Adultery Bound by Storm: Urvashi's Journey into Forbidden
The room, bathed in the soft glow of ambient light, was witness to their shared moment, a testimony to the power of desire. As the tension grew, Pallavi's hips moved in tandem with Zaid's fingers, a silent plea for release.
Zaid, attuned to her needs, increased the tempo of his strokes, sending ripples of ecstasy through her body. His free hand traced the contours of her back, adding another layer of sensation. The air, thick with the scent of desire, crackled with electricity.
With each passing moment, their bodies moved in sync, the rhythm of pleasure growing more intense. Zaid's fingers, now curled and reaching deep inside her, created a cascade of ecstasy, pushing Pallavi closer to the edge.
The room, pulsing with the beat of their hearts, was a temple for their passion, a sanctuary for their shared intimacy. As Pallavi's hips rocked back and forth, her body a vessel for pleasure, Zaid's fingers continued their relentless pursuit, she was holding the bedsheets tightly
The pressure, building with each passing moment, reached a fever pitch. Pallavi, caught in the throes of an approaching orgasm, moaned, her voice a mix of anticipation and urgency. Zaid, sensing the inevitability of the moment, increased the tempo of his strokes, sending waves of ecstasy through Pallavi's body. With a final gasp, Pallavi, reached her climax, the explosion of pleasure reverberating through her body. Zaid, witnessing Pallavi's ecstasy, smiled, a mixture of pride and admiration on his face.
As the aftershocks subsided, the room settled into a peaceful quiet, the only sound the gentle rustling of sheets. Zaid and Pallavi, wrapped in each other's arms, looked at each other with a sense of lust, Zaid held her hand and put on his cock, "You know, Pallavi, I never said I'm done. You're ready for a real ride."
Zaid pulled her close, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that conveyed both passion and possession. Pallavi, still caught in the haze of pleasure, responded eagerly, her body eager for more. As their tongues intertwined, their hands explored, moving along the curves and contours of each other's bodies.
With every touch, the fire of desire burned brighter, an inferno of need and want. The air in the room crackled with energy, and the tension mounted.
Zaid, his voice husky and full of intent, broke the kiss. "Pallavi, this is a memory I'll cherish. We're creating something that will stay with us, even as our paths continue on their diverging ways."
Pallavi, lost in the intensity of the moment, nodded, her breath coming in short gasps. The air in the room felt charged, electric.
Zaid's hands traced the contours of her face, lingering on her cheekbones. He leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that conveyed a mixture of reverence and possession. Pallavi, her body responding instinctively, melted into the kiss, her fingers curling. He leaned in and spread her legs and looked at her pussy "Lovely" he said and brought his cock near her mouth, and she immediately asked about the foreskin not there and he said "I am a '. man, I was circumcised when I was a baby. My foreskin is gone. You can't pull it back." She replied, "Okay, let's do this."
He positioned his cock in her mouth and began sliding it in and out, gently fucking her mouth. She sucked, and he groaned. It felt so good. The warmth of her mouth and the suction she was creating were amazing. He looked down at her, his eyes dark with desire, and watched his cock disappear into her mouth.
Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock, teasing him. He moaned, and his hips jerked. His cock slipped out of her mouth, and she giggled. "I like the sounds you make," she said.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, and then guided his cock back into her mouth. She opened wide, taking him as deep as she could. His eyes fluttered closed, and he bit his lip, savoring the sensations. She was a goddess.
His fingers tangled in her hair, and he gently guided her head as she sucked his cock. "You're so fucking good at this," he breathed. She hummed, the vibrations sending shockwaves through his body. He was rock hard and wanted to enter her pussy so badly. He felt her wetness, her readiness. He slid his fingers inside her, and she moaned, her hips bucking against his hand.
"Your pussy is so tight," he growled. He was so turned on, and he needed to be inside her. Now.
She pulled away, releasing his cock from her mouth. She looked up at him, her eyes dark with desire.
"I need you inside me," she said, her voice husky, "put on the condom"
"I don't have any" he replied
"What? How could you not bring a condom? Are you crazy?"
"It's fine, we'll figure it out."
"No, it's not fine. I can't believe you."
"Hey, don't be like that. I didn't expect to get laid tonight"
"You never know when it might happen. You should always be prepared."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't planning on having sex with you."
"You didn't plan it? But you agreed to come here with me."
"Well, yeah, but I thought we were just going to hang out."
"Hang out? We're not in college anymore. We're adults. This is a date."
"It's a date?, you're getting married to someone else in 2 days and this is a date?"
"we are not doing this without condom"
"I'll pull out on time, please"
"pull out? No way. You think I'm going to take that chance?
"Pallavi, I can't wait any longer. Let's have some fun. It's fine, I'll pull out before I cum"
"Pull out? What are you, in high school? No way. You should have been more responsible. Why didn't you bring a condom?"
"Come on, Pallavi, you're killing the mood."
She got up and started picking her clothes "Let's go to resort, we are already late"
"Pallavi, we can finish our unfinished work."
"I told you no. Come on, get dressed."
He pulled her close and kissed her neck "Come on, Pallavi. Let's finish this."
"Stop, I can't."
He pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "We're not finished yet. We can still have a great time together. We're two consenting adults. No one has to know."
"No, we can't. This is wrong. We have to stop."
He cupped her chin and kissed her. "Please, Pallavi. I want you so badly. Just a little longer."
"No. No. It's not right."
"I can't stop thinking about you. Your scent. Your taste. Your body. I have to have you. Just a little longer. Please. I'm begging you."
"No. I'm leaving."
He held her hand and kissed it. "Please, Pallavi. Give me one more chance. I'll make it worth your while." She threw his hand away and got up.
Zaid grabbed his hand and pinned her on bed. "I want to finish what we started."
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Just a little longer."
"Fuck off."
He held her hands above her head and kissed her.
"Please, Pallavi."
"No. We can't. You have to let me go."
"We're not finished yet. I'll make you feel so good."
"No. Stop." He spread her legs and bring his cock closer.
"No, don't!"
He penetrates her and begins thrusting.
"No. Stop. Stop. Please."
"You're so fucking tight. Fuck."
"Please, stop." He kissed her and grabbed her boobs, she stopped resisting and starts responding to his moves.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He kissed her and held her hands.
"You're a fucking monster."
"A fucking monster with a big cock. That's what you like, isn't it?"
"I hate you."
"I love you."
"I fucking hate you."
"You can't say no to my cock."
"I hate you."
"Say no and I'll stop."
"No, you don't mean it."
"Yes, I do. I want you to stop."
"Then say no again."
"No, I don't want you to stop."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"You don't seem very sure."
"Yes, I'm sure, just fuck me harder”
He kissed her and began fucking her harder. She moaned, and he kissed her again. He grabbed her boobs from his left hand and inserted his finger in her mouth with his right hand. Her hands are now free and scratching his back. The sound of his strokes are filling the room and with every thrust a squeal leaves from pallavi's mouth. Although she was not a virgin but her previous experiences were no way closer to the sensation she is feeling now and fact that she is going to get married in couple of days was igniting her further.
His thrusts became more powerful, and he was moaning. She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were rolled back. She was gripping the bedsheets, and her legs were wrapped around his waist. He was sweating, and his muscles were flexing. Partial reflection of their bodies on the window glass was making him more animalistic and he stopped to change the pose and placed her on her four. Her boobs are hanging and he is now squeezing them and pounding her pussy from behind.
The bed is creaking and he is groaning. Pallavi is biting the pillow to control her loud moans and her face is getting red. Zaid is breathing heavily, and his hands are gripping her ass. She is moving her hips to match his rhythm. He is grunting and sweating. They are both lost in the moment, and the pleasure is overtaking them.
"Oh my God," he said, gritting his teeth. "You feel so fucking good."
"Keep going," she urged. "Don't stop."
"I'm not going to last much longer," he said, his voice strained.
"It's okay," she said. "Just keep going."
He was breathing heavily, and his hands were gripping her hips. She was moving her hips to match his rhythm, and her face was pressed against the bed. Her ass was in the air, and her pussy was tightening around his cock. He was grunting, and his muscles were flexing. He was close to climaxing.
"Come for me," she whispered.
He leaned forward, and his hands reached for her shoulders. He was thrusting harder, and his cock was buried deep inside her. He was moaning, and his movements were becoming erratic.
"Come for me," she repeated. "Come inside me."
"I can't," he said. "I'm going to cum."
"I want you to," she said. "I want you to cum inside me."
He was breathing heavily, and his cock was pulsing inside her. His hands were gripping her shoulders, and his face was buried in her hair. His thrusts were becoming more frantic, and he was moaning.
"Oh God," he said. "Oh fuck."
Zaid said "You were hell bent for wearing a condom few minutes ago, now you want me to cum inside?"
She didn't respond, she was too lost in the moment.
"Pallavi" he says, "I am going to cum inside you."
She is nodding and biting the pillow. Her eyes are squeezed shut, and her face is red.
Zaid's body is shaking, and his grip is tightening.
"Oh fuck," he says. "Oh God."
He is grunting, and his muscles are flexing.
"Come inside me," she says.
His cock is pulsing, and his movements are erratic.
"Come inside me," she repeats.
"I'm going to cum," he says. He starts filling her pussy with his seed.
"Oh my God," she says, her voice muffled.
Zaid's body is shaking, and his cock is pulsing.
"That was amazing," she says, turning around to face him. "Never had this feeling before"
"It was good, wasn't it?"
"You're a beast," she says, laughing.
"So are you."
They kiss, and Zaid holds her close and puts his lips on boobs and starts sucking it, "I can't get over these marvelous piece"
She laughs and pushes him away playfully.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she says, smiling.
He reaches out and grabs her breast, massaging it.
"Zaid, no," she says, but her tone is playful. "We're already very late"
Zaid was hard again in no time, even he was amazed by how his body is responding to Pallavi's beauty.
"Zaid, stop. We have to get going."
"Pallavi, I'm a beast and you are a goddess, how can I leave without a complete experience."
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