Thriller Shadow's Vengeance
Chapter 2: Shadows of Deceit


The city awoke to a chilling reality, a headline that sent shivers down the collective spine of its inhabitants: "NO LEADS, NO WITNESS, NO EVIDENCE." The morning paper bore witness to a perfect storm of mystery, a cryptic narrative etched in bold, unforgiving letters.
In the absence of tangible clues, the city found itself ensnared in a web of questions, a narrative that refused to unravel. The crime, a masterpiece of discretion, left investigators grasping at shadows, their efforts thwarted by an elusive perpetrator who seemed to defy the very essence of detection.
The silence that followed the headline was as profound as the mystery itself. No whispers of witnesses, no threads of evidence to weave together the tapestry of the crime. It was as if the city had been plunged into a surreal stillness, the absence of leads creating an unsettling void.
Within the confines of law enforcement, frustration loomed large. The investigation was a labyrinth with no exit, a puzzle missing its crucial pieces. The usual avenues of inquiry seemed barren, as if the very fabric of reality had conspired to shield the enigma from prying eyes.
For those immersed in the criminal underworld, the headline carried a different weight – a testament to the prowess of a phantom who had left no trace. The ominous message rippled through the city's underbelly, a warning that whispered, "The unseen can be more formidable than the seen."
"No leads, no witness, no evidence" became a haunting refrain, a mantra that echoed through the alleys and corridors. The city, usually a cacophony of stories and secrets, now held its breath, waiting for the next unpredictable turn in a narrative that defied the conventions of justice and order.
In the absence of concrete answers, speculation and unease intertwined, creating an atmosphere of suspense that lingered like a ghost. The enigmatic figure behind the crime remained elusive, the city's collective gaze searching for clues in the shadows, where the truth lay cloaked in impenetrable darkness.
The Lonewolf, a silent architect of chaos, had orchestrated a flawless hit, leaving behind a crime scene shrouded in impenetrable mystery. The headline screamed of the enigma surrounding the execution, a feat that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to contemplate the shadows.
Within the clandestine confines of the assembly, Mid-man, the harbinger of caution, scrutinized the news with a wary eye. "Have you seen the paper… the security officer haven't found anything. Although it has only been one day. Evidence may turn up during the investigation."
Lone Wolf, unmoved by the uncertainty, asserted confidently, "There's nothing to find."
Mid-man, burdened by the weight of doubt, confided, "I spoke with Usman, but he is not convinced."
"The hit was perfect… Don't waste my time," Lone Wolf retorted, his patience is thin as the veil of secrecy that surrounded him.
Mid-man, however, persisted, "Look, the assembly has a very high standard for recruiting new members."
The Lone Wolf, growing impatient, declared, "Alright, I'm gone. Good Luck"
Mid-man, left alone in the shadows, dialled Usman's number, a tone of urgency in his voice. "Usman, it's me."
"When is he coming in? I want to meet the kid," Usman demanded, his authority cutting through the phone line.
"I told him we're not convinced. He walked away," Mid-man confessed, knowing the consequences of his revelation.
"You better be fucking joking!" Usman's rage echoed through the receiver.
"We need to stay in control. He came to us… Yes, we need him… But I believe, for some reason, he needs us more," Mid-man reasoned, his words are in a delicate dance on the edge of defiance.
"Get him back… How the fuck will you even find him?" Usman's command was clear, an order that brooked no dissent.
"I have a feeling that he will find us."
The sun hung high in the sky as the assembly's plan unfolded. The courthouse, a symbol of justice, would now bear witness to a different form of judgment. The Lone Wolf, perched in a concealed Vantage point, peered through the scope of his sniper rifle.
The courthouse square buzzed with the rhythm of daily life, unaware of the impending storm. LoneWolf, had chosen daylight for this hit, daring the world to witness his prowess. The anticipation reached a crescendo as the lawyer, the target of his dark design, stepped into the courthouse square. Lone Wolf, a ghost in broad daylight, moved with calculated precision, his every step a dance with destiny. The air crackled with tension as the cityscape transformed into a theatre of suspense.
The Lone Wolf's finger tightened on the trigger, his breath slow and deliberate. Time seemed to stretch as the assembly held its collective breath. The world paused, suspended in the breathless moment before the storm.
In one swift motion, the trigger was pulled, and a gunshot shattered the urban symphony. The walking lawyer crumpled to the ground; a puppet cut loose from its strings. Panic erupted among the onlookers, a chorus of screams blending with the cacophony of the city.
With a muted crack, the sniper rifle echoed through the square. The bullet, a silent messenger, soared through the air with deadly precision. The lawyer, unaware of his impending fate, crumpled to the ground, a crimson blossom staining the courthouse steps.

Stay Tuned...
Would love some comments if anyone is reading...
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Shadow's Vengeance - by Iesha - 29-11-2023, 12:52 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Iesha - 29-11-2023, 02:44 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Iesha - 30-11-2023, 08:42 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Pentagon - 01-12-2023, 09:31 AM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Pentagon - 05-12-2023, 09:23 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by behka - 06-12-2023, 07:06 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Pentagon - 15-12-2023, 09:09 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by sri7869 - 06-01-2024, 10:49 PM
RE: Shadow's Vengeance - by Pentagon - 26-01-2024, 10:10 AM
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