getting inside…he dribbled some saliva on their cock-asshole joint…then he pushed again…but real hard this time…the resistance of her asshole caved…his shaft went inside a bit more.
Linny felt like her breath was stopped inside her lungs as the pain from her anus was that heavy for her to contain. 
Basheer slapped her ass-cheeks few times, not hard, but enough to take her focus away from her molested asshole. Using that as leverage, the old man shoved his hips forward once again, and this time, his penis broke all the resistance of her nether hole. It went inside…deep…it’s full length got embedded insider her rectum!
Linny cried and shouted at the old man to stop eventhough she knew he got what he came in for. The last hole of marital chastity got destroyed…now she was a real adulteress!
“Give me your milk Linny Madam”, Basheer grunted as he crushed her breasts again and again and scooped her breast-milk from below as he pounded her asshole in slow but heavy hits while he removed his right hand from her breast and caught hold of her clitoris from bottom.
“Oh-God! What are you doing! Please-noo!”, Linny was confused but grateful for the triple action that the old man was delivering on her. His penis pumped in and out of her anus, burning her hole, his left hand squished her breast and nipple, while his right hand started to pinch and flick her clit making it extremely hard for her brain to focus on any of the activities that was being performed on her.
“Oh-fuck! Oh-fuck! It is not that hurting anymore…how can he fucking my asshole like this! It was never like this with Rajat! Ooo-my-God!”, Linny heard her voice whispering to her inside her head. The change was evident. The old man knew how to fuck ass and he was a master in it as he made sure the lactating wife from the city enjoyed and realized how pleasureful it was to allow her asshole to be fucked. 
“Let’s try to cum together Madamm”, Basheer hissed into Linny’s ears as he made few sudden thrusts into her asshole and both his hands worked on her nipples and clit in unison to his action.
“OOUUFFF-OOOH-AAAOUW”, Linny bellowed as her cunt spluttered her orgasmic release once again a short squirts while the loud shout from the old man mixed with sudden heat she felt from her anal passage ensured that he flushed his sinuous semen inside her asshole.  
“OOH-MADAMMM-CUM-WITH-MEE”, Basheer yelled in top of his voice as his penis started to release his sperm inside Linny’s anal passage. He thrusted hard, short, hard again pumping all the contents that his balls held inside her asshole.
It took some time for both lust-crammed bodies to calm down. 
Linny couldn’t believe what she just allowed to happen but at the same time, all her pleasure holes screamed with ecstasy of being attended and allowing their pleasure release by a male, regardless who it was, but she knew she was desperate for this. She heard her voice thanking the old man Basheer for what he did…emptying her breasts and getting her out from her pain, bringing her to release a squirting orgasm that her own husband forcefully tried and failed, and finally giving her a different dimension to anal-sex!
Basheer rested himself on top of Linny’s back reeling from the extremely satisfying orgasmic release that he ever had in his life, as his dream of having sex with an upperclass woman came true, he was able to drink her milk to his heart’s content and definitively he had his assurance that this woman was going to be his bitch forever!
“You…you are a bad old man Basheerji”, somehow Linny found her voice.
“And now you my own super-hot Madam…you have the best milk that I ever drank in my life”, Basheer chided along.
“You promised you won’t do anything to me…and see what happened…you did everything that you shouldn’t have done to a married woman…how could you Basheerji?”, Linny knew there was no sense in her dialogue at all, but still she wanted to her the old man’s voice. For some reason, she felt safe…in the lonely village, there was someone who could help her in need.
“I did, and I didn’t do anything that a man and woman shouldn’t have done…tell me if you didn’t like what I did to your asshole…be honest…if you didn’t, then I promise I will never do it to you again”, Basheer’s voice contained a bit of sincerity but he was sure she was now a slave for anal fuck.
“Oh! So, there is an again?”, Linny’s voice was playful as she asked the question while she felt his penis shrinking inside her asshole.
“Why? Don’t you want a next?”, Basheer’s retort was immediate.
“Move now Basheerji, I don’t know if there is any milk left for my baby, you are a monster!”, Linny gasped as his cock finally came out of her rectum and before her anal ring closed, couple of thick, white semen dropped out and smeared her pussy lips.
“You are the most prettiest and hot woman that I have ever known Linny Madam, and I am not letting you go away from me in this life, you can be sure of that!”, Basheer whispered to Linny’s ear as he caught her by her waist into a hard embrace when they stood up properly. 
“Let me check my baby Basheerji”, Linny pecked his cheek and bit his lips as she pulled herself out from his hug.
“Come back quick…I have lot more to give you Madam Linny”, Basheer watched the bouncing butt-cheeks of the woman who disappeared into her bedroom.
Linny’s thoughts returned to present as she felt another orgasm being triggered by the two men who sucked and molested her together making her forcefully forget the level of adultery to which she had fallen into…
She moaned as she came and released her cunt juice onto their four combined hands…she closed her eyes with force when her brain started to bring the visions of what happened with her in Lingaragpur after she entertained Basheer on that fateful night. 
A shiver of fearful dread ran through Linny’s spine when her brain played the images of what Doctor Bikram and his wife Mrinalini did to her during her one year stay in that unholy village. She tried to focus on her orgasm to avoid the thoughts of intricate vulgarities that she performed in that lone place with the uncouth villagers!
Mona at Rajat’s mercy:
As Rajat slowly removed the restrains on Mona’s limbs, she became slightly aware of being released and with the added comfort, she slept again.
Rajat didn't lose another moment and carried her to the next thing he had planned. He went exactly as he planned in his script which Mona had mistakenly failed to read.
“It’s tonight!”, he knew, and deep in his head, the two words statement repeated again and again.
“She’s totally ready now!”, his voice rumbled his head.
Rajat took her in his powerfully large arms and laid her on the ground next to the vibrator machine. Then he pulled both her hands up and tied it to the hanging cuffs that was right above the vibrator machine and pulled her up. Though she whimpered, Mona’s semi-unconscious state didn't allow her to realize what was happening with her. Within no time, Rajat made her sit properly on top of the vibrator and allowed her body to slump on it. Due to her body weight, her vagina got squished right on top of the vibrator point where she hung with her hands pointed to the ceiling and her both legs spread over to two sides allowing her to be placed exactly where he wanted her to be. Rajat walked over to the mini-refrigerator and opened two bottles of imported beer that stated "Special Root Beer with Aphrodisiac for Amazing Results". He took few gulps and walked towards the black latex cladded woman hanging with her hands tied.
"WAKE-UP-SLUT", his voice boomed at her as he poked her lips with the beer bottle.
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A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 12:40 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:51 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:53 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 08:27 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:32 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:35 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-11-2023, 10:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Xossipyan - 07-11-2023, 04:46 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:03 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 08-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:22 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:24 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:26 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:32 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:35 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:43 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:51 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:53 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:54 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Hotyyhard - 11-11-2023, 05:09 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:00 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:54 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:45 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:51 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:53 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by surthi_v86 - 15-11-2023, 12:09 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 09:44 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:48 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:54 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 18-11-2023, 12:43 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Mampi - 18-11-2023, 09:27 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 19-11-2023, 06:14 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 20-11-2023, 11:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Hotyyhard - 21-11-2023, 08:29 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 10:52 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:13 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:16 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:20 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:21 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 25-11-2023, 01:16 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 25-11-2023, 01:17 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Mampi - 27-11-2023, 09:57 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:08 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 29-11-2023, 11:58 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:00 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:01 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:05 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:06 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-12-2023, 04:45 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-12-2023, 05:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:39 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 03:58 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:28 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:29 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:05 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:04 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by sri7869 - 01-02-2024, 10:28 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by koolme98 - 11-03-2024, 06:37 PM

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