Adultery A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS

Rajat realized that he was reaching the point of no return. His lower abdomen began to spasm and his up and spread legs began to judder and jolt!
"OOO-FUCCCK!!!  I'M CUMM-MMINGGG!!!" cried Rajat.
Suddenly, Mona stopped, and pulled away and stood silent between his legs. 
Rajat's eyes flew open wide as he cried out, "Oh, PLEASE!! DON'T STOPPP!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!!"
Mona smiled wickedly as she saw her friend's husband hanging at the edge of an erotic cliff, his entire body convulsing. Precum juices had suddenly stopped flowing from the head of his penis and the purple head quavered. To her absolute delight, she found a thick small drop of white semen suddenly appearing through the narrow opening of Rajat's urethra, rising like molten lava and then slowly receding! 
His pee-hole gaped at an incredible size in front of her eyes!!
"PLEEEEZZZZ!!!" Rajat cried as his thick, monstrous cock stood at a sixty-degree angle from his abdomen, pulsating and shuddering, his huge scrotum on the extreme verge of shooting it’s first load!
Mona's face lowered once again!
Rajat heaved with expectant release to happen anytime!
Yet to his dismay, he found her going back to lick and suck his scrotum instead of his shaft!
As she knelt down between Rajat's legs once again, Mona went straight by making her action to take herself to another pitch. She kissed, licked, salivated and sucked his entire groin from his cock head through his shaft down to his scrotum by pulling, tugging and munching all over and everywhere. To make it extremely pleasuring, her tongue darted around his anus and it’s sensitive hole in wanton.
Rajat squirmed and cried for release!
He wanted release!!
She wouldn't budge!
She wanted revenge!!
To his extreme horror, he felt her tongue pushing hard against his butt-hole!
It was payback time!
Mona was in delirium as she tasted the flavor or his rectum in her mouth. She wouldn't stop. Her tongue lapped and probed right into his most sensitive area that never wanted anyone to explore!
Yet, she was determined. She smothered his anus with her saliva. Her left hand pumped his shaft up and down. Her right hand pushed his butt-cheeks wider to her leverage. In a sudden punishing movement, she made a final thrust of her tongue into his puckered hole!
"OOH-FUUUCKK-LEEENNNYY!!!", Rajat hollered. 
Her tongue hit it’s mark!
Her sharp tongue-tip penetrated his rectum!!
"OOOH-FUCCK!!!", he screamed again.
In a sudden move, Mona drew her tongue back and pushed her latex covered middle finger right into the tiny rectal opening!
"AAAAAAAAH-NOOOOO-FUCCCCK!!!", an ear-splitting scream came from Rajat!
His anus burned!
Her finger dived further into the tight cleft!
He shouted…he cursed…and he howled again…but nothing changed!
Her tongue sliced into his pee-hole and flicked itself to exchange his agony!
Rajat squirmed with pleasure, sting and tickle as her tongue penetrated his narrow slit and created electric pulses!
Her soft rubber cladded finger squeezed and dodged deeper into his rectum!
Despite being a sex champion, Rajat was powerless to protest!
His anal ring took the severe hit of being pried open to an alien object that it never encountered!
Her finger burned inside his colon!
Her mouth roamed and rolled his crown into it’s heat filled cavern while her tongue drew every drop that his balls secreted through it’s hole!
"SHIIIITTTT-OOH-GOD-NOOOUU!!!", Rajat cried out loud.
Mona continued worshipping his balls and anus using her right hand and middle finger.
His whining was the proof for her to recognize the unbearable level of ecstasy that he was going through!
She wanted revenge!
Her mouth left his penis for a second. Through his tear-filled eyes, Rajat saw her head dripping down and her lips clasping around the back of his shaft, right at it’s base, her tongue darted over it’s thick membrane that was pulsing with potent cum to be propelled!!
Mona was enthralled as she heard Rajat using his wife's name on her as it confirmed that he hasn't recognized her yet. With that conformance, she added her vigor and used her left hand to pump his shaft up and down with express momentum while her finger nudged and swayed inside his asshole and brushed at his prostate sac mildly.
In response, his cock bulged and spasmed wildly.
Mona's eyes caught the movement of his jolting shaft and she moved upwards and gulped his penis. With all the lubrication over his phallus, Mona found her lips slipping down beyond it’s oversized head.
"Gllluck!!!", a momentary pause happened to Mona as she felt herself gagging and starting a puking sensation yet she redoubled her efforts.
"AAAAAAAHH!!!", Rajat yelled as his eyes split open and saw the black masked woman's red lips forcing down through his pulsing shaft.
Mona leaned forward a bit to make room for her mouth to accommodate, instead she felt the bulbous head moving past her tonsils and entering her throat!
Rajat's hips bucked!
Penis got inserted inside her gullet!
Mona arched her body upwards automatically to accept the invading monster!
Her left hand pumped up and down his monolith furiously that matched her finger which had torn past his rectal resistance and was gliding in and out of it’s burning hole!
Rajat realized the outcome to be inevitable and he couldn't delay it anymore. He tried his best to relax his molested anus while he received relief from top!
Mona gulped and slurped his shaft with lightning speed as her throat allowed to engulf more of his length!
Suddenly, she felt her left hand that was travelling all through his length and scrotum throbbing. When she looked down, she saw his ball-sac shrinking and tightening to convey that her actions were becoming fruitful...
It was now or never!
She pushed herself down on his density once again by spreading her overstretched lips. 
Her throat cavity yielded!
Through his teary eyes, Rajat saw his wife devouring his manhood and swallowing almost half of it’s length!
Her middle finger moved like a frenzied piston to it’s hilt and back through his anal canal!
Rajat's brain moved over to a plateau of pleasure that he never encountered in his event filled carnal moments!
A deep guttural moan began deep inside the man as both their eyes locked each other. His chest heaved up and his back arched while his legs splayed to the obscenest angle allowing his wife to lead him to the edge of absolute ecstasy!
Mona whimpered and slurped along with Rajat matching his emotions. Her tongue flicked into his pee-hole with electrifying pace, her mouth bludgeoned and allowed his bucking hips to push his penis more into her esophagus, she gagged, yet opened her wind tunnel to allow the hard gasps to pass through, her finger pistoned his rectal chute, saliva and precum overflowed through the miniscule gaps and smothered her hand, his shaft and scrotum.
Rajat's body suddenly froze!
In response, Mona stopped her drilling on his pee-slit and widened her mouth to slip and gulp his shaft further deep to the extent that her esophagus would allow!
She felt a sudden gush of liquid jolting from his balls!
His penal nerves almost broke from the waves of blood that passed through it’s vessels...the shaft prepared itself to propel the white froth that sliced through his semen pipe and forced itself outwards through it’s expanded slit!!
The first, searing, thick, white load of cum exploded through his urethral hole!!!
Mona had no second thought...she gulped!
The molten liquid forced itself out from his penis like a fountain!!
She slurped and savored the first taste of another man's cum inside her!
It’s sweet and salty flavor suffocated her head as it drilled down through her throat!!
Before she could let a gasp to allow, his penis jerked and a second spurt gushed into her esophagus!
Her entire body worked as a single organism to gulp it down!!
"UUUFF-MMMMM!!!", Rajat couldn't stop himself from grunting out. It was an orgasm that shook him to the core and it’s force made his hips to arch as he had no leverage on his wife who seemed to be hell-bound in sucking his soul out of his penis!
Though her eyes were tightly clasped, Mona sensed the incredible shaft growing another size inside her mouth!!
"OOOUU-FFF-UUUCCKKK!!!", Rajat thrashed against his cuff-restraints.
Third load of foamy, white cream continued to shoot into the vacuum of her throat beyond her soft, slithery mouth and the rotating tongue that willingly accepted his projectile!!!
"OOO-UUUFF!!!" Rajat's eyes were wide open and as he saw his wife's masked head and her glimmering red lips keeping his shaft tight inside it’s enclaves while her throat showing the sign that she was swallowing what he was letting out...every nerve of his body responded back to pump more inside her!!!
Mona sucked yet another time and as her left hand felt the fourth jerk, she sensed an additional weight being added on her head and back!
Her eyes flew open!!!
Rajat's eyes were clamped shut!!!
She was helpless- she gagged-she contorted-she controlled-and still gulped!!!
While undergoing such powerful ejaculations with her finger cruelly gruelled inside his rectal column, Rajat felt defeat and his legs moved downwards from mid-air for leverage. His right leg slowed down to rest on Mona's left shoulder blade and his right foot came to rest on top of her masked head!!!
She felt the hefty legs of her friend's husband forcing her head further down through his penis-length!
His fifth stream of cum sprayed out directly into her throat!!
As if reacting to it’s impact, his left feet on top of her head shoved down!
Mona gulped the jet of his fourth spurt!
Before it reached her tracheal chute, her back arched up in extreme contortion!
Her stomach jolted as the potent cum started to return back from her intestine!
Mona's arched body acted on itself and allowed a long gasp to pass through her nose giving her throat the much wanted space to stop her intestine from churning outside and letting the cum quantity to move past her trachea!!
The bulk and immensity of his leg and feet were enormous for Mona to contain. Yet she tried...she moved her finger inside his anus with extra speed to convey him about her discomfort!
"AAAAAHH-STTTOOPPPLEEES!!!", Rajat shouted and opened his eyes. He froze in mid-air at what he saw in front!
His wife had swallowed almost half of his penis!
And was still churning it with her mouth and tongue...drinking his cum!
Mona couldn't do anything other than doubling her effort to slug his continuing outpour!
There was no indication of slowing down from Rajat's scrotum. Her left hand conveyed it to her as the balls were hard and contorted more as she rolled it while squeezing his shaft-base. The convulsions from his penis were not stopping!
 "OOOOOOOOH!!!", Rajat's eyes closed once again and Mona felt his feet pushing her head hard.
Fifth load came out!!
She gulped it immediately!!
Sixth...Seventh...Eight...she lost count…he lost count…both of entered into the most ecstatic realm of erotic and animalistic release!!!
Mona tried opening her eyes in between and found the white froth mixed with saliva escaping through the sides of her lips and smearing his length as her left hand used it as leverage to pump faster. Once she lost count of his countless jutting streams of cum, she felt his leg losing it’s power. As she looked at his face, Mona saw him heaving and gasping for breath and the pressure from his scrotum was slowing down rapidly!
Her brain didn’t rest!
The taste of his potent cum that slowly came out from his penis hole was now filling her mouth and she was devouring it’s taste!
She wanted more!
Mona added her index finger to join her middle finger and inserted into his anal tunnel!
Rajat jolted with his eyes wide open and mouth gaped with his scream!!
He wrestled against his arm-cuff to escape!
His right leg tried to force her shoulder away from her viscous sucking!!!
Mona was persistent!
Her two fingers dug deep!!
They tore past the heated resistance that his anal column protested with and rested right on his prostate!!!
Her left hand pumped his shaft furiously!
Her mouth stayed rigid and her tongue licked the slowing down droplets of his cum!!
Her right hand remained with both index and middle finger inserted to hilt-pushing against his prostate!!!
She pressed the soft gland-once!
Rajat cried in protest!
Mona locked her eyes with Rajat who was literally pleading her to stop.
Yet her fingers pressed his prostate! Hard as she could! It was her sweet revenge!!!
"I KEPT IT IN THAT CABINET-PLEEEESE-STOPP!!!", Rajat screamed as his legs tried to stop his wife from sucking and jabbing his anus. He was ready to do anything to stop her!
Mona paused for a moment and noted the cabinet where he had concealed the gift per his script.
Nothing mattered to her!
She plunged her fingers in another forceful push to his prostate-sac!
"OOOOOOOOOH-FUCCC-KKK-NOO-OOOOH!!!", his screams jolted the house.
Mona felt the sudden twitch and heavy pumping of his scrotum!
Within the next microsecond, her mouth tasted the now familiar flavor of his dense broth spreading her taste buds and moving down through her throat!
Her fingers pushed his prostate once again.
"OOH-GOOD! OOOH-FFUUUCCK! OOOOOH!", he cried another time.
Mona felt his shaft muscle contracting and expanding rapidly to allow the prostate induced ejaculation to pass through seamlessly to her gulping mouth!!!
He propelled again!
She drank it directly!!
His scrotum pushed the last of it’s remaining liquid to his penis chute!
She guzzler it as it poured out of his penis-slit!!
"PLLLLLLLEEEESE-STOOOOPPPP!!!", Rajat screamed as his entire body froze and fell hard back onto the couch!
Mona released her fingers right at the exact moment she realized the man was done for!
She held his legs on her shoulder and back as her left hand relaxed it’s grip on the thick but softening shaft and her mouth slowly moved upwards simultaneously. As she carefully pulled her fingers out from his anus, once again burning his anal ring, she heard him silently moaning. With a smile on her face, Mona sucked the last drop of his thick, white spume from his penis crown before leaving it free, she heard his groan that seemed to be complaining!
He was down in deep slumber!
The convulsions on his shaft didn't fade away immediately as she watched in rapt fascination!
He laid in deep sleep and it was then she realized it!
It was then or never!
She needed to escape immediately!!
Mona went straight to the cabinet and took the small box. It was a small jewelry bag. 
She took it and ran!
She ran to the living room and opened the main door of the house. She didn't care who might see her...but the damage was already done...she wanted to explain herself to Linny first...she opened the door.
It wouldn't open!
"The keys! Oh-shitt!", she recalled Rajat saying that he ensured no one would disturb them for the night and closed the house himself.
She had no idea where to search. With fear-found-strength, she ran back to the room where he was sleeping and made a quick search on table tops and drawers.
No keys!
Mona froze on her toes when she heard Rajat moving!
She looked at the naked sleeping giant and found his eyes closed because his body movements indicated an imminent activity. Despite her grave situation, her eyes locked at the softened yet immensely large penis where residue of white cum and saliva had dried up and invited her carnal desires!
But, she had to hide!
With one more look at the impressive penis, she ran!!
She ran with the gift in her hand to upstairs!!
Her dazed brain directed her to the bedrooms on first floor and found none of the bedrooms or toilets having a safe place to hide!
"Yes!", Mona recalled a space!
She ran again!
She opened the secret room door and closed it from inside. Her legs moved like a tbangzium artist as they took her behind the large water bed head counter which was against the wall but had space for her to hide.
She crouched down through the available space and sat down.
"I am safe!", she heard her voice murmuring inside her head.
"Thank God!!", Mona cajoled herself.
But deep down, within her subconscious, a voice screeched out to her half-dead brain shrieking that..."the night was only beginning!!!"
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A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 12:40 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:51 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:53 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 01:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-11-2023, 08:27 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:32 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-11-2023, 11:35 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-11-2023, 10:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Xossipyan - 07-11-2023, 04:46 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-11-2023, 11:03 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 08-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:22 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:24 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:26 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:32 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:35 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 09-11-2023, 11:43 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:51 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:53 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 11-11-2023, 12:54 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Hotyyhard - 11-11-2023, 05:09 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:00 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:54 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 10:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 13-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:45 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:51 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 14-11-2023, 11:53 PM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 09:44 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:48 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 15-11-2023, 10:54 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 18-11-2023, 12:43 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Mampi - 18-11-2023, 09:27 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 19-11-2023, 06:14 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 20-11-2023, 11:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Hotyyhard - 21-11-2023, 08:29 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 10:52 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:13 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:15 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:16 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:20 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 21-11-2023, 11:21 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 25-11-2023, 01:16 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 25-11-2023, 01:17 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Mampi - 27-11-2023, 09:57 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:08 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 29-11-2023, 11:58 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:00 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:01 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:05 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 30-11-2023, 12:06 AM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 04-12-2023, 04:45 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 05-12-2023, 05:55 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:39 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:41 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:46 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:49 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 06-12-2023, 04:50 PM
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RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:28 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 07-12-2023, 04:29 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:05 PM
RE: A Promiscuous Dare! by YLTS - by Aavesh9 - 10-12-2023, 04:04 PM
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