Adultery A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS

A carnal scream came out from Mona that got yet muffled but it's repercussions ended right on Rajat as he witnessed her cunt jerking and spurting orgasmic cum as a fountain right in front of his eyes.
Mona couldn't comprehend what was happening to her!
Rajat nipped her clit hard as he wickedly opened her asshole wider using his two fingers...gaping it out!
There was only one function inside her body that Mona recognized among the chaos - her underbelly exploding into millions of micro-bombs and it’s piercing pain slicing the insides of her vaginal walls to leak all through and pump the molten cum outside!
Rajat's face was a mirror of shock! 
His wife was squirting!!
Her cunt burped and puked cum out of it!!!
His eyes continued to capture the spurting fountain of her orgasmic release while his tongue continued to chew and jab her clitoris like a violent piston against hardened-rock.
Mona's tongue stopped allowing him to pump his shaft inside. Eventhough Rajat tried with his hips, her subconscious stopped it’s entry. Her eyes were closed and she fell into semi-unconscious state as her cunt continued it’s vacuuming out process of her heated cum.
Rajat slowed his tonguing of her clit and started to lick it tenderly and slowly removed his fingers out from her anus. He sensed the tiny skinless nubbin diminishing to it’s sheath and helped to pacify to relax from it’s engorged state.
However, his attention wasn't lost and he curved his lips into a devilish smile as he noticed her rectal ring remaining half open instead of closing it down...he realized his wife's body adjusting to it’s new norms and directions...
"She is ready!", he whispered as he removed his mouth-clamp on her clit and started licking out the cum that continued to spurt through her vaginal lips in short spasms!
He captured every miniscule detail of her womanhood and with each passing second, he became more convinced and doubtful if the woman thrashing under him was his wife itself or not. 
Rajat sensed her passive state and reconsidered his next move. He slowly removed himself from the latex body and stood straight and looked down to his wife's face. He saw her half asleep and having with her lipstick intact but her entire face covered and glistening with her saliva. Though he felt bad for her, his raging shaft made him decide otherwise. He slowly released her nipple clamps and licked both nubbins while tasting the milk that had secreted all around it. Then he moved to release her legs and hands. 
Mona was slightly aware of her limbs being released and in the added comfort, she slept again.
Rajat didn't lose a single moment and carried her to the next thing he had planned. He went exactly as he planned in his script which Mona had mistakenly failed to read.
“It’s tonight!”, he knew, and deep in his head, the two words statement repeated again and again.
“She’s totally ready now!”, his voice rumbled his head.

Linny in her tryst:


“Ouw…don’t bite…it hurts”, Linny shouted angrily at old man Basheer as he latched over her left nipple sucking the last drop of the milk it carried while the other man suckled her right nipple without making any fuss.
Two men continued to service her for the second time that night. Though satiated with sex, she wasn’t close to clear her head in nurturing both men. It was the same this time as well. Her breasts were full of milk, disturbingly full. And, it was during her first baby that, Basheer entered her life as well.
Linny, through her life, tried her best to portray herself to be a prim girl, a firm woman, a subservient wife, a diligent mother, a truthful friend. All of this was performed with such believable effort that no one knew who the real Linny was, except for the man who suckled her right nipple with tender love.

As she looked down at the two men drying her breasts to remove her misery of pain from her milk-filled breasts, her mind drifted a bit on how the old man Basheer came into her life. It was much earlier than they bought the villa. Linny was posted in Lingaragpur near Belgam to work on improving the bank’s low selling personal loan plan. Though she opposed the move at first, the prospects of moving up the ladder as return for success became the sole motivating factor. However, the timing was bad, or worse. She had given birth to her first child two months earlier and when the chance came in, there was no option other than jumping to grab it. 
Once at Lingaragpur, Linny regretted her decision immediately. There was nothing in the place...absolutely nothing. The land was endlessly barren far and around, the place that villagers called as ‘town’, was a place with approximately forty to fifty odd shops scattered around and few two storied buildings that were the only proof of civilization reaching the place.
One of the few buildings was where her Bank’s office was. It was a two-room office with four employees and now, she as their chief to head the team to improve the situation. As her bank couldn’t be of much help to find a proper place to stay, it was Rajat who arranged it through a friend who arranged her stay. The issue was, the house that he arranged was a bit far from her office. It was almost an hour travelling distance by bus. There were few with cars, as the main transportation mode was mopeds. There was no restaurant to dine out except few tea-stalls that sold anything to everything as ala-carte. With the hygiene level that she found in the place, Linny was scared to eat outside. 

[i]Her breasts were not lactating enough, baby was sucking properly as she knew as a mother. But, her breasts felt heavy with milk and it was not coming out. She tried squeezing her breasts and nipples, but it just made it worse. Though she carried the medicines that was prescribed, it didn’t help in the new village. She desperately wished Rajat was with her. His love for breast-milk helped in clearing the balance milk after the baby’s session. Without her husband and her lover not available, it was impossible to contain her pain.[/i]

[i]While going to office, she used padded bra and tissues to clear the secreting nectar from her breast and back home even after her baby’s best tries, milk wasn’t coming out. On the fourth day, Linny felt like dying from pain. She tried once again with the breast pump but despite her best tries, her breasts remained swollen. As it was her first time in such an isolated place named Lingarapur, she felt miserable as no one was available to seek any help. [/i]

As Rajat not with her, her problem, her biggest issue, returned and hit her with a force that she couldn’t help to contain further. There was no hospital and the only option was a small clinic run by Doctor Mrinalini Acharya and her husband Bikram Acharya. Mrinalini was a pediatrician and Bikram were a general physician. 
The third day she reached in the unholy place, she knew it was not even tough but if something not done, she would have to be hospitalized. It was then she decided to meet Doctor Mrinalini and visited their small clinic carrying her baby. Doctor Mrinalinit’s clinic was within walking distance from her home. Less than fifteen feet away, and they were literally neighbors. 
Once she met Doctor Mrinalini, she felt better. Pain was still there, but there was someone to talk with. She explained her issue in full detail and then Doctor Mrinalini asked her to show her breasts. Linny opened her Churidar top and brought it to her hips, allowing herself to be naked on top. Doctor Mrinalini gasped slightly at the sight of Linny’s bulky breasts and swollen nipples. Linny saw that Doctor Mrinalini was impressed and for a moment she thought she saw some excitement in her eyes. Linny guessed the Doctor to be in her early forties and was in a heftier side of anatomy and that didn’t stop Linny from taking a good look at the Doctor’s feminine curves. As the pain from her breasts was unbearable, Doctor Mrinalini moved on to examine her breasts in full detail. First, she weighed each of them in her soft palms and her touch made Linny a bit thrilled. Then, she started to squeeze and stopped immediately when she saw Linny’s face contorting from pain. Linny was asked to take an ultrasound and x-ray tests from the town. But as Linny being new to the place, she had no means to reach the town. It was then Doctor Mrinalini suggested her husband to take Linny to the town in their car. Though with protests, Linny finally agreed as there was literally no one to support her.
Doctor Bikram Acharya was a sixty-six year aged veteran and pacified Linny with his kind words and gestures. Linny sat in the back seat of his car with her baby and also her face was crimson with embarrassment because his wife explained Linny’s delicate problem and he gave few knowing smiles. Though professional, Linny felt the heat from the old man’s eyes on her jutting breasts. As he drove them to the town, he explained a bit on how the village of Lingarapur works. From his explanations, Linny realized that in the village, there were hardly any income for the locals which created the cause of loan repayment failures and even new loan approvals. Then she understood that both Bikram and Mrinalini got married late and had no children. Their only solace was some of the out of town folks who arrives in the village when they engage in friendship and he welcomed Linny to be free and reach him or Mrinialini even if it was not related to medicine. In addition, more or less every local in the village treated bank representatives with resentment rather than welcome. She realized the challenge to be of very high stake for her. As the discussion turned into her existing problem, her face fell with shame as he asked many personal questions which was professional but too provocative. 
Somehow, they reached the shop in town and he dropped her and excused himself to purchase some grocery for home. Linny finished the tests and was waiting outside the shop with her baby in her hand. The pain was ridiculously torturous that she was almost on the verge of crying.
It was right then Basheer approached her. His home was near to Belgam and he owned a textile shop in this silent village. With small talks, he explained he was from city and knew one of Rajat’s workshops in Bihar area. Listening to him, Linny was tremendously relieved. While they talked, his eyes fell on her breasts and it was then she realized that her Churidar top had become wet with her milk. While trying to conceal her lactating breasts, her horror doubled when Doctor Bikram reached to get her back to home. She couldn’t escape and while standing in the midst of two old men and on an isolated place with her baby, she had no option other than dropping her head with shame. 
It was then she realized that both Basheer and Bikram knew each other well as they started talking to each other exchanging pleasantries. 
Once she got the reports, she literally begged Doctor Bikram to take her back. However, the awkwardness tripled when Bikram also got into the car as he stayed with the Doctor couple as paying guest. However, she refrained from talking about her problem while they travelled back. But, her woman’s intuition and eyes caught the secretive glances that both men took at her wobbling and dripping breasts, it was lust…pure lust that she saw in their four eyes.
Once back at the clinic, Doctor Mrinalini reviewed the reports and explained the issue. Her milk ducts were clogged right below her nipples. These tiny blocks in the vessels stopped her milk from travelling out. For this reason, despite her baby sucking, her milk wouldn’t pump outwards. As to take a second opinion, Doctor Mrinalini called her husband inside the consulting room. As he read through the reports, he asked Linny to show her breasts, but in a very professional manner. He took the stethoscope and kept it on his ears and nodded at his wife. With extreme shame and anger at her own disadvantage, Linny slowly removed her Churidar once again. Within seconds, she saw half naked in front of an old man and his wife who seemed to be captivated by her breasts.
Doctor Bikram moved the stethoscope with his right hand and kept it right on her left nipple. The cold metal of the equipment created sudden jerk on Linny and she gasped, and the couple noticed it while Linny felt like killing herself. Then he moved to examine her other breast and nipple. During his movements, his fingers graced the naked skin of her bulbous breasts all over and many a time, Linny felt that he was deliberately touching her breasts and nipples for no reason. Once done, he stood up and walked to her back side. While he walked and reached her side, Linny noticed his groin that was bulging and the old man was trying his best to hide it. 
Linny’s head exploded when she heard what Doctor Bikram explained the situation to both his wife and her. Her breasts needed external stimulation. It was not a normal condition with all new mothers, and as Linny had it, there was very few options to address it. Her nipples should be made and kept warm to relax the ducts below it and at the same time, there should be external pressure to force and draw the milk outside. Linny was lost for a moment, but then she recalled herself trying to push and knead her breasts to pump the milk out and it didn’t work. When she explained it to Doctor Bikram, it was Doctor Mrinalini who replied. If she had to keep her nipples warm and knead it together, it would not be practically possible for her to make it through. So, it needed help. In other words, someone should help her. Linny was perplexed for a moment, then it dawned on her. While Rajat was with her, he used to suck and squeeze her breasts after the baby’s session and she never had this problem. As of now, he was not with him and as he didn’t milk her, it got accumulated and became this mess. She explained it to the Doctors immediately and they concurred with a smile. 
With an affectionate smile, Doctor Bikram informed her that she has to seek someone’s help to get this done as there was no other option to open her milk ducts and draw it out. Giving her few moments to get the information to be sinked, he excused and walked out of the room.
Doctor Mrinalini tried to pacify the poor woman with words and caresses on her shoulders. She informed her that, even if she tried, she could not apply force like any man would do and this situation required a man’s attention.
Linny was lost, and sat with her baby in her hands, and her top becoming wet once again with her breast-milk.
Few minutes later, Doctor Bikram called both Linny and Mrinalini out to their living room where Basheer was sipping a coffee. As she walked out, she saw an evil smile on the old man Basheer’s lips even though he didn’t ask anything. Linny was sure that Bikram would have informed him already. She wanted to run away but then the Doctor couple asked her return back for dinner. While she excused herself to leave, Basheer also stood up and join and help her with the baby. Though she protested, she knew help was much needed and allowed him to carry the baby as they walked to her home. 
While walking side by side, Basheer took many glances at her bulged breasts and Linny noticed it with increased shame and discomfort. Finally, though it felt like eternity, they reached her home and she opened the gate for him to leave. Instead of leaving, he stayed and held the baby in his hands.
“Madam, I know this is out of limits. But, I have to ask”
“What is it Basheerji?”, Linny was desperate to get inside her home and do something on her breasts to release a bit of pressure and pain.
“I know of your problem and it needs a man. Let me help Madam”, Basheer looked straight at her eyes and then looked at the two large wet spots on her Churidar top.
“I…I don’t know what you are talking about Basheerji, there is no problem with me”, Linny hiccupped as the pain shot up suddenly.

“Madam, I am not a pervert or anything. As I know your problem needs a man, I am offering you my help. I am not going to bang you or anything as you are almost my daughter’s age. But, if you don’t want it, let it be”, Basheer started to handover the baby to her with a walking away gesture.
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A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 12:40 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:51 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:53 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 08:27 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:32 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:35 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-11-2023, 10:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Xossipyan - 07-11-2023, 04:46 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:03 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 08-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:22 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:24 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:26 PM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:51 AM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 20-11-2023, 11:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Hotyyhard - 21-11-2023, 08:29 PM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:13 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:16 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:20 PM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 25-11-2023, 01:17 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Mampi - 27-11-2023, 09:57 AM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:06 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-12-2023, 04:45 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-12-2023, 05:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:39 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 03:58 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:28 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:29 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:05 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:04 PM
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