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WRITER'S SPECIAL ধুম্রগড় রহস্যে বড়বৌদি (চতুর্থ পর্ব প্রকাশিত)
No need to be fed up sir. I hope you will find the copy soon.I haven't started this novel yet but will start to read soon Though I read your Boudi Chumu Tomar Dudhe novel. I must say you are the most versatile write I have ever seen. You have your own charm. Whether in Sadhu or in Chalit you are an awesome writer. I am glad that you returned. I am waiting for the Sunday. Kudos!
Warm Greetings!
[Image: 20230912-130230.png]
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RE: ধুম্রগড় রহস্যে বড়বৌদি - by দত্তাত্রেয় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় - 28-09-2023, 09:21 PM

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