Adultery Sexy MOM with her Official Colleague Mr. GAJENDRA (UPDATED)
Story continues from its last part :

I reached home and directly went to washroom to release my juice that made my dick rock hard after witnessing such scene at uncle's flat. I was thinking how lucky is Gajendra uncle. Within 2 minutes my dick started oozing out sperm and falling on washroom's tiles . I was in full pleasure that continued for another 20 seconds. Then after I washed myself and the floor with water and came out. I saw mom was cutting vegetables for the dinner . I went towards mom and sat beside her. 
She asked -"Had you Gave that plant to uncle ?
I replied- "Yes mom."
Mom -"Was he saying something?"
I -"He said Thank you to you."
Mom smiled and remained cutting vegetables.
I then said -"Will you cook something special today mom?"
Mom -"Why ? What is today?"
I -"Uncle told he will come for dinner today at our house."
Mom -"So what..He is no more a guest for us. He is like a family member now."
I said in my mind that "Here mom is considering him as family member and there uncle has started having lustful relations with one more woman"
I remained silent and then asked mom -"Mom , your bank will remain closed for more days or what ?"
Mom -"It depends on lockdown decision dear. If lockdown happens, everything will get closed automatically. But online work has to be continued"
I replied -"Ohh..."
Then I went to my room to attend my evening classes. Around 8:30 PM my classes got over. I came out of my room and saw mom watching television. 
I asked her -"Is dinner ready mom?"
she saw me and said said -"Dinner is ready beta."
I then proceeded towards the kitchen but she stopped me in between and said -"Let Gajendra come. We will have dinner together"

Then mom and I together started watching the television. Through news we got to know that Government of India had extended the lockdown till next month. This was the first phase of lockdown period in India. Everything got paused and mom's bank going schedule too get stopped for one month now . 
After news ,  she started watching some boring saas Bahu type TV serials hence I took out my phone and started playing games on it. 

About one hour passed . It was 9:30 PM now but uncle hadn't came yet. 
Mom asked me -"What time Gajendra told you to come for dinner when you went to his flat at Evening?"
I replied -"He told that he will come around 9PM"
Mom -"It's 9:30 now. Let me call him."
Saying this he picked her phone and dialled uncle's number. But uncle didn't receive the call. Mom called him many times but he didn't receive. 
I asked -"What happened mom?"
Mom -"Gajendra isn't receiving the call beta."
I -"It's too late mom. I think we should have dinner now."
Mom -"Well..if you want to have dinner you can. I think I should wait for half an hour more. If he came he will feel awkward having dinner alone."
I replied -"I think he will not come mom."
Mom -"Will you go to his flat again beta ?"
I -"Again ? But why ? Would you want to send the dinner to his flat by me?"
Mom laughed and replied -" No dear. Just wanted to confirm whether he is coming or not. He isn't responding to my calls. I am feeling little worried about this"

I didn't want to go to his flat , but seeing my mom's worries face I said -"Ok mom. I am going to his flat." Saying I left.
I reached to his flat's door and rang the door bell. He didn't opened. I was irritated with his such activities that dayy. He always responds very quickly whether to calls or bells. But that day neither he received the call nor he was opening the door now.
I kept ringing the door bell and after 2 minutes he opened the door. He was topless and just wearing his trousers. He saw me and got little nervous .
He asked me -"What happened? Why you came here ?"
I could sensed his irritation in his voice saying me that. My eyes went on his face and body . The milk like droplets was there on his cheeks and chest dripping from there upto his waist and belly portion. And that milk was clearly visible to my eyes.
I said -"Uncle you told me and mom that you will come today during dinner. You hadn't came yet hence mom told me to ask you whether you are coming or not"
Uncle -"Then you should call me over phone dear. Why you visited here ?"
I -"Mom called you several times few minutes ago but you didn't receive. That's why she sent me here"
Uncle then became silent for few seconds and then said -"Tell Sreerupa Sorry on behalf of me, I will not come today. My stomach is upset."
I then said -"Ohh...had you taken medicine?"
Uncle -"Yes I had. Now you go and enjoy dinner." 
Uncle's each reply seemed like he wants to leave quickly from his door. He didn't even asked me to come inside. It's unsual behaviour of him. Then my eyes went towards his sofa inside and I saw a green coloured blouse and light Yellow coloured saree was lying on the floor and sofa.  At few 1 feet away a pink coloured bra was also lying on the floor. I was confused watching them at such places inside his flat. He saw me that I was watching inside and he quickly made me turned around and told -"Bye beta."  Saying this he closed his door on my face.
I was very much astonished by his such behaviour. 
I stepped out from his apartment and proceeded towards my house. During that time I was recalling that saree and blouse lying on the sofa . Then I remembered that when I went his flat at evening I saw that lady in the same blouse and saree. 
I could now easily interpret that the lady was surely inside his flat now. His irritation on finding me at his door was just because of the disturbance that I created ringing the doorbell.

I reached my house. As I entered mom asked me -"Hey beta...what happened..was Gajendra at his flat ?"
I said in my mind "Not only a Gajendra, a slutty woman is too at his flat"
But I replied -"Yes mom, he said he will not come today for dinner. His stomach is upset "
Mom asked -"Stomach upset ? Had he taken any medicine or not ?"
I replied -"He said he had taken."
I then went to the kitchen and served dinner for myself and mom too. And came in dinning table. Mom's face was upset due to uncle's absence at the dinner . She had made his favourite Vegetable and Kheer along with Paratha. 

Seeing my mom's sad face, anger burst out within me for uncle. But I didn't show it infront of mom as she loved him so much. I had my dinner and then went to my room saying "Good night" to mom. 
I was sure about the fact that he must be having sex with that lady today's night and hence he didn't came to my house for dinner. Even if he came to our house he will surely get sex from my mom. His lustful nature was well known to me for my mother. 
But for two days he was busy with some other woman. 

Next morning I got up around 7AM and saw my mom reading the newspaper. I said "Good Morning" to her to which she replied "Morning beta" in a normal voice. But I knew thar somewhere inside her mind she was upset due to uncle's yesterday's night activity.

I went to washroom and get myself fresh. After half an hour I and mom has breakfast and then mom went to garden area to pour water to plants. I went to my room to attend my online classes. But for some reasons that day morning online classes were suspended. Hence I decided to watch television for sometime.

Around 10 AM I heard door bell rang of my house. I saw mom went to open the door. And it was none other than Gajendra uncle.
He said to my mom smilingly -"Very good morning my sweetheart"
As mom was upset due to his last night ignorance she didn't reply to his words. 
Uncle came inside and sat on sofa. Mom didn't even saw him and went to her room.

Uncle asked me in low voice -"Is your mom upset dear ?"
I was also angry on him . But don't replying is against my courtesy. Hence I said -"May be. As you didn't came at yesterday's dinner even after saying."
Uncle -"Ohh...well.."
I wanted to ask him why he showed such rude behaviour to me last night when I visited his flat. But I didn't ask and kept watching television.

Uncle then went to her room. As everytime I feel curious to know about their activities whenever they are together, that time I kept myself on sofa and didn't go there to peep them . Because I was well known that mom was very much upset.

After 15 minutes I saw uncle and mom came out of the room together. Uncle was holding mom's right hand and they sat on the side fa beside me. 
Mom was silent . It seemed she had cried a little as her eyes were little wet. 
Uncle told me -"Ayush , beta your mom was upset with me..but now I had removed that upset mood out of her. Am I right Sweetheart ?"
Uncle asked mom calling her "sweetheart" infront of me. Mom smiled a bit and then put her head on his shoulder. Uncle kissed her forehead and moved her face slightly upwards towards his lips. His lips was moving forward to kiss her then mom stopped him and said him about my presence through her eyes. I turned my face towards television. Uncle then turned his face towards me and asked me -"Beta, I want to say sorry to your mom again for yesterday. Would you mind if I say sorry with a kiss on her lips?"

I was blank by such question. Didn't know how to react and reply on that question.
My mind told me to leave them there and go to my own room but my curiosity regarding them was so high that I remained sitting there. Uncle again asked -"Ayush...Would you mind that beta ?"
I then replied in a stammering voice -"I have no problem uncle. You can say sorry like that."
Uncle then turned his face towards mom and said -"See your son is so broad minded and you are behaving like an orthodox."
Mom was silent and smiling a little looking downwards on the floor.
Mom remained in stable position but uncle's lips without wasting any second already had started travelling across mom's cheeks, ears, neck and finally on lips. He licked his lips with hers. And then I saw mom too got excited and holded his head with her both hands and responded him with a heavy lip lock session. At first the kiss was passionate and slow but it turned into a hard kissing session. They were sucking each other's saliva and didn't allowing a single wind to paas from in between their lips. I was sitting beside them and witnessing their kiss for the first time so nearly. The sound of their saliva was coming clearly to my ears. Television was running but my focus was completely on their kiss. Uncle's back was towards my right hand and then I saw mom tightly wrapped her hands around his back.
My dick became very much tight witnessing such scene so closely. 
Around 10 minutes of vigorous kiss uncle aparted his lips from mom and turned his face towards me. I could see mom's pink lipstick was scattered all over her lips and  chin.
Uncle's lips was also seemed pink due to sucking mom's lipstick. 
Uncle said to me -"I hope you focused on television while we were busy with each other's lips. Right Ayush ?" Saying this he laughed loudly. Mom was too smiling. Then she stood up and went towards the basin to wash her mouth and scattered lipstick .

I was hiding my hardness through a cushion lying on the sofa. Uncle said to me -"Beta, I love your mom more than anything in this world. I couldn't see her upset. "
I just smiled at his words. In my mind I told him "Same thing you must told that lady too. Aren't you uncle?" But I remained silent.

Then I saw mom came near sofa and instead of sitting with uncle she sat beside me. Now I was sitting in between mom and uncle. Mom asked me in low voice -"What would you like to eat in lunch beta ?"

I didn't want to answer her right then after witnessing her such vigourous kiss with uncle. Before I could say anything to her, uncle said to her -"Let Ayush have Sandwiches in the lunch."
I turned my face towards uncle and asked him -"Sandwiches ? In lunch "
Uncle -"Why not beta... See mom is so much tired today. Give her at least one day to rest. I had bought sandwiches for you from my house. Saying he went outside and picked up a plastic bag from our garden chair. He must put that plastic bag there while coming to our house for sure. 

He came inside with that bag and handed it to me. Mom was not responding on his such idea of having sandwiches in lunch. Then uncle told something in the ear of my mom , to which she turned her face towards me. It seemed that she wanted to tell me something that moment but her voice was not favouring her mouth. Then uncle held her hand and made her stood up from the sofa. And the very next moment he carried my mom in his both hands and kissed her infront of me once again. I wondered he was so muscular that a chubby lady easily got lifted in his both hands.

That day they were opening their lust infront of me. I don't know it was intentionally or they all their shame to satisfy their desires. Mom was shying being carried on her hands and wrapped her hands around his neck. She then turned her face towards me and told me -"Gajendra and I needed to discuss some official online matter beta. Don't disturb us for 2 hours."

After hearing mom's words uncle replied her -"Shut up dear. Your so is not a school going kid. He understands everything. Don't give such dumb common excuses to him"
Mom smiled on it.  
Then uncle turned his face towards me and said to me -"Don't disturb us till evening beta. Whatever you need to eat just order it from my phone."
Saying this he took my mom to her bedroom carrying her in his hands. I kept listening and watching their activities just like I were a lifeless idol. Uncle had sex whole night with that unknown lady at his house and now he is going to have sex with my mom from morning till evening. His testicles must be most busy organ of his body. His hunger can't get satisfied with one woman.  I remained watching him proceeding towards mom's bedroom and thinking all these things. 
Uncle then locked the room from inside . 
I went to my room and lied on my bed. I knew today uncle came here for compensating his yesterday's absence. Within few minutes moaning and groaning sounds of mom and uncle started coming out of the room . Their voices were so loud that it was clearly heared this time even in my room. I wanted to go and watch them from behind the window of her room but I controlled myself. But my dick was fully hard listening to their steamy voices. Uncle's ejaculating groaning voice came twice back to back within a time span of 1 hour. And then their voice coming got stopped. I too ejaculated that day lying on my bed hearing their sounds. 

Around 1 PM I came out of my room for having lunch. I went to mom's door but it was still locked. I wanted to knock it but didn't do that. I didn't want to eat sandwich in lunch. That plastic packet of Sandwich was still lying on the sofa table. But Instead of eating it I picked uncle's phone and ordered Paneer butter masala and Tandoori Naan. I didn't paid the bill online and used cash on delivery option as I didn't new neither of my mom's security payment PIN nor of uncle.
Uncle's phone wasn't locked . Only few of the apps like WhatsApp, Image and videos Gallery, Facebook messenger were locked. I checked his contact list saved in phone to know who was that lady with whom his new affair has been started. But I didn't found any woman's name except my mom's number and his wife's number.  There were many unsaved number were showing in his call log but through that it's difficult to know exact which number belongs to that lady.  

I then put his phone back on the table and started my wait for the delivery man. After ,20 minutes the food came. I paid the bill through cash lying in my mom's purse.

While I was having lunch their sexual voices again started coming out of the room. Having lunch while hearing such voices wasn't easy for me . I somehow finished my lunch and went to my room. Their 3rd round fucking session goes for 40 minutes. 

Then around 2 PM I heard the door opening sound my my mom's room. I went to sofa room to see who came out of that room . I saw uncle was in the kitchen and drinking water from the bottle we used to put in the fridge. He saw me watching him drinking water. He then put the bottle back into the fridge and came near me. 
He was only in his undies and no clothes on his body. He asked me -"You had your lunch beta ?"
I replied -"Yes uncle. I ordered food from outside through your phone"
Uncle -"Ok good." Saying this he again went to mom's room and locked the door.
I was mesmerized by the stamena of him and my mom. They are so much active even at this age. They already had 3 rounds sex . And uncle's locking the door giving me hint that they will have the 4th round too. 
And yes, I was right. After half an hour I heard their voices again coming out of the room. This time I can't resisted my feelings and went towards the back of the mom's room window from where I witnessed those sexual activities many times.
I adjusted my eyes quickly and saw uncle and mom was completely naked and they were fucking in missionary position. 
Mom was saying -"Give me your seed this time dear...Aaahh give me.....Gajendraaaaaa..hhhh..."
Uncle was sighing heavily and saying my mom's name with every stroke -"Sreerupa...aahhh...Sreerupa my baby..aahh...aahhhhhh.."
He was sucking her breasts too in between fucking and licking her clean armpits. Both were sweating heavily and after 15 minutes he ejaculated and groaned loudly.  This was his 4th ejaculation. 

They remained lied in missionary position without any movement for next 5 minutes and then uncle aparted himself from her body. I saw mom's boobs were red and her nipples were sore. Her boobs got a vigourous sucking and squeezing by uncle. 

Mom covered herself through a bedsheet put her head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly.
Uncle said to her -"Are you satisfied now dear or still upset with me for yesterday?"
Mom -"How I can get upset from you baby. You know too that was just a prank..haha..."
Mom laughed and uncle too smiled on this. 

Mom then said -"Let's get dressed. We should have lunch now. It's almost 3 PM."
Uncle -"Well...right dear."
Then they both wore their respective clothes. I too came in my room .

After few minutes I saw both came out of the room . Mom can to my room and asked me -"What you had in your lunch today beta ?"
I replied -"Uncle didn't tell you ? I ordered the food from outside."
Mom then put her hands on my cheek in a caring manner and said -"Sorry beta , I didn't prepared today's lunch. Uncle needed me badly today. I hope you understand"
I said in my mind "How much shameless you had became mom. You aren't bothering your son's presence at your home and having sex with your lover and now saying sorry"

I just smiled on her words and said -"It's ok mom"
Then she left my room and started having sandwiches in lunch with uncle. They were talking some official issues while having lunch. 
Then mom said to uncle -"Do you know one thing Gajendra ?"
Uncle -"What ?"
Mom -"Sonam , the account department head of our bank has shifted to the next colony to us"
On hearing this I saw uncle's face became a little nervous and he didn't responded on it.
Mom then said -"She had invited me in the Puja ceremony but Due to COVID Situation I didn't go there. Had she invited you too on her Grih-Pravesh Puja ?"
Uncle replied -"No. She didn't invite me"
I sensed something had given stress to uncle after hearing "Sonam" name from my mom. 

After having lunch uncle told mom that he wanted to leave now to his flat.
Mom asked him -"Will you come for dinner today ?"
He said hurriedly -"Will see dear. Not sure."
Mom then said -"Ok..."
Then he left to his flat. 
I asked mom-"Who is Sonam mom?"
Mom said -"She is our bank's account department head. She has started living in our nearby colony since last week."
I said -"Ohh.."
Mom said -"Don't call her by name beta. She is of my age . Call her aunty."
I replied -"Ok mom"

Somewhere in my mind the lady that I found in uncle's house was seeming me that accounting head of my mom's bank but I wasn't sure. 

To be Continued...

Next update Coming Soon.

If you have any queries, doubt or suggestions regarding the story feel free to send me message and give reviews here.
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